This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 924: 21. The struggle of fools and common people


Merlin, Lied, Alaya, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai passed through the crowd.

The monsters that made people lose their sanity were densely gathered around them, wandering aimlessly. It was clear that Lide and the others were close at hand, but no monster came forward to attack. Of course, Li De and the others did not dare to breathe, and followed closely beside Merlin to avoid revealing their positions.

Just as they were about to go out, they suddenly heard the lord of Xiqin asking Mr. Ting Chao:

"Is there a way to stop it?"

Mr. Ting Chao stroked the stubble on his chin and said with a smile:

"I can't do anything with Merlin's illusion, but if the life and death of those puppets don't matter, I can make a few more sword strikes."

The Lord of West Qin said lightly:

"Then try it."

Ting Chao holds a sword, and the hem of his clothes moves automatically without wind. He glanced across the crowd of dark monsters below, sword after sword fell, like waves after waves, many people in West Qin who were manipulated by the monsters were directly reduced to powder, and many guards were also implicated in it. Seeing the chaos, the six sinners fled in all directions immediately. The lord of Xiqin and Ting Chao may have set their sights on looking for Li De and the others, but they did not deliberately stop them.

Of course, even if they tried their best to stop them, at most they would kill half of them. These big sinners have a lot of life-saving means, and if they have the courage to come to help Lide out of the siege, they are naturally sure to escape from here.

The ground of Yuanyang City centered on the execution platform began to be covered with cobweb-like cracks, countless buildings collapsed, and some ordinary people who were not controlled by monsters started screaming and fleeing.

He intends to use this range of damage to force Lide and the others out directly.

Merlin sighed, put the staff back behind his back, and drew the sword from his waist.

He said:

"If Ting Chao really wants to tear down the whole area, I can only fight him again. But don't worry, besides magic, my sword skills are also good. Although using a sword is troublesome..."

Before he finished speaking, Ting Chao suddenly withdrew his sword first, and said to the Lord of West Qin:

"I didn't find it. According to my accurate guess, they should have left."

Lord Xiqin nodded, and the octopus-mouthed spider returned to the top of his head again, and after releasing a cloud of black mist, it slowly became transparent. Lord Xiqin said to Mr. Ting Chao:

"Forget it. In the torrent, there are also people who are like chariots with the arms of a praying man. They are just fools."

Ting Chao smiled, but didn't speak.

Mei Lin put away his sword, heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to maintain the environment and walked out of Yuanyang City. While following his footsteps, Li De turned his head to confirm the movements of Lord Xiqin and Tingchao, so as to prevent the two of them from doing anything else. As a result, looking back, Li De found that the lord of Xiqin had stepped down from the execution platform first, while Mr. Ting Chao glanced in his direction and smiled slightly.

At that moment, Lide felt that Mr. Ting Chao actually knew his position, he just didn't say it.

Lied thoughtfully followed Merlin's footsteps.

After leaving Yuanyang City, the group walked for a long time before they found a relatively safe field and stopped.

Xiaobai's wound was not treated carefully in the rush to rob the court before, but now that the danger is over, he must be bandaged quickly. When Xiao Hei took off his brother's blood-soaked clothes, his hands were trembling slightly, because there was hardly a single intact part of Xiao Bai's body, and the wound left by the whipping had never been taken care of, and now the flesh and blood had grown with the clothes. Together, when the clothes were torn off, there were streams of blood pouring out again.

Xiao Hei was rough but delicate, took all kinds of wound medicine from Alaiya, and began to carefully apply medicine to Xiao Bai. Liede exchanged the current known information with Merlin:

"During the robbing of twelve dragons, Xiaobai told me that the main reason he was imprisoned was to break the secret of Xiqin. Xiqin colluded with the Church of the Abyss, Xiaobai... and Xiaohei, you guys His mother is likely to be one of the leaders of Abyss. At present, it can be confirmed that the Church of Abyss has united the Dragon Clan, and I don’t know what to do. Xiaobai said that their next target is me.”

Xiao Hei said while helping his younger brother to take the medicine:

"The Dragon Clan and you have never dealt with each other. We destroyed their plan in Wangdu. The ninth son of the Dragon King died in Tianyue Mountain. They will definitely try their best to settle this enmity with you. But if it is you , Does it mean that Tianyue Mountain has been exposed? Did you leave anything behind?"

Lide then told about the strange letter and the news about Xihe's disappearance.

Xiao Hei fell into deep thought while taking the medicine.

Merlin sighed softly, but still said with a smile:

"Xihe should be fine. If the purpose of the abyss is to demonstrate, then Xihe's body should be thrown out. Since the result is missing, most likely they want to use her to blackmail Wanze's territory to do something."

Lid nodded, which he agreed with.

Merlin continued:

"After we separated last time, the brother named Steel Nail and I were lurking on the border of the Dragon Clan, waiting for an opportunity to inquire inwards for information. The interior of the Dragon Clan is very dangerous, and I have to go all out, so there was no way for various contacts during that time. Make any response... Of course, I did get some information from inside the Dragon Clan."

Merlin raised an index finger:

"First of all, Dongli, the head of the Dragon Clan, has returned. This person has a high prestige in the Dragon Clan. He is in charge of the Dragon Clan's army. She was the person in charge of the war against the Elf Clan. She originally prepared a plan to attack humans, but recently Know why shelved."

Li De and Xiao Hei immediately thought of the answer.

It must be because she saw a greater benefit for the Dragon Patriarch Princess to temporarily give up the war. Who gave her this benefit? It could only be the Church of the Abyss. Although I don't know what the Church of the Abyss is doing with the Dragon Clan, everything can be explained in this way.

Merlin raised another finger and said:

"Secondly, there are some hidden dangers within the Dragon Clan. The Dragon King's second son, Nopres, and third daughter, Fu Lei, are not on Dongli's side, but the Dragon Clan respects the strong. Currently, Dongli is the number one under the Dragon King's command. She and the ordinary dragons are all supporters of Dongli, she can subdue everyone with strength."

Merlin lowered his hands and finally said:

"The last piece of news is that Dongli pushed the marriage with the demons not long ago. Besides, we also inquired about some information about the dragon army. I will draw a map and give each of you a copy."

Lid said from the bottom of his heart:

"Thanks for your hard work."

He had also sneaked into the giant's territory alone, and he knew what kind of hardship it was.

At that time, he even had to use his own strength to force his heart to stop beating, hovering on the verge of death several times.

Merlin glanced at Xiaobai who was covered in blood, was silent for a while, and said:

"What we have to do must not be easy. This time on the side of the Dragon Clan, the steel nails almost didn't come back... But Xiaobai should have suffered the most. His injuries are too serious. Whether he can live or not depends on chance. .”

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