Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 11: Dimensional Ring (Third Update)


The three super-level magic cores are all demon lords that the Fire Winged Balrog has personally killed. Two are of fire attribute, and one is dropped by a demon lord named "Poison Flame Witch", with dual elements of poison and fire. Mixed magic core.

Honeylu's mouth opened wide. Although she had seen many Warcraft Demonic Cores in the Emerald Forest, the number was not so terrifying!

Ling Xuan threw the Yangang Demon's demon core into the vat containing the demon core, put the Fire Wing Balrog's demon core and the three super-level demon cores together, then returned to the passage, and put the Yangang Demon's metal core together. "Yangang" has all been brought over.

The Sword of Fire, the Hammer of Fire Demon's Hand, about one cubic meter of hot iron, enough fire iron to make hundreds of great swords, some rock steel, the black gold robe, the best fire magic stone, the Heart of Flame, the black magic stone, three Thousands of intermediate magic cores, five hundred high-level magic cores, three super-level fire magic cores, and one poisonous fire super-level magic core.

These are all the trophies of Ling Xuan. If you can bring them all to Mana Continent and sell them, it will be enough to buy a title and territory, and become a noble lord who rules a territory about the size of Flame Castle!

"There is no space ring. That thing is too precious. My current level of mana is enough to draw the Mustard Seed Talisman to attract objects, but it's a pity that I don't have the materials." Ling Xuan looked at these things and was really worried.

In addition to iron, the entire Flame Castle force's specialty is metal—and of course the devil's core. Where can I find materials for refining talisman paper? Putting so many valuable items here made Ling Xuan feel very unsafe.

If you don't put it away, when Archduke Linna's people come down to inspect it, I'm afraid it will become someone else's property.

Seemingly seeing Ling Xuan's troubles, he was still blushing, peeking at his honeydew from the corner of his eyes from time to time, and stammering: "Um... are you worried, how can you hold these things in? I... I There’s a… dimensional ring.”

Honey Dew hesitated and took out a ring from her clothes. The ring was made of crystal-like material, blood red, and emitted a red light that looked like a space door.

"What, a dimensional ring!"

Ling Xuan took a breath. From the memory of Fire Wing Balrog, he knew that the space ring was precious enough. Many demon lords did not have it. The dimensional ring was a more advanced thing! One can be forged artificially, and the other can only be made by obtaining naturally occurring dimensional stones.

Space rings generally have a small internal space, while dimensional rings are directly connected to a closed different dimension. Not only is it large in space, it can also store living creatures. Even some demigod-level demon princes don’t have dimensional rings!

He knew that the girl's identity was unusual, but he didn't expect that she even had a dimensional ring. What was this girl's identity

Obviously Honey Dew knows the value of the dimensional ring. Otherwise, she wouldn't have hidden it secretly in her clothes before. Now that she takes it out, aren't she afraid that she will detain this treasure? It’s so simple!

"Well... you saved me, I can actually give you the dimensional ring, but inside... there are things I have collected since I was a child, all of them are rare personal belongings... If I give you the dimensional ring, there will be no place to put them, so I just I can lend it to you."

Seemingly very uneasy, Honeylu said carefully: "You're not going to be angry, are you?"

"Not angry, but a little greedy."

Ling Xuan took the ring and searched the inside of the dimensional ring with his spiritual sense. He was stunned and stunned. Oh my god, who is this elf girl? Where is the Emerald Forest? He actually collected so many precious treasures.

I almost saw a giant dragon's lair!

Withdrawing his spiritual consciousness, Ling Xuan asked: "Milu, who are you? Why are there precious dimensional rings and these treasures?"

"Don't you know my identity? Didn't you see the color of my hair?" Honeydew was obviously very strange.

Ling Xuan shook his head: "I'm not from the Mana Continent. As for your hair being colored... To be honest, it's a bit ridiculous. What does this have to do with your identity?"

"You actually said that my hair is ridiculous!" Honey Dew immediately widened her eyes and said angrily, "This is a blessing from the Rainbow Goddess! In the whole world, only the bloodline of the king of our Emerald Forest, the Rainbow Elves, have rare hair. color."

