Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 157: Launch a nuclear bomb


Ling Xuan's actions were simply a naked provocation to a god. It was the most serious kind. He actually claimed to enter the god's kingdom and kill him!

The Kingdom of God is actually the evolution of realms and mental worlds. However, the Kingdom of God contains the laws, divine power, and even the power of faith. As long as the gods do not perish, they will exist forever. In the Kingdom of God, the strength of the gods can Get the most out of it.

Just like Ling Xuan opens the extremely cold ice prison array, and uses the cold air of two hundred degrees below zero inside to increase the Taoist skills, this is just the world of mental images, and the Kingdom of God will undoubtedly be more advanced.

Moreover, in the kingdom of God, there is still a servant god under the god, and a large number of god servant warriors. With the blessing of the divine power in the kingdom of god, the strength of these warriors, even the lowest, can reach the level of the great swordsman and great swordsman in the human world. The level of a magician.

Ling Xuan dared to challenge a god. This god was the number one god in the Mana continent. He was already extremely bold. Now he said that he would kill him in the Kingdom of God. Not to mention the God of Light, it was these people from the Brilliant Empire. Everyone felt angry.

In the sky, there was a huge face, hair and beard that were already burning. As the flames rose, the flames released illuminated the entire sky. At this moment, even people in the entire glorious empire could see the golden light spreading in the sky.

Countless people knelt down in panic, and ordinary people could feel the incomparable anger coming from the sky!

"Very good... I don't care what the relationship is between you and the Ice and Snow Goddess, and I don't care what kind of existence is standing behind you. Since you want to challenge me in the Kingdom of God, then come." A loud voice like thunder. , rumbling in the sky.

At the same time, a spreading golden light curtain appeared in front of Ling Xuan. You could see that there seemed to be beating flames and golden light spots inside the light curtain.

Obviously this light curtain is the passage to the Kingdom of God.

The eyes of the people present were fixed on the golden light screen. Ling Xuan said to the two people around him: "Milu, you stay here. Xiaomei, you are also here to protect Milu. You don't have to worry about this battle. Don't forget, Who is standing behind me?"

What Ling Xuan was referring to was the Mother Goddess Mana. But entering the Kingdom of the God of Light, Mana would have a hard time interfering no matter how powerful she was, not to mention that her divine body was still blocking the door to the chaotic dimension.

Waving to Honey Dew, who had a worried look on her face, Ling Xuan walked into the light curtain, holding the trident, followed by the expressionless Ice and Snow Goddess.

The place where he appeared was a seemingly vast continent. In the far distance of the continent, a golden sun hung in the sky. If you have good eyesight, you can see that it is not the sun, but a sun. Golden throne.

A man wearing a bright red robe, with flames in his beard and hair, sat on a golden throne. The endless flames released from his body made it look like a golden sun from a distance.

On the mainland, there are an unknown number of warriors from the Kingdom of God standing densely in golden robes and armor. In the distance, there are several golden light groups emitting powerful aura. They are the powerful slave gods who stay in this kingdom of God.

Even standing suspended in the space of this continent, Ling Xuan could feel the extremely strong malice and majesty in the air. In this hot place, his ice energy will undoubtedly be greatly suppressed, and his strength will also decrease.

Compared with the God of Light, Ling Xuan's original strength was definitely at a disadvantage, but now he seems to have chosen an extremely stupid approach. Is this all just to prevent the glorious empire from being destroyed in the battle

Of course that won't be the case.

Just like the battle between demons in the Abyss Demon Realm was stopped by the Mother Goddess of Mana, it is difficult for this world to withstand god-level battles - both in the Abyss Demon Realm and Mana Continent, otherwise it will cause dimensional Volatility widens the door to chaos.

But the Kingdom of God is different. The Kingdom of God is a closed country created by the gods. If the battle is carried out in the Kingdom of God, the energy will be shielded inside. Moreover, the heavenly realm is originally stronger than the human world and the abyss realm.

When fighting in the strong kingdom of the God of Light, you can fight freely without worrying about any other factors.

Another reason is that no matter how many servant warriors the God of Light has, they will not pose a threat to Ling Xuan because he has a powerful weapon in his hands.

Moreover, after the use of a big killing weapon, it will definitely cause great damage to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is connected to itself. If the Kingdom of God is severely damaged, it will be fed back to the God. Ling Xuan gave this world full of hot flames and light In this place, a harsh blow can also affect the God of Light.

"Insignificant human... No, I feel the aura of the Law of Ice and Snow on you... Sure enough, you are no longer a mortal, but you have inherited everything from the Ice and Snow Goddess and become the God of Ice.

I'm very surprised, how did you reach such a point in just over a year? There must be the supreme being in this world standing behind you, right? "

The voice of the God of Light spread throughout the Kingdom of God. The servants and warriors of God in the Kingdom of God are absolutely loyal to him. He does not have to hide anything under the control that is similar to brainwashing.

