Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 21: Moon gemstone


The corpse of the dark elf was first transformed into a zombie by the Infernal Corpse Array, and then awakened by the Corpse Raising Bell. It was completely unconscious. The zombie's instinctive desire immediately made it full of desire for the flesh and blood of living things. As soon as it turned its eyes, it saw the honeydew nearby.

Compared with Ling Xuan, who holds a pure yang wooden sword, and the dark elf with a yin constitution, the little princess is undoubtedly a better delicacy!

With his arms straightened, Green Zombie jumped upright and pounced towards Honeydew.

Ling Xuan was shocked. Green Zombie's nails and teeth contained corpse poison. It would not be fun to be caught or bitten. He slammed the third token of the bill with his wooden sword, and with a "boom" sound, the attacking zombies stopped in their tracks amidst the thunder-like explosion.

While the zombie was frightened, Ling Xuan threw away another magic weapon, the corpse rope made from the vines of the home tree. He saw the rope falling on the zombie and spinning around in circles under the guidance of his spiritual consciousness.


The Green Zombie, who came back to his senses, let out a crazy roar, and the corpse rope tied to his body was tightened. With the strength of this "copper corpse", even the corpse rope could not bind it for long, and it would become over time. Be broken.

Honeydew's teeth were chattering like a rattling, and when she saw the zombie that was rushing towards her, but was tied up by vines, and kept roaring, its eyes were glowing red, and its sharp teeth, its eyes rolled up and it fell to the ground with a thud. on the ground.

I was so scared...

"Block evil!"

Ling Xuan picked up a corpse-suppressing talisman in his hand, wrapped it with magic power, raised his hand and threw it, and the talisman was stuck on the zombie's forehead. The strange thing is that after the talisman paper made of thin bark is attached, it seems to be stuck with glue and will not fall off. Green Zombie, who was struggling hard to break free from the rope, suddenly stopped moving.

"Such an energetic zombie must have good strength." Ling Xuan couldn't help but smile, picked up the little princess Honey Dew, and patted her face to wake her up.

The unlucky guy who was frightened and fainted immediately burst into tears and buried his head in Ling Xuan's arms.

After saying some words of comfort to Mi Lu, Ling Xuan took back the rope that bound the corpse and picked up the corpse control tray on the bill.

The metal plate made of black iron is the key to controlling zombies. I walked up to the zombie who was restrained by the zombie talisman. I held the metal plate in one hand and grabbed the zombie with the other hand. I saw a faint black gas flying from the zombie's body. Out, fell into the market.

Any living thing has a soul, but of course the corpse does not because the soul has dissipated. The soul is a special biological field. When Ling Xuan transformed the corpse into a zombie and rang the corpse bell, the mysterious yin energy in the zombie combined with the physical body, actually forming an energy body similar to the soul.

Humanoid creatures have three souls and seven souls. The regenerated energy body is different from humans. They have only one soul and one soul without consciousness. They are born with insufficient souls. Ling Xuan now imprisons one of them in the corpse control tray, and can use this magical weapon to control the zombies.

Ling Xuan picked up the simple magic weapon on the bill, which was made from honeydewed rags, black iron bars and spiritual blood. The purpose of this corpse hiding flag was to store zombies. He waved the flag, and a black light erupted from the flag. He rushed out and caught Green Zombie.

In the black light, a talisman was pasted on his forehead, and the motionless Green Zombie disappeared.

There is also a small dot the size of an ant on the corpse flag. This small black dot is the reduced form of Green Zombie.

"Okay, you're done. The first one is considered successful."

From the function of the magic weapon to the formation and process, there were no mistakes. Ling Xuan was very happy. He waved the small flag, released the green zombie, and said to Meltina on the side: "This is the dead warrior I created using the corpse, called a zombie."


"Because they are zombies with very stiff bodies, they are called 'zombie'. Didn't you see that this zombie can't even walk, can only jump? But zombies are not weak."

"Send a senior soldier to test the zombie's strength, but be careful. The zombie's nails and teeth are full of corpse poison."

