Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 149: Prepare to survive the tribulation


Light snowflakes were still falling in the sky. Looking at Ling Xuan, who was wearing a snow-colored robe and had black hair, the soldiers were all stunned.

It’s not just the appearance. Ling Xuan’s aura that is obviously different from ordinary people is also full of a sense of pressure that seems to be that of a god. It is completely different from the original him - many soldiers here are like him. We once fought together for a long time.

But now Ling Xuan gave them a completely unfamiliar feeling.

The remaining radiation from the nuclear bomb explosion in the air had been completely blown away by the icy wind whipped up by Ling Xuan. Smith took off the closed hood of the protective suit and said in surprise: "You... who are you?"

Unconsciously, Smith used honorifics.

"I am Ling Xuan who has lived with you for more than a year... Actually, I am a god who encountered disaster in another world and took refuge in this world."

The coordinates of this world are in Ling Xuan's hands. If it is possible to develop it into a private plane in the future, of course he needs to leave some positive comments and reputation in the world. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to establish his image. .

A god from another world fought with humans as an ordinary person against the Zerg, and even used a nuclear bomb to kill the terrifying brain-worm fusion. I believe that such a thing will spread to the entire human society through the soldiers present.

"Gods from another world?" Smith's tongue was trembling.

"Yes, I am the God of Ice and Snow... Now, my disaster has passed and my abilities have been restored."

Ling Xuan raised his sleeves again, and as he waved, all the snow clouds in the sky dispersed, and the light of the stars fell down again. This miraculous sight made this world without belief in gods or even religion, every soldier... Body shaking with shock and excitement.

Looking over these soldiers, Ling Xuan was not prepared to stay any longer. The mana recovered and increased quickly after the vacuum realm, and it would not be long before a catastrophe would occur. This was not the time to wait.

He has a coolie who can pull him to fight against the catastrophe - the Zerg Mother Brain. Of course, he has to rush to that planet to overcome the catastrophe.

"Now that I have recovered my abilities, it's time to leave. Living with you for more than a year is an important memory in my practice. Everyone, I will remember this experience."

After waving to everyone, Ling Xuan's body flashed with swirling ice dust and snowflakes, flying high into the sky amid the dancing ice and snow, until he disappeared from the sight of people who raised their heads and stared at the sky.

Ling Xuan, who was flying, was already communicating with Bing Mengxi in his consciousness.

During this period of time, the communication between the two was interrupted, which made Bing Mengxi anxious and didn't know what to do. Thanks to Bing Mengxi's experience in the world of Mana, tens of thousands of years of lonely life, if an ordinary person, in this world I might go crazy after more than a year of solitude.

"I can finally contact you. Do you want to survive the catastrophe of Xiu Zhen? Our gods do not have any catastrophes of heaven and earth. However, when the divine fire is ignited, it is easy to be unable to bear it, thus burning all the divine body and soul, and falling to death."

Bing Mengxi didn't know much about cultivation and couldn't help Ling Xuan in overcoming the tribulation.

Take out a special insect egg from the space ring. It was born by the mother brain, but it did not hatch. There is a trace of spiritual power attached to the egg, which is used to maintain contact with Ling Xuan. Just crush the egg and you will be able to Let the mother brain react immediately.

After pinching the eggs, a burst of milky white liquid exploded. At this time, Ling Xuan suddenly heard a call in his heart: "Have you regained your original strength?"

"Yes, but I still have a disaster that I haven't survived... Only by surviving the disaster can I leave this world with peace of mind and return to my original world. Mother Brain, use your mental power to open the space door and let me come to you. planet.”

"I need your help when I'm going through a tribulation."

For more than a year, Mother Brain has been eager to get a new body and go to another world. It immediately said: "Okay, I will locate it... Well, the location has been determined. Wait a moment and you can come over."

In the space, a red light curtain gradually emerged. Ling Xuan stepped into it, and the light and shadow flickered to the planet where the mother brain was located.

This is where the mother brain is located. In the mother nest valley, right in front of you, is the insect with a fleshy brain that is thousands of meters high and as big as a mountain. This made him wonder how terrifying the mother brain would be if it gathered a large number of surrounding Zerg to form a fusion body.

"Is this the strength you originally possessed? I feel that your body seems to be condensed with cold air that can freeze the earth! How can such a small body contain such terrifying energy?"

The mental power voice of the mother brain is full of surprise. In its view, the energy stored in the body is limited. If you want to store more energy, you must have greater physical-mental power, which is also a kind of energy. It is In order to store its mental power, its brain-like body has grown to the point where it is now so deformed that it cannot even move.

The energy stored in ordinary human bodies is of course limited, so whether it is cultivation or other systems, there will be things like golden elixirs, relics, and godheads that use special techniques to compress and store energy.

