Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 158: Divine light washes away


"Boom, boom, boom!"

Three extremely violent explosions resounded throughout the Kingdom of God. The upside-down bowl-shaped gas explosion spread along the earth. Deadly particles, radiation, light, flames, and shock waves hit in all directions. The entire earth was shaking violently. A huge black-red mushroom cloud rises with flashes of light.

The many servant warriors who made the God of Light proud were almost completely killed in this another nuclear explosion.

In the violent giant that swept through the Kingdom of God, the Karen warships protected by the defensive shield, the energy of Wutu, and the photon wall were like small boats swept by the storm in the sea.

Ling Xuan once again gave the order to the auxiliary computer to prepare to launch a nuclear bomb: "Install the last 10-million-ton nuclear bomb on the space jump launcher, and use the method of launching the space jump nuclear bomb to give the God of Light a taste of the high altitude. A taste of nuclear bombs in a technological world!”

At this time, the God of Light had left the golden throne angrily. The golden light shining from his body dispersed the mushroom clouds, flames, radiation, and the sweeping winds produced by the nuclear explosion in the country.

The mainland's number one god took action, and it was indeed as powerful as a prison. It seemed that the continent, which was suffering from the apocalypse, quickly calmed down.

Amid the majesty of God sweeping across the world, the defensive shields outside the Karen warships were all declining in energy. Facing such a fierce opponent, the battleship's auxiliary computer received Ling Xuan's order. Of course, the approach taken was to launch the last shot. This is also the most powerful nuclear bomb!

The nuclear bomb rotated and stretched out from the spiral arm, and another straight-cylindrical thing appeared. The God of Light, who had been killed by a large number of his subordinates in the explosion of the nuclear bomb, opened his hands in anger.

It was as if a Saiyan fired a vitality bomb. The ball of light, covered with a layer of hot flames, blasted out from the hands of the God of Light and blasted in the direction of the nuclear bomb. But the flying nuclear bomb was activated by a space jumping device and suddenly disappeared in a burst of distorted light and shadow.

When the ball of light thrown by the God of Light exploded in the air, causing a fire storm, the space jumping nuclear bomb also quietly appeared beside him.

An explosion that was more violent than before, and destructive energy swept in all directions. Under the outpouring of energy, the area where the God of Light was located lit up with a ball of light that was a hundred times brighter than the sun, so that the naked eye could see such light. People who do this will go blind directly.

Under the bombardment of multi-million-ton nuclear bombs, the entire Kingdom of God, although it has always been filled with light and flames, has definitely never been as glorious and brilliant as it is now!

In the terrifying energy explosion, the Kingdom of God's continent, which had been severely damaged, was shattered on a large scale, with cracks like deep canyons! Strong radiant light shines above the cracks, coupled with the rolling black and red flames, the Kingdom of the God of Light is completely a doomsday scene suffering from a nuclear war.


Seeing the violent multi-million-ton nuclear explosion, Ling Xuan was a little frightened and couldn't help but cross himself - even though he didn't believe in God at all.

Even with the isolation of the three defense layers of the battleship, you can clearly feel how terrifying this explosion is. As a local native of this world, Devier has seen big scenes, but she has never seen such a big explosion as a nuclear bomb. scene.

Her strength reached the lord level and she was considered a strong person in this world. She was so frightened that her body became weak and she couldn't help but lean on Ling Xuan.

Using nuclear bombs to deal with the God of Light was an idea that came to Ling Xuan when he was in the Dawn World, and now it seems to be working very well. Those servant warriors of the gods who could be immortal and infinitely reborn as long as they had divine power were all killed.

Even the few demigod-level followers in the distance were definitely caught in the nuclear explosion, and no bones remained after being blown up. It is impossible for demigods to withstand the nuclear explosion - because they do not have divine bodies.

"I wonder what the God of Light will do if he is in the center of a nuclear explosion."


The earth of the Kingdom of God is shattered. Looking at this scene, it seems that it is completely collapsing. Only the death of the gods can the Kingdom of God collapse. Just as Ling Xuan couldn't believe it, he speculated whether the God of Light had been hit by a 10-million-ton nuclear bomb. When it hangs up like this, the cracked earth quickly subsides.

Golden light shines in the sky, the smoke and flames illuminated by the light dissipate, and the cracked earth is quickly healed. The originally wasteland-like Kingdom of God quickly recovers and becomes as brilliant as before!

It’s just that the soldiers in the kingdom of God have disappeared.

The God of Light stands in the void, and the golden light that shines between heaven and earth and restores the Kingdom of God is the divine power of light that he emits. This god is indeed powerful enough. A super nuclear bomb exploded less than ten meters away and was still flying like nothing happened.

However, Ling Xuan could clearly feel that the aura and pressure in this guy's light was much weaker than before.

This is inevitable. Damage to the Kingdom of God will be reflected on the gods. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes in the Kingdom of God, the God of Light will be seriously injured. What's more, there is a nuclear bomb exploding next to him? According to Ling Xuan's estimation, the strength of this God of Light has dropped by at least half!

