This Quick Transmigration Experience Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 119: The marshal is on (6)


The top leadership meeting room of the First Military Academy.

The dozen or so worms sitting on the scene had serious faces, and the least on their epaulets was the major with two bars and one star.

They were looking at the list of candidates for the exam displayed on the holographic screen on the table.

The principal, General Fren, sat upright, and from time to time recorded students with outstanding abilities on his brain.

The secretary in charge of introducing everyone has already finished most of the work. He smiled and reminded the officers present, "The next three students are the students who are most likely to win the first place in this selection."

The dozen or so worms were shocked and looked at the holographic screen intently.

The secretary slid over the picture on the smart brain, and the student on the holographic screen was replaced by a middle-aged female, "Manga, Storm Star mercenary, age 61, strong, A-level physique, everyone knows about Storm Star's Situationally, Manga seldom has the opportunity to use mechas. Although his mecha attack method is full of loopholes, Yeluzi also has merits. His mental strength is C+, and it is conservatively estimated that he can upgrade to B after system training.”

General Fren nodded, his face softened, "He is an excellent kid."

Manga should not be considered a child at this age, but General Fren has gray hair, a white beard that is longer than his hair, and a kind face. It is just right to call him a child.

General Fren is one hundred and sixty years old, and senior officers of this age have already retired. The military department invited General Fren because the First Military Academy lacked an oppressive high-ranking officer.

General Fren, "Let's adjust it to S-level difficulty, do you have any objections?"

Everyone shook their heads. After the secretary made adjustments, he continued to introduce the next student, "The next one isβ€”"

"Good afternoon, everyone," General Ken entered the conference room in a hurry, and walked quickly to General Fren, where a vacant seat was reserved for him. People who didn't understand why General Fren left this vacant seat are now Know who it is for.

They greeted Ken one by one, and Ken nodded with a smile, and had a brief conversation with General Fren, "Where did you see it? I didn't miss the last ending."

General Fren stroked his beard, "You didn't miss the ending, I remember that your female also signed up for the First Military Academy, but I didn't see him just now."

Ken raised his eyebrows, convinced that Zong Yuan would be able to go to the first selection, "Then maybe the last few outstanding students will be my family, A Yuan."

General Fren laughed and motioned for the secretary to continue.

"Well, how should I put it?" The secretary said honestly, "Originally there was only one student who was the finale and most likely to enter the First Military Academy with the first place, but he was given by another female in front of Major General Ji Xing. Beat down."

The secretary paused, and added: "Use a mecha."

"Oh," General Fren became energetic, "Who is the number one now?"

Secretary, "It should be the female of General Ken's family."

He pulled out Zong Yuan's photo, and the photo of the boy with aggressive eyebrows was projected on the holographic screen.

Ji Xing sat upright, staring at the big screen without blinking.

Ken was a little surprised, he didn't know Zong Yuan got such an excellent result, he was stunned for two seconds, "Yes, that's right, this is my cub."

A Yuan is so powerful.

Why not tell him? Ken remembered what the hero said before, "I hope you can treat our three children fairly, regardless of gender."

To be honest, before, Ken felt that he was not a failed female father.

Although he has been fighting outside all year round, his love for the three children is no less than that of the female father in other families. He tried his best to moderate his tone at home, and the three children are all first-class in his heart.

The secretary talked about Zong Yuan's deeds in front of him, "... Double A's in mental strength and system, won the championship of the National Mecha Elementary Manipulation Competition in the Elementary College, and after jumping to the Higher College..."

Ken listened and thought, oh, he only knows one or two of these things.

And the one or two things he knew were due to the notification from the hero and the congratulations from the military friends.

Ken had to admit that he did deliberately ignore Zong Yuan.

Because the child was a male, but he asked to disguise him as a female, no matter how good Zong Yuan was, he subconsciously believed that no male would want to live the life of a female like this.

He was worried that his male cub would hate him, so Ken didn't dare to pay too much attention to Zong Yuan's affairs.

General Fren patted the table and boasted to Ken: "As expected of your child!"

Ken was proud in his heart, and he said: "A Yuan has been outstanding since he was a child, and he will be an indispensable worm in our empire!"

"Hahaha," General Fren joked with Ken, "Look at your proud look. He is about to become a student of our school. If you want to be proud, our school should be proud."

He nodded to the secretary, "Double A qualifications, I am still very hardworking... I don't know how he will perform on the difficulty of SS level, let's just go to SS level."

Ken's face changed, and he immediately regained his composure.

The highest difficulty level of the First Military Academy is the SSS level. No one has ever challenged this level of difficulty. There are only a handful of empires that can successfully challenge the SS level. However, Ken believes in Zong Yuan. If you succeed, you will be famous in the empire. Yuan is not yet an adult, and other bugs will only feel admiration.