"Haha, you know it well, why are you asking?"

"It is indeed Mana. I haven't seen her for many years... I'm wondering what she is doing? I hope to kill you. She can appear. With my current state, it is difficult to go further. If I can get something from Mana , maybe it can go a step further and even surpass the level of the Lord God.”

The words of the God of Light are full of a desire for a stronger realm and power.

Next to Ling Xuan, a blue shadow appeared - Bing Mengxi couldn't help but move from inside his body to the outside. This former ice and snow goddess looked at the God of Light with hatred and said angrily: "You You actually want to set your sights on the Mother Goddess, but today is your end!"

"Bing Mengxi, you are not completely dead. It seems that you have been preserved by some unknown means. How pitiful. Look at you now. Not only do you not have the power of the once powerful elemental god, you have even lost your body. I So sad for you.


These words made Bing Mengxi's angry soul tremble. Ling Xuan said from the side: "Bing Mengxi, come back to my body. There is no need to talk nonsense with this guy."

"Yes, there is no need to talk nonsense... Do you think that with the strength of a god, you can challenge me? You have just become a god, and I have been operating in the Mana continent for tens of thousands of years. There is no need for me to take action. My warriors and From God, it's enough to kill you... attack!"

A large number of Servant Warriors with golden helmets and golden armors charged towards Ling Xuan. The whole scene really had the feel of a Hollywood fantasy war blockbuster.

Ling Xuan opened the channel of the dimensional ring. In the rapidly unfolding red light curtain, a metal warship that had never appeared in the world of Mana, full of high-tech style and more than thirty meters long, sailed through the light curtain. out.

The Karen warship has been completely repaired in the black market, and Devi'er, who controls the warship internally, is ready.

"What is this?"

Seeing this strange object, even the well-informed God of Light couldn't help but be stunned. He immediately thought of the airships produced by the Magic Empire in the past, but this thing was obviously better than the airships. It looks much more amazing.

Understanding that what Ling Xuan took out could not be an ordinary item, the God of Light prepared to wait for a while and snatch this strange thing flying in the sky.

Two beams of light shone from the battleship and immediately sucked the divine bodies of Ling Xuan and the Ice and Snow Goddess into the battleship. Immediately, two shield-like photon walls appeared on the surface of the battleship. Then, the side of the battleship opened, revealing several Side by side, the warheads look neat.

Of course these are not ordinary missiles, they are the nuclear warheads Ling Xuan collected in the Dawn World!

The first batch is six three-megaton nuclear bombs. Among the nuclear bombs collected by Ling Xuan, these can only be regarded as the least powerful, but three-megaton nuclear bombs are already considered to be very scary large nuclear bombs according to the earth - The surrounding spiral metal arms spin out the nuclear bomb and launch it.

Six nuclear bombs flew together towards the Servant of God warriors in the distance. In order to ensure the expansion of the nuclear bomb's killing range, the launch route set by the battleship's auxiliary computer was radial. The gray smoke trailing behind the six nuclear bombs formed a circle of radiating ripples like the bones of a fan.

Then, explode!

Six suns rose directly in the Kingdom of God! Huge explosions resounded throughout the Kingdom of God, and the dazzling light of radiation shone. Air waves comparable to super hurricanes exploded in the Kingdom of God. In the air explosion that exploded from the ground, huge black and red mushroom fireworks rose into the sky. .

Within the scope of the nuclear bomb explosion, those servants of God were directly burned into particles. The servants of God could theoretically be resurrected indefinitely by relying on the divine power contained in the kingdom of God. But in the nuclear explosion, the warrior's body was shattered, and the energy field as his soul was washed away by radiation.

The bodies and souls of all the Servant of God warriors who were hit by the nuclear bomb were completely dissipated, and all the densely packed warriors disappeared under the mushroom cloud in the sky. The soldiers who were farther away from the explosion were also torn to pieces by the shock wave and radiation, or were blown away like leaves and fell to the ground of the Kingdom of God.

It was not just the servants of God who were severely damaged. Ling Xuan bombed the nuclear bomb directly on the Kingdom of God. The entire continent of the Kingdom of God suffered heavy damage, so much so that the God of Light sitting on the golden throne in the sky in the distance was He spat out a mouthful of golden blood.

"Hey, hey, you have the warriors of the gods, and I have the nuclear bombs... let this kingdom of God turn into a doomsday wasteland under the nuclear bombs!"

The Karen warship has used the repaired Wutu flag, the yellow earth element airflow and the later installed defensive cover to withstand the aftermath of the distant nuclear bomb explosion. Under Ling Xuan's order from within, three more warheads appeared in the battleship's launch hole. This time, they were all five-megaton nuclear bombs.

(To be continued