Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 146: Devouring fusion


On the brown hillside as far as the eye can see, there are buildings and defense organs of the Zerg. Among them, the spore tower that fires spore bombs constantly erupts a large number of fist-sized spores from the outlet above, like a fountain.

After these spores are sprayed out, they will not fall to the ground, but will fly in the air, blocking the entire sky where the Zerg mother nest is located.

If the flying troops want to fly in from the air, or shoot missiles or artillery shells to bombard here, they will be intercepted in mid-air by these, strong acid spores containing acid, or fire spores containing flames.

For this Zerg mother nest, we can no longer carry out saturation bombardment with artillery fire as we did when attacking the sub-base. That would have no use except wasting ammunition.

It is obviously difficult to advance directly from the ground and eventually overthrow the mother nest, because the ground troops composed of dense insects will drown the people rushing in like a tide - because the three bases have been abandoned, the brains here Chong has more than 200,000 Chong troops under his command.

This number is much more than human soldiers anyway.

The appearance of the brain worms in the mother's nest is very similar to the mother brain. They both have the appearance of a human brain, but they are far less large and powerful than the mother brain.

This brain worm, in the recent period, when the Zerg race was at an absolute disadvantage, contacted the mother brain through telepathy time and time again. What made it despair was that the mother brain did not respond to any of its contacts. As a being with extremely high intelligence, the brain worm The worm understood that he had been abandoned by the Mother Brain.

Now, the brainworms in this lair still have no intention of giving up. As long as they can withstand the human attack and wipe out most of the human army in the war, there will still be hope for a comeback.

At that time, if the human base is pushed back, it will no longer be a subordinate fighting for the Mother Brain, but the Insect King who truly rules the planet.

The human army stopped in the sphere of influence occupied by the bug nest. The officers who got off the chariot looked at the tall bug buildings on the hillside in the distance, the black bugs, and the spore bombs everywhere in the air. Everyone frowned.

The cost of such a strong attack is too high.

When humans arrived, they were immediately attacked by bugs. Because the sky was blocked by spores, the winged flying insects could not take off. These bugs mixed with the team of swift beetles and rushed towards the human army. The scene of them pouring down the hillside was breathtaking. Think of mudslides.

The insect swarm attack is the combat method that the Zerg are best at and the most threatening.

A large number of soldiers in front pulled the triggers and fired bullets. The heavily armored tank quickly grabbed the ground to stabilize it, and then opened its muzzle. Amidst the deafening roar of the shelling, the impact of the insect swarm continued to explode into black flames and thick smoke.

In the bullets and explosions, a large number of bugs were pierced through the body or blown into pieces of flesh, but there were too many charging bugs. Some Scorpion tanks drove in and crushed them with tank-like metal tracks.

After mobilizing combat units from the three sub-bases, the Cerebrates can take advantage of the Zerg's numerical advantage in this battle. The fierce and fearless bugs charged one after another, including huge tank bugs, spiked thorn bugs, meat vine bugs with fleshy tentacles extending from their bodies, and other high-level combat units.

The machine gunners and Scorpion tanks were quickly overwhelmed by the charging bugs. Seeing the bugs attacking wildly, more than a thousand elite soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor also rushed into the battlefield and used explosive bolt guns and electromagnetic rifles to fight, and they were barely stopped. Bug offensive.

In such a battle, Ling Xuan was naturally at the forefront, holding a nearly two-meter giant alloy sword. Every time the sword passed by, a bug would be chopped into pieces.

Swift beetles and pieces of chopped corpses flew towards him. At this moment, a flesh vine rushed up, with more than a dozen snake-like tentacles and bone spikes at the top, exploding towards him. The alloy sword stood in front of him, and the explosive tentacles hit the metal sword, making a loud impact.

Feeling the impact of the weapon, Ling Xuan took advantage of the momentum of the impact to move back. He bumped his back and knocked away a swift beetle behind him. He then spun around and forced the insect away with his alloy sword.

Seeing that there were insects all around, the fleshy tentacles of the vine worms shot at him again like flying spears. Ling Xuan grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, pressed his heels against the ground, and rotated his body. Under the centrifugal force caused by the rotation, The heavy alloy sword swept in all directions.

His body seemed to be a rapidly rotating top, cutting along the ground towards the vine worm. The golden light flashing on the alloy sword covered his body, making it look like a high-speed strangling blade whirlwind!

This is a martial art driven purely by strength and skill. Ling Xuan has been fighting continuously for more than a year, and of course he has improved in martial arts. The rotating blade whirlwind strangled all the surrounding swift beetles, and then rushed towards the flesh vine insect. The huge meat vine looks like it has been stuffed into a meat grinder.

The flesh and blood spattered by the smash fell on the surrounding ground, quickly covering it in a thick layer.

