Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 145: Launch a general attack


Because she and Ling Xuan reached an agreement to obtain a physical body and leave this world, Mother Brain has actually given up the planet where the Red Chaoyang Highlands is located, so that he can fight and live with peace of mind and survive the disaster. .

However, on this planet, the brainworms can be regarded as abandoned by the mother brain. Without knowing this, they are still working hard to maintain various Zerg nest bases, constantly producing new bugs, and launching attacks on humans.

Ling Xuan, who was in the red Chaoyang Highlands, fought with the bugs together with the human soldiers. From the beginning, the planet was completely defensive on the battlefield, to the time when humans and bugs were at par with each other, occasionally launching counterattacks, and finally, humans had a complete advantage.

The territories that were originally occupied by the Zerg were conquered one by one. During the days he lived on this planet, Ling Xuan participated in countless battles and killed many bugs.

His identity, from a soldier at the beginning, to a corporal, a lieutenant, a colonel... until the end, he actually became a soldier who received special commendations and the rank of general because of his great merits. However, in every battle, he was still fighting at the end. front.

A long time has passed since he came to this world. Ling Xuan gradually let go of his worries about losing his magic power and regarded himself as a human being with a strong body and great power, rather than a cultivator.

Fighting, eating, sleeping - except that he didn't marry a wife and have children like ordinary people, Ling Xuan didn't seem to be much different from a real soldier.

A year later, almost all the Zerg on this planet were wiped out, in a base. Ling Xuan and several officers looked at a map spread out on the table. Among these officers were bald men and iron men. Now everyone is looking at the map and arguing.

The sound in the room gradually grew louder, and finally turned into a quarrel. Ling Xuan frowned and listened to the quarrel for a while, and then said: "Everyone, please stop arguing. I think our power is now fully capable of launching a final war."

"The current brainworms only have a main base nest and three finished sub-bases. As long as any sub-base is destroyed, you can attack directly and attack the insect nest. We are on this planet, and the Zerg are also It took a long time to fight. Now, it’s time to completely wipe out the Zerg!"

An officer said: "What if we attack one of the bases and the bugs from the other two bases come to help?"

"Then we will attack three places at the same time! Attack two places in detail and attack one mainly. In more than a year, our human strength has increased enough to launch attacks from three directions. The situation of the Zerg that actually attacked is critical, and the other two If we go to the rescue, the attacking army can also consume a lot of the opponent's troops if they pursue it."

The bald man interjected: "Yes. This can eliminate a lot of bugs on the other side... Don't forget, our goal is not just to kill the brain bugs, but also to kill all the bugs on the planet before we can start development and construction. A place where adults can live.”

Smith, who was originally the person in charge of the Red Chaoyang Highlands and has now become the general person in charge of all battlefields on the entire planet, decided: "Let's do it this way... To be honest, I am tired of the endless battles with bugs. This time , let us completely eliminate the Zerg and end the war on this planet!"

"After this planet becomes our human's power, everyone will be a hero among mankind. At that time, we can also cultivate our lives with peace of mind."

Almost everyone's eyes showed excitement. Except for Ling Xuan, who came to this world specifically to kill insects, who didn't want to have a stable life? Besides, once the battlefield on this planet is over, if they return to the central planet, they will be heroes respected by the people.

If you stay here and participate in the construction and development of this planet, you will definitely become a high-level person and gain huge material benefits!

Now that the decision has been made to launch a general attack on the bugs, almost all human bases on the entire planet are mobilizing their forces and starting to prepare for this battle.

Ling Xuan had previously handed over many spaceships and powered armors to humans, and later another piece of armor was handed over to him again. He was sitting in a Scorpion tank, with a Striker armor beside him, and he was wiping a weapon in his hand.

This is a metal sword that looks similar to a black iron ship-cutting sword, with a blade that is over 1.8 meters tall.

Because the Sword of Night could no longer be taken out, Ling Xuan customized a weapon. This alloy knife was specially made for him by the Central Planet. Although it was not as good as the Sword of Night, it was at least comparable to the insect limbs of the Death Sickle.

The Scorpion tank quickly arrived at the front line of the battle, which was only more than ten kilometers away from the Zerg sub-base.

After getting off the chariot, Ling Xuan climbed up the wall here. With a telescope, he could even see that in the Zerg base in the distance, the surfaces of the Zerg bases were covered with black and red, thick tree-vine-like flesh and blood vessels, and organic matter of different shapes. organ.

