Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 148: Mana recovery


"Yes, I'm going to detonate the nuclear bomb... Don't look at me like a martyr yet. No one wants to die. Install a timed detonation device on the nuclear bomb, and I will fill the nuclear bomb into the [body] of the brainworm fusion body. Then leave quickly.


Hearing Ling Xuan's words, Smith muttered: "This approach... is very dangerous... with the wisdom of the brain-worm fusion body, I will definitely stop you, and it will really fill the nuclear bomb into this monster's [body] , the brainworm will also quickly throw the nuclear bomb, this method... "

"Now, it's not time to study other things. Set the time of the timed detonation device at five seconds, and leave the other things to me!"

Ling Xuan pointed to the distance. The brain-worm fusion body was using its thick tentacles to attack the human army. At this time, it had accumulated enough biological energy and once again sprayed out a biological light energy cannon - a devastating bombardment. Smith's expression immediately changed.

He looked at Ling Xuan and called to the adjutant next to him: "Prepare a small tactical nuclear bomb for him and install it with a timed detonation device. Go quickly!"

In such a difficult and desperate situation, the efficiency of the human side was terrifying. In just two minutes, a small black and red tactical nuclear bomb with a length of 1.5 meters was sent to Ling Xuan. There was also a detonation device tied to the nuclear bomb. .

The small screen of the detonation device has a bright red countdown number. As long as the button of the device is pressed, the nuclear bomb will be detonated in 5 seconds.

Ling Xuan's power armor was now in tatters. He had already picked up the alloy sword that had fallen to the ground. Now he was holding the sword in one hand and lifting the metal mesh bag containing the nuclear bomb with the other hand.

"Be careful, don't die!"

While explaining to Ling Xuan, Smith asked his adjutant to issue an alarm to humans to evacuate the attack area, and then entered the defensive tank that served as a bunker.

Ling Xuan gritted his teeth and watched as the brainworm fusion chasing soldiers and tanks in the distance activated the thrusters of the power armor and rushed towards the huge monster fifty or sixty meters high in the jet of flames.

Compared with the huge brain-worm fusion, his size is simply that of a small insect that cannot be noticed without paying attention. But because the brain worm does not use its eyes, but uses its mental power to explore its surroundings, Ling Xuan, let alone Ling Xuan, can clearly detect a real insect flying by.

The missiles painted black and red in the net bag undoubtedly made the brain-worm fusion body immediately vigilant and struck hard at Ling Xuan with its tentacles.

The power armor was close to being damaged and would definitely be scrapped if hit once. Ling Xuan did not dare to let the tentacles hit him. With the assistance of the microcomputer, he kept flying and moving. With the speed of the power armor, he successfully avoided the tentacles and flew to the brain worm. Behind the fusion.

The brain of the brain worm emitted the light of mental power again. Unfortunately, Ling Xuan had already escaped from the area affected by the mental power.

Behind the fusion body are pieces of tangled flesh and extremely disgusting body tissues. The brainworm mutant is waving its tentacles in front and pulling back, and its body is also flashing white light. It is obvious that energy is rapidly gathering. Xuan prepares for action.

Throwing up the metal mesh bag containing the small tactical nuclear bomb, at the same time, the hands of the power armor held the alloy sword and rotated the body rapidly, slashing at the fleshy pieces of the brainworm fusion body.

The alloy sword rolled up a whirlwind of blades, and the black-red flesh was chopped into large pieces of fleshy foam. Ling Xuan's entire body was twisted in the swirl, like a sharp-edged top composed of sword light, in the flesh and blood. A hole more than three meters deep was dug out.

After a blade whirlwind, Ling Xuan directly abandoned the alloy sword and flew out of the cut hole, just in time to catch the falling small tactical nuclear bomb.

Pressing his finger on the detonation device of the nuclear bomb, the bright red countdown number immediately began to beat. In just 5 seconds, this tactical nuclear bomb would explode completely, causing a terrifying nuclear energy explosion!

In the first second, Ling Xuan made a throwing motion. In the second second, the nuclear bomb with the countdown number jumping was thrown into the hole created by the blade whirlwind. In the third second, the thick tentacles had reached the top of Ling Xuan's head, and the power armor The thrusters spit out flames.

In the fourth second, the power armor rushed into the distance with a series of white smoke from its tail. One tentacle hit the ground below, drawing out a deep crack. The other tentacle rolled into the hole, trying to fill the hole. Take out the nuclear bomb that entered the body.

As long as it wraps around the nuclear bomb, the brainworm fusion body can control the tentacle and throw the nuclear bomb away.

But at this moment, the small nuclear bomb filled in the [body] finally exploded!

Ling Xuan originally judged that the brainworm's intelligence would not allow the inserted nuclear bomb to remain in the body for any length of time, so he set it at five seconds. This was undoubtedly extremely risky. Within five seconds, he would not be able to escape from the central killing range of the nuclear bomb explosion.

