This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong!

Chapter 101: I command you


"Yin Suye, I order you to stop right now!" Shui Ruoshan threw the clothes in his hand to the ground and shouted to Yin Suye with a fierce look on his face.

"Are you ordering me?" Yin Suye stopped, turned around, and faced Shui Ruoshan again.

"Yes!" Shui Ruoshan looked stunned, gritted his teeth, and admitted.

At this moment, he broke the promise he had made to Yin Suye and activated the master-servant contract.

He is now ordering Yin Suye, as his master, forcing Yin Suye to obey his orders.

But Shui Ruoshan felt that he couldn't be blamed for things developing to this point. Who told Yin Suye to act in such an extreme way? For the sake of Yin Suye's safety, he had to take this step.

"Are you going to break the oath you promised me?" Yin Suye's expression was very calm, so calm that no one could see any disturbance.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt!" Shui Ruoshan couldn't help but soften his voice.

Breaking an oath or something like that is too serious, okay!

Even if he knew that Yin Suye hated people who kept their words, and that doing so would not only do him no good at all, but might even destroy the relationship between him and Yin Suye, he would still do it just to have a clear conscience. !

In fact, if he was not familiar with Yin Suye in the past, he would really not dare to step on Yin Suye's bottom line, fearing that if he offended someone, the villain would wave his hand and kill him directly.

This was also the real reason why when he first met Yin Suye, even in the face of the danger of wolves, he still did not dare to activate the master-servant contract.

But now, he already knows that Yin Suye is not the real cold-blooded and heartless villain in the article. Yin Suye is too good to him, so good that he dares to do whatever he wants in front of Yin Suye, so good that he has really treated Yin Suye They became good friends, so good that he could no longer stand by and watch Yin Suye go further and further down the wrong path...

"You..." Yin Suye clenched her hands subconsciously.

In fact, he should be angry at this time. After all, the person he trusted the most blatantly violated his oath.

But why when he heard the little guy say that he didn't want to see him hurt in a completely trusting tone, not only was he unable to say a word of blame, but he even wanted to step forward and hug him tightly, and then Don’t let go either!

How could he not bear to blame such a little guy who cared about him wholeheartedly! How could he be willing to let go!

In fact, what he really pursues in these two lives is not a puppet who only obeys his wishes, but a person who can have his own will but keep him in mind!

"I know you may be angry at my behavior now, but I am also very angry at your disobedient behavior, so let's make it even, okay?" Shui Ruoshan didn't expect that Yin Suye would be angry with him. He didn't even want to talk to him anymore, and he suddenly became a little anxious.

But in fact, he has also been dissatisfied with Yin Suye's behavior of always making decisions without consulting him for a long time, so neither of them is better than the other, so it is considered a tie.

"I was wrong about what happened this time. I will definitely apologize properly afterwards. I just ask you to listen to me now!" Obviously, Shui Ruoshan also knew that there was something wrong with his calculation method, so he thought about it and felt It's better to show weakness.

"We can be even." Yin Suye quietly looked at Shui Ruoshan's anxious and flustered look for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"What conditions do you have?" In an instant, Shui Ruoshan became more vigilant.

"You broke your oath, and I once deceived you, so we are even." Yin Suyeyan summarized the matter briefly and comprehensively.

At this moment, Yin Suye decided not to continue testing Shui Ruoshan, so he revealed the trump card he had been hiding.

Testing is not only his disrespect for the little guy, but also a sign of his lack of confidence in himself.

"What do you mean?" Shui Ruoshan originally thought that his IQ was very high, but after getting together with Yin Suye, he felt deeply worried about his IQ.

Why could he understand every word Yin Suye said, but when these words were put together, he found that he couldn't understand the meaning

"I'm not the one who signed the master-servant contract with you." The experience in the previous life made Yin Suye always use a few hands when doing things. If he didn't do this, he wouldn't survive to the end.

At that time, he had just returned from rebirth and met Shui Ruoshan, a complete stranger. Naturally, he would be suspicious of him.

Naturally, he cannot act rashly before knowing the details of the other party. He always likes to make decisions before taking action.

Especially when the other party took the initiative to sign a contract, this made Yin Suye even more vigilant. When signing the contract, he deliberately used a contract scroll to sign the contract with the other party, just to make the other party pay attention. He put all his strength on the scroll, so as not to ignore the small detail of where he squeezed the blood out.

In other words, when he signed the contract with Shui Ruoshan, the blood he used was not his own blood at all, but the blood he squeezed out from the monsters in the demon pet space.

Regardless of whether the other party realizes that he is using a master-servant contract, the initiative is in his hands.

