Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 154: Mother brain body


The S-class psychic master of the Henry family was killed, and the fifth heir was killed. After the girl left, Philomena, Mika and others looked at Ling Xuan with unfamiliar eyes. The metal superpowers were secretly glad that they did not betray under the previous external pressure.

"Haha, don't look at me like this, I just practiced a relatively powerful magic."

Ling Xuan felt a little regretful. He looked at the place where the spiritual master disappeared. Under the impact of the ice and snow extinguishing divine light, everything on this guy was destroyed. There should have been some good things left.

As for the space watch Henry dropped, he looked inside and found nothing interesting, so he threw it directly to Philomena. Ling Xuan added: "I need to go to the black market to repair the damaged spaceship. In addition... you Black Skeletons seem to be able to contact some big families and even the central government now, right?"


"Can you get some... powerful weapons?" Ling Xuan thought for a while and said, "I've heard that the super weapons in this world include super pistols that can fire beam bullets, space collapse bullets, and stellar fire. The system has black hole cannons... Is there any way to get these weapons?"


Philomena frowned and said: "These are weapons of mass destruction, all of which are prohibited from development. How could they be obtained... The central government should be in control, but do you think they will use this kind of thing?" , leave it to a pirate like me?”

"That's it..." Ling Xuan was a little depressed.

In Bing Mengxi's opinion, even if he cultivates the ice-and-snow-extinction divine light, it would be difficult to rival the God of Light. After all, he is the main god who has gathered the power of tens of thousands of years of faith and possesses dual godheads! Moreover, the God of Light also has semi-god-level servants, as well as subordinate gods who are subordinate to him.

He had an idea and wanted to get some killer weapons like black hole cannons to deal with the God of Light, but his idea was shattered.

"Then... without these, we should be able to get a nuclear bomb, right?"

"Nuclear bomb... This is also a dangerous thing, but there is neutron jamming equipment to prevent the explosion of nuclear bombs, so the central government's control is not as strict as other ones. It can also be obtained from some big families. After all, how to make nuclear bombs , in the planes controlled by some families, it is not very advanced."

Philomena asked curiously: "Are you planning to fight a war in a certain plane? You actually want a nuclear bomb?"

"Yes, I have a powerful enemy in another world. Use all your strength to get as many nuclear bombs as you can."

"Get as many as you can... Do you think, as interstellar pirates, we can get a lot of dangerous things like nuclear bombs so easily?" Philomena said angrily.

Ling Xuan's return here to kill the powerful member of the Henry family immediately caused an uproar in the world. The families who were originally spying on the pirate group stopped their actions one after another. After all, no one wants to be killed by one, even an S-class one. The strong ones are thinking about it.

Even the Henry family has ceased operations and seems to have silently endured this big loss. Ling Xuan doesn't care. With his strength, he doesn't need to worry too much in the world of a small thousand level.

Leaving the Land of Dark Night, Ling Xuan went to the black market and found the man he had dealt with before, Krall, a member of the Peter family and the head of the black market "Wanquan Mecha Co., Ltd."

When meeting Krall this time, the man obviously learned about Ling Xuan's deeds and was much more enthusiastic than before. He handed over the damaged Karen warship to Xu Rick, arranged for a large number of manpower to repair it, and after Ling Xuan made a request of "hoping to buy nuclear bombs", he said that he could give him several nuclear bombs.

Things like nuclear bombs are actually not precious to big families, because the ordinary technological world has the ability to manufacture them, but they can only manufacture them, and they will not circulate nuclear bombs.

Since Ling Xuan has shown that he is worthy of friendship, it is worth paying a few stones to win him over.

After staying in the black market for thirteen days, Ling Xuan got the repaired Karen warship and the nuclear bomb obtained by the Peter family. This was different from the space jump nuclear bomb that came with the warship. It was a highly powerful and destructive nuclear bomb.

If calculated according to the Earth, space jump nuclear bombs can only be regarded as 100,000 tons. The nuclear bombs obtained are at least three million tons, and there is even a super nuclear bomb with a ten million tons level!

These nuclear bombs were installed on the repaired Karen warships, and in order to withstand the aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion, the warships were additionally strengthened with a defense system.

After returning from the black market loaded with nuclear bombs, Ling Xuan returned to the Land of Dark Night and obtained several more megaton nuclear bombs obtained by Philomena, and simply installed them on the Karen warships as well. Now, this battleship contains one 10-megaton super nuclear bomb, three 5-megaton-class nuclear bombs, and six 3-megaton-class nuclear bombs.

