This Quick Transmigration Experience Is a Bit Sweet

Chapter 57: Grad (6)


Zong Yuan pulled him up by his hair.

Gerard blinked his big eyes, and just realized what he had done, before he had time to be upset, he saw Zong Yuan pinching his cheek to force him to open his mouth.

Zong Yuan looked up and down, frowned, "Huh? Why not."

Grad was nervous for a moment, and said vaguely, "Nothing?"

He knew why the vampire couldn't break free, this human's strength is not ordinary!

Zong Yuan's hand that pinched his cheek was changed to pinch his chin, and his fingers rubbed twice on Gerard's delicate skin. The tense atmosphere changed instantly, "Gerard, do you know that thing from before?"

Grad had an innocent expression, "I don't know."

The coachman was driving in front, and the thick partitions formed a closed space. Zong Yuan was still suspicious of him. He simply picked up the kettle in the carriage to wash his hands, and asked Grad out of politeness, "Do you mind?"

Grad, "Wait, what do you mind?"

Zong Yuan wiped his hands clean, "Do you mind if I touch you?"

If Grad had a heartbeat, then it must have already accelerated at this time. He looked at the coat Zongyuan took off, and was sluggish for a few seconds, "Of course... I don't mind."

He thought to himself, Zong didn't ask such a question when he pinched his face just now, if he wants to touch him now, where is he going to touch me

It's embarrassing.

Zong Yuan didn't show any embarrassment, he pinched Gerard's face again, and put his finger into his mouth amid Gerard's vague question "What are you doing?!"

Fumble along his teeth.

"Well… "

Gerald opened his mouth wide, he could clearly feel the temperature of Zong's fingers, his hand was stained with saliva, Zong Yuan bent down to observe seriously, Gerald only felt as if he was being ignited by his gaze, and his whole body began to feel hot, The root of the tooth was very itchy, and Zong touched the position of the fang several times, and at this moment, he wanted to pop out and bite towards the blood that was within reach.

Grad felt that he had to find a way to divert his attention, otherwise Zong would really find out that he was wrong.

So, he stuck out the tip of his tongue and began to suck the finger in his mouth.

Zong Yuan, "..."

Gerald was very serious, and such an indescribable action was stained with a bit of purity by his earnestness, Zong Yuan pulled out his hand without saying a word, the sticky and greasy fingers were all Gerald's saliva.

Zong Yuan straightened his attitude, "Mr. Grad, I misunderstood you."

Gerard didn't know if he really stopped doubting or was lying. He didn't want to leave here, let alone see Zong's hostile attitude.

Grad grabbed his clothes and looked at him from a top-down perspective, his eyes were like a pool of lakes, "Zong, if you don't worry, I can always be by your side for you to watch, but don't hate me, is it okay?"

He is sincere and persistent, even with Zong Yuan's eyes that have seen so many people, he can't see his perfunctory at all.

Again, that familiar feeling.

Zong Yuan only felt that he was pitiful and cute, and his hard heart softened again. He treated him more patiently than Sino, and he heard himself say, "Okay."

Then I saw Grad's bright smiling face.

If he wasn't a vampire, if he didn't have the ability to bewitch people, what the hell was going on with his erratic moods

Or is Sino just Sino, and his appearance is just a coincidence

There was no activity today. After afternoon tea, Mrs. Argyll and the Earl went to visit their friends, while the two ladies went to the piano room to practice the piano.

Sino's original plan was to cling to his cousin, but after meeting Grad's eyes, he changed his mind and planned to go back to his room to rest.

Zongyuan went to the study, and Grad kept his promise, followed Zongyuan from the beginning to the end, and even hugged his little rabbit.

After being raised by him for a period of time, the rabbit became more lively. He probably knew that the vampire would not eat him, so he jumped up and down all over the study.

Gerald was also interested in reading the book, but Zong Yuan couldn't concentrate. His eyes swept over Gerald from time to time, and he felt that this person just stood there was annoying and he didn't have the mind to read the book.

Grad suddenly stood up from his seat.

Zong Yuan looked at it immediately, paused for a few seconds and asked, "What's wrong?"

Grad looked out of the window, and the sunny weather before had now turned dark and cloudy, with the sound of lightning and thunder.

Zong Yuan took out his pocket watch, the hour hand was still pointing in the direction of five.

The weather outside is already like night, and the heavy rain will pour down at any time.

So the question is, is it afternoon or evening

This problem didn't bother Zong Yuan for long, and soon the housekeeper came up to report, "Master Biao, Master and Madam can't come back tonight."

Zong Yuan said he knew, "By the way, if there are guests coming tonight, you must tell me in advance."

