Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 125: Meet an old man


Due to the battle with insects, human beings are at a disadvantage, and the pressure of survival is like a boulder oppressing many people's hearts. Therefore, in this world, venting occupies an important part of life. At night, the city becomes a place where many people party.

Ling Xuan went to a dance hall in the town based on the memory obtained from the gangster's soul. This was a place where all kinds of people mixed together.

Entering the dance hall, the deafening heavy metal music immediately burst into noise and rushed towards you. Under the rotating colored lights inside, countless men and women were twisting wildly. He even saw some people taking drugs in the corner.

The people in this world are very similar to the people on Earth, there are white people, black people, and yellow people. Ling Xuan glanced around the ballroom, walked to an empty seat, sat down, and ordered a glass of beer.

There were several women on the side. Their eyes lit up when they saw him and they came over to him. They were dismissed by him with a wave of his hand. Ten minutes later, a tall white man with red comb hair came over with a sinister smile. He reached out and touched his face.

From the memory of killing the gangster before, Ling Xuan knew that this white man was called "Crazy Xinni", a guy who played with both women and men, and was considered a thug in this small town.

Ling Xuan was sitting here, wanting to wait for a guy who applied for a fake certificate. That guy would often come to this dance hall to play for two hours at night. Unexpectedly, he encountered harassment before anyone arrived. He couldn't help but frown, and raised his hand to push away Xinni's extended hand.

This action made the cockscomb-headed white man's face turn gloomy. He cursed and slapped him in the face.

Realizing that the other party actually wanted to slap him, Ling Xuan's face flashed with murderous intent. Having lost his mana, he was in a bad mood. He raised his left hand, grabbed the free hand, rushed forward with his right fist, and hit it hard. The left side of the man's face.

Because of possessing the Seal of Power, the body's strength will gradually increase. Even if Ling Xuan does not activate the Seal, his strength is more than five times that of men in this world. This punch pushed the crazed Xinni's body backwards, and he flew out horizontally, knocking over a wine table along the way.

In the ballroom, there was no panicked scream, but a burst of cheers. It can be seen that fights are very common in this dance hall. Ling Xuan's beautiful appearance and beautiful strikes made those who saw this scene even whistle.

Sinni, who fell to the ground, shook his head. He felt as if his head had been hit by an iron ball.

Crazy Xinni's companion in the dance hall, a black man, sneaked towards Ling Xuan from behind. In his hand, he picked up a wine bottle on the table and hit Ling Xuan on the back of the head. .

The noisy sound in the dance hall and the declining spiritual consciousness after the disappearance of mana made Ling Xuan not pay attention to the attack from behind. There was a crisp sound, and the entire bottle exploded into pieces on his head. The attacking black man's eyes widened in shock.

After such a violent blow, no blood flowed from the opponent's head

Ling Xuan, who could withstand the backlash of the force imprint, had a strong body, so how could he be injured under the broken wine bottle. With the wine flowing from the top of his head, he turned around suddenly and hit the black man's chin with an uppercut. Even though the ballroom was noisy, the sound of broken bones could be clearly heard.

The black man's body flew up and reached a height where he could dunk, before falling again. After falling to the ground, he opened his mouth as if to say something, but a large amount of teeth and bone fragments mixed with blood sprayed out from his mouth.

Ling Xuan stood up, turned around, and let another fat white man stab him with a dagger. He flew out, and a wave of flesh even surged up on his fat belly. After falling to the ground clutching his stomach, the fat man was still writhing in pain.

The continuous clean blows completely stunned the frantic Xinni. The man was raising a table and wanted to throw it over, but he couldn't move his hand.

The entire dance hall was finally quiet now. The people who had been applauded earlier opened their mouths in surprise. This young man who didn't look strong actually easily killed the crazy Xinni and his two men with three punches and two kicks. Could this guy be a trained special soldier in the army

Ling Xuan's face was full of flesh, his eyes were full of anger, and he glanced at the people in the ballroom. He originally wanted to sit quietly in the dance hall and wait for the guy who issued a fake ID to arrive and get an ID card, but his idea was shattered by this accident.

Picking up the towel on the table, wiping off the remaining wine and broken glass on his head, and throwing it aside, Ling Xuan took a breath and walked out of the ballroom.

Standing in the cold wind, Ling Xuan was thinking about where to go when a car suddenly stopped beside him: "Hey, boy, those few moves you just made were really good."

Ling Xuan turned his head and saw an old man with white hair, a hooked nose, but a cheerful expression revealed in the rolled-down car window. He suddenly burst into laughter. When others show off their power in the dance hall, they are usually accosted by beauties in sports cars, but I met an old man.