If the master-servant contract is successfully signed, it means that the other party will become the servant of his demon pet, which is indirectly equivalent to his servant.

If the master-servant contract is not signed successfully, the worst result is that he loses a demon pet.

This is why he agreed to sign the contract so quickly.

Precisely because of the existence of the master-servant contract, he had the confidence to test the other party.

So he used a variety of different methods to constantly test Shui Ruoshan, just to see if this person was as harmless as he appeared on the surface, or if he was just pretending to be close to him to achieve something ulterior. human purpose.

Facts have proved that Shui Ruoshan is really worthy of his trust!

"You mean, I don't have the qualifications to order you at all?!" Shui Ruoshan felt that the nerve called reason in his mind was broken.

Even the peat!

He just wants to curse!

Anyone who thinks he holds a sure-win chip and suddenly someone tells you that what you have is just an illusion and is of no use at all can't keep calm.

If Shui Ruoshan didn't know clearly that his force value was no match for Yin Suye, he would definitely go forward and beat the person into a pig's head to vent his anger.

No wonder when he ordered Yin Suye to stop just now, Yin Suye thought for a moment before stopping.

If Yin Suye was really his servant, he should have stopped without any hesitation when he heard the order.

He was so careless just now that he foolishly thought that it was because he didn't find the right method when using the master-servant contract for the first time that a certain time stagnation occurred.

It turns out that he was just overthinking it!

Therefore, the person who signed the master-servant contract with him was not Yin Suye, so who did he sign the master-servant contract with

Don't tell him that a drop of blood in the master-servant contract came from one of the many wolves killed by Yin Suye at that time, otherwise he will definitely cry and faint in the toilet!

Wait a minute, his train of thought seems to be a little distorted again.

He should obviously be immersed in the grief and anger of being deceived by Yin Suye, instead of worrying about the things that are there and not here!

"Yes." Yin Suye nodded seriously, confirming Shui Ruoshan's words.

If the little guy hadn't suddenly wanted to use the power of the master-servant contract to order him this time, he might have kept this secret secret.

But now that the little guy mentioned it, he wasn't going to keep hiding it and would just use this opportunity to make the matter clear.

"You're cruel!" Shui Ruoshan felt that he was so angry with Yin Suye that he lost his temper!

Yin Suye, don't think that just because you are a villain, you can bully him unscrupulously. Be careful that he gives up and quits!

"Be good, don't be angry, wait until I come back." Yin Suye comforted Shui Ruoshan.

Although he knew that the little guy might be unhappy now, he didn't have time to calm him down right now. He could only take a deep look at Shui Ruoshan, then turned around and signaled to the soldiers that they could take him away.

"Even if the master-servant contract is useless, I won't let you activate that damn destiny alternative!" Shui Ruoshan stamped his feet on the spot, then ran after him...

As soon as he caught up with Yin Suye, Shui Ruoshan learned the painful lesson from pulling on his clothes last time, stretched out his hand and hugged Yin Suye tightly from behind.

"If you must activate destiny substitution, then I am willing to bear it with you!" Shui Ruoshan had no time to get angry now. What he wanted to do most now was to stop Yin Suye from committing suicide.

If he really couldn't stop Yin Suye's behavior, the worst he could do was face it together with him, and just treat it as if he was in trouble together!

In an instant, Shui Ruoshan felt that he was about to burst into tears from the pain of being moved by his own feelings for the Holy Father!

He was obviously scared to death of the alternative punishment of fate, but he could still hold Yin Suye tightly with his hands. It was really amazing!

How could he be so sacrificial for others

It was obvious that he was most afraid of pain, but he couldn't helplessly watch Yin Suye suffer, so he could only aggrieve himself

It feels so cruel just thinking about it!

"Little guy..." Yin Suye felt that his emotions at this moment were very complicated, including helplessness, pampering, relief, and touching...

Du Du doesn't have any negative emotions.

Even though her body was trembling slightly while she was holding him, she still held him tightly. He couldn't refuse such tenderness, and he didn't want to refuse.

But he will never allow the little guy to take risks!

"Be obedient!" Turning around, Yin Suye hugged the person back into his arms.

"If you don't obey me, what can you do to me?" Shui Ruoshan raised his head and looked at Yin Suye arrogantly.

He wanted to let Yin Suye know that he was still angry and wanted him to cooperate, not to mention the door, not even the window!

Seeing the little guy's extremely alluring thin lips opening and closing in front of him, uttering willful and arrogant words, Yin Suye's eyes dimmed slightly, and she reached out and lifted Shui Ruoshan's chin so that they could look at each other. , nose to nose, mouth to mouth...

The next second, Yin Suye suddenly lowered his head, and then kissed Shuishui Ruoshan's thin lips...