The housekeeper hesitated, "In fact, I mean just now, the person who sent the news that Mrs. Madam will not be able to come back tonight has already been invited in by me."

Zong Yuan, "A servant in my uncle's friend's house?"

The butler shook his head, "It looks like a respectable guest."

Zong Yuan glanced at Grad, this scene was too similar to the scene he came to at that time.

Grad had no expression on his face, and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Zong Yuan saw his expression in his eyes, "Let's go, go and see who this guest is."

Grad followed closely beside him, he was very annoyed, he hesitated for a long time and decided to remind Zong Yuan, "Zong, stay away from him."

Zong Yuan, "Why?"

They were about to walk into the hall, and before Gerard could figure out what to say, the man sitting on the sofa had already turned his face away.

This is another handsome guest.

On his handsome young face, there is a head of silvery white hair, and the blue eyes that are as different from Grad's retreat are inhuman majesty and coldness.

He has a five-point resemblance to Grad, but this silver hair makes it impossible to guess his age.

The guest stood up politely and stretched out his hand, "Hi, you can call me Celt."

"Mr. Selt," Zong Yuan took his hand, "you can call me Zong."

After Selt and Zongyuan finished talking, they looked at Grad and smiled meaningfully, "I finally know the reason why you haven't come home for a long time."

Grad gave him a warning look, telling him not to talk nonsense.

Zong Yuan asked directly: "Are you related to Grad?"

"Oh, so to speak, although we didn't admit it to each other." Celt walked up to Grad, and after standing together, the similar faces of the two showed their blood connection, "Zong, anyway, I can thank you all for taking care of Grad."

This sentence sounded like parting, Zong Yuan frowned unconsciously, "You want to take him away?"

Grad hurriedly defended, "I'm not leaving!"

Zong Yuan's expression was slightly relaxed.

Celt had no intention of interfering with Grad's game, but after seeing his and Zong Yuan's expressions, he changed his attention. He said maliciously: "Grad, you really should go back, your lover is still waiting at home." looking at you."

"Lover?" Zong Yuan caught the key word, "Do you have a lover?"

Grad, "I didn't!"

Zong Yuan was inexplicably agitated. After noticing Selt's expression of watching the show, he immediately turned cold, "Mr. Selt is right, since you have a lover, then don't run around, butler, see off the guests."

Attracted by the voice, Sino just heard the words to see off the guests. He happily ran to Zong Yuan, smart enough not to provoke Zong Yuan who had an ugly expression, and waved to Gerard enthusiastically with a smile, "Mr. Gerard, goodbye!"

Grad's face was completely darkened, his dark blue eyes were fixed on Zong Yuan, "Zong, you said you wouldn't let me go."

Zong Yuan replied reflexively: "You never said you have a lover." He didn't even know why he cared about this so much! damn it!

Grad stared at Celt fiercely, red light flashed in his eyes, "Selter!"

Selt stood beside him leisurely, and said perfunctorily, "Yes, how could Grad have a lover? Of course he doesn't, it's all my nonsense."

It's not like explaining, but like adding fuel to the fire.

Sino seemed to understand, he exclaimed a little, "You abandoned your wife?"

Selt laughed outright.

Zong Yuan walked to his side and asked calmly, "Mr. Selt, are you also a vampire?"

Celt noticed the word "also", and he was really surprised at this moment. He looked at Grad, "Did you tell him?"

Only now did he realize that perhaps in Grad's eyes, this human named Zong was no longer as simple as food.

However, Grad, who was watched by him, turned pale in an instant.

Zong Yuan said in a low voice, "It's really a vampire."

Celt turned his head sharply, "Are you testing me?"

The conversation between the two of them was not loud, and the housekeeper and Sino were not standing close to each other, so only the two vampires present could hear clearly.

Killing intent appeared in Celt's eyes.

Zong Yuan didn't pay attention to him, but just looked at Gerald intently, with no expression of joy or anger, "Gerard, you lied to me."

He's been pretending to care about his supposed lover the whole time

Sino moved closer to Zong Yuan, "Cousin, what did Mr. Grad lie to you?"

He looked at Grad with vigilance.

Grad didn't know what to say, "Zong..."

He watched Zong Yuan take a few steps back, as if he wanted to stay away from them, Grad couldn't help but took two steps forward, feeling sore in his heart, and then saw Zong Yuan put a finger on his lips, and made him a The "shh" gesture.

Grad, "???"

Zongyuan walked behind Celt, and Celt looked at Gerard. He and Gerard had the same idea. He was trying to persuade Gerard to kill the humans present with him, but he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind hit his neck. There was a sudden blow to the Ministry.

Selt turned his head with a dark face, Zong Yuan clicked his tongue regretfully, regretfully, "I didn't faint."

