Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 132: New offensive


In the base, after cleaning all the strong acid and insect brains on his body that had almost condensed into a shell, Ling Xuan returned to the battlefield.

The soldiers who walked over and looked at him all had expressions of admiration on their faces. A man who rescued a Scorpion chariot from an insect attack and killed a giant turtle insect was enough to win anyone's respect. Admired.

Ling Xuan found that the insects were still attacking on the battlefield. There were insect corpses everywhere, and some human combat units had also been lost.

The wreckage of some tanks and aircraft were scattered on the battlefield, as well as several machine gun fortresses and missile launchers, all of which were completely destroyed by the attacking bugs.

Even if the loss of human and insect units is ten thousand to one, it is not cost-effective. You must know that bugs can be produced continuously in the insect nest, and human combat units need to be driven or controlled by soldiers.

The lost personnel can only be replenished by troop carriers. As for those drill troop carriers, every time they break into the planet, they will lose about three-tenths once they encounter the meat carpet barrier.

Human life is much more precious than insects.

The attacking bugs on the battlefield began to become sparse, but because of the appearance of a tank beetle among the ground troops, this is a medium-sized combat unit similar to a tank. Although it is far less terrifying than the giant turtle bug, it is not easy to deal with either. exist.

Therefore, the battle is still fierce now.

Ling Xuan once again picked up the ammunition box on his back, picked up the Thunder Roaring cannon and rushed to the battlefield. He used the cannon to kill many winged flying insects and even killed a Kira poisonous bee! It can be regarded as revenge for being hit by the poisonous bee's missile-like stinger and being in danger.

Ling Xuan, who had used up all his bullets, did not come back. He took the alloy spear and rushed to the battlefield again. This time, the target of his attack was the tank beetle.

Fight in the same way as against the giant turtle beetle, crawl on top of the beetle's head, poke holes with your spear, and blast out a hole exposing the brain. This time, there is no need to jump into it and stir it up. Instead, you need to pick up the high-explosive grenade you asked for from the base when you came out.

Bite open the ring of a grenade and throw it into the hole with a "boom", and an insect dies easily.

If other soldiers attack this kind of tank beetle, even if they fire tens of thousands of bullets and throw more than a dozen grenades, they may not be able to kill one.

After Ling Xuan killed the three tank beetles that were the core combat force, he used his consciousness to connect with each insect to control the overall situation, and sent the retreat order. The losses in this battle were much greater than in previous attacks, but in the eyes of the brain worm, the losses were completely worth it.

Because it has collected relatively rich data - Ling Xuan's combat data.

After transmitting these battle data to the Zerg mother brain through telepathy, the mother brain in the nest of the Zerg mother planet, which controls all the planets of Zerg, issued an order. The priority of the order even exceeded the capture of the human base.


This is the order given to the brain worms on this planet. It is very simple. Order priority means that in the next battle, the first priority is not how to capture the human base and eradicate human influence from this planet, but the first priority. How to catch Ling Xuan.

On the red Chaoyang Highlands, a bug attack battle ended. Different from previous battles, this battle report had two key points. First, giant turtle bugs were thrown into the bug attack, which was a danger signal.

It means that the insect nest has already created an organ building for producing giant turtle insects. In the future, there may be more such combat units attacking this or other places.

The second one is related to Ling Xuan.

A person who can fight bugs with an alloy spear and kill giant turtle bugs is certainly worth noting. After receiving the battle report and confirming the authenticity of the battle report through battlefield cameras, the upper echelons of the military immediately came to the rescue that night. A meeting was held.

At the meeting, some people wanted to recall Ling Xuan to conduct comprehensive testing and investigate everything about this person.

The other part felt that such an approach would anger Ling Xuan and suggested not to do anything else and just let nature take its course while promoting Ling Xuan as a hero.

Bugs dominate this world, and human morale is not high. Heroic deeds can inspire people, and may even trigger an upsurge in joining the army.

People holding two opinions argue endlessly. In fact, except for the physical quality of a body that is materialized by energy, nothing else can be detected. The power mark tattoo may be found to be strange.

If Ling Xuan is angered, then the human governments and military in this world will be horrified to find that a guy driving an alien warship imposes sanctions on them for violating human rights!

In the Red Chaoyang Highlands, after a big battle, human soldiers held a carnival as usual. The civilian technology of this world is not weak, and the material productivity is relatively abundant. Food and wine are things that are available in many planes, and the base is very abundant.

The troop transport ship transports soldiers, and when it comes here, it also transports supplies.

As for ordinary food, there are photosynthesis machines in the base, and the crops have been genetically modified and rely on energy crystals as catalytic power. The crops often mature in ten days.

