Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 126: White lieutenant


A week later, Ling Xuan was already on a spaceship bound for the planet where humans and Zerg were at war.

This is a strange spaceship that resembles a drill car, with a huge drill in front. Because flying into the planet will pass through the barrier laid by insects outside the planet, the drill is used to break through the meat carpet of the insect nest that blocks the outside of the planet.

He is now a new recruit and will undergo a comprehensive physical examination before joining the army.

During the examination, there was nothing abnormal about the energy-materialized body. It was just that the physical body was strengthened by the original blood beads of the Blood Queen. The basic strength and physical fitness of the body were so high that many people in the military hospital responsible for the examination were shocked and dumbfounded.

The markings composed of black lines on Ling Xuan's body are regarded as a special tattoo. Many soldiers in this world like tattoos, so no one is surprised.

"The Red Thunderbolt spacecraft is about to arrive at the planet code-named F12. We will break through the insect's blocking line. A collision will occur at that time. Everyone fasten their seat belts." In the spacecraft, an intelligent auxiliary computer named "Nar" issued sound.

In space, you can see ahead, a huge carpet of flesh connected with countless pieces of meat, blood vessels, and embryos. A hundred drill-shaped troop transport spaceships are flying towards the carpet.

As if sensing the approach of the spaceship, the cyst-like yellow embryos exploded, and black balls flew out from them. After these balls flew out, they immediately stretched out their bodies. They were strange insects with eight claws that looked like spiders and crabs!

The shortest body of these strange insects is more than three meters long. After emerging, two film-like wings protrude from its back. The wings are not used for flying. Instead, it vibrates to adjust the flight direction. The real power is the light blue biological current ejected from the insect's tail.

The "self-exploding flying bugs" among the Zerg are bugs that prevent humans from increasing their troops on Planet F12. Their attack method is to self-destruct after impact.

Next to the drill in front of the troop transport spacecraft, red high-heat rays and blue high-energy lasers were shot out from a row of open and extended gun ports. Hundreds of troop transport spacecraft opened fire together. This cosmic space was suddenly filled with laser beams.

Each flying insect was hit by the beam and exploded into brilliant sparks. Flesh and limbs are scattered across the universe.

Under the continuous shooting, almost one-third of the large number of flying insects flying out from the flesh carpet embryo were knocked out. At this time, the flying insects at the front had already rushed to the front of the troop transport spacecraft. A flying insect crashed into the spaceship on which Ling Xuan was riding. Detonating the body, a large flame spread out along with the shock wave.

Ling Xuan inside felt the hull of the ship shake violently. The troop transport ship was not directly damaged by the self-exploding flying insects. A layer of blue shields composed of polygons appeared from the surface of the ship, blocking the explosion. harm.

Now. Can't attack anymore because of all the energy. Must be used to maintain the defensive shield!

As each flying insect exploded, the hull of the troop transport spacecraft continued to vibrate violently, and many soldiers had a look of fear on their faces. Troop transports that break into warring planets are not that safe. Every time they go, a spaceship will be destroyed by the self-destruction of insects.

In the space, a flame that was several times more brilliant than the explosion of a flying insect suddenly lit up. The defensive cover of a troop carrier exploded due to the impact of the insect, and the alloy armor inside was also blown to pieces and completely disintegrated.

Naturally, all the pilots and soldiers inside died!

Spaceships kept exploding into brilliant flames. After losing twelve spaceships, the human troop transport spacecraft formation had arrived in front of those meat carpets. The drill in front immediately started spinning, churning rapidly, and hit the barrier made of meat. .

Red juice, accompanied by yellow-white pus, sprayed during the drilling. After the spaceships started their drills and crashed into the barrier, they continued to thrust forward, deep into the thirty-meter-thick flesh carpet.

In the past, it was very dangerous to face self-exploding flying insects in space, but now it is not so dangerous to break through the barrier formed by the flesh. The remaining ninety or so spaceships all drilled through the thick flesh and protruded from the other side. However, in the pursuit of self-destructing flying insects from behind, eighteen more spaceships were lost before they broke into the planet's atmosphere.

Thirty ships were lost out of one hundred. This level of damage rate was normal.

After hearing the announcement from the auxiliary computer Gnar that "successfully passed through the insect nest barrier and entered the atmosphere", the soldiers in the spacecraft breathed a sigh of relief one by one, and then some began to laugh, those who had cried in fright at the previous shock. people.

"Hi, Mr. Ling, you are indeed the most qualified among the new recruits who joined the army. The shock just now made my heart twitch with fright, but your expression didn't even change." A man next to him said The leading lieutenant said in an admiring tone.