He just finished speaking, and kicked Celt directly in the abdomen.

Sino belatedly began to scream "Ahhh".

Zong Yuan signaled to the butler, "Bring two strong ropes. When I met Mr. Towers a few days ago, he told me that Mr. Selter is really like the fugitive he told me. We First tie up Mr. Selter, and if Mr. Towers says no, I will solemnly apologize."

After hearing this, the butler said with a serious face, "Yes, young master, be careful, I'll come right away, and I'll get someone to help you by the way."

Zong Yuan pressed on Celt's abdomen, firmly holding his limbs, "Manpower is not needed, a rope is enough."

"Yes!" The butler hurried away.

Zong Yuan had already smelled a bloody smell from Celt's body, a sticky bloody smell that would remain after washing. It was a waste of his face, which was five points like Grad's.

Zong Yuan took the rope carefully handed over by the housekeeper, and tied him firmly. Celt has lived for so many years, and this should be the most insulting time for him. He was completely suppressed by a human? "Grad!"

Zong Yuan's subordinates tried hard, and said with a sinister smile: "What do you call Grad?"

Grad was stunned by the development of the situation, and only now came to his senses. He remembered Zong Yuan's previous behavior of grinding his teeth, and stepped back involuntarily, "Zong..."

Terrible QAQ!

Selt didn't know what Zong Yuan had done, his blue pupils were already the color of blood, Zong Yuan turned him over without hesitation, so that the housekeeper and Sino could not see his changes.

He said, "Housekeeper, take Xinuo back to the room and ask the kitchen staff to prepare dinner. I'll lock Mr. Selt in the guest room."

The housekeeper nodded, "Yes." He took the frightened Master Xinuo back to his room.

Zong Yuan turned Selt over, Selt's eyes were already red, his fangs were protruding from his lips, with a tyrannical expression, wishing to suck Zong Yuan's blood dry.

He and Zong Yuan looked at each other, with an orderly tone, "Let me go."

Hypnosis unique to vampires.

One second two seconds three seconds...

Zong Yuan was fine, he looked at Selt's expression of disbelief, and commented, "It's really embarrassing."

He went to see Grad, who stood far away from him, Zong Yuan waved, his tone and expression softened a lot, "Grad, come here."

Gerard trembled, but walked over obediently.

Celt hates iron but not steel, "Grad!"

Untie my rope, let's kill this human together!

Zongyuan squatted beside Celt, and Gerard also squatted down. Zongyuan pinched his chin, "Open your mouth."

Grad obediently opened his mouth wide.

Zong Yuan smiled, "Good boy."

Grad's ears moved and his mouth opened even wider.

He knew what Zong Yuan wanted to see, so he showed him his fangs. He was obviously afraid that he would grind his fangs, but when he asked, he willingly gave him everything he wanted.

Those two fangs were also continuous, but compared with Celt or the vampire during the day, Zong Yuan felt that these two fangs were very cute. He felt his own mood, "Grad, you also have the ability to hypnotize?"

Grad nodded slightly.

Zong Yuan paused, "...then have you ever used it on me?"

"No." Glad, "I haven't used it on you."

Strange to say, he never thought of using hypnosis to force Zong to commit suicide.

He also plans to fight in person.

If not, then this feeling...

Zongyuan pulled Gerard to stand up, threw Celt in the hall openly, and took Gerard back to his room. He thought a lot when he went upstairs, all of which were his actions when he was alone with Gerard.

Maybe 0046 is right, he is already wrong, in so many worlds, he will only treat one person so intimately and patiently.

Grad retracted his fangs carefully and followed Zong Yuan into his room.

Zong Yuan locked the door, and asked Grad a gentleman, "Grad, do you mind if I touch you?"


Grad licked his mouth and shook his head.

Zong Yuan approached him satisfied, and then put his hands on Gerard's butt.

He sighed in his heart, sure enough, this familiar touch.

Gerard's body was stiff, and he felt like his heart was about to come alive, "You, what are you doing?"

After finding his wife, Zong Yuan was very happy. He took Grad's hand, put it on his neck, and said, "Grade, do you treat me like food?"

Grad panicked, "No, no, yes, no, no, no! At first it was, but then it wasn't!"

Zong Yuan guided and asked, "Then what happened after that?"

Gerard was afraid that he would misunderstand, but he didn't know what he was taking Zong Yuan for. He had never felt this way before, but he felt that even if Zong Duo took a look at Sino, he would like to bite Sino to death.

He suddenly remembered Selt's words, "Lover?"

Zong Yuan raised his eyebrows and elongated his voice, sounding dissatisfied, "Lover?"

Grad was nervous, "Zong, do you have a lover?"

