Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 141: Zerg Mother Brain


The moment he passed through the space gate, the strong space fluctuations had a vague mental impact, causing Ling Xuan to wake up. He suddenly discovered that his body was wrapped in a layer of flesh and blood cavity, and his hands, feet, and waist were all covered with thick flesh membranes.

There was red meat everywhere around him, which was undoubtedly very disgusting. Ling Xuan tried to move, but found that the restraints were very strong and he could not move at all.

Now, the protective clothing on his body has long been melted away, and the imprint of stimulating power appears on his chest. The black circle mark appears on his chest. His body strength suddenly increases dozens of times, and he struggles hard again.

This time, the fleshy membranes on both feet were stretched, but the toughness coming from them made Ling Xuan understand that even the imprint of power could not free him from the cavity.

Since he couldn't break free, Ling Xuan stopped resisting. Although he was caught by the Zerg now and the situation seemed very dangerous, he had a powerful trump card in his hand after all. He was not in a hurry. He just took a look to see what the Zerg wanted to do to him. do what.

Ling Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and after about an hour, the flesh and blood cavity finally opened.

Those fleshy membranes still tightly wrapped the parts of the body that could exert force. Several tentacle limbs stretched out from the outside and wrapped around him, taking him outside. Only then did he realize that he was riding in a vehicle similar to StarCraft. The host organism.

"so big… "

He had seen many demon gods in the world of Mana, and even the God of Creation, but Ling Xuan was still extremely shocked when he saw the creature appearing in his sight. In front of him was a huge valley, and a creature was in the valley, filling up a million square meters of valley!

The appearance of the creature looks like a human brain - gullies like cerebral cortex. The mucus flowing inside is like a river. There are white insect eggs in the mucus. Countless worker bee-like insects fly in and out, and the mucus flows inside. The eggs are moved outside to the hatchery.

A name immediately appeared in Ling Xuan's mind: Zerg Mother Brain!

The Zerg that fights humans in this world are the highest beings. Judging from the fact that the Zerg occupy most of the planet in this plane, it is not a bad idea for Mother Brain to be called the "Lord of the World".

A huge brain with some tentacles growing around a green eyeball in the center. His bulging eyeballs were now looking directly at Ling Xuan, and a voice appeared directly in his mind: "You don't seem to be from this world."

"Is it using mental power to transmit the message?"

Ling Xuan was slightly startled, and then suppressed the surprise in his heart. This mother brain should be regarded as the highest individual of the brain worm type. With such a huge body, it is obviously impossible to move, and it is understandable that the mental power has reached its limit.

"How do you know that I am not from this world?" Ling Xuan spoke directly and asked in the human language of this world. Mother Brain can definitely understand it anyway.

"I used my mental power to scan your body and found that... cells in your body are what humans call this tiny tissue... Your cells seem to be a kind of energy condensed in a strange way. This way I can't understand."

Ling Xuan was really shocked now. His body was made of energy materialized as a mysterious ice spirit body, pure Yang fire, and mysterious ice gas. But since it was materialized, of course it was not much different from matter, even human beings. Internal organs are also all present.

This Mother Brain could actually use her mental power to detect abnormalities in his body? How powerful this kind of mental power is...

An extremely bad feeling surged into my heart. Although this mother brain could not move, its true strength might be beyond expectation.

Mother Brain's voice continued to ring in her mind: "And your weapon, that black sword, the manufacturing method is not what this world can achieve, and the strange red and white armor... You came to this from another world. Does the world exist?”


Mother Brain looks very scary, but the other person didn't show too vicious behavior after meeting. Ling Xuan didn't want to anger the other person, so he replied: "I encountered a disaster in other worlds, so I came to this very low-level world. I hope I can I have been living safely for a while, but I didn’t expect to be discovered by you and caught here.”

"Are there really other worlds outside this world?"

Ling Xuan had to educate this guy about his illiteracy: "The multidimensional planes are endless, and the number of worlds is also infinite - at least there are more than the insect eggs flowing down your body."

"What world do you come from?"

"Compared with this world, the world I live in is extremely advanced. I fought with five of your men. The armor I wore was just something common in that world and could be purchased in the market. There was a genetic modulation method in that world that could Cultivate ordinary people's bodies into beings that are more powerful than the physical bodies of your elite men."

Around the huge eyeball in the center of the mother brain, the tentacles danced fiercely several times, showing that the insect was also in a somewhat shocked mood: "It's amazing... It seems that I was right to capture you."

