Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 120: Kill the pirates


I have to say that Ling Xuan's attack was extremely vicious! In the valley where the meeting was held, the leaders of the ten major pirate groups each led hundreds of pirates. In total, there were thousands of people in the valley. It was like using the mother-in-law thunderbolt, lightning, thunder and fire net to serve them all in one pot!

Among these people, most of them are B-level in strength, with a small number of C-level, *-level, and one S-level.

The power of the Yin Thunder Fire Net refined with tens of thousands of magic cores exploded together. Even Ling Xuan's own ice and snow glazed body could not withstand it even if it was blasted on him. His body would be blown to pieces and he would die immediately.

Of course, because the valley is so big, the power of the Yin Thunder Fire Network was greatly dispersed after the explosion, but... Such a big explosion is as powerful as a small 10,000-ton nuclear bomb. C-level and B-level people were directly killed. It was blown to ashes, and probably not even a few top-level people would survive.

You know, this is a terrifying power that even penetrates the valley floor!

The magma below exploded, like a volcano erupting, leaving Philomena and the pirates who were lifted up into the sky by the black ice air, dumbfounded.

Although Philomena knew that Ling Xuan had previously refined an offensive magic weapon on the battleship, she did not expect that it would be such a terrifying weapon. Thinking of what would happen after the explosion in the valley below, she couldn't help but said with a trembling voice: "Could it be that... could it be the end of so many pirates and so many strong men? Then our pirate group... "

"My Zimu Thunderbolt Yin Thunder Fire Net strikes very suddenly, and no matter how scattered the power is, there are not many people who can resist it with their bodies... If someone reacts quickly and uses a magic weapon, they may be able to withstand the explosion."

Ling Xuan shrugged casually: "Anyway, this time, the entire interstellar pirate group in the Dawn World will suffer heavy losses, and almost all the leaders will die. Doesn't the Williams family want to support you? It's just right, you can use their financial support, Quickly annex other pirate groups and expand their sphere of influence."

"This time the pirate forces will be reshuffled, and there will be a vacuum period without a leader. It depends on whether you have the courage and whether you can lead the development of the Black Skull."

Philomena took a deep breath, calmed down and was about to speak, when her eyes were suddenly attracted by the roar below. I saw the S-level warrior with lightning bolts flying out of the erupting magma flames. Seven others rushed out with him.

All seven of them were A+ level experts. They rushed out of the erupting pillar of fire with magic weapons in hand. When they saw the situation in the valley, blood almost dripped from their eyes!

The Zimu Thunderbolt Yin Thunder Fire Network is as powerful as the 10,000-ton small nuclear bombs in this world. Since it is a pirate note, the pirates will of course take precautions against possible attacks. There is interference with technological weapons in the valley. Suppression equipment.

In the Dawn World, you can buy disposable attack weapons and scrolls, but they are not as powerful as the items blasted by Ling Xuan, so there is no relevant prevention, and now Ling Xuan comes and catches them all!

Several leaders of the top ten pirate groups were killed in battle, and almost all the elite pirates brought to participate in the note were wiped out. How could such a result not make the living people crazy

One of the A+ level modulation warriors, the bald man Quest who had previously fallen in love with Philomena and wanted to take over the girl, glanced at the flames still spewing out in the valley with his bloodshot eyes, and then looked at Xiang Lingxuan let out a heart-rending roar.

As he roared, his body expanded rapidly, and the surface of his skin began to turn into a golden color. The golden dragon wings broke through the skin on his back and spread out from behind. His head turned into a dragon shape, and two golden dragon heads grew out of his shoulders. .

A behemoth with a height of twenty meters appeared. Filiborg received the gene from another world, the "Golden Three-Headed Dragon" modulation, which can transform into a golden three-headed dragon. This fighting form is A+ level The strength is beyond the ordinary dragons in Mana Continent!

Filiborg was not the only one who activated his abilities. The other three modulation warriors turned into a giant eagle flying in the sky with two wings, a strange goat-headed monster, and a giant minotaur about the size of a three-headed dragon.

Modified warriors undergo genetic modulation and display physical abilities.

Another superpower warrior activated his superpower. His superpower was metalization, and his entire body turned into metal like an iron man. The red-bearded Filiborg, whose eyes had become redder than his beard, joined forces with another spiritual master to trigger a spiritual storm!

The blood-like red whirlwind covered a large area of the sky where Ling Xuan and the Black Skeleton Group were located. The three heads of the golden three-headed dragon spit out golden dragon breath flames together. After landing on the ground, the goat-headed monster and the minotaur raised huge rocks and smashed them into the sky where the spiritual storm was raging.

The strong men joined forces to launch an attack. The most powerful one was the S-class warrior with lightning flowing all over his body. He mastered the power of electricity and had touched the root of the electricity system. He was called "Electric Energy" in this world. Grandmaster".

He raised his hand, and a scepter-like weapon appeared in his hand.

