This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong!

Chapter 65: Don't worry


"Why do the two of us only need a single room?" As soon as he arrived in the room, Shui Ruoshan immediately jumped out of Yin Suye's arms and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Just now they strolled around the street, had fun and had a good time, then they came to the largest hotel in town and asked for a room.

Although the conditions for renting a room are considered good in the town, it doesn't change the fact that there is only one bed in the room!

Being a man, he didn't mind sleeping with others.

But whenever he thought about Yin Suye sleeping in the same bed with him, he felt uneasy all over.

In the misty forest, he had no choice, so he stayed with Yin Suye.

But now that the conditions are clear, why do the two of them still squeeze together

As soon as he thought that the person lying next to him was not some harmless passerby, but Yin Suye, the villain BOSS, he felt a lot of pressure!

"Safe." Yin Suye frowned slightly, with confusion in his eyes.

At the same time, he seemed a little unhappy that the little guy had such a big reaction to sleeping with him.

In the misty forest, the little guy obviously relied on him.

Is it because the environment has changed and I am not used to it

Sure enough, it’s hard to guess a child’s thoughts!

"..."Safety, peat!

He is not a dangerous person with enemies all over the world. He needs to be always afraid of others seeking revenge!

He's just a gangster who just traveled through time and doesn't even have an identity!

Is it possible that such an insignificant person really needs to consider safety

In fact, shouldn't he be glad now that Yin Suye didn't give such an unreliable reason as needing to save money

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to react.

Wait a moment!

There seems to be something wrong with the way he thinks.

Need to start over!

This is a different world full of dangers, not a peaceful earth. He cannot measure the danger here with his own thinking.

Even in a hotel, various things such as murder, robbery, robbery, and theft of money and sex may happen!

Moreover, he was now following a big villain like Yin Suye, and he had just offended Huo Ruyan. Thinking of this, Shui Ruoshan suddenly felt that his personal safety still needed to be paid attention to.

So, he just complained about the wrong thing? Blamed the wrong person

"Since we live together, why not take the opportunity to discuss Huo Ruyan now?" Shui Ruoshan was glad that he didn't object just now, otherwise it would be a big loss!

Therefore, in order to restore his image, he must change the topic and change the topic to which he has the most say.

Although Yin Suye had just assured him that there would be no accidents on Huo Ruyan's side, he was still a little worried.

The most important thing is that he must tell Yin Suye what Huo Ruyan might do next so that he can be more vigilant.

"No need." Yin Suye could probably guess what Shui Ruoshan wanted to say later, but felt that there was no need to discuss it.

After all, he had experienced those things in his previous life.

There is no need to ruin his mood by listening to Shui Ruoshan again now.

"You can't be so casual!" Shui Ruoshan expressed strong dissatisfaction with Yin Suye's perfunctory attitude.

If he had a beard now, he could definitely use the word "blowing his beard and staring" to describe his angry look at this time.

When will Yin Suye get rid of this arrogant problem

It was because of Yin Suye's attitude of not paying attention to him, not caring, and feeling that nothing mattered that he finally ended up betraying his relatives.

And a fire like flame once caused almost fatal damage to Yin Suye.

Therefore, this woman Huo Ruyan must be taken seriously!

"I'm measured." In fact, many things had completely changed the moment he came back from rebirth.

He understands the little guy's worries, but the mistakes he made in the last life will never be made again in this life!

So don’t worry at all!

"You need to rest now." In order to prevent the little guy from continuing to talk, Yin Suye directly carried him to the bed and signaled that he could sleep.

"We can sleep and chat at the same time. It won't affect anything." Shui Ruoshan didn't object to Yin Suye's actions and lay down on the bed obediently.

His body is rather pampered and cannot withstand the torment. He is indeed a little tired now and needs to rest.

Shui Ruoshan will not deny this, nor can he deny it.

Because countless facts told him that the consequence of showing off one's strength is to make a fool of oneself.

"If you don't get a good rest, you won't grow taller." Yin Suye felt that he had heard this saying. Children who get more rest can help them grow taller.

Now is the perfect time to convince Shui Ruoshan.

"You are not tall enough, and your whole family is not tall enough!" Shui Ruoshan was furious when he heard that he was not tall.

Height, etc., is an incurable wound deep in his heart!

Before time travel, he was an otaku who didn't exercise much and was only 178cm tall.

Although it's not too tall, it's not too short either. It's definitely above average.

But after traveling through time, he instantly despaired of his height!

As a young boy who has not yet begun to develop, he does not want to make any breakthroughs in height in the short term.

Height is definitely his current shortcoming, and there is absolutely no negotiation!

"I don't need to grow taller anymore." Yin Suye blinked in confusion.

This time he really didn't understand why the little guy was angry.

"..." Nothing exciting like this!

If he couldn't defeat Yin Suye, what Shui Ruoshan wanted to do most at this moment was to beat Yin Suye severely to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Yes, he knew that compared to Yin Suye, his height was a scumbag!

But why did Yin Suye, the peat man, say that! What a nonsense! It’s the truth! Nejiesu is creating taunting skills!

He definitely couldn't think about it anymore, so he set Yin Suye's level so high!

He even insisted on setting his height as 196cm. This is a sad story, isn't it

His face is bloody, is that okay? !

"Go to sleep." He doesn't have much time to make trouble with the little guy here now.

Wait until tomorrow, no matter what the little guy wants to say to him, he will listen patiently.

But now he has more important things to do, so let the little guy get some sleep first.

"I haven't talked to you about the business yet?" Shui Ruoshan realized that their conversation had wandered off as they were interrupted by Yin Suye.

"Be good!" Yin Suye touched Shui Ruoshan's head.

"Okay..." Shui Ruoshan felt that Yin Suye's voice suddenly became a little vague and elegant.

Dimly, he seemed to see a strange red light and a strange black energy flashing in Yin Suye's eyes... Before he had time to think about it, he quietly closed his eyes.

After confirming that Shui Ruoshan was completely asleep, Yin Suye stood up.

It's time to settle the score with Huo Ruyan!

Since Huo Ruyan now felt resentful towards him and the little guy, she couldn't keep her.

He has never been in the habit of letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Knowing that Huo Ruyan's existence is a danger to him, there is no reason to continue to let this danger exist.

Nipping it in the bud is the best approach.

Thinking like this, Yin Suye's strange-colored eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Against the dim light in the room, it looks extremely gloomy and strange, but it also carries a fatal temptation!

"Meow!" Ruixue, who seemed to feel the change in Yin Suye's aura, who had been staying very quietly next to Shui Ruoshan, instinctively escaped from Yin Suye's side, quickly hid in a corner, and curled up her whole body.

This bad guy is getting more and more terrifying!

Now, black smoke is almost coming out of the whole body. It feels like if it gets even a little bit, the cat will be dead!

It scared the cat to death!

"Take care of your master!" Yin Suye glanced at the funny Ruixue and ordered coldly.

Although he has placed a strong enough barrier around the little guy to protect him, an extra layer of protection is always a good idea.

Although Ruixue is not a combat-type monster, it still has some fighting ability.

"Meow!" Ruixue nodded immediately when she saw that Yin Suye was not going to operate on the cat, but was telling it to do something.

Seeing that Yin Suye had no objection, he carefully returned to Shui Ruoshan with cat steps, and then lay down at the foot of the bed to show that he would definitely complete the task well.

After confirming that there was no problem with Shui Ruoshan, Yin Suye left the room in a flash and headed in the direction of Huo Ruyan.

He didn't have time to waste here, he had to deal with Huo Ruyan's affairs before the little guy woke up.