Ling Xuan finally couldn't help but asked: "Mother Brain, why did you catch me here?"

The giant bug did not directly answer this sentence, but said: "The purpose of our Zerg survival is to evolve, to become more and more powerful and advanced. In order to evolve, we attack humans and plunder other planets."

"The way your body exists is more advanced than humans and insects. If I absorb the genes in it, I might evolve to a more advanced level."

Ling Xuan felt a chill in his heart. The mother bug actually caught him to devour him - this was very common among the bugs. Some advanced elite mutant bugs grew up through constant killing and devouring, absorbing the genes of other beings.

His magic power has disappeared, and his body is a black ice spirit body, strengthened by the blood of the Blood Queen. Can this body resist the devouring of the mother brain? I'm afraid it's difficult.

At this time, one of Mother Brain's tentacles suddenly rolled out an object—it was a pitch-black sword, which was Ling Xuan's original Sword of Night.

The sound of spiritual power rang in Ling Xuan's mind: "This weapon contains special energy that I can't absorb. Before I devour you, can you tell me what material this weapon is made of?" ?"

Ling Xuan said coldly: "This sword has a special secret that is difficult to explain. In this way, you first untie the fleshy membrane on my body, and I will demonstrate it, and you will understand."

The Mother Brain of the Zerg controlled countless bugs and had been fighting humans for countless years. Of course, its intelligence could not be low, but it did not reject Ling Xuan's request.

The reason is very simple. Ling Xuan is now on its territory. Although this man has shown amazing combat effectiveness before, here, under the control of its mental power, there are still many mutated insects such as death scythes around. , the elite guard Zerg of the same level will not be in any danger even if they take off their restraints.

Under the control of Mother Brain's mental power, the surface of the Sword of Night was covered with a layer of red light of mental power, flying towards Ling Xuan. The host-like insect behind Ling Xuan that restrained him also untied the fleshy membrane that trapped his hands.

Holding the Sword of Night in his right hand, Ling Xuan said: "Look, this sword can actually cut through space."

He swung his sword forward, and a crack in space appeared.

Mother Brain's huge body trembled obviously due to shock. The space is so solid that even ordinary brain worms cannot tear it apart with mental power. Only the supreme one in the entire Zerg race can tear apart space with mental power and carry out cross-planet transfers. .

A metal weapon that can cut through space

Of course, this crack was not caused by the sword, but Ling Xuan activated the space ring on his finger. When he was caught this time, what made him feel most lucky was that the inconspicuous and simple space ring on his finger was still there.

Inside the space ring, there are precious dimensional rings that can accommodate living bodies, as well as several space watches that can hold combat spaceships, power armor, and puppet Gundams.

Ling Xuan took out the dimensional ring that emitted a faint red light from the light curtain: "In this ring, there is a very special thing from the world I come from. Please take a good look."

A huge red light curtain opened in the space, and the brainworm's eyes were fixed on the light curtain. Something that made him feel confused appeared within the light curtain—it was a black battleship more than thirty meters long with a streamlined hull.

"Is it a combat spaceship? It seems that it was... transferred from somewhere?"

This is of course the restored Karen warship in the Dawn World!

The battleship is controlled by Devier, and with the cooperation of the internal computer, as long as the order is given, the battleship can be controlled by a single person. After the battleship appeared, Ling Xuan turned around and quickly cut off the fleshy membranes on his body and feet with the Sword of Night in his hand.

A beam of light shot out from the battleship and shone on him. In the light, Ling Xuan's body rose into the battleship.

"Are you resisting?"

Mother Brain felt a little angry at Ling Xuan's action of breaking free, but it thought about it and did not launch an attack. After all, its body, height, width, and thickness are all over a thousand meters. Compared with it, this thirty-meter-long battleship is just an inconspicuous little thing.

It's just a combat spaceship. There are many bugs in the elite guards nearby, and they all have the power to destroy the combat spaceship.

Under Mother Brain's hesitation, Ling Xuan finally entered the interior of the battleship. He couldn't help but feel lucky again. After all, Zerg Mother Brain was just a native of this world, and was not yet aware of the terrifying destructive power of super battleships from other worlds.

"Mother Brain, you actually want to devour me? Okay, very good!" Ling Xuan's slightly sarcastic voice was amplified by the battleship, "Then let you try it, I brought it from another world How powerful is the battleship?"

Following the sound, a piece of metal at the front of the battleship separated, revealing the dense muzzles inside. Hundreds of muzzles fired out missiles like fireworks exploding together. RS