Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 133: Elite insect beast


"This kind of attack is indeed a bit strange..."

Ling Xuan could see clearly that an offensive of this level was a complete letdown for the red Chaoyang Highlands, which had a solid defense line. Although swift beetles and membrane flies are cannon fodder units, they also consume eggs and resources to hatch.

It was not a tense battle, and Ling Xuan had no intention of going up to join the battle. He stood on the high ground and watched while talking to the bald captain to get some information about the bugs.

Not long after, the bald captain's communicator rang. He connected the communicator and frowned after hanging up: "This attack by the bug should be to drag down the troops on this battlefield and stop our troops here. leave."

"I just received news that bugs have attacked the No. 7 training camp not far from the Red Chaoyang Highlands—the same camp where you received training before coming here."

In Ling Xuan's mind, an image immediately appeared in the training camp of a very thick white instructor nicknamed "Iron Block" and a blond man nicknamed "Lion".

Although these two guys are ordinary people, with their muscular bodies and fierce fighting skills, they can be regarded as amazing strong men in this world.

Originally, almost all of Ling Xuan's combat experience came from the world of Mana, including the memories obtained by the soul-searching black warrior. In the training camp, he learned a lot of experience in fighting with weapons from these two guys.

"In that camp, there were only more than 200 people including logistics, and the defensive buildings only had some machine gun fortresses and missile launchers..."

Ling Xuan thought for a few seconds and asked: "How big is the scale of the insect attack?"

"That training camp has already asked for help on our battlefield. The scale of the bugs should be quite large... Strange, how could the bugs get there? There are more than a dozen training camp bases on this planet. Even if one training camp is destroyed, it will be impossible. It doesn’t make much sense.”

The bald captain patted Ling Xuan on the shoulder: "I have to leave for a while to attend a meeting at the base to decide whether to provide reinforcements to the training camp. You can take a look at the battlefield here first."

In the military base, the meeting was very efficient. Within ten minutes, the bald captain ran out. Now he was fully armed and put on a full-coverage exoskeleton armor. His head was in a glass cover, and his two hands were mechanical The whole body of the arm is covered in metal.

On the back, there is a metal weapon bag hanging outside.

The heavy footsteps of the running bald captain made the rocky ground rumble. He said: "The base has decided to urgently rescue the training camp. It does not need to save the training camp. It only needs to break away from the insect encirclement from the outside and fight with the people in the base." Just unite the troops and fight back together."

"Oh? What do you mean by coming here? Do you want me to join the rescue team?" Ling Xuan understood what the bald captain was thinking.

"Yes." The captain said very simply, "Your personal combat power is very strong. Our rescue team consists of thirty elite warriors and four Scorpion light tanks. However, we are still not sure. If we add more It should be enough to fuck you.”

"I was also thinking of joining the rescue team. The iron instructor from the training camp helped me a lot during the training." Ling Xuan raised the spear in his hand: "This alloy spear was processed by him himself."

Two Scorpion tanks drove from the rear of the highland battlefield base toward the training camp base. Thirty-one people, including Ling Xuan, all got into the tanks.

As the bald captain said, everyone who participated in this rescue operation is an elite warrior. It can be seen from the temperament that it is different from the temperament of ordinary recruits. There is a feeling that they have been tempered by blood and fire. .

After entering the chariot, when they saw Ling Xuan's soldiers, they all showed friendly and admiring expressions and greeted him.

Some soldiers were driving the tanks, and some were wiping their weapons and equipment. Some of the people here, like the bald captain, wore full-coverage exoskeleton armor, and most of the soldiers still wore light protective clothing.

Ling Xuan was also wearing protective clothing. A two-meter-long machine gun and a heavy ammunition box were placed at his feet. In his right hand, he held an alloy spear. This spear was now covered with insect bites. Notch.

Four Scorpion chariots protruded out of the battlefield and were soon attacked by insects. However, the insects attacking this battlefield were not large in scale. The chariots that blocked this level could completely break through.

It uses its alloy claws to grab the ground and move. After descending from the highland slope, the Scorpion tank moves like a tank on tracks. Swift beetles, only the size of wolfdogs, swooped towards the chariot. Some bugs jumped up on the chariot and opened their fangs to bite the chariot's weapons.

After a while, the connections between the heavy machine gun on top of the tank, the two alloy drill bits, and even the scorpion tail at the rear were all bitten off.

The tank didn't care about this at all and moved forward at full speed. The outer armor plates and tracks were not so easy to bite through. A large number of swift beetles were crushed into puddles of broken carapace and mixed flesh and blood under the tracks of the advancing chariot!

