Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 136: Space watch


A Striker armor has three powerful small missiles. In Ling Xuan's space watch, there are a total of ten power armors that were previously purchased on the black market of Dawn World. One of them was forged with a defensive array made of silver pyroxene material.

All the membrane flying insects and spore flying dragons in the sky were killed, and the giant turtle insects also had their heads blown to pieces. Ling Xuan killed the swift beetles on the ground with a storm of bullets, and then landed on the ground and removed his suit.

The two Scorpion chariots were still overturning, and needless to say, all the people inside were dead. Under the overturned tank, there were several soldiers wearing full-coverage exoskeleton armor. Their bodies were pressed together and stuck to the metal, turning into flat iron sheets.

Ling Xuan looked outside. The armor that had not been hit by the chariot was attacked by the venom spores of the Spore Flying Dragon. The venom penetrated into it and the people inside were harmed by the venom.

At this time, an exoskeleton armor suddenly moved on the ground. Then the armor opened, and the iron instructor's broad body was revealed from the special armor. There were a lot of venom corrosion marks on his skin, even revealing the red flesh underneath, which looked extremely miserable.


With a painful and suppressed roar coming from his mouth, the iron instructor inserted a stimulant into his body, relying on the stimulant to suppress the boiling pain in his nerves.

Ling Xuan was a little surprised that this guy was not dead, but when he saw Tie Bian's muscles, he also understood in his heart that this guy's mutated muscles brought strong defense and withstood the venom's invasion of the body.

Iron Bar, breathing heavily, said with difficulty: "Unexpectedly... this rescue turned out to be a trap... "

Now Ling Xuan. He had already taken off the Striker armor, but he knew that the iron instructor must have seen the scene of killing the bugs before. But this guy had a brain that didn't match his muscles, so he was too smart to ask.

Taking out a bottle of hemostatic spray to stop the bleeding from the flesh-and-blood wound on his body, the Iron Instructor walked with difficulty towards another armor lying on the ground. Inside the transparent glass cover, he could see a head of golden hair scattered like a The lion man has closed his eyes. There were no signs of life left.

There were actually two lines of tears left on the iron instructor's face, but the man quickly wiped away the tears. He said to Ling Xuan: "Let's go to the red Chaoyang Highlands quickly, it's not safe here either."


Ling Xuan nodded, but then he saw another piece of armor moving slightly.

Iron Block also discovered this scene. He gritted his teeth and walked away quickly. Opening the protective glass cover on the head of the exoskeleton armor, there was a bald captain inside. He quickly took out a stimulant, plunged it into the blood vessel of the captain's neck, and pinched the guy's chin.

Soon, the bald captain with his eyes closed coughed up some blood clots, opened his eyes and said weakly: "I... I'm not dead yet?"

"I would rather see you die. It's a pity that you didn't die, but the lion did." Instructor Iron Block saved Baldhead's life. But he immediately said it coldly. It was obvious that there was a serious conflict between the two people.

The bald captain opened the full-coverage armor and climbed out of it with difficulty. He had no iron defenses and mutated muscles. He relied entirely on his strong vitality to resist the penetration of venom. He was now extremely weak. Thanks to the stimulants, he had regained some strength. .

Tie Nian picked up the hemostatic spray and stopped his bleeding. He looked around and said in surprise: "The giant turtle worm and a dozen spore flying dragons... were all wiped out?"

Ling Xuan was standing next to him. He thought for a moment in his mind. He didn't know whether the existence behind the bug wanted to eliminate him or capture him. This was not pleasant. He has decided to find a way to enhance the power of human beings in this world, and he is no longer prepared to hide some things.

"In my hand... I actually have a space watch. There are some strange things in the watch. The black sword I used when fighting the insect beast before and the power armor I just used are all things I got from that watch."

"What power armor?"

Unlike the iron instructor, the bald captain did not see Ling Xuan penetrate the attacker and kill the bug.

"It is something that can fly and can exert far more power than exoskeleton armor. I suspect that it is not the technological level of this world. This is not the time to talk. Let me take you away. It just so happens that using power armor can be very fast. go back."

Ling Xuan took out the Striker armor again, dressed intelligently, and soon became a metal humanoid wearing red and white metal, similar to Iron Man.

This power armor, which looks like the curves of the human body and is full of high-tech beauty, is not comparable to the rough and bulky full-coverage exoskeleton armor in this world. Ling Xuan asked the two to enter the exoskeleton armor again, closed the glass cover, then opened his hand and grabbed the two armors.