The height of these organs is as short as three or four meters, and some organs are even comparable to six or seven-story high-rise buildings. From the air, you can clearly smell the strange, fishy smell emitted by these organic organs!

The biochemical building organs of the Zerg are of course extremely ugly from a human perspective. However, the Zerg completely pursues efficiency in evolution. These organ buildings are obviously easier to build than human metal and stone buildings, and have more wonderful features. ability.

It can be seen that among some bugs, the basic unit called "worker bee" is sending pieces of energy ore mined and eggs transported from the bug's mother nest into the organs to hatch out the Zerg combat units in an emergency.

Of course, humans cannot allow the Zerg to safely produce bugs before the upcoming general attack. Some missile launchers and long-range artillery are constantly pouring missiles and artillery fire into the Zerg base.

There is also an air defense system in the Zerg base, which are fleshy organs like buds with a large number of meridians surrounding them. From time to time, the bud in the organ will open, and a long boney cone will shoot out from it, which can be destroyed by missiles flying from the air.

Moreover, next to some important organ buildings, there are mushroom-like umbrellas that open from time to time to catch the artillery fire shot down from the sky.

The fleshy "mushroom umbrella", although the flesh and blood were blown away by the gunfire, could protect the important organs and buildings below.

There was still more than an hour left in the scheduled attack time. Ling Xuan asked the person in charge here and learned that there was plenty of ammunition, so he suggested starting a saturation bombardment of the Zerg base.

The person in charge here also has such a plan. He will blast first and then launch an attack when the specified time arrives. Immediately, not only the missile launchers and long-range artillery, but also the hundreds of Scorpion tanks that drove here launched attacks with spiked missiles on their tails.

For a time, the entire Zerg sub-base was filled with explosions and gunfire smoke!

The range of human weapons is of course longer than that of bugs. Originally, bugs used massive troops to charge against humans. However, after Ling Xuan arrived on this planet, and after more than a year of war, the strength of the disadvantaged insects was no longer what it was when they had tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

The other two insect sub-bases were also bombarded by artillery fire at almost the same moment.

For this general offensive, almost all the human forces on the planet were sent, and they also brought abundant ammunition. During the continuous shooting, the insect base was blown up with pieces of meat everywhere. The swift beetles on the ground and the winged flying insects in the air were completely unable to counterattack under such fierce artillery fire.

Under the orders of the brain worms who can control all bugs through mental power, the bugs either hide under the defensive meat pads like mushroom umbrellas, or hide under the ground trenches dug by a type of soldier called Hydralisks to avoid the air. Incoming missiles and artillery shells.

More than an hour later, the base was bombed so much that it was almost impossible to see its original appearance—the tall organic biochemical building organs were all shattered, and insect corpses were everywhere in the base.

At this time, the human tanks and soldiers launched a charge, and the bat fighter flew into the air. Ling Xuan directly put on the power armor and flew into the sky to follow the fighter plane.

Continuously firing pulse rays or storms of metal bullets to kill bugs one after another, Ling Xuan discovered that the resistance and the number of bug units in this sub-base were obviously far lower than expected.

Although the Zerg are currently at an absolute disadvantage on this planet, they still have at least hundreds of thousands of fighting units left, and there are many intermediate and high-level units among them. The resistance of the sub-base should not be so weak, even in the previous shooting. Unable to resist.

After using the communicator to contact Bald and Iron in the other two battlefields, Ling Xuan sighed.

The brainworms on this planet are really courageous. They should have abandoned three sub-bases and concentrated their forces in the main lair. In that way, although this base will be easily defeated, the battle will definitely be extremely difficult when reaching the final insect nest.

Originally, he was planning to attack two places in detail and one as the main attack, but his plan was completely shattered.

The Zerg sub-base was quickly and completely destroyed. After contacting the other two battlefields, the person in charge decided to directly attack the Zerg mother nest. After all, humans did not suffer any losses in the battle at the sub-base. And if we stop to recuperate, at least we won't be able to start another war today.

This place is not far from the Zerg mother nest, and you might be attacked by bugs at night.

The human army marched towards the Zerg mother nest and captured the combined forces of three sub-bases. There were more than 300 Scorpion tanks, more than 100 Bat fighters, more than 50 missile launchers, and thousands of soldiers. Elite soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor, and more than 20,000 ordinary soldiers wearing protective clothing and carrying machine guns.

There are also heavy-armed combat vehicles, aerial bombing airships and other large combat units... all advancing towards the Zerg mother nest in a mighty manner. RS