Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 150: Great catastrophe of heaven and earth


"The ice on the ground and the snow clouds in the sky are formed by the magic power I use to resist the earth's fire and the sky's thunder... Just bear with it and prop up your mental barrier. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming soon."

Ling Xuan, who was sitting on the icicle, looked at the sky with his eyes in the ice crown. His eyes penetrated through the snow clouds and saw above the snow clouds. I don't know when, a thick black cloud layer appeared. There are still whirlpools stirring in it.

The mother brain's mental power is huge and her senses are extremely strong. She also felt the terrifying and destructive aura emanating from the clouds, and quickly built a red mental shield around her body.

The mere appearance of the black cloud brought a huge pressure. The snow cloud that Ling Xuan spent his mana to construct dissipated directly under the pressure and had no effect at all. And the black clouds gradually pressed down from the sky, and they were as powerful as the sky falling!

"Zizzizi, zizizi..."

Suddenly, streaks of blue lightning surged up in the black clouds. The lightning jumped in the clouds. With the crack of thunder, a barrel-thick lightning struck from the sky and hit the top of the icicle where Ling Xuan was.

The power of this thunder and lightning is completely comparable to that of Shenxiao Thunder Talisman! Ling Xuan raised his hand, Frostmourne streaked through the void, and the sword blade rushed out a three-meter-wide ice and snow blade, which collided with the falling thunder and lightning above the icicle.


The light blade of ice and snow was blasted by the lightning strike, turning into countless shattered and scattered snowflakes. The thunder and lightning also spread around, forming a circle of cyan radiating arcs. The impact of the collision caused the surrounding air to vibrate violently.

A bolt of thunder and lightning was just the beginning, followed by several more thunderbolts, which struck together. Now Ling Xuan could no longer use Frostmourne to wave the ice blade to resist, so he simply activated the summoning technique of the Frozen Throne armor suit, and breathed a The skeletal dragon in the blue freezing fog appeared above, flapping its ragged wings.

Several thunderbolts that fell were all blocked by the Frost Bone Dragon. Only a scream was heard. The bone dragon that had just been summoned was shattered by the thunder. A large number of broken bones had arcs remaining on them, which were swept away in the violent rush caused by the collision. To all directions.

When he summoned the Frost Bone Dragon, Ling Xuan knew that this summoned beast could not withstand much time and immediately threw out five small flags.

The five-color flag of green, red, yellow, black and white was sacrificed in the air. It was activated by Ling Xuan's magic power. A large amount of Yimu Qi, Lihuo Qi, Wutu Qi, Xuanshui Qi, Geng rushed out from the flag. The golden energy flows continuously, forming a defensive array of energy reincarnation.

Above the sky, five kinds of original air currents were seen flowing rapidly, forming a five-element array, completely covering the top of Ling Xuan's head.

In the black clouds, thunder continued to crash down, but the thunder and lightning that struck down fell into the Qi of the Five Elements, and were consumed by the energy flowing in the formation.

"This set of magic weapons is really good!"

Ling Xuan saw that the sky thunder could not hit the mother brain for the time being, so he looked in the direction of the mother brain. The sky thunder mainly came towards him, but some were also attracted to the mother brain. The mental power barrier of the mother brain was very powerful, and it fell down. A few thunders from the sky can't hurt it.

Although the situation is not critical now, Ling Xuan does not relax. You must know that now is just the beginning of the catastrophe.

In the sky, the vortex stirred by the five kinds of original energy attracted a large number of falling lightning.

More and more lightning struck from the black clouds, and the gases of five colors continued to escape. In the violent explosion, the lightning collision caused a strong wind, mixed with a large number of colorful light spots, and splashed in all directions. Look It looks as gorgeous as a colorful meteor shower!

Ling Xuan urged the movement of the Five Elements Flag. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the ground below shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred. Some of the ground cracked with thick gaps, and streams of water emerged from them. Black smoke and fire.

"The Earth Fire Tribulation is coming!"

The ground below feels like an active volcano that is about to erupt. It may erupt at any time. The earth will explode, destroy everything, spit out pillars of fire, and burn everything to ashes.

Although there was an ice layer formed by mana compression, there was an obvious cracking sound from the thick ice layer due to this violent vibration.

When Ling Xuan saw this, a pure white formation diagram appeared in his hand. He threw the formation diagram, and the snow-white color expanded rapidly. Extreme cold descended on the earth. He suppressed the earth with the extremely cold ice prison formation diagram, but the ground was The shaking didn't stop.

On the ground beneath the ice, streams of red blood-like magma rushed out from the cracks. It was extremely hot, grilling the frozen ice and snow.

Although it is now minus 200 degrees cold, the gushing magma still spreads quickly. You can see that in the extremely cold ice prison, the ice and snow on the ground are constantly melting, and the ice layer constructed by mana is also constantly dissolving. Gradually, the ground It turned into a red magma lake.

The tall icicle that Ling Xuan was sitting on was like a solitary peak, standing in the magma. Above this solitary peak are five small flags in formation, and above that are thunderclouds that are constantly striking thunderbolts.