Meltina nodded and called out to an elf next to her. This was one of the few dark elves who had reached the advanced level of demon. His strength was similar to that of the rock steel beast that Ling Xuan killed in Flame Castle.

Ling Xuan opened the talisman paper, collected it with the zombie flag, and gave the battle order to the freed zombies, preparing to judge the green zombie's strength through battle.

The result is gratifying. The zombies jump around when fighting. They look strange, but they are extremely powerful and physically strong! According to the strength level in the Abyss Demon Realm, Green Zombie should be able to reach the strength level of an intermediate demon or a fourth-level demon!

The fire rock demon that Ling Xuan killed dropped a fifth-level magic core, and the green zombie was only one level weaker.

If thousands of green zombies can be created, although it cannot be said that they will definitely be able to defeat the two territories, which add up to more than 400,000 demons, there is at least hope of confrontation.

After sealing the Green Zombie into the Corpse Hiding Flag, Ling Xuan understood that now was the time to get busy.

The efficiency of transforming corpses one by one was too low. He used more blood to set up a large corpse array. A total of three shadow gems were taken out from the dimensional ring to serve as the central core of the array.

More than a dozen complete corpses were placed in the Yin Corpse Array, and Ling Xuan began a new round of transformation and practice.

The number of corpse-suppressing talismans that Ling Xuan brought was one thousand. This number was undoubtedly not enough, but with the help of dark elves, they could be made quickly. In order to save time, he settled directly in this burial place. After transforming a batch, he started making talismans using the thin bark sent by the dark elves.

The yin energy here is extremely strong and a large number of corpses are buried. It is not a pleasant place. The pampered little princess didn't want to be here for a moment, but this girl obviously had a certain degree of dependence on Ling Xuan and was reluctant to leave.

Fifteen days later, Ling Xuan exhaustedly sealed the last zombie into the corpse-hiding flag, and finally completed it.

The corpse flag has densely packed black dots on the cloth flag, and each dot represents a zombie. Now Ling Xuan understood that the body of the dark elf was born with a pure yin constitution, and not a single low-level white zombie was transformed from the corpse.

There are seven thousand Green Zombies, or Bronze Zombies, whose strength is equivalent to that of intermediate demons, and there are 300 more advanced Purple Zombies, or Iron Zombies. The Iron Zombies are not only stronger in strength and body, but can also spew zombies. Poisonous mist.

Approximately equivalent to a seventh-level high-level demon!

Flesh-and-blood creatures scratched and bitten to death by green zombies, or flesh-and-blood creatures sprayed by purple zombie poison mist, may transform into white zombies if their resistance to the poison system is low.

White zombies will die quickly when exposed to sunlight or burned by flames. They are not strong and are a kind of cannon fodder, but they are stronger than the lowest-level skeletons and zombies. This ability of transformation can undoubtedly weaken the enemy's strength and increase one's own strength.

A total of 7,300 zombies are what Ling Xuan relied on to fight against the 400,000 demon army!

Completing these is not without effort. The blood consumed in drawing the magic circle and the spiritual consciousness and mana lost in so many days will take at least two or three days to recover. Moreover, the three shadow gems of Little Princess Honeydew were completely damaged as the dark aura within them dissipated.

"There are still ten days left, and the two territories will send people to come. At that time, it will be time for a showdown or even war with them. Our strength is still at a disadvantage, but I see the terrain of the gray valley, surrounded by mountains that are difficult to climb, leading to There is only one canyon passage in the inner forest.”

"We can set up defenses in the passage and take advantage of the terrain to reduce the opponent's number. If the opponent comes in a group, we will kill them!"

Ling Xuan gave his advice, but in fact he didn't need his advice. The dark elves were not stupid. As the leader of the clan, Meltina's wisdom is definitely not low, but in more than seventy years of miserable life, the wisdom and force of the entire clan have been severely suppressed.

With the seven thousand three hundred zombie warriors created by Ling Xuan, Meldina naturally knew what to do.