"It's uncontrollable anyway. Being afraid or not afraid can't change anything." Ling Xuan smiled indifferently.

Ling Xuan's personal physical data are kept secret from most people, but there is a physical fitness test ranking list for recruits who join the army. His name is clearly at the first place, and the recruits and officers at the same time naturally know it. .

After entering the atmosphere, the remaining seventy spaceships were no longer attacked by bugs. After landing on the ground of the human base, Ling Xuan entered the base one by one among the crowd and arrived at a square.

All recruits will receive a month of training here before going to the frontline battlefield.

In a barracks next to the square, the thick iron door made a "bang" sound, and a white man wearing a lieutenant officer's uniform came out. This white man looked very ferocious. His face was covered with flesh and there were a lot of scars all over it. He looked like he had been disfigured.

Shockingly, the lieutenant was about 1.85 meters tall—a big man for a white man, but not too tall. But the bulging muscles forced this person to be twice as wide as a normal person!

The wide uniform was obviously specially made, and the rolled-up sleeves revealed muscles like steel arms, with thick tendons stretching out on the surface of the arms like steel cables. From this, we can see that this white lieutenant is a terrifying monster with outstanding strength.

"You scum, weaklings! How do you look like a soldier now? I guarantee that you will feel better in the future! I will train you hard and let you know what a qualified soldier should be. What!"

The lieutenant roared and foamed at the mouth. He held his fist and walked up to a strong but crooked black man. Although this black man is not as wide as a lieutenant, he is taller, reaching two meters, and has the size of a basketball center.

This black man was obviously someone who was not easy to mess with. When he saw the lieutenant approaching, he straightened his body and looked at the lieutenant condescendingly, with a playful expression on his lips.

"What I hate the most is guys like you who are careless."

The lieutenant stretched out his carrot-thick fingers and stabbed the black man's chest hard, "When you get here, no matter what your original job is, you have to become as docile as a fucking sheep! After a month of training here, you guys You have to die on the front line. Whatever I say within this month, you must listen! Do you understand? You son of a bitch!"

The black man felt the lieutenant's fingers poking him like steel drills, and a trace of anger showed on his face. When he heard "son of a bitch", he punched the lieutenant in the face hard.

"Oh, how dare you attack Chang Guan? But why is there no strength at all in this punch?"

The lieutenant's head did not even fall back under the attack of the fist. He bared his teeth with a beast-like smile and said: "Let you taste my fist. Remember, I was once on the front line, and I dare to The lieutenant who fights hand-to-hand with bugs is no match for a weakling like you!"

He suddenly punched out like lightning, hitting the black man's belly. The tall man was knocked to his knees and a lot of saliva flowed from his mouth.

"In just one month, you sons of bitches will go to the front line. I can't prevent your death, but my training can at least make your death a little later."

While letting out a deafening roar, the white lieutenant walked up to Ling Xuan: "Look, what did I see? A man who looks soft and like a woman from the outside, but you are stronger than all the women I have ever seen. Beautiful, damn!”

A cruel smile appeared again on his face covered with scars. The lieutenant lowered his head and looked at Ling Xuan: "It is said that you are still the most physically fit among this batch of recruits? I doubt it. Come on, punch me and let me Let me see if your fists are as soft as your appearance, you weakling."

Ling Xuan looked sideways at the lieutenant. Ordinary humans in this world have no special abilities, but this lieutenant's muscles are so developed. It is obvious that he has used hormones many times, combined with exercise, and his muscles have mutated, so that his strength and defense are far beyond ordinary. people.

It felt like if roughly five times the physical strength of an ordinary person were used to hit the lieutenant, this body of terrifying mutated muscles might be able to withstand it.

"Do you want to activate the Seal of Power?"

Ling Xuan saw the lieutenant's provocative eyes and quietly activated the seal. However, he did not use all his strength - which would obviously kill this strong bear-like man with one punch - but used two or three points of strength to lightly strike. A punch hit the lieutenant's strong chest muscle.

The lieutenant's face was covered with scars, his muscles suddenly stiffened, and his eyes popped out. His feet suddenly opened to support his body, but he still slid backwards uncontrollably. Because his feet were too hard, they even plowed two deep scratches on the dirt ground.

After sliding back for more than ten meters, the lieutenant stabilized his body, opened his mouth a few times, and finally managed to make a sound: "I still have some strength... Well, you can move freely first, I will be back in half an hour."

After saying these words, he staggered a little and walked into the nearby barracks... RS