Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 3: Ink-stained cherry blossoms


Ling Xuan raised his hand and rolled out a scroll of ice light. The picture of the celestial demon, the sapphire slip of the jade secret of creation, the seven-colored jade bis of the treasure refining secret, the white jade talisman of the six minor arts, the silk book of "All Worlds", and even the futon for meditation before, were all in the ice light. It disappeared and was taken into the body.

In the Daoji realm, you can use the Xuanbing Crystal Lotus to store objects, but it is not infinite. Each of the nine petals can only store one item. When you reach the tenth level of the Jade Art of Creation, the Golden Core Realm, become an Earth Immortal, and open up the Purple Mansion, you can store a lot of things.

Storage in front of the golden elixir is undoubtedly a big trouble, so the Immortal Talisman Technique among the Six Small Techniques and the Mustard Seed Talisman for Sacrificing and Refining Things are left behind!

Looking inside the Dantian spiritual sea where mana is stored, the nine-petal ice lotus slowly rises and falls in the air of black ice. The appearance of all objects has shrunk a lot, with six petals suspended on it, and there are three empty petals.

Ling Xuan's heart moved, and he used his magic power to communicate with the glacier.

The permafrost ice in Kunlun Mountain has not changed for thousands of years, and the eternal cold air is not the aura of heaven and earth, but it can still be used. Now the ancient cold air is attracted by Ling Xuan's magic power and condenses into the ice cave. This is the method of manipulating natural energy in the treasure refining technique.

Three days later, three white ice beads appeared in front of Ling Xuan. Each bead contained enough cold energy to freeze a mountain peak into an ice peak!

In a world with the aura of heaven and earth, powerful creatures will definitely be born, and there may even be plane-level gods.

The innate Bagua only contains the power to travel through the planes once. The Heavenly Demon Diagram has no known function. The Treasure Refining Technique does not have the materials to refine the magic weapon. The worlds are a book of knowledge. The six minor techniques cannot be practiced at present. When you encounter an enemy, you can only fight on your own!

Sixty years of mana is a lot less, but a lot more.

If you are unlucky and enter other universes and encounter powerful beings, it will undoubtedly be dangerous. So Ling Xuan gathered the ancient cold energy and condensed three "ice beads". These are disposable items. After exploding, they release the cold energy. Together with the mysterious ice energy, they can more or less fight against the enemy.

After taking the ice beads into the body, all the nine petals of Xuanbing Crystal Lotus' Taoist base and nine petals have stored items, and they can no longer carry anything. As for the blue stone slab with the Eight Diagrams symbols carved on it, it is used for inter-dimensional jumps and does not need to be collected.

"The time has come to leave the earth..."

Ling Xuan sighed a little. Although he learned about the vastness of the universe and the vastness of the world after watching "Worlds", the earth and universe are his hometown after all. Once he leaves, he doesn't know when he can come back.

The bluestone slab was stimulated by the Xuan Bing Qi, and the power of unknown nature contained in it suddenly burst out. The bluestone slab shattered into fine dust, with eight black colors of Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui. Line hexagrams fly out from it.

Around Ling Xuan, black Bagua symbols were swirling and flowing, and a circle of transparent force field-like fluctuations spread and enveloped his whole body. Then, countless cracks appeared in the void three feet nearby, shattering suddenly and turning into pitch black, like a black hole containing inexplicable terror.

After the black hole appeared, it quickly collapsed into a small point, and together with the internal hexagrams and the transparent force field that enveloped Ling Xuan, they disappeared into the void.

In an incomprehensible way, Xiantian Bagua led Ling Xuan to shatter the void and jump directly out of the plane of the earth into a mysterious gas. This gas appears gray, covers countless cosmic planes, and is the carrier of multiple planes.

Hongmeng Qi!

The Small Thousand Worlds were born from Hongmeng. At the beginning of Hongmeng, at the beginning of the world, there were countless multiple planes. Except for the planes created by higher beings beyond human beings and the special worlds generated within certain magic weapons, other small world-level multidimensional planes are all in this gas.

From "Worlds", Ling Xuan also knew that the "Middle Thousand Worlds" of the higher universe are in the black and white Tai Chi Qi. Tai Chi Tao has three thousand avenues, so three thousand Middle Thousand Worlds will be born.

And in the "Great Thousand Worlds", within the most mysterious energy of chaos, there is only one!

As the Bagua circulated, super sci-fi geometric patterns continued to appear on the surface of the force field. Ling Xuan, who was in the "Bagua Great Movement Space", saw the plane that jumped out.

With the help of Xiantian Bagua, we can look at the universe from a macro perspective. It is composed of countless huge flowing star clusters. Meteorites, planets, stars, nebulae, black holes... Various materials and energies condense into star clusters under the influence of time, space and basic forces, and together they form a vast and immeasurable world.

This is the earth plane!

New planes are constantly being born, old planes are constantly disappearing, and the number of planes is endless.

As the saying goes:

The force combines with space and time to form the universe, in which matter and energy are contained;

The rules of cause and effect arise and die with each passing day, and there are infinite numbers within Hongmeng.

The Qi of Hongmeng is boundless. Even with the power left over from the Innate Bagua, we cannot explore all the universes. We can only find planes suitable for cultivation in the shuttle. Not all planes have the aura of heaven and earth, and some planes are dangerous. Incomparable.

There are countless life forms in the vast universe, but the human form is unique and coincides with the supreme principles of heaven and earth. Therefore, most of the advanced life forms are humanoid, but there are also some naturally powerful non-human creatures entrenched in various planes.

For example, in many planes, there is an extremely dangerous creature: the Zerg, as well as metal life in the form of robots, energy life in the form of elements... If he enters the plane of non-human creatures, as an alien, Ling Xuan's current strength will simply not be able to survive. !

Flying in the Hongmeng Qi with no concept of time or space, Ling Xuan used the innate Bagua to watch, trying to find a suitable place for cultivation.

The power left behind by the Eight Diagrams is only enough to jump across planes once. The next