Using the blade whirlwind to cut through the insect swarm, Ling Xuan threw out a few high-explosive grenades, took advantage of the grenade explosion to catch his breath, and then danced the alloy sword again. He saw several machine gunners in the distance fending off bugs back to back. They seemed to be in danger and rushed over to save them.

After rescuing dozens of soldiers, Ling Xuan suddenly heard an alarm sounding in the army. Following the siren, a strange-looking car drove out. He quickly lay on the ground and covered his eyes with his hands.

As a missile painted red and black, which looked extremely dangerous at first glance, was launched, the sky shone brightly, and the stars lost their luster with the huge light. Violent shock waves in the light erupted in all directions, and at the same time a mushroom cloud of flames rose.

Because of the critical situation, mankind finally used nuclear bombs—of course, only ultra-small nuclear warheads.

This kind of ultra-small nuclear warhead is far less powerful than the space-hopping nuclear bomb used by Ling Xuan to deal with Mother Brain. It is a small tactical nuclear bomb with low radiation and low lethality. But no matter how low the power is, the nuclear bomb is still a nuclear bomb.

A nuclear warhead explodes, causing a shock wave that destroys or scatters the strong acid spores and fire spores that are blocking the sky. There were also three nuclear warheads, which exploded several mushroom clouds in the insect tide, destroying tens of thousands of insects.

The other two nuclear bombs were fired into the distance, destroying a large number of defensive organs on the hillside.

Five small tactical nuclear warheads - this is the limit that can be launched. Any more, and the machine gunners' protective suits will not be able to withstand radiation, and will also cause serious pollution to the area.

The horror of radiation pollution is not only that it will affect humans themselves, but also cause bugs to mutate. In the past, humans used nuclear bombs to deal with bugs. As a result, the elite bugs mutated by absorbing radiation. Some of them were physically extremely powerful, and some could even use nuclear energy. Each of them was extremely abnormal.

This time, if the insect wave was not too fierce and the human losses would be too great, the military would not launch tactical nuclear bombs.

Five tactical nuclear bombs cleared the blocked sky and killed a large number of bugs. Human tanks, armored elite soldiers, and protective clothing machine gunners started moving again after the flames of the nuclear explosion dissipated.

The bugs, which had been hit hard, could no longer resist. Chariots pushed forward and crushed them, air fighters suppressed them, missiles and artillery bombarded them, and soldiers cooperated in the attack. After more than an hour, the human army advanced to the top of the hillside.

Some organic buildings were destroyed one after another. Of course, the Zerg defense buildings, such as the Spike Tower and the Spore Tower, also caused great losses to humans, and some tanks were destroyed. But no matter what, the balance of victory in the war is tilting towards the human side little by little.

The sky gradually became dark, and the Zerg organ buildings on the hillside were almost bulldozed by cannon fodder, and the corpses of the insects covered the ground.

Ling Xuan put on the power armor and flew from the air towards the direction of the Zerg base's lair - the top of the hillside. After killing a dozen flying elite bugs with pulse rays, he looked at the mountain peak in surprise.

I saw a disgusting piece of brain-like flesh about five meters in diameter, full of ravines, sitting on an unknown black-red fleshy organ. The organ has a huge mouth full of teeth, and a large number of bugs gather around it. The fleshy organ continuously sprouts tentacles, sucking the bugs into it.

As the mouth chews, these bugs seem to be swallowed and absorbed. The black and red fleshy organs are getting taller and taller, and the tentacles and limbs that grow from the organs are getting thicker and thicker. They can even kill dozens or hundreds of bugs at a time. , swept into the mouth which also grew bigger.

"Is this... Devouring Evolution?"

Ling Xuan had heard this before when communicating with Mother Brain. Zerg generally evolved through fighting, killing, and plundering the genes of other creatures. The mother brain has studied that directly swallowing the insect's body can make the body larger and stronger, but such swallowing evolution is genetically unstable and can easily disintegrate.

Obviously, the brain worms here, unable to resist the human attack, chose to devour the bugs, thus mutating into giant monster bugs, using their combat power to the extreme to fight against the human attacking troops.

Letting out bursts of seemingly painful roars, the fleshy organ was pulled up from the ground where it was rooted. It now seemed to be fifty or sixty meters high.

At the top of the organ, there is a brain that is the main body of the brain worm. There is a giant mouth full of sharp teeth in the middle of the body. On the body, some fleshy tentacles with a diameter of one meter are dancing wildly.

It looked evil and terrifying in appearance, so that every human soldier who saw this scene was stunned in shock.

An incandescent light lit up in the mouth of this strange bug. Some elite bugs can use the biological energy produced by cells to defend and attack. They have swallowed tens of thousands of bugs. After mutation, the brain bugs can use the biological energy. , has become so powerful that it can fire energy cannons!