Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 128: Bugs attack


These membrane flying insects have four vibrating flesh-membrane wings on their backs and fly very fast. When the flying insects approached, many machine gunners in the machine gun fortress immediately turned their muzzles into the air. The muzzles seemed to be shooting flames. The raindrop-like bullets immediately beat a large number of flying insects into corpses that fell from the sky.

But there are still many winged flying insects that break through the defense network and spray out acid bombs first. Sulfuric acid-like gunfire falls from the air. It is very dangerous. However, the individual combat uniforms of human soldiers are specially added with substances to resist acid. , strong acid bombs cannot cause much damage.

What is really scary is another way of attack by the winged flying insects! A large number of flying insects swooped down from the sky to the ground. Since Ling Xuan and his party were at the front of the battlefield, they naturally became the first targets of the insects.

With a scream like a diving bomber, a human-sized flying insect swooped down from the sky and grabbed a soldier.

The soldier, who was wearing an individual combat uniform, was caught in the air by the limbs of a flying insect while screaming. The limbs of the flying insect were dancing for a while, and the screams suddenly stopped. The soldier was cut into several pieces of corpse. Broken pieces scattered from the sky.

"Damn it, this is far away from the defensive fire network. Everyone, go back to the high ground. Don't panic and run away. Just fire and retreat!" The bald captain pulled the trigger and killed the winged flying insects that rushed down from the sky. they shouted.

Even after hearing the captain's order, several recruits still saw the previous scene of soldiers being cut into pieces. It was so terrifying that they fled back in horror.

This instead attracted the attention of the flying insect. A fleeing soldier was grabbed by the shoulder by the swooping insect. He was howling hysterically when a figure suddenly rushed from the side, holding a two-meter-long metal spear in his hand. Nailed the winged flying insect to the ground.

It was Ling Xuan who took action. He used the alloy spear specially processed and manufactured by Iron Lieutenant to make a leap, kill the flying insect and save the soldier.

"Good job!" the bald captain praised, and then shouted, "Be careful!"

A total of five winged flying insects rushed down towards Ling Xuan at the same time. The captain quickly fired with the machine gun in his hand. His marksmanship was very accurate. One flying insect was shot through the body, and the yellow-green gunshot dripping from the wound fell from the sky. come down.

Many soldiers were also shooting. Three of the five swooping flying insects were killed, but two more flew towards Ling Xuan.

In order to rescue the soldier, the Thunder Roar cannon and machine gun had been placed on the ground. Ling Xuan now just held a metal spear in his hand. He held the spear and stabbed a flying insect that rushed down. The insect flapped its wings and flew several meters away.

It escaped the fate of being pierced, but Ling Xuan swiped the spear in his hand and smashed it away with great force.

The carapace of the flying insect that fell on the ground was completely broken by the spear, and yellow-green pus flowed out. The wings struggled to flap, but the trauma was so heavy that it could no longer fly.

At this time, another winged flying insect grabbed Ling Xuan's clothes from behind and carried it upwards. During the flight, the insect's limbs were also being cut. The protective individual combat uniform was as tough as calfskin due to the addition of rubber material, and it was still cut open quickly.

That's how the soldier was cut into pieces!

"It is impossible for people who are caught in the sky by flying insects to survive. Is this potential recruit about to die? Damn it... How did I remember that I took them to visit some battlefield!" The bald captain was full of annoyance. .

The Chongzi had just finished a high-intensity attack three days ago, and today's attack was too sudden.

In his heart, he was regretting the loss of a soldier with great potential, but the bald captain saw that the winged flying insect that had already flown twenty meters into the air fell down again. Ling Xuan, who was caught by it, fell to the ground and rolled several times to remove the impact, then stood up and took off the metal spear inserted into the flying insect.

It turned out that when he was caught flying into the air, Ling Xuan stabbed the flying insect back with his spear.

The soldiers next to them suddenly burst into cheers. Ling Xuan rescued a man and killed two flying insects in succession. Especially this time, he was caught in the sky and then killed a flying insect, which brought great excitement to these people. Here comes a huge boost!

Retracting the metal spear and inserting it into his waist, Ling Xuan found that the individual soldier's combat uniform and even the underwear inside were cut to pieces under the insect's limbs. He simply pulled the rags off his body, revealing his naked skin with crystal clear skin. Upper body.

At this time, there were still a large number of flying insects flying in this direction. Ling Xuan walked to the Thunder Roaring cannon and ammunition box that he had put down earlier, lifted the two-meter-long cannon with one hand, and carried the ammunition on his back. box, wrapped the chain-like bullet belt around the body a few times, and then connected it to the cannon.