With a casual nod, Ling Xuan walked aimlessly on the street, and the car followed him slowly. After more than half an hour, the car drove up to him again. The old man said : "Is there no place to go? How about you go sit at my place?"

Before Ling Xuan could speak, he laughed loudly and said, "Boy, you shouldn't refuse an old man's kindness."

"All right."

Now, Ling Xuan really needs an opportunity to integrate into this world. He entered through the opened car door and sat in the passenger seat. The old man said while driving: "I have lived in this town for ten years, most of them I know everyone, but you are a new face."

"Those moves you made were really wonderful. I bet that at least in the past year or two, the crazy Xinni will never dare to provoke a strange man in the dance hall again."

The old man let out a hearty laugh.

Ling Xuan thought for a while and said: "I am indeed not from this town. Even, I don't know where I am from. I know nothing about my past. A month ago, I woke up in a deserted valley , lost all memory, could only remember the name, then I wandered around, and only arrived in this town today."

"Oh, the one who lost his memory?"

The old man was surprised and said: "Such a thing is really unfortunate. The brain is the most delicate part of the human body. Even top hospitals can hardly provide effective treatment in this area. Well, although it may be a bit unethical to say this, my The creed is, live one day at a time, stop thinking about the past, and tomorrow’s life is worth looking forward to.”

"So, it doesn't matter if I lose my memory or not, hahaha... In fact, I would rather lose my memory, so that I don't have to think of many unpleasant things."

Ling Xuan hummed in disbelief.

The old man kept chattering along the way. After more than 20 minutes, the car drove to a villa and took Ling Xuan upstairs. A girl came out and shouted: "Grandpa, you are finally back... Huh?" "

This was a young white girl. She looked at Ling Xuan's face, and then her face turned slightly red: "Grandpa, is this?"

"I went to the dance hall to talk to my old friend Hama. I saw a great young man and invited him here." The old man turned to look at Ling Xuan again, "This little girl is my granddaughter, Ellen."

Ling Xuan nodded to the white girl and turned his eyes to the wall. He saw a picture on the wall, including an old man, a little girl who seemed to be Ellen when she was a child, and a middle-aged couple. The old man and the middle-aged man were both wearing military uniforms. The chest is covered with medals.

"Is this old man a soldier? It seems that his original military rank is not low?" Ling Xuan's heart moved slightly.

"Haha, this is a photo from ten years ago. The couple in the photo are my son and daughter-in-law, but... they have died in the insect attack. Since then, I have retired from the army and moved to this small town. Every day I plant vegetables during the day, and go to the dance hall in the evening to chat with the owner there, my old friend Hama.”

The old man said with some sigh: "Young people nowadays need to vent their energy. We often see people fighting, but I have never been so violent as you. You must have had a very extraordinary past."

At this time, Ellen diligently took two cans of drinks from the refrigerator and handed them over, then ran away with a red face. The old man laughed a few times and let Ling Xuan sit on the sofa. The old man didn't care about Ling Xuan's past or his so-called "amnesia". What he valued was Ling Xuan's skill.

After taking a sip of the drink, the old man said, "What are your plans for the future?"

Ling Xuan knew that the old man must have had a purpose in calling him here, and seeing the family photos related to the army, he had some estimates in his mind, so he made a confused look: "I don't know... maybe, just Let me wander like this until one day I recall my past."

"What? Wander?"

The old man put the drink can on the table: "With your skills, it would be a waste not to join the army! You know, what is the most glorious thing about a man? Of course, on the battlefield, fighting for mankind, killing bugs and winning honors, and also Is there anything more glorious than this?"

Ellen, who was on the side, couldn't help but ran out and said: "Grandpa, I seem to remember that you also said this to my father when I was a child. It turned out that he died ten years ago..."

"Uh..." The old man was suddenly speechless.

Going to fight the bugs was exactly what Ling Xuan wanted. He asked: "How can I join the army now that I don't have any identification and can't explain my past?"

"Nothing is a problem!" the old man said quickly, "I can help you open this back door, as long as you are willing. To be honest, I have never seen a good seedling like you. You will definitely be able to fight on the battlefield." Earn great merit!”

Maybe Ling Xuan's origin is strange, but if he is sent to the front line to fight insects, who will care about his origin

"This... seems to be a way out. Well, I'm willing to become a soldier. I've had enough of this aimless wandering. Fighting bugs, I hope it can make my life more meaningful." Ling Xuan He nodded. RS