Ling Xuan in the base cafeteria was cutting a piece of barbecue steak with a knife and fork. The steak was rich in fragrance and sprinkled with a seasoning similar to black pepper. It was very delicious. It turns out that when cultivating, mana was used to maintain circulation in the body. Now Had to rely on food.

The previous battle had consumed a lot of energy, and he was unable to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish his body's consumption. Ling Xuan ate a lot. After a piece of barbecue steak weighing five kilograms, he quickly devoured it and then went to get another piece.

Soldiers and even officers kept coming to the canteen with drinks. Ling Xuan did not give in and drank all the offered drinks. Anyway, the wine brewed from these grains contains carbohydrates, which can replenish the body's consumption just like the steak.

In the end, Ling Xuan had eaten sixty kilograms of meat and drank a large vat of wine. The eyes of the soldiers and officers almost fell off.

In the end, these people came to the conclusion that Ling Xuan's strong combat power was probably related to his appetite. Just like a popular saying in the army, "A soldier who can eat is a good soldier." A soldier who eats so abnormally The soldier is naturally a pervert.

A large amount of food is transformed in Ling Xuan's [body], which can be regarded as supplementing the consumption of stimulating the engraving of power.

Due to his performance on the battlefield, Ling Xuan won the respect of everyone in the base and also received a separate house with good conditions. Lying on his bed, he couldn't help but feel confused. In the vacuum realm, according to the records in the book of all worlds, other cultivators did not seem to have this realm.

In other words, before they become immortals, their only major disaster is to overcome the tribulation. The Jade Art of Creation is a technique that directly refers to Daluo Jinxian, and it is definitely far superior to ordinary cultivation techniques.

However, why is there such a thing as the realm of the disappearance of mana, which is more troublesome than the catastrophe of heaven and earth? In this realm, it shouldn't be just the reason why Taoist foundation forms a golden elixir and requires magic power to transform. I'm afraid there are other meanings. What is the meaning

It is of course difficult to forget that you are a cultivator. In Ling Xuan's opinion, it is simply impossible.

Is it right to rely on combat anesthesia to put aside everything, adapt to life in the midst of killing, and survive the vacuum? Ling Xuan's heart was full of confusion. He wanted to talk to Bing Mengxi, but he couldn't do it because his spiritual consciousness was weak and he could no longer sense Bing Mengxi.

Sighing secretly, Ling Xuan no longer thought about these things. Now he was almost like an ordinary person. He also needed sleep to recuperate, so he closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Ling Xuan was awakened by the base alarm.

After getting up, he saw the soldiers putting on their combat uniforms urgently, and some were running outside. Ling Xuan happened to see the bald captain, and quickly grabbed him and asked, "The bugs are attacking again?"

"Yes, why is the attack frequency so high? Damn it, if those bugs send all their troops to us, they will be at a disadvantage in other battlefields!" The bald captain frowned tightly, and he took a picture at this time He shook his head and quickly ran into a room.

When he came back, he already carried a heavy metal box on his back, which was Ling Xuan's ammunition box: "I'll help you fill it with bullets. The thunderous roaring machine cannon is really powerful, but it consumes too many bullets. Fortunately, the bullets in the base are The production equipment can process bullets very quickly.”

After taking the ammunition box, Ling Xuan carried it behind his back, picked up the cannon and the metal spear and walked out.

Machine cannons and metal spears were the weapons and equipment he got in this world, and they were pretty good. But... This time, Ling Xuan had an inconspicuous black sword on his waist. This pure black sword was the most powerful artifact of the fallen God of Night in Mana Continent.

To the beings in this world, the Sword of Night can be called a terror!

Weapons made of alloys are incomparable to Mana Continent, the first source of darkness that was born when the world was divided into chaos and order, and artifacts created with the addition of dark laws. Ling Xuan was holding this sword as if he were holding a modified abnormal weapon while playing a game.

Unfortunately, without dark energy, the true power of the sword cannot be stimulated, and without mana, the sword's ordinary skills cannot be stimulated. In Ling Xuan's hands, this can only be regarded as a weapon with extremely high basic attack power, indestructibility, and the property of never wearing out.

Wearing this sword is to prevent the alloy spear from being bitten by insects during the battle and thus losing the weapon.

Walking to the defensive position, Ling Xuan found that although the insects launched an attack, the number invested was obviously incomparable to yesterday. The attacking units were only very basic membrane flying insects and swift beetles.

"It's just a weak attack. The behavior of the bugs is very strange. Two consecutive large-scale attacks. Don't we need to rest for a while and then organize our troops?" The bald captain rubbed his chin with his hand and said doubtfully.

(To be continued,