His upper body was wrapped with a thick copper bullet belt, and behind his back was a huge ammunition box containing 30,000 rounds of ammunition. Ling Xuan, who was holding a multi-barreled machine gun in his right hand, jumped onto a red-brown piece of equipment with a weight of 120 kilograms. The boulder then pulled the trigger.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

There seemed to be lightning continuously roaring in everyone's ears. Amidst the huge noise, the six launch tubes in the spiral holes rotated rapidly, and a torrent of flaming hot metal erupted from them.

In the sky, a row of flying insects were flying directly to the ground by bullets ejected from the machine cannon. Ling Xuan turned the blast hole to the ground, and fired tracer bullets dragging flames from the six tubes continuously, sweeping away the insects that had fallen on the ground but were not dead yet.

The hard reddish-brown ground erupted with sparks from the bullets hitting the rocks. The rocky ground was shattered by the bombardment of the bullets, and a large amount of gravel and dust rose up due to the impact, forming a dense gray cloud.

Thumb-sized metal bullet shells were constantly splashed out from the thundering and roaring machine cannon with great force, hitting Ling Xuan's naked upper body, leaving only a trace of white marks, and then the marks disappeared.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Bullets continued to erupt, and a large number of flying insects were shot to the ground and killed by bullets. Ling Xuan bombarded non-stop, with a very high rate of fire of one hundred and twenty rounds per second. It took more than four minutes to finish the ammunition box before he stopped pulling the trigger. You can see that the cannon's The launch tube is already red.

All the soldiers were stunned. The bald captain was stunned for more than ten seconds before he looked at the ground exposed by the dust blown away by a strong wind. The ground was full of pits and corpses of insects - all of them were blown into small pieces. It looked extremely miserable.

After struggling with his throat for a few times, the captain finally uttered a sentence: "You should have had a cigar in your mouth just now when you were shooting with the machine cannon."

Although a large number of winged flying insects that rushed here were killed, this was not the only attacking insect. Everyone also knew that the large army of insects was coming, and quickly withdrew towards the base's defensive fire network.

Retreating to the red Chaoyang Highlands, Ling Xuan saw that the insects in the distance almost formed an ocean, rushing towards the high ground from a distance like a tide. In addition, there were also a large number of winged flying insects in the sky, and even a giant wasp-like insect. insect.

The body of this insect is more than ten meters long. It flies in the sky like a small building. Thick black stingers are constantly shooting out of the insect's body.

The stingers were also magnified many times. They were almost like insect versions of missiles. Several machine gun fortresses that were emitting tracer bullets were penetrated by the stingers and then exploded. A large number of bone spur-like fragments killed the machine gunners responsible for firing in the forts.

Looking at the dense bugs in the sky and the terrifying sea of bugs on the ground, Ling Xuan couldn't help but frown. If such bugs had magic power, they would throw out the extremely cold ice prison array...

"Why are you still thinking about that!"

Recalling cultivation and feeling the emotion of worrying about gains and losses, Ling Xuan cursed in his heart and quickly turned his attention to the battlefield again, saying to the bald captain on the side: "Can such an insect tide be defended? What should we do? "

The bald captain looked into the distance and frowned: "In terms of scale, it looks about the same as usual. We should be able to hold it... You new recruits don't need to go in for now."

"At the beginning, we used defensive towers and artillery fire to kill a group first, and then light tanks and fighter jets were dispatched. The machine gunners just cooperated to eliminate the bugs... Look, our heavy tanks are coming out. These tanks are unfolded, and they are completely Powerful forts!"

I saw huge tanks like steel fortresses, with metal tracks running, driving along the high ground in the direction of the insects.

After moving to a suitable position, these tanks will stop. Metal claws extending from both sides of the tank to grip the ground will sink deeply into the ground. Then the top of the tank will rapidly deform, forming huge black holes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thunder-like shells roared one after another, and mushroom-like black smoke rose from the sea of insects. A huge wasp-shaped flying insect in the air was firing black stingers. It was also hit by a tank shell and exploded to pieces.

The machine gun fortress burst into flames, the missile launcher fired missiles one after another, and the eye-catching sight was the large flame emitter.

I saw two tower-like metal buildings. From the top of the thirty-meter-high tower, a red beam with a diameter of one meter shot out. The beam shone into the sea of insects in the distance, and immediately a wave of fire rose up, and the beam continued Strafing, large swaths of flame giants were shot out of the advancing sea of insects.

Some of the bugs that advanced had their limbs burned and curled up and died in the sea of fire, but there were so many bugs that only two flame emitters could not stop the bugs from advancing.

Moreover, there were a large number of flying insects in the sky. Seeing that the insect tide was getting closer and closer to the high ground, other combat units on the high ground also started to move.

One is a Bat-type light fighter, and the other is a Scorpion-type light tank. More than fifty fighter jets rise vertically into the sky. The Scorpion tank drives towards the sea of insects. Next to the Scorpion tank, there are men wearing individual combat uniforms. The machine gunners also followed the chariot and launched a charge. RS