Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 114: Fight against mechas


Suspended in the vacuum of the universe, Ling Xuan wielded Frostmourne, and a series of cold white ice blades spread over a width of more than ten meters and shot towards it. It was like a battleship firing at full strength, emitting "arc light waves" main gun.

The five mechas are piloted by the hunter-killers of the Gimli family, an elite killer team. The five people's communicators spread messages to each other and exchanged opinions. Wearing a suit of armor like this, standing in the vacuum of the universe, and launching such an attack, the opponent's strength may be A+ level!

The mechas are not afraid of the hunters, but are quite excited about them. The weapons and armors are obviously extremely high-end equipment. Once they are captured, they can also make a fortune.

Manipulating the mechas and avoiding Ling Xuan's direct kills, the five mechas spread out in flight, forming an encircling formation. The three mechas took out their weapons. The weapons of the hunting team were also very distinctive. It's an ordinary laser gun.

Two of them are extremely powerful electromagnetic rifles, which use electromagnetic kinetic energy to fire twenty centimeter-long metal bullets. After the two bullets were fired, a flame-like light immediately lit up, and two holes were blasted in the frost armor, leaving the bullets behind. It fell into the hole and was flattened by the strong kinetic energy.

If it weren't for the frost armor, which was forged by Ling Xuan with great effort, I'm afraid it would have been shot through by an energy bullet!

Another mecha actually took out a pair of flywheels. The flywheels were in the shape of a ring and were surrounded by jagged teeth. The driver was an A-level mentalist who used telekinesis to guide the flywheels to attack.

The two flywheels were thrown out, and the ring-shaped saw teeth immediately began to rotate violently. If they were in the air, they would definitely make a "buzzing" sound. During the flying shot, the two flywheels were still shaking and changing the flight trajectory. This was controlled by telekinesis, making it difficult for the opponent to resist and avoid by judgment.

The other two mechas, one took out a three-meter-long mecha sword, and the other took out a beam-like weapon: a light energy sword, with flames spraying from behind, and they rushed towards Ling Xuan together.

This five-person mecha team is both skilled in cooperation and full of lethality!

The frost armor was damaged by the bullet, which made Ling Xuan frown. He saw the rotating flywheel again, and swung the Frostmourne sword to slash at it. However, the flywheel was remotely controlled by telekinesis to avoid it, and slashed towards the head from the left and right. .

At the same time, thick mecha swords and dazzling light energy swords were attacking from the front and back respectively. Two electromagnetic rifles in the distance were also firing bullets again. It was a siege!

If it weren't for the vacuum of space, Ling Xuan would definitely use the Ice Wind Kick to teach the guys besieging him a lesson. But now in the universe, without the wind, the power of this move would be weakened by the environment. In addition, he was annoyed that the armor was damaged, so he fired the ultimate move under the crowd.

It's not Taoist magic like death and withering, freezing end, but the ultimate move of the Frozen Throne Armor. Because it is added with the magic core of the frost dragon and refined with the treasure refining technique, it produces a great summoning magic!

A body made entirely of thick white bones, with two tattered bone wings, and blue ice light burning in its eyes. It is fifteen meters long from its head to its spiky tail, and is comparable to any dragon creature in the super-level Warcraft. , the powerful frost dragon appeared.

The frost dragon, whose strength is considered to be the superior level of super-level monsters, is of little use against demigods like Colin and His Majesty Kraize. Now, it is summoned for the first time.

Seeing the ice light bursting out of Ling Xuan's body, his head exuding freezing air, and the horrifying frost-white bone dragon appearing in the ice light, the two melee mechas that were flying quickly retreated in surprise. Two telekinetic flywheels and two kinetic metal bullets were shot directly at the bone dragon.

But the Frost Dragon was only covered in ice and snow and a skeleton, with no skin or flesh. The flywheel smashed several bones thicker than thighs and then flew back. The scars were immediately filled with ice and snow. The two kinetic energy bullets that were fired were stuck in the bones, causing no damage at all. What a trauma.

The frost dragon roared angrily. The sound was inaudible in the vacuum of the universe, but the scene of raising its head and a large amount of freezing air spurting out from the holes in its mouth and nose was also extremely shocking!

Inside the mecha, the five members of the hunter team communicated with each other. The sudden appearance of the Frost Bone Dragon and the unknown enemy forced them to re-formulate their tactics.

In Black Skull's small spaceship, Barrel, Scar and Cyclops were completely stunned. Meika's pair of dead fish eyes were blank, staring at the three-dimensional projection light screen that faithfully reflected the battlefield. Only Philomi Na, her expression was still calm, but her heart was filled with turmoil.

Isn't he an A-level fire warrior? Why are all the ice abilities being used now

It seems that his ice ability is also very strong, possessing both A-level fire energy and A-level ice energy? This is totally unreasonable! Two opposite energies can easily explode in chaos within the body. Even if they are reconciled, it is impossible for both of them to reach A-level heights.