The top of the scepter was inlaid with a blue gem, and there seemed to be a thunderous light group shining inside. Holding the thunder scepter, and using the scepter to increase its power, he condensed the lightning into a ten-meter-long thunder knife and flew towards Ling. Xuan's direction.

The secret of using the source of electricity to increase power: the thunder knife of 200 million volts of lightning!

Ling Xuan sacrificed the ice and snow goddess and directly broke through the mental storm. With the body of a god, the dragon's breath flames and the bombardment of boulders were all like the blowing of the breeze. In the right hand of the Ice and Snow Goddess, an ice and snow trident appeared, and the halberd was pierced on the thunder knife.

The Ice Phantom Halberd, which contains the laws of the ice system, collides with the thunder knife condensed from the 200 million volt lightning that is the source of the thunder system. The exploding icy air currents and radiating lightning turned a large area of space into blurry light and shadow, with scattered freezing wind and lightning rays everywhere.

There was a sneer on the face of the electric energy master. This stupid woman who appeared from nowhere dared to hold a weapon in her hand and collide with the thunder knife. Even if the thunder knife was smashed, the 200 million volt lightning burst would definitely kill her. This woman's life!

But his smile immediately froze. The Ice and Snow Goddess rushed out of the lightning intact. The current raging on her body could only cause slight scorch marks on the seemingly extremely delicate skin.

Moreover, when the current dissipates, those inconspicuous scorch marks disappear.

"This kind of physical strength...even S-level modulated warriors may not exist!" The electric energy master's heart was full of horror. There are actually two S-level strong men in the black skeleton

Use the Ice and Snow Goddess to hold the Magic Halberd of Ice to deal with the Master of Electricity. Wings of Ice appeared behind Ling Xuan, and people with black skeletons flew through the sky, throwing them to the ground if they were in the way. At this time, he saw a large spiritual storm, like a red cyclone, blowing from the sky. He quickly activated his ice wind legs and rolled out an ice storm to fight.

Ordinary ice wind legs could not withstand the mental storm jointly launched by the two spiritual masters. Ling Xuan felt that the ice storm was about to be broken, and quickly activated the law of ice to bless it. The sweeping ice wind was filled with rays of light. The text flashed.

The bloody storm and the white storm canceled each other out, and finally disappeared. At this time, a giant eagle soared from the sky, grabbing it with two giant claws.

Ling Xuan activated the Frozen Throne Armor and waved Frostmourne. A beam of ice soul cold light more than ten meters long exploded on the wings of the giant eagle. In the light of the explosion, a large piece of the wing was blown to pieces, and a large amount of blood was mixed with ice debris. , flowing like a waterfall from the sky.

Continuously wielding Frostmourne, the Ice Light Blade continued to explode below, leaving large scars on the bodies of several other modified warrior mutant monsters. Ling Xuan's two eyes formed a black vortex, and he used the Taoist magic of death and decay!

A spiritual master is a kind of existence with strong mental power and strong attack, but weak physical body. The two of them were previously bombarded by the mother-in-law's thunderbolt and fire net, and their defensive magic weapon was severely damaged. Now they were hit by a big move, and the magic weapon was completely shattered.

The two of them released a mental barrier together to resist the resentment of the undead that came with their eyes. However, the ice and snow goddess controlled by Ling Xuan suddenly threw the phantom ice halberd in her hand while chasing the electric energy master.

Made of the world's first ice, Bing Mengxi's most powerful artifact was thrown from a distance and hit the mental barrier. With a crunching sound, the solid red wall quickly collapsed like broken glass. , the whole collapsed into pieces.

Filiborg and the other person immediately let out miserable wails. Under the eyes of death and withering, their bodies quickly withered in the rising black gas, turning into black ash that dissipated in the wind.

After killing these two people, Ling Xuan saw a silver metal flying disc cutting through the air and quickly summoned the frost dragon.

The giant dragon in front of him had his bones pierced by the metal flying disc, but the ice and snow air immediately condensed and filled the scars. Only then did Ling Xuan discover that the one-meter-long metal flying disc belonged to the metal superpower. The body becomes!

The flying disc that flew through the frost dragon's body spun in a large circle in the air and then shot towards it again. Ling Xuan opened his hands to build a crystal wall in front of him. The metal flying disc hit the wall and cut the ice. The giant frost dragon on the side spurted out ice dragon breath.

The rotating flying disc was slightly frozen in the dragon's breath. Before it could break free from the ice, Ling Xuan immediately changed his moves. The freezing air originally used to support the wall turned into an eruption, forming a square coffin on the surface of the metal flying disc.

Crystal coffin!

The coffin was as transparent as crystal but as strong as diamond, with a metal flying disk solidified inside. The supernatural warrior tried hard to move his body in the ice, but it was like an insect was sealed in amber in the ice, and he could no longer move at all.

Killing two mental masters and sealing a metal warrior, the ice and snow goddess can completely kill the electric energy master. For Ling Xuan, it is easy to kill four A+ grade modulation warriors who have mutated into monsters and have lord-level strength. Extremely. RS