After putting the battleship into the ring, Ling Xuan reluctantly attended a banquet to meet several big family contacts at Philomena's request. He was not in the mood to stay here any longer, so he immediately opened the channel disk and returned to the world of Mana.

This was the first time he returned after nearly two years away from Mana. Since the coordinates when he left were in the gap between the spaces where the Mother Goddess Mana was, when Ling Xuan returned, what appeared in front of him was Mana, the creator god of this world. .

"You're back?"

From the center of the weird-looking body, the mother brain emerged from the golden orb. Seeing Ling Xuan, even though he was a creation god, he showed a shocked look at this moment: "You... are now a god. ?”

"In the system I practice, it's called Earth Immortal."

Ling Xuan, who has advanced to the level of Earth Immortal and whose spiritual consciousness has been enhanced to the limit, can now feel how powerful and high-level energy reserves this Mother Goddess has in her body.

"Very good, I saw you right."

There was a happy smile on the face of Mother Goddess Mana.

After briefly talking to the Mother Goddess about what happened after she left this world, Ling Xuan also learned about the current situation of Honey Dew. This girl has been living in the Emerald Forest and seems to be grounded. She has not been alive for nearly two years. Go out.

As for the incarnation of Demacia's power, Ling Xuan has been practicing in Blackstone Academy since he left this world. What makes Ling Xuan feel regretful is that although this physical body is very strong, there are no adventures. Just relying on practice, in more than a year, he can only reach the top level of the Golden Swordsman.

"The Zerg Mother Brain I met in another world has a huge power in its hands. Maybe I can use its power to deal with the future destroyers of civilization. I have promised to get it a body that can be occupied by my soul. If Maybe, I hope you can give me some life power."

Although the divine power of life is very precious, Mother Goddess Mana did not refuse Ling Xuan's request.

Ling Xuan understood that as soon as he left here and appeared in the world of Mana, he would be tracked by the God of Light and would not return. He used the channel plate to open the space channel and went to the world where the mother brain was.

The divine power of life can create a body, and the mother brain becomes his demon pet. This is a soul contract that will not change, but in order to prevent unpredictable consequences, such as the mother brain using the divine power of life to create a weird body, or create a male Body, Ling Xuan is going to use this ball of divine power to shape it and then give it to it.

Ling Xuan cast, of course, a beautiful body, and the shape template came from anime in the real world.

Thinking of the charming and sexy Mizukage Terumi Mei in Naruto, Ling Xuan used that shape as a template to create a body, but changed the hair color to black. Moreover, thinking of Mother Brain's identity as the "Mother of the Zerg", Ling Xuan was very evil-minded and made the chest of this body to a level beyond that of human beings.

The two pairs of cellulite are as big as two big watermelons. If an ordinary girl had a body like this, she could only walk and not run, because once she ran, the weight on her chest would cause her body to lose balance. So he fell down...

For Mother Brain, this is not a problem at all, because Mother Brain is a mentally powerful being and does not need to fight with the body.

After the soul occupies this body, Mother Brain can completely let the soul be in the body created by the divine power of life, treating it as its own body. At the same time, just like Ling Xuan controls Demacia, he can control Mother Brain's body and lead the Zerg race.

Looking at the naked body with two huge meat balls pressing on it with satisfaction, Ling Xuan put his body away. Now he was near Mother Brain's lair, flying into the sky. A few minutes later, he saw Mother Brain's huge mountain. body of.

Mother Brain's mental power also discovered Ling Xuan's arrival. She was originally afraid that Ling Xuan would never come back. Those were just empty promises, but now she finally felt relieved.

"I agreed to your conditions, and now I have brought you the body created by the divine power of life."

Ling Xuan took out the previously created body from the space ring. Mother Brain immediately used her mental power to wrap the body and float it in front of her: "A human female body? Strange... The cells that make up the body are a very special high-level energy. …cannot be parsed!”

Mother Brain searched for a while, and Ling Xuan said from the side: "With the intensity of your mental power, your soul must be extremely powerful. You can completely transfer your soul to this body, and use part of your consciousness to control the original giant body. .”

"Yes... I feel it, but... why are the breasts of this body so big? In my opinion, humans should not have breasts of this level at all. After my calculations, these two lumps of fat on the chest will make the body The flexibility is reduced a lot.”

"Anyway, you are fighting with mental power, so don't worry about this little thing... Let's transfer your soul quickly. I'm going to the original world to deal with a powerful existence that surpasses the level of ordinary gods. If you are willing to go there with me, you can watch A good show.”

Ling Xuan calculated the time in his mind and found that there were only three days left before Honey Lu's coming-of-age ceremony.