Zong Yuan replied, "No, and I don't plan to have any in the future."

So it was rejected...

There was a sudden pain in Grad's heart. It was like a fake heart that still had its real function. Grad slowed down for a while, and walked towards the door with no expression on his face.

Zong Yuan grabbed him, "Where are you going?"

The color in Grad's eyes began to change, and he said, "I'm going to find Celt, since you don't need a lover, then I have to cooperate with him and bring you to my world."

In this way, the only one you can rely on is me.

His eyes were dark, "Are you going to tie me up too?"

"..." Zong Yuan had no choice but to play too much, "Although I don't need a lover, I need another more important person."

He pulled Gradla into his arms, and said affectionately and gently in his ear: "I need a lover."

"Glad, will you be my lover?"

Grad has never heard such a gentle voice from Zong Yuan, love...

Grad's excited fangs came out!

Zong Yuan still put his arms around his waist, Grad remembered that he once praised his waist, he was so excited now, and it didn't feel real, so he pulled Zong Yuan's hand away again, and put it on his hair .

Zong Yuan boasted clearly: "Glad's hair is really soft and beautiful."

Grad moved his hands on his chest again, Zong Yuan squinted, "They are very lively and cute."

Finally, Gerard put his hand on his ass, licked his fangs and looked at Zong Yuan expectantly, Zong Yuan's eyes twitched, "I like it very much."

Grad grinned.

He held Zong Yuan's hand in both hands, "Zong, I am your lover now, will you stay with me forever?" Are you willing to become a vampire

Zong Yuan knew what he was thinking. He was not disgusted with the long life of vampires. On the contrary, the more worlds he traveled, the more he wanted to be with his lover forever.

Therefore, Zong Yuan nodded.

The two of them completely forgot about Celt in the hall, and Zong Yuan pinched Glad's curly black hair in his hands. Glad seemed to understand Sino's feelings, and he really didn't want to be with him all the time.

Speaking of Sino, Grad felt even more uncomfortable, "Why are you so kind to Sino, did you like him?"

"No." Zong Yuan directly denied, pulling the vampire who was frowning and thinking, "Why don't we do something interesting."

Zong Yuan asked him, "Do you like my blood?" He could often hear Grad swallowing beside him.

Grad nodded shyly.

"Then why didn't you suck my blood directly?"

Grad was even more embarrassed, he said intermittently: "I'll wait for you... to drink when it's the most, most delicious..."

Zong Yuan was thoughtful and asked, "When is the most delicious?"

Grad said in a small voice, "Waiting for you..."


Zong Yuan whispered a secret in his ear, "The day I was with you by the lake, I was really hard."

So from then on, the emotions towards him became very complicated, and they also began to reject Sino's approach.

Gerard suddenly looked up at him, and touched it with his hands naturally, "Then it is now..."

is hard!

Grad looked at Zongyuan's neck, his throat started to itch again, ready to move.

Zong Yuan, "This is not called **." He was serious as if he was doing a chemical experiment, "If you want to drink the most delicious blood, you need your help."

Glad swallowed faster, positively, "Good!"

Zong Yuan raised the corners of his lips, "First, you have to give me a kiss."

Grad rubbed his two big fangs against his face, suppressing the urge to suck blood now.

Zong Yuan sighed, "Silly baby."

He held the initiative and turned over to hold down the silly and cute vampire.

Discuss together how to make blood more delicious.

When the butler came down, he was startled by Celt in the hall, who was also hit hard. At this time, he had withdrawn his red eyes and fangs. The butler called Danny, "Go and lock him in the guest room, and check to see if the young master is in his room."

Danny didn't ask much, "Okay."

Danny took Celt upstairs, and Celt suddenly changed his expression, "..."

He's tied down below, and Grad is having fun with the human above? !

Unworthy descendants!

Grad panted heavily, "Can, can you...?"

Zong Yuan pondered for a while, "Wait a little longer."

Danny locked the guest room, and then came to Zongyuan's room. Before he knocked on the door, he heard Zongyuan's voice, "I'm in a hurry now, ask the housekeeper to deliver the meal to Grad's room, I'll go later take."

Danny suppressed his surprise, "Yes."

Gerard felt so tired...and so refreshed, all he could smell was Zong Yuan's smell, the blood became more and more delicious, and the aroma became more and more alluring, finally, after an unknown amount of time, Zong Yuan raised his head To his own neck, "Drink."

Delicious blood is close at hand.

Grad put away his fangs, reluctantly licked a couple of mouthfuls, then smiled quietly and narrowed his eyes.

Really, I can't bear to let him get hurt.

The author has something to say: Grad (covering his teeth): It’s scary QAQ

Heart: (Unfortunately) why not grind Celt's teeth...