Moreover, what Ling Xuan showed was not necessarily an A-level ice ability. At least an A-level ice warrior, even if he was wearing a set of high-end armor, would never dare to face five mechas so calmly! Everyone in the hunter team is A-level!

Could it be... Is this an S-class

Philomena was frightened by this idea. There was a world-wide gap between A-level and S-level warriors. Even if they were S-, A+-level warriors could not defeat them with their numbers. You know, S-class has different names in other worlds: gods and immortals!

"Some big families rarely have S-class warriors. If they are really S-class...then why did he join the Black Skeleton Pirates? What is the purpose?"

Compared with ordinary team members, as the leader Philomena has to think more. She can't help but feel a little worried. A god, even an S-level demigod, wants to destroy a pirate group like the Black Skull. It's too easy.

Ling Xuan, who was wearing a copycat Frozen Throne armor, stood on the back of the bone dragon like the Lich King. A picture appeared in his hand and he threw it outward. The snow-white color spread in the universe, covering a large area in an instant.

Not only the five mechas, but also the medium-sized spacecraft further away and some meteorites in the meteorite belt arrived in a space of ice and snow.

Extremely cold ice prison!

The opponent's five mechas are not easy to deal with. Besides, if he escapes, he will definitely not be able to fly as fast as these mechas. He simply throws out the extremely cold ice prison formation to block all the opponents in the ice and snow space.

In the mecha, a hunter immediately roared through the communicator: "It's the mental image world! In such a vast mental image world, the opponent is probably S-class. We've hit a brick wall this time! Damn it, Black Skeleton Pirates A small force like Tuan obviously doesn’t even have A-level experts, so how can it be possible for an S-level person to appear?”

"No matter how powerful the opponent is, he is only one person. The five of us are all A-level, and there are mechas and spaceships. Let's fight!"

As soon as one person said such words, the giant frost dragon controlled by Ling Xuan had already flown towards the mecha he was driving, and severely knocked the mecha away and fell on the ice field. The bone dragon also spit out a breath of freezing breath, causing the mecha to fly. A and the ice sheet are frozen together.

The frost dragon flew towards the second mecha.

The mecha holding the light energy sword quickly took out a defensive weapon: a bronze mirror hanging on the mecha. The frost dragon rushed forward, but was pushed away by the light reflected in the mirror. Several mechas next to it also used mirrors one after another, all of which were standard magic weapons of the same model.

Since they are the elite hunting team of the Gimli family, the magic weapon in their hands is not as good as the five-color mist, but it is also the best among the magic weapons. It can actually withstand the collision of the frost dragon. The mecha frozen on the ice field was also killed by a car. Mecha, rescued with a Flamethrower Meltgun.

As for Ling Xuan and the Frost Dragon, they were immediately hit by a terrifying main cannon fired from a medium-sized spaceship in the distance. The black main cannon beam was not light energy, but a gravity field, an extremely compressed gravity field!

Main guns of this level are not even available on Black Skull's main battleship. They are extremely powerful. A battleship hit by the gun will be compressed into a ball of scrap metal as if it has entered a black hole. The energy consumed by the launch is also abnormal. A medium-sized spaceship can only Just a single blow.

With just one blow, the gravity cannon turned the frost dragon into a ball of compressed bones. Ling Xuan transformed into a body of ice and snow. Under the protection of the Frozen Throne armor, he managed to withstand the attack of the gravity cannon. He was seriously injured, but As soon as the mana is activated, the injury heals immediately.

Ling Xuan's face turned cold after being hit, and his spiritual consciousness did not warn him, indicating that the power of the gravity cannon would not kill him. If it were more powerful, it would be a spiritual warning, and it would be useless to use the ice divine body to resist, because the gravity cannon is pressing from all directions.

If this gravity cannon were more powerful, he would die!

The magic weapon of the goddess of ice and snow appeared beside her, holding the phantom ice halberd in her hand. With the combination of the law of ice and the origin of ice, the divine body descended into the extremely cold ice prison. The flying snow in the entire ice prison was With her as the center, it spun rapidly.

With the snowflakes flying, the goddess of ice and snow flew towards a mecha, thrust out a halberd, and the defensive light emitted from the bronze mirror was shattered by the halberd! On the second halberd, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the entire mirror, and it suddenly shattered into countless dust particles.

The third halberd, the Ice Phantom Halberd, pierced directly into the mecha cabin and carried the body of the Ice and Snow Goddess through the interior of the mecha. The pilot of this mecha was so courageous that he actually used the escape device to eject and detonate the mecha instantly!

The flames of the mecha's explosion solidified as they spread, turning into icy blue, and finally condensed into an ice ball.

The ejected man was a powerful A-level modulation warrior. As he was ejected and escaping in mid-air, his body changed rapidly. His muscles swelled, his hair became denser, and his skin turned into a shape, as if he had experienced countless winds and waves on the seaside. Like a rock, that solid dark brown color.

The A-level modulated warrior's body was so powerful that it could even withstand the bombardment of a battleship, but in the next second, the Ice Phantom Halberd penetrated his chest with one blow, impaling his entire body on the tip of the halberd!

(To be continued,