Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 135: Armored suit


"Is it you? Haha, you are indeed powerful. I received the news yesterday that you actually killed a giant turtle insect. Generally, you can only fight against such a thing with a heavy-arm drill." Xiong Shi and Ling Xuan We were familiar with each other, so we greeted him immediately.

Ling Xuan nodded and said: "It's best not to stay here for too long. Let's replenish weapons and ammunition quickly, and then rush out together. Only when we reach the red Chaoyang Highlands can we be safe."

The ammunition box of the Thunder Roar cannon was filled with special ammunition, and others also replenished the ammunition of the bolt gun and electromagnetic rifle.

In this camp, there is only a passage to enter the fortress-like camp. At least it is safe now, and it can be expected that as long as the intensity of the insect attack does not increase, with the support of sufficient ammunition, everyone can withstand it for at least one to two days.

However, the only consequence of being in the passage was to be trapped to death, so the more than fifty people here and ten elite soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor gritted their teeth and fought their way out of the camp.

Insects are still everywhere, and the weapons in everyone's hands are blazing with flames, bullet streams, and metal storms. The elite soldiers who come to the rescue understand what the priority attack should be and how to perform three-dimensional shooting. Some people specialize in shooting in the air. Some people are specifically responsible for the above ground.

Ling Xuan, carrying a machine gun, rushed to the front. Iron Block and Lion, the strong instructors from the two training camps also used the same weapon. Three machine guns, eighteen barrels rotated, and the metal storm was so fierce that no insect could withstand it, and they were all torn into pieces!

Thirty thousand rounds of bullets are enough, but they are not unlimited. Fortunately, after the bullets from the Thunderous Roaring machine cannon were almost gone, everyone returned to the previously abandoned Scorpion tanks, two of which had not yet been scrapped.

Let some officers and logistics soldiers with low combat effectiveness enter the Scorpion tank, while others wear exoskeleton armor on the outside.

The tank that lost its weapons started and headed towards the red Chaoyang Highlands. Although it had no weapons, the crushing effect of the tank's tracks was enough to kill a large number of swift beetles on the ground. This allowed Ling Xuan and other soldiers outside to concentrate their remaining ammunition on the flying insects in the sky.

When they were about halfway to the red Chaoyang Highlands, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the two approaching Scorpion chariots also shook with the ground.

"what's going on?"

The bald captain on the Scorpion tank tried hard to stabilize his body, but in the next second, the two Scorpion tanks took off together, rolled several times in the air and then crashed to the ground. Under such rolling and impact, some soldiers, The chariot fell and was directly crushed.

It is conceivable that the fate of the people in the tank was absolutely miserable. When Ling Xuan was hit by the huge force coming from below, Ling Xuan, who was not wearing exoskeleton armor, was already running and jumping away.

He clearly saw that what emerged from the ground was not an ordinary bug, but the giant turtle bug that had attacked the Red Chaoyang Highlands before!

This insect, which was obviously lying in ambush in the ground, used its body as huge as a hill to rush out of the ground when the chariots passed by from above, knocking the two chariots away.

Ling Xuan also saw that in addition to the wing-membrane flying insects, there were also some obviously different bugs flying in the sky. These bugs were larger than flying insects, with bat-like fleshy membranes on their backs, and their bodies and heads were very strange. Like a dragon, but also like a seahorse.

Spore dragon! Ling Xuan remembered that he had seen the name of this kind of monster when he was checking insect information in the base. This insect, named "Flying Dragon", can emit two different types of spore bombs.

One is a venom bomb - five venom-filled sac-like spores, and the other is a fireball - a spore-like fireball composed of five fireballs.


Amidst the roaring sound, the secretion hole in front of the giant turtle insect's body seemed to be blowing out, spewing out a large amount of strong acid. At the same time, the spore flying dragon flying in the air also opened its mouth and sprayed out balls of dark green spore venom. bomb.

Suddenly, screams came one after another. Under the impact of the two kinds of weapons, several soldiers who were lucky enough not to be pinned down when the Scorpion chariot was knocked away, but still fell to the ground, were sprayed with gunpowder. .

Strong acid and venom seeped inward along the gaps in the exoskeleton armor. Smoke billowed out from the metal surface of the armor as if it had been burned by sulfuric acid. It could be seen that the soldiers inside would never survive such an attack. !

The Spore Wyvern is also a guard type of the Cerebrate, just like the Insect Beast.

"This is definitely a trap!"

This thought came to Ling Xuan's mind. There was an unexpected attack by insects today. The training camp base was attacked and called for help. When he went to the rescue, he encountered a sniper attack from an insect beast. When he returned, he was attacked by an ambush giant turtle insect and encountered a spore flying dragon.

All this obviously cannot be a coincidence, nor can it be because of the training camp base. There is only one answer. This is a trap specially set by the insect to snipe a certain powerful person among the rescuers.

"Because I killed that giant turtle insect earlier, are you planning to kill me? Or is the insect interested in me and wants to capture me?"