"The goddess of rainbows is also the goddess of the forest. She is the deity worshiped by all elves. My full name is Honeydew Ivina, and Ivina is the name of the goddess of rainbows. I am of the Ivina clan, the bloodline of the king of elves. You laugh at the goddess's favor. His bloodline and hair color are so... abominable!"

Ling Xuan was extremely surprised: "So, you are the princess of all elves? But with such an identity, how could you be caught by the Fire Winged Flame Demon and come to the Abyss Demon Realm?"

The fierce and ferocious little princess suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, her aura completely disappeared, and she said hesitantly: "This... this... I didn't mean to leave the Emerald Forest..."

After some explanations, Ling Xuan finally understood the reason. It turned out that Honey Dew was of the bloodline of the king, a little princess of the elf clan. At the age of fourteen, she was old enough to obtain a guardian beast.

A guardian beast refers to a guardianship contract with a super-level monster. When the coming-of-age ceremony is held at the age of sixteen, the blessing of the forest goddess is triggered, so that the super-level monster can advance to the semi-god level and become a divine beast. This mythical beast will also become one of the guardians of the Emerald Forest.

The super-level monster that is most qualified to form a guardianship contract with Ivina's bloodline is the crystal unicorn that lives in the Emerald Forest. It has a crystal horn on its head and is the royal bloodline among unicorns!

This kind of monster can only be encountered by female princesses among the rainbow elves, but if there are other people nearby, the crystal unicorn will not appear. Therefore, Honeydew, who had lived in the Elf City of the Emerald Forest for fourteen years, left the central city alone to search for Warcraft.

The crystal unicorn was not encountered, but Mickey got a strange egg with the same iridescent light as her hair. The girl liked the egg very much, so she used the guardian gem that made the contract, and dripped blood on the egg to complete the contract.

After obtaining this egg, Honeydew will no longer be protected by the Crystal Unicorn. That kind of super-level monster will not be willing to share its owner with other monsters.

For the Emerald Forest, this is one missing person. After receiving the blessing of the goddess in the future, it is scheduled to obtain the demigod-level combat power.

Honeydew was favored among the elves, otherwise she would not have done such a bold thing, but she also realized that she seemed to be in trouble. Coupled with the girl's character, she thought she had never left the Emerald Forest, so she secretly left and went to the outer Black Forest for adventure.

Fortunately, she met an elf mage as soon as she left. Otherwise, this simple girl, with her stunning appearance, would have been caught by humans, sold to the Slave Federation, and become the secret of some nobles* *.

The elf mage persuaded Honeydew to go back, but it was no use, so he had to dye her hair green with the petals of a kind of flower called "Bioflower", and followed her as a nanny. Then, as magicians, the two joined a mercenary group to fight against fallen wizards.

Then, unfortunately, I came to the Abyss Demon Realm...

The water magic that Honeydew used before was not orthodox magic, but the spirit bonding magic that only iridescent elves could master. Use spirit as a contract to summon elemental spirits to cast spells. Now she can only use the three elements of fire, water, and thunder. With practice, she can master up to seven elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, ice, light and darkness!

Among humans, even some great magisters can only master two or three elements. The most powerful country in the Mana Continent, the Brilliant Empire, the Protector of the Country, and the semi-god-level Great Sage Colin can only master five types of elements. Tie.

The Rainbow Elf can use seven lines, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a bloodline blessed by the gods.

Ling Xuan was shocked when he heard that he actually saved the princess of the Mana Continent Elf, but the princess was nothing to him. After all, he was a cultivator, and he had the jade secret of creation that directly pointed to the Golden Immortal. In the future, he would transcend the small world. The presence!

In Hongmeng Qi, he even saw the destruction of the plane. How noble is a princess in this world? At least not even a hair compared to the mysterious black and white girl on the ink-dyed cherry tree.