This scene is undoubtedly full of a doomsday-like destructive mood, and the mother brain is only affected now, and has to use all its mental power to resist it. The ground below turned into magma, so that when it resisted the lightning strikes, it also used its mental power to hold up its heavy body.

Suddenly, a dull and loud noise, similar to a thunderstorm in the sky, spread from the ground, and then the ground exploded in several places. Flame storms mixed with black evil energy rushed out from the ground one after another, forming a chain that penetrated the sky and the earth. Flame Wind Pillar.

"Rumble, rumble..."

Amid the violent shaking of the earth, the little white ice and snow remaining in the space all receded. The extremely cold ice prison array used to anchor the ground, which was made of permanently frozen ice crystals and mixed with the laws of ice and the precious magic weapon of its origin, was completely destroyed. The ground fire breaks through.

A white array appeared in the space, then turned into powder and dissipated. This magic weapon was completely damaged.

Ling Xuan's face was still expressionless. The ice peaks under him melted in the spurt of earthly fire. He wrapped his body with mana and suspended it in mid-air. Looking down, his eyes turned pure white.

The freeze ended, and now he has restored his mana, which is stronger than before. When this powerful Taoist magical power is used, the earth fire that is erupting below quickly condenses, forming a strange scene of internal flames and external ice. !

It gushes out from the cracks in the ground and forms a magma lake on the ground. The magma also condenses and forms a frozen crust.

However, the ground fire is extremely turbulent. This is the power of the earth being triggered by the calamity. The power of the ground fire, magma, and black evil energy spurting out together. Ling Xuan's freezing end can only be resisted slightly, and it will be restored as soon as it stops.

Of course, a Taoist technique like Freeze Termination cannot be used endlessly. The current situation is very critical. However, just as Ling Xuan was concentrating on using the Freeze End to fight against the gushing earth fire, a small flag in the sky that was formed into a defensive formation of five kinds of original energy began to crack under the burst of thunder.

There was a hissing sound like cracking silk, and the red fire flag split into countless flying catkins, and the surging Lihuo Qi immediately dissipated.

The Five Elements Defense Formation lost an energy, and the complete formation was immediately broken. The four flags of wood, water, earth, and gold also exploded one after another. The violent thunder and raging waves that lost their resistance suddenly surged down from the sky crazily, and they were using the Freeze Terminator. Ling Xuan was enveloped in an explosion of thunder.

"Crystal coffin!"

Ling Xuan's hands suddenly pressed on his body, and he used the same moves to deal with the enemy. The Xuan Bing Qi that rushed out quickly froze his body, protecting himself with ice as hard as diamonds.

But as the thunder and lightning spread, the frozen ice exploded immediately, and lightning finally enveloped him. Blue lightning crackled and flashed, traveling along the surface of the frost armor. Below, the ice was lost to end the confrontation, and a pillar of fire suddenly exploded on the ground.

The red flames and lightning were mixed together, and mixed with the black evil storm spewed from the earth. It looked like a black-red electric fire and wind column mixed with green and white, completely submerging Ling Xuan's body!

In the valley on the side, Mother Brain, which was using its mental power barrier to resist the thunder from the sky and the fire from the earth, suddenly became extremely nervous. If Ling Xuan died, its dream of getting a new body and leaving this world would be shattered. Just when it couldn't help but prepare to be distracted and help Ling Xuan, a burst of white freezing air mixed with a large number of metal fragments exploded.

The burst of freezing air dispersed the electric fire and wind pillar, and Ling Xuan who emerged from it had turned into an ice and snow glazed body.

It turned out that Ling Xuan discovered that the suit of the Frozen Throne Armor was severely damaged by thunder and earth fire, so he simply used his magic to self-destruct the suit, and at the same time transformed into an ice and snow glazed body. At least he managed to blast away the lightning, flames, and black. A pillar of thunder, fire and wind mixed with evil spirits.

The ice-snow-glazed body was also blasted with dense cracks everywhere. The damage caused by the magic power was immediately restored, and even the electric current and fire poison that invaded the body were pushed away.

Ling Xuan discovered that lightning was brewing in the thunderclouds in the sky again, and this time a large number of lightnings actually condensed together to form a large thunder ball with a radius of several meters. Thunderbolts flashed in the thunder ball, layer by layer, dazzling blue and white, It's like a miniature universe.

"Leigang's Ball!"

Ling Xuan was shocked. This thing is also called ball lightning, and its power is many times greater than ordinary tree-shaped and fork-shaped thunder and lightning, as well as direct thunderbolts.

Under the ground, the magma spurting from the cracks is also converging together, forming dazzling bright red magma bubbles with rising flames on the surface.

This means that the thunder and fire catastrophe of heaven and earth has reached the second stage of becoming more and more intense, and the Five Elements Flag, the Extremely Cold Ice Prison Formation, and the Frozen Throne Armor used to resist it have all been shattered, and several magic weapons and equipment have been damaged.

The ice and snow trident appeared in Ling Xuan's hand. Knowing that the thunder balls and plasma bubbles were coming from above and below, it was difficult to resist. He took out this magical weapon, lifted the ice and snow glazed body, and rushed directly towards the gathering thunder balls. flew over. RS