In the world of Mana, even some weak demons and monsters will produce crystals that store energy in their bodies: magic cores.

It's a pity that this low-level world has no relevant knowledge.

Of course Ling Xuan would not tell Mother Brain, but just said: "Don't be impatient. When I leave this world, I will bring you a body that is as precious as mine. It is a body condensed with the divine power of life. You Absolutely satisfied.”

No matter what, let's stabilize this bug first, just like some cultivators looking for helpers when going through tribulations. With Mother Brain here, it can be regarded as a helper who can resist in critical moments.

I learned from Ling Xuan that the coming disaster would be thunder falling from the sky and flames rising from the ground. Mother Brain didn't care too much. Only thunder and lightning and flames could not pose a threat to it at all. Mental power Barriers can block.

This bug would never have imagined how terrifying the fate of a cultivator from a mortal to an immortal would be!

Of course, Ling Xuan would not want help from others unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, the disaster was his own. If others intervened rashly, it would even increase the power of the disaster. His real thoughts were in the valley where the mother brain is located. Overcoming the tribulation.

In this way, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth will directly envelope the mother brain. The mother brain will passively resist instead of actively intervening. The power of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth should not increase much.

The mother brain didn't know that it was about to experience the fate of a cultivator. It used its mental power to say casually: "It takes too much to use mental power to tear apart the space and teleport. I need to rest for a while..."

Originally, Mother Brain only regarded Ling Xuan as an object of trade. Now that she can feel Ling Xuan's strength, Mother Brain has regarded Ling Xuan as being comparable to herself and at the same level, so she can speak freely. many.

"My doom will take some time to come. You should take your time and rest first."

Ling Xuan released Dai Wei'er, handed her all the space rings and dimensional rings containing things, and asked her to leave the valley with the rings to prevent the catastrophe from happening.

Over the past year or so, Dai Wei'er's strength has reached the level of Mana Continent, and she is considered a strong person among the demon lords. However, if she is involved in the fate of cultivators becoming immortals, let alone death and destruction. Dimensional rings, space rings and other items were given to her to prevent these things from being damaged in the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The only things left on Ling Xuan's body were the divine body of ice, the extremely cold ice prison formation, the ice and snow trident, the three-piece set of the Frozen Throne, a bronze tripod, and five flags. Other items are of little use if left behind. Even the power armor will be damaged by a thunder strike.

In fact, the Karen warships are definitely useful against heaven and earth tribulations, but they suffered too much damage during the last battle with Mother Brain and have not yet repaired them.

The bronze tripod and the five flags were all relics that Ling Xuan obtained from the clan leader he killed in the Dawn World, and were defensive weapons in the world of cultivation. The name of the bronze tripod is loud, called "Tiantian Ding", while the five small flags of red, yellow, green, white and black are called the Five Elements Flags.

Both of these are good defensive items, reaching the level of magic weapons - especially the set of Five Elements Flags. The complete set of magic weapons is so precious that it can be sold at a sky-high price in the Dawn World. It takes a lot of effort to collect materials and make them.

Even Ling Xuan himself is currently having trouble producing such fine products.

Putting all the magic weapons into his body, Ling Xuan put on the frost armor and ice crown, holding Frostmourne in his hand.

He chose a large open space near the valley. Standing on the ground, he saw white frost flowing across the ground like a spring. Large areas of the ground were quickly frozen, and the ice on the ground became thicker and thicker, gradually rising. Finally, a tower-shaped white ice peak rising from the ground was formed.

This is an icicle that Ling Xuan uses the energy of black ice to freeze the earth below, and his magic power is directly condensed into the icicle. Because it uses an energy compression method similar to a crystal wall, its strength is almost close to that of a diamond, and it can more or less withstand the earth fire erupting from below.

As for the top of the icicle, Ling Xuan specially set aside a throne-like platform and sat on it.

He placed the Frostmourne sword on the ground, and strong black ice energy surged out from above his head. He saw a stream of white freezing air rushing towards the sky. After rushing into the air, it spread out in all directions, and gradually became even Clouds of ice and snow covered the valley where Mother Brain was located.

This snow cloud is of course meant to withstand the catastrophe of thunder falling from the sky.

"The ice and snow you created is really too cold!"

The ground below was frozen, and snow clouds were covering it above. Heavy snow fell from the sky, and some snowflakes fell on the huge body. Mother Brain immediately complained with dissatisfaction - in fact, the body above it was stretched into the snow clouds.

Of course, insects don't like the cold, and the mother brain even has a desire to use mental power to disperse all the snow clouds in the sky and the heavy snow floating in the space. RS