Checking the contents of the dimensional ring again, there is an egg emitting colorful light in the middle. It is obviously an unknown monster egg that has formed a guardianship contract with Honeydew.

The space of the dimensional ring is indeed vast, covering more than a thousand square meters, and the most things placed there are various gemstones. Honeydew has a habit of collecting beautiful gems, almost all of which are rare magic gems, precious materials for making magic equipment!

Lapis Lazuli, Shadow Gem, Dawn Stone, Pink Quartz, Gorgeous Crystal, Green Fluorite, Wave Jade, Amethyst, Brilliant Gold Diamond, Teardrop Amber, Coral Stone, Fire Pearl...

There is even a set of top-quality magic stones, water, fire, wind, thunder, ice, earth, and wood, which are called Blue Water Eye, Heart of Flame, Wind Charm Dance, Thunder and Lightning Essence, Eternal Frozen Ice Crystal, and Earth Element respectively. Pupils, emerald wood and stone, complete sets of elemental magic stones, their value is immeasurable!

In addition, there are several gems that emit the cold light of the moon, including moon diamonds, moonlight crystals, dream moon cold stones, and more than ten perfect flawless moon white stones.

The total number of gems of various colors reaches hundreds. Although there are no ice soul level treasures that were born with the origin of the world, most of them are at the level of refining magic weapons, and there are even precious materials that can be used to refine "magic weapons".

In Ling Xuan's opinion, that set of top-quality magic stones and gems emitting moonlight energy were enough to refine the "magic weapon". Even if there is a giant dragon, there will be no little princess of the Emerald Forest. The dimensional ring has a large collection of gems and is of high quality!

In addition to gems and honeydew's dimensional rings, there are also magic equipment, accessories, clothes, and some fruits and foods special to the elves' territories.

Ling Xuan's spiritual consciousness moved, and two pieces of equipment in the ring appeared in his hands. One was a crystal-clear pendant. Holding the pendant in his hand, he could actually feel that the speed of recovery after consuming mana had obviously accelerated. .

Another bracelet made of silver metal with some broken crystals inlaid on the surface. There is a soul imprint of the creature in it.

"Then... that's my jewelry. You won't steal my things, right?" The little princess was very nervous.

"What are these two?"

"The work of the great alchemist of the elves, one is called the Elf Pendant, inlaid with the Celebi gemstone called the Heart of the Forest, which can greatly speed up the recovery of magic power. The other is an elemental bracelet with elemental crystals on it to construct a summoning circle. "

"The elemental bracelet can be activated once a day, injecting magic power, and summoning an elemental warrior of one of the water, fire, or thunder elements."

Putting the pendant and bracelet back into the dimensional ring, Ling Xuan took out a strange purple dagger in the shape of a maple leaf, and a wooden staff inlaid with sapphires. The wooden staff was carved into the shape of a woman. It was engraved with many magic patterns and filled with strong magic power. Wave staff.

"The magic sword made of red maple stone, the maple leaf sword, and the forest blue jade material, the ancient staff passed down from ancient times: the forest fairy. These..." The little princess said weakly with a pitiful expression, "These are also mine."

Looking at Honey Dew's expression, Ling Xuan was a little amused: "I won't rob you of a little girl's things, and this magic equipment is nothing. As for those gems, some are very useful... I will use your materials to help you make jewelry. How about you use the materials as payment."

"No... I plundered the treasure troves of my brothers and sisters for those gems. I worked very hard to collect them and accumulated them into a collection. If you want magic jewelry, I can ask Grandpa the Great Alchemist to do it."

Little Princess Honeydew's head shook like a rattle: "I'll lend you the dimensional ring. If you take my thing, I will... I will... look down on you!"

When Ling Xuan saw the shaking ears, he felt the desire to pinch them again. He suppressed this thought, the Ice Soul Sword appeared, and the twenty-four Ice Soul Beads also flew out, forming a Ice Soul Cold Light Cone. , suspended above the palm of your hand and rotating slowly.

"This is a weapon I made with my own hands. Could it be that it is not as good as the work of your clan's great alchemist?"