The weight of two exoskeleton armors, plus two big men, is close to two thousand kilograms, but the driving force of the power armor can completely carry the armor and fly in the sky.

The iron block and the bald captain were extremely weak. If they flew in the air without protection, they would probably die. However, even so, Ling Xuan was very careful when flying to prevent the two of them from suffering too much damage.

When the powered armor landed on the red Chaoyang Highlands, everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Some soldiers quickly picked up their weapons, but Ling Xuan appeared after the armor was unlocked, and severely injured bald heads and iron blocks crawled out of the exoskeleton armor. These talents reacted come over.

Two hours later, Ling Xuan, who washed his body in the bathhouse and ate a lot of food to replenish his physical strength in the cafeteria, went to the high-rise conference room here, where the iron block and the bald head who were covered in bandages were also there.

Sitting in the conference room were some of the highest-ranking people in the entire base. Among them, the person in charge of the base, a fifty-year-old man named Smith, said: "I didn't get any information from the iron man and the bald man. The two of them Hold on and let me call a meeting to ask myself.”

"To be honest, I am very interested in your personal armor that can fly, and I am also very interested in your experiences on the rescue road."

Since he had made a decision in his mind beforehand, Ling Xuan directly took out a space watch—he had five of them in his hand. The space watch he took out contained five ordinary Striker armors and five ships. Small, three medium combat ships.

"This item, I call it a space watch, I got something in it. On the way to the rescue, we encountered the Zerg elite unit, more than ten insect beasts. When we returned, we encountered more than ten spore heads. Feilong, a giant turtle insect.”

Hearing Ling Xuan's words, the entire conference room suddenly started talking. With so many high-level Zerg soldiers, some of them could still come back alive. All of these people's eyes immediately turned to their watches.

"The things in the space watch... there are five, the red and white power armor I wore before, five medium-sized combat spacecraft, and three small combat spacecraft."


In the conference room, everyone's eyes changed. There are so many things in this small watch

To Ling Xuan, these are things that can be bought on the black market with money.

Really good things, such as the Karen space battleship, the Puppet Gundam, the Striker armor reinforced with silver pyroxene, and large combat spaceships, are all installed in other space watches. He is not prepared for those things. take it out.

"Can you open the space watch and let us take a look at what's inside?"

"No problem, the place here is too small, I need a larger place to demonstrate." Ling Xuan picked up his watch and said to these people.

Soon everyone arrived at a square, where there were five red and white power armors full of the beauty of human streamlines, five small ships and three medium-sized ships. These had the exquisite manufacturing level of the advanced technology world, without any gaps on the outside. When the spaceship appeared in the square, everyone was shocked to the extreme.

"This... this... is obviously not the technological level of our human beings. Are there unknown high-tech aliens in the starry sky? Or... these are simply things from other worlds?"

Ling Xuan said: "Most of the powered armor and the two spaceships can be handed over to the military. After all, these things can only be of greatest value if they are sent to the military for research. I personally think that it is very likely that the insect attack and These things are related.”

"However, I also have two requests."

Smith's face turned red with excitement at this time. With Ling Xuan's fighting power, if he was unwilling to hand over these, with these super-technical things around, who could stop him from leaving? It's a great thing that the other party is willing to hand it over.

"First, the black sword in my hand is also one of the items. This sword is very sharp and I can use it very smoothly, so I am not going to give this sword away..."

"That's totally fine!" Before Ling Xuan finished speaking, Smith quickly agreed. It's just a metal sword anyway. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the Sword of Night was so valuable that even a hundred powered armors couldn't compare. Compare.

"Second, after wearing the power armor and setting it up, the internal auxiliary computer will automatically bind it. There is one armor that is bound to my iris and fingerprint and is not ready to be handed over. In other words, I The things we are prepared to hand over are this space watch, four powered armors, five small spaceships, and three medium-sized spacecrafts."

Hearing that Ling Xuan only asked to keep one powered armor, this was completely beyond Smith's expectation. He didn't expect Ling Xuan to be so generous, so of course he agreed immediately and said at the same time: "Your credit for handing over these things is simply immeasurable! "

"Previously, your contribution to killing the giant turtle insect and rescuing it was enough to get you a Purple Star Medal. Now you can get the highest medal in the entire human race."

Smith patted Ling Xuan on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Whatever you want, whether the military or the government, will definitely satisfy you... It's a little early to say this now. I will notify the superiors of this matter immediately, so you can wait with peace of mind. Let’s get the reward.” RS