These two thoughts flashed through Ling Xuan's mind. Obviously, neither one of them would make people feel happy.

The giant turtle bug emerged and knocked two Scorpion tanks away, then erupted with strong acid. The spore flying dragon sprayed out venom bombs. Although Ling Xuan jumped away from the churning tank, he was also attacked by the gun, and his protective clothing was corroded. It was in tatters, and the metal surface of the cannon was also corroded with a lot of thick smoke.

Throwing away all the ammunition boxes and the thunderous roaring machine cannon, Ling Xuan picked up the Sword of Night and slashed it at the giant turtle insect. Dozens of kilograms of meat were cut off with one sword strike, but to the small mountain-like body of the turtle insect It's really insignificant.

I understand that using the Sword of Night to kill a giant turtle insect is difficult by "cutting the flesh", unless you climb on the body and attack the weak spot on the head like you did on the highland battlefield. However, with the spore flying dragon attacking and harassing, there is no such opportunity.

Ling Xuan quickly dodged backwards to avoid being crushed by the turtle insects. As he retreated, he was attacked by spore fireballs.

A fireball bomb hit his back from behind and exploded into five fireballs, almost igniting him into a burning man. Ling Xuan quickly rolled around on the ground several times to extinguish the flames on his body. When he stood up, his eyes were filled with tears. is already full of anger.

"If there is a being behind this, secretly controlling everything, then it must be a very intelligent creature. It learned a lesson from the Sword of Night, which easily killed those insect beasts, so this time, it sent out a creature with a huge body that is not afraid of The beheaded turtle insects, and the spore flying dragon that flies in the air and cannot be attacked with cold weapons."

This kind of opponent is undoubtedly difficult to deal with, but unfortunately Ling Xuan's trump card is enough to deal with such a scene.

The red and silver-painted Striker power armor is taken out from a space watch. A completely intelligent wearing method. Within ten seconds, the power armor was quickly put on the body with parts flying like Transformers.

The brain worms, who had a mental connection with these bugs through their mental power, were shocked again and looked at Ling Xuan who put on the power armor in confusion.

After thinking for a few seconds, the brain worm called the mother brain on another planet through telepathy. Immediately, in the area where Ling Xuan was, another one appeared high in the sky, using mental power to project, Exploring eyes of construction.

Ling Xuan, who was inside the Striker's armor, had data flowing in front of his eyes, and the enemy's figure formed an image on the light screen.

With the cooperation of the auxiliary computer, his figure changed from stillness to movement in one second. The flames erupting from his hands and feet used as power to make him dodge. After the explosion and scattering of the dark green venom bomb, the formation formed rain of venom.

Ling Xuan, who was flying, raised a hand. The hole opened in the center of his palm flashed with white light, and a blazing white pulse ray directly hit a spore flying dragon.

Just like the visual sense of flesh and blood explosion produced after a rocket hits the human body, the flying dragon, which is slightly larger than a winged flying insect, immediately exploded, and a large rain of flesh and blood suddenly fell from the sky. The whole scene looked extremely shocking. !

**The flying dragon, like the insect beast, was an extremely powerful individual in the Cerebral Insect Guards, but he was killed by a pulse ray! The strength of the Striker's armor is clearly revealed.

Ling Xuan stabilized his body and suspended it in the air, assisted the computer's built-in locking system to lock on the enemy, and continuously fired rays from his palms, blasting the flying dragons mixed with the large number of winged flying insects in the sky into splatters of flesh and blood. Corpses.

A large number of spores were released from the exploding flesh of the Spore Flying Dragon. Some were venom bomb spores and some were fireball bomb spores. The spores spread with the shock wave of the explosion and scattered on the surrounding winged flying insects. Some flying insects were corroded in the venom, or Burn into a torch.

Using pulse rays, fifteen flying dragons were quickly eliminated, and Ling Xuan immediately activated the right arm launcher of the Striker suit.

This is a weapon that converts energy into bullets and fires a torrent of bullets. The muzzle of the gun is pointed towards the sky, and the arm is moved in a fan-like manner. Amidst the bullets, the winged flying insects in the sky are directly hit by a gun just like when they were previously attacked by a machine gun. Bullets tore apart the body.

The energy blocks in the power armor can be fired continuously before the energy is consumed. There is no limit on the number of ammunition!

Ling Xuan easily eliminated the winged flying insects in the sky, and their scattered corpses spread out in a large area on the ground.

After wiping out all the bugs in the sky, Ling Xuan turned his attention to the ground below. The huge giant turtle insect was roaring at him. After taking a look at the monster, he raised his left hand. A piece of metal opened up on his arm, and a small bracket protruded from the inside. On it was a red-painted warhead, fifteen Centimeter-sized missiles.

With a gray tail arrogance, the small missile flew out and accurately hit the head of the giant turtle insect.

Under the bombardment of a missile that could destroy a building with one blow, the giant turtle insect's head was completely blown to pieces, and a deep pit appeared at the front of its huge body. RS