The secretary grimaced, "It's just, it's just Zong Yuan, he's not yet of age..."


Everyone was shocked, and a small discussion began among the dozen or so officers.

General Fren was really surprised, "Not yet an adult? Is it still a year or two away?"

If he is still a year or two away from becoming an adult, this student is truly remarkable.

"No," the secretary reconfirmed Zong Yuan's age, only feeling that he was witnessing a miracle, "General Fulun and my lords, this little female is not a year or two away, he is... Ten a year."

The noisy voices in the entire meeting room fell silent for a moment.


"This is the age of Jushixing Elementary Academy. I thought the skipped grades meant only one or two grades. Now it seems that he has skipped the first grade in a row!"

General Fren's eyes lit up, and he asked Ken seriously again, "General Ken, tell me the truth, is your little bug really only fifteen years old?"

Ken nodded affirmatively. He knew what the old fox was thinking, but he didn't feel angry at all. On the contrary, he felt refreshed, "A Yuan is indeed fifteen years old, and he still has the opportunity to improve his physical and mental strength." , with great potential.”

Fren immediately slapped the table in surprise, "Transfer directly to the SSS class!"

Ken, "...?!!!"

The secretary gasped.

Ji Xing couldn't bear it any longer, he pursed his lips into a straight line, stood up straight from his seat, and stood upright, rebuffing General Fren's decision forcefully, "General Fren, I refute."

Fren has always admired Ji Xing, so he stroked his beard and asked with a smile, "Why?"

"..." Many reasons came to his mouth and he stuffed them back one by one, Ji Xing clenched his hands beside him, "...he is underage."

Going around and coming back to the source, General Fren was thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "Major General Ji Xing, you passed the SS-level exam back then, right?"

Ji Xing, "Yes."

General Fren clapped his hands, "That's just right! I firmly believe that Zongyuan has the ability to pass the SS level. It just so happens that your strength matches him. Young people have common topics, so you two should form a team and go together!"

Ken immediately applauded, "It just so happens that no one has ever passed the SSS level exam. Major General Ji Xing is strong, and my cub will not hold you back, so let's make a decision like this! Major General Ji Xing thinks it is feasible?"

The parents agreed, and Ji Xing knew that Zong Yuan's transfer to the SSS class could not be changed.

He accepted the order without hesitation, "Yes!"

Ken also breathed a sigh of relief. The secretary transferred Zong Yuan to the SSS-level difficulty assessment, and continued to introduce the next person with a sigh of relief.

After the meeting, Ken originally wanted to wait for the other worms to leave before talking to Ji Xing, who knew that he hadn't moved yet, and Ji Xing, who was always indifferent among the officers, took the initiative to walk towards him.

"General Ken," Ji Xing paused, "Zong Yuan... Please tell him to be fully prepared for SSS difficulty."

Ken nodded, "Of course, I will trouble Major General Ji Xing to take care of A Yuan."

Ji Xing hesitated for a long while before opening his mouth in a low voice, "General, Zong Yuan is..."

Is he really a male

Then can I...

He still didn't say it after all, "General Ken, Zong Yuan is very good, I won't bother you anymore, you are busy."

Ken looked at his back, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He suppressed this feeling in his heart, "Strange."

All the students who signed up for the First Military Academy received the news from Zhinao the next morning.

There is also an additional message that all students of the First Military Academy can see.

"The SSS-level difficulty assessment is now open, and the examiner is Zong Yuan, a first-year student of the Higher Academy, and Major General Ji Xing of the military department.

The location of the assessment is Nato Star, and the assessment period will last for one month.

The assessment tasks are life-saving, and the rewards for completing the assessment are kept secret. "

The assessment task of 3S difficulty level has actually started! ! !

The entire First Military Academy was in an uproar!

Major General Ji Xing is the youngest major general in the empire, this is something the entire empire knows. So now the question is, who is this Zong Yuan? !

Why was he in front of Major General Ji Xing in the notification? !

He is the main examiner? !

The female insects who are about to graduate and enter the military are also inquiring. Once the 3S level is released, they can no longer sit still and ask who this Zongyuan is, whether he has a family, and if he has no family, can he be recruited.

Their targets are all young people over the age of 40, and 40 is only a conservative estimate. The age of 60 and above is the age that everyone knows about "Zong Yuan".

After all, who would have thought that the first worm to open the 3S difficulty level was still a minor.

This possibility, for all the students of the First Military Academy, is something that they don't think about or don't want to think about.

The author has something to say: The second update is coming~

The adventure begins! Two people alone for a month hehehe~

no! We have to wait for Brother Zong to become an adult!