After driving until about three kilometers away from the training camp base, the Scorpion tanks finally began to be scrapped under the snipers of insects. Two tanks could no longer move, and the remaining two tanks had their surface metal armor also destroyed by wing-membrane flying insects. Spitting acid and traces of corrosion.

The bald captain in charge of the rescue team ordered everyone to abandon the chariot.

Ling Xuan jumped down from the passage opened on the side of the chariot, stabbed a beetle to death with a spear, and then raised the roaring machine cannon to fire continuously. The torrent of bullets tore apart all the surrounding insects, and the soldiers behind also Follow and jump down.

At a glance, there were bugs everywhere in the distance. Ling Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. The number of these bugs was astonishing. The bugs that attacked the training camp were almost similar to the bug wave that attacked the red Chaoyang Highlands before!

The place where everyone got off the bus was a desolate ground without any plants growing, and the visibility was not low. The rescue team was obviously discovered by bugs attacking the training camp base in the distance. Many bugs turned around and rushed in this direction. Come - or fly from the sky.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The sound of insects flapping their wings spreads in the air.

In this world, portable small laser weapons with sufficient lethality have not yet been developed. Individual combat weapons are still guns that shoot solid metal bullets.

However, this elite team, whether it is armored or wearing protective clothing, is not equipped with machine guns, but is extremely lethal, almost as powerful as the Thunder Roaring Cannon's bolt rifle, or electromagnetic rifle, a One quickly pulled the trigger.

The barrage formed by the bullet spray tore apart the insects in the sky and on the ground. The rescue team composed of thirty-one soldiers began to rush into the encirclement of the insects, preparing to join the besieged people, and then fight out and return to the red Chaoyang Highlands.

This is not a simple and easy task. The bugs are coming all at once and it seems overwhelming!

Ling Xuan rushed to the front. After the shooting training he received in the training camp, his shooting level is not bad now. Moreover, in this scene, shooting level is not required. He can sieve bugs with his eyes closed.

"You don't need to think about bullets. As long as you break through this blockade, break into the training camp base, and join the surrounded people, we can replenish bullets there. Let's kill happily!"

The bald captain's voice spread outside from the fully armored glass cover, and seemed a little dull. The two mechanical arms of the armor he controlled carried two bolt muskets and bombarded them together, following Ling Xuan as he moved forward.

From the sky, the training camp base that has not yet fallen is surrounded by black insects forming a ring. Ling Xuan and his team are like arrows inserted into the ring-shaped black surrounding line.

"What kind of insect is this?"

Ling Xuan saw that the attacking swift beetles were mixed with some new Zerg troops. From the outside, apart from having the unique and representative carapace of the Zerg, these bugs looked like beasts or beasts in other aspects. Alien.

"This kind of bug is a bug beast. Damn it, how can there be a bug beast here? Among the bugs, these are the elite of the brain bug guards!"

The bald captain found more than a dozen insect beasts with two legs standing upright, about three meters high, with hooks on the top of the two forelimbs, and the nails of the hooks were like blades. A thick tail was trailing behind them, and the dark red carapace on the surface shone faintly. Roaring angrily, he aimed his bolt musket at these monsters running upright.

However, the torrent of bullets that hit the surface of these insect beasts only made tiny dents.

Ling Xuan's expression became solemn, and he pointed the muzzle of the Thunder Roaring Machine Cannon at the insect beast.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The unique muffled thunder-like firing sound of this weapon was deafening. The machine gun bullets that could tear apart the body of a swift beetle before like tearing paper were also in trouble this time.

The six rotating cannon holes sprayed metal storms on the insect, and a layer of shimmer appeared on the surface of the insect's carapace. These dark shimmers flowed on the surface of the dark red carapace, making the carapace appear deep and dark. Blocked the bombardment of the metal storm.

"Oh? Have the bugs in this world, these so-called elite bugs, mastered energy defense methods?"

Ling Xuan frowned. Now it seemed that something was not going well. With energy defense methods and a carapace that could withstand bolter musket bullets, these bugs were physically stronger than him. In front of the hook, the serrations on the surface of the blade-like weapon indicate that the attack of this insect is definitely equally powerful!

Facing more than a dozen insect beasts, the faces of the elite soldiers changed color. They found that the bullets fired could not bring effective damage to the insects, so some soldiers threw high-explosive grenades.

What surprised Ling Xuan happened, a lightning-like chop, most of the high-explosive grenades were cut open by the blade wielded by the insect, and a few exploded. The shock wave generated caused the insect to fly up, but after falling, These insect beasts got up immediately.

(To be continued,