This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 90: 29. History Curry Fishball Lime


When Alayah opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was fire.

Then there was the smell of meat.

Then what I felt was that I changed my clothes, the armor was removed, the blood-stained clothes disappeared, and I was wearing a dry cloth.

The one sitting in front of the fire and grilling meat is naturally me. Seeing that Alaiya woke up, I handed a bunch of roast bear meat to her hand, moved my buttocks and sat beside her, and bit my hand The roasted bear's paw was caught off guard and scalded, and he kept breathing.

Alaya didn't eat the meat skewer in her hand immediately, but said apologetically:

"Sorry, master. I promised to make braised bear paws for you."

I said indifferently:

"The baked ones are delicious too. And I just said that casually. At the time I was out of breath..."

After finishing speaking, I brushed my hair. The hair on the top of my head was empty, but fortunately, the hair around was still thick, so I came to a place to support the central government. When she lowered her head, the hair in front fell back, unable to hide it anymore, Alaya chuckled lightly with a "poof".

But immediately after, she sullenly said:

"It's Alaiya who is incompetent and failed to protect the young master."

I took a bite out of the bear's paw. The roasted golden and crispy outer skin is fragrant, and the meat is a little harder, a bit like jerky, but it is not the slightest firewood, but very chewy. It’s also because I brought all kinds of seasonings with me when I came here. There are a lot of minced green onion and ginger, cooking wine, white sugar, and fine salt and cumin. Except for chili powder, which is relatively precious, there are other types of seasonings. .

"You have done a good job. Although there are many flaws. But I am very clear in my heart. You have walked sideways with me in Lingyun City for so many years, and you have done a lot of hard work. Wipe my ass... just Cleaning up messes abounds. But if you really want to fight someone to the death, you have never done it. After all, to be honest, we can bully men and women and do all kinds of evil with our status as a lord. A few dare to fight against us."

This is true.

Alaya smiled lightly and said:

"Alaya can't promise the young master that he can win the next time. But whoever wants to hurt the young master has to step over Alaiya's corpse."

She lightly took a bite of the roasted bear meat, chewing with puffed cheeks.

I said:

"You don't have to be so careful about what you eat. Look at that guy, he's happy to eat even if he doesn't do anything."

After speaking, I pointed to the red-maned bear's body.

Alaya followed my fingers to look over, and immediately saw the slime feasting on the red-maned bear. If you want me to say that this slime is really thick-skinned, he didn't use much force when he fought, and pestered me for food after the fight. I cut off the two bear paws of the red-maned bear, cut some tender meat and skewered them, and then cut half a circle of mane and put them together with the glowing drill horns before, and threw the rest to the slime.

Slime seemed to understand my complaint, turned around and yelled at me twice, as if to protest.

Alaya finished eating the skewers in her hand, and suddenly asked me in a low voice:

"Master, my clothes..."

I said of course:

"It's okay, I think it's all dirty, so I changed it for you. The suit of clothes has been washed for you, and it will be dried soon."

Alaya lowered her head and whispered softly:


I patted Alaya on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, Aria."

Alaya raised her head in confusion, and I gave her a thumbs up, showing a hearty smile:

"Although it is not plump enough now, it will grow up one day."

Alaya stared blankly at me, and slowly revealed a smile, but the raised corners of her mouth were trembling violently, and the fake smile couldn't be maintained. I turned my head and looked at the brilliant galaxy in the sky. I only felt that the Big Dipper really looked like Alaiya lying down. When I helped her change her clothes, her fair figure came to my mind. I lay down with a bamboo stick in my mouth. On the grass, he couldn't help saying:

"But to me, you who are by my side are equally beautiful no matter what stage you are in."

I didn't look at Alayah's reaction, and I didn't make fun of her anymore.

But the resentment and sadness beside him dissipated quietly.

To be honest, this place is much more free than Lingyun City.

You don't need to listen to my brother's cynicism, you don't need to act according to my father's face, you don't need to be pointed at every day.

The galaxy in the sky is also beautiful, and the girls around me are also my favorite. Except for the slime who is in the way, there is basically nothing to be picky about.

However, it didn't take long for me to feel that something was blocking my vision.

A few small golden balls were circling in front of my eyes.

I sat up abruptly, only to realize that it was a little slime running over. After eating the red-maned bear, it changed its appearance. For some reason, its pale golden body turned back to colorless. The golden brilliance condensed into six small balls and slowly circled around it, as if circling the equator. Like satellites in circles.


The slime yelled, and two of the six balls around him floated out, took the other bear paw that was roasting on the fire, and handed it to me. I stretched out my hand to take it, and the slime itself spun around arrogantly, as if showing off something to me.

I patted its head and said:

"You are still sensible, knowing that I am not full, and specially made curry fish balls for me."

After finishing speaking, I reached out to grab the pale golden ball beside it.

The little slime turned and ran away in fright, hiding behind a tree and shivering.