The entire group of dark elves began to operate, and a large number of trees were cut down to build defense facilities at the canyon passage. The material here is extremely poor, but Meltina still tried to make some bird-wing chariots using the muscles removed from the trees and the octopus corpse.

The bird-wing chariot is a giant ballistae that fires not crossbow arrows, but moon blades made of black iron!

The task of making zombies is completed, Ling Xuan can now rest, but the time cannot be spent resting. He saw Honeydew's previous behavior, and anyone would undoubtedly feel affection for this obedient and kind-hearted little princess.

Thinking of the war, Ling Xuan couldn't help but worry that when the zombies faced the demon army, as a top combat force, he would probably face two lords and be unable to take care of Honeydew.

With Honeydew's personality, she would definitely not be willing to stay in the forest, and she might sneak out during the war. So Ling Xuan decided to use these few days to restore his spiritual consciousness and mana while refining a magic weapon for Honey Dew.

That’s right, it’s not a magic weapon, but a magic weapon!

If you want to refine a magic weapon through sacrifice, the biggest limitations are the materials and the ritual technique. The treasure-refining technique is undoubtedly the top-level treasure-refining technique. In terms of materials, there are some particularly precious gems in Miqi's dimensional ring. Although they are not as good as the ice soul treasures, they have also reached the level of magic weapons for sacrifice.

There are not many materials that reach the magic weapon level in Xiaoqian World. The Flame Joy created by Ling Xuan uses super-level magic core and flame heart magic stone, and it is only a magic weapon.

After all, Honeydew is the bloodline of the entire elven clan, the iridescent elves favored by the gods, and has a hobby of collecting gems, and is extremely favored. It goes without saying that the materials in the dimensional ring are precious.

Moon diamonds, moonlight crystals, dream moon cold stones, and a dozen flawless moon white stones are enough to create a magic weapon with moon attributes. It's a pity that these are gems, not metals. If the metal has the energy of the moon, it can be made into a copycat "Moon Golden Wheel" similar to the Shushan legend.

"Haha, the properties of moonlight energy are relatively cold. The speed of refining with heart fire will not be too slow. If three precious shadow gems are damaged, let's make a moon-based magic weapon as compensation. In this way, in the future, the dimensional ring can be used of rare materials, I can feel more at ease.”

Honey Lu was extremely happy when she heard that Ling Xuan was willing to create a top-notch "magic equipment" for her.

After seeing "Brother Ling" create the Divine Sky Thunder Talisman and those amazing magic weapons, especially using rags of clothes and adding a steel rod, you can create magic weapons that can store thousands of zombies. , she was full of confidence in Ling Xuan.

Even the great alchemists of the elves were far inferior to Ling Xuan in Honey Dew's eyes.

Refining a magic weapon is no better than refining a magic weapon. The ice soul that time was a naturally formed treasure. It didn't require too much trouble at all. It could be directly refined into the Taoist base. This time, it requires careful consideration of the physical properties, type, and even appearance of the magic weapon. .

Ling Xuan placed all the moon gems in front of him, and at the same time sat on the white futon brought from the earth's ice cave, entered a calm state, and recovered the spiritual consciousness and mana consumed in the previous process of creating zombies.

The moonlight energy contained in the moon gems undoubtedly affected his meditation. In his meditation, a cold bright moon actually appeared.

The bright moon shone brightly, seeming to soothe his spiritual consciousness.

It was originally expected to take two or three days to recover, but sitting next to the many moon gems and feeling the soothing energy of the moonlight, I recovered in one day. Ling Xuan opened his eyes. In his heart, he already had a clear understanding of the magic weapon he was going to refine. The bright moon that appeared in the calm state brought inspiration.

The Moon Diamond, Moonlight Crystal, and Mengyue Cold Stone were not touched. There was only one of the three gems. Ling Xuan picked up a flawless moon white stone. Ordinary moon white stones are more precious, let alone flawless ones, but they are incomparable to those three gems.

There are a total of thirteen flawless moon white stones. Ling Xuan is going to use these precious gems to practice his hands and become familiar with the process of refining the magic weapon!