The current Karen warships are of little use, and the remaining weapons cannot pose a threat to beings like the God of Light.

Ling Xuan went out from the battleship, opened the light curtain of the dimensional ring, and put the Karen battleship into it. The ice and snow goddess holding the Phantom Halberd of Ice stood beside him. The God of Light in the distant sky, after using his divine power to repair the damaged Kingdom of God, a burst of golden light flowed from his body, and a set of weapons and armor appeared.

This armor is even more gorgeous than the Frozen Throne Armor! On the metal surface, the golden light flowed like water waves, making Ling Xuan immediately think of the holy clothes of the Golden Saint, the god of light wearing a suit of armor, with his face hidden in the golden helmet.

Holding a big sword and a shield in both hands, the first god of Mana continent said in a cold voice:

"Even in the ancient wars between gods and demons, I have never encountered such a huge setback. All my servants, warriors and followers were all thrown away... But it doesn't matter. As long as I, the god, am here, as long as I have faith in the world. , no matter how big the loss is, it can be replenished.”

"And you, who angered me, are destined to die! After I kill you, the magic prop that fires these terrifying weapons will also become my property!"

Facing the God of Light who keeps talking nonsense, if Ling Xuan still has a nuclear bomb, he will definitely throw it in his face.

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Ling Xuan's eyes turned pure white, activated the Taoist Freeze End, and became the Earth Immortal Queen. Because of the blessing of his own Freeze End, the power of the Taoist magic increased many times. The God of Light who was stared at, the surrounding people Within the space, a large number of ice cubes appeared.

The dense freezing air froze everything, and even the space seemed to be frozen, but the God of Light's armor automatically flashed with golden light, melting all the surrounding ice.

"Hmph! Use such a simple method to deal with me? Didn't Bing Mengxi tell you that my armor, like the Ice Fantasy Halberd, is made of the mixed laws of strange objects born in the world? The Endless Glory Armor , is the first ray of light born in the world, and the Endless Fire Sword is the first ray of flame that appears in the world!"

"How can mere ice and snow withstand the brilliance of God's Arms!"

With a cold voice coming from his mouth, the God of Light raised the sword in his hand called Endless Fire. The blade of the sword lit up with a dazzling red light. He swung it down and the flame grew rapidly, turning into a flame that seemed to split the heaven and earth. The sword stretched out for thousands of meters and slashed down at Ling Xuan!

The goddess of ice and snow raised the trident. In the white ice light, the trident held the falling flames. During the collision, a large amount of ice light and fire rain exploded in all directions, forming a meteor shower!

The Ice Illusion Halberd and the Endless Fire War Sword are both considered artifacts of the same level, but in terms of power and energy to activate the weapon, Ling Xuan's natal magic weapon is obviously one level lower than the God of Light. In the collision of the weapons, it was Cut off the dust.

Ling Xuan became an Earth Immortal and could fly in the sky entirely with his magic power, but in order to speed up his flight, he still summoned the Ice Wings. He teleported extremely quickly in the sky, dodged a horizontal slash from the flaming sword that was a thousand meters away, and flew in the direction of the God of Light.

The goddess of ice and snow who fell to the ground also flew towards the God of Light with the phantom ice halberd in her hand. After all, she had the body of a god, so this sword could not seriously damage her.

The flying ice and snow goddess had a dark whirlpool in her eyes. Amidst the withering resentment of the undead, the thousand-meter-long blade inspired by the Endless Fire Sword quickly dissipated. Even the Endless Glory Armor that released brilliant light was stained. A layer of black mist.

At the same time, Ling Xuan, who was flying, had a talisman in his hand.

Coming to this world, in the Emerald Forest, during the seven days waiting to rescue Honeydew, Ling Xuan certainly would not be idle. In preparation for fighting the God of Light, he drew two talisman papers, one Shenxiao Tianlei talisman, and one Zhang Jinjia Divine Weapon Talisman.

Ling Xuan, who became an Earth Immortal, could truly draw talisman papers with destructive power worthy of the name "immortal talisman", and the two talisman papers he drew were both infused with ten thousand years of mana.

What I am taking out now is the Divine Sky Thunder Talisman!

The Divine Sky Thunder Talisman drawn by ten thousand years of mana was triggered, and within the Divine Kingdom, a dark thundercloud exuding a destructive aura quickly appeared. The energy fluctuations in the thundercloud were so strong that they could be compared to the calamity cloud when Ling Xuan went through the calamity. Compare!

A bolt of thunder blasted down from the clouds, this time the thunder turned completely pure purple, and the flames surrounding the thunder were balls as bright as blood.

When the purple thunder and blood fire crashed down from the sky on the God of Light, you could even see the divine blood gushing out of the helmet of the golden armor, and then dissipated in the energy explosion of the thunder.

Even a main god cannot ignore the thunder from the sky that condenses tens of thousands of years of mana. The God of Light in the thunder suffered heavy losses again. But this was just to create an opportunity for Ling Xuan's next attack. An ordinary white light belt brushed towards the God of Light who was flashing thunder around him.

Ice and snow exterminate the divine light! RS