But the time set for the explosion, let alone ten seconds - even seven or eight seconds, is likely to result in the nuclear bomb being thrown outside by the tentacles of the brainworm fusion body.

With the strength of the brain-worm fusion's huge body, a nuclear bomb exploding externally might not kill it.

Now, with a five-second timed explosion, as soon as the brainworm's tentacles entered the cut hole, an explosion so powerful that it couldn't be resisted instantly exploded from the body of this huge monster.

The flesh and blood of the brainworm fusion body contains abundant biological energy, but the shock wave of this nuclear bomb explosion is no longer something that biological energy can withstand. A burst of high-heat flash burned the huge black-red body almost to red.

Then, an exaggerated hemispherical air explosion shrouded the body of the brainworm fusion body in the middle, and a large number of pieces of meat were directly burned into dust by high heat, or blown into powder by the shock wave.

It is used to release light energy cannons that can withstand high heat. The mouth full of sharp teeth explodes into the sky in an air explosion.

The brainworm's body, that is, the brain-like creature, has a mental barrier's red light flashing on its surface, flying in the violent energy flow.

As the energy of the nuclear explosion invaded, the red light of mental power became weaker and weaker, and the brain-like body burned into ashes in the light.

Ling Xuan, who was flying at full speed with his power armor, felt a huge shock wave sweep behind him. The power armor was completely destroyed in an instant, and countless cracks appeared in the metal layer close to the surface of the skin.

While being blown away, the metal pieces of the power armor collapsed and fell, and pain surged into Ling Xuan's mind.

This time, he was much closer to the nuclear explosion than the last time, so much so that his powered armor shattered. However, it was precisely thanks to the power armor that blocked most of the damage, activated the seal of power, hugged the whole body together, and used force to reduce the size of his body, that he was not completely torn apart in the shock wave.

More than ten seconds later, Ling Xuan crawled out of a large hole on the ground. Now he looked extremely miserable. All the skin on his body had turned into charcoal, and when he fell to the ground, his legs collapsed. It was broken, so that now he could only use his hands to support his body.

Although it seemed that death was not far away, he still felt a huge sense of relief when he saw the huge body of the brainworm fusion disappear under the mushroom cloud in the distance.

When he came to this world, Ling Xuan fought against insects in order to survive the vacuum. But for more than a year, he has been living like an ordinary person. It can be said that the battle for more than a year was to eliminate the insects on this planet. of Zerg, allowing the human side to win.

He fought wholeheartedly, and even fought to the death just now, sending a nuclear bomb into the brainworm fusion body and blowing up the monster.

Ling Xuan felt a sense of relaxation that he wanted. He took a long breath and put his hands on the ground. Now that the nuclear explosion had just ended, there was still severe radiation in the air. In the radiation, he Crawl away.

His physical strength can withstand this level of radiation, but the injury was too severe and he must be recuperated. Ling Xuan's heart was crawling calmly, and then a strange feeling suddenly emerged.

Just like a dry pond filled with clear water, the whole body is changing rapidly. The blackened and carbonized skin on the body is falling off one after another, and the broken legs are also quickly recovering automatically. The hair that was originally burnt to ashes by the high temperature grew back into long, flowing hair.

"This is...mana restored!"

The originally weak spiritual consciousness grew to its limit at this moment, even stronger than when it was at its peak, and the mana in the Dantian within the body was constantly pouring out to repair the seriously injured body.

A ray of ice and snow radiated from the surface of Ling Xuan's body. Driven by the energy in the dark, snow began to fall on the battlefield filled with smoke and flames of war.

Ling Xuan stood up. Under the operation of his magic power, the snowflakes falling around him automatically condensed into a robe, covering his body. Looking at the snow clouds emerging in the sky, at this moment, he felt like tears were filling his eyes. The vacuum was finally over!

Before becoming an Earth Immortal, the most difficult level of the Jade Art of Creation is the realm where mana disappears.

For more than a year, I have been fighting and living as an ordinary person, and now I have finally broken through this layer of disaster. Within the [body], all the petals of the Xuanbing Crystal Lotus base have been closed, looking like an ice and snow bud or an ice and snow ball.

Regardless of spiritual consciousness or mana, it is obvious that it is stronger than before. The next step is to trigger the catastrophe of heaven and earth, survive the catastrophe of thunder and earth, and the combined attack of the two catastrophes can truly form a golden knot. Dan, achieve immortality and transcend mortals!

Three pairs of ice wings appeared behind him, and Ling Xuan's body flew up. He waved the sleeves of his snow-white robe. The remaining radiation in a large area was blown away by an icy wind formed by mana, and his figure flew down. In front of the human soldiers.

(Originally, new books could be released, but it is almost the end of the month. Very few people will release books in the second half of the year. New books can only be released at the beginning of December. It is possible on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, but not at the latest. It's over the 5th. The name has been decided, this time it has four characters, two of which are fear... Anyway, everything will be known in a few days, so I ask everyone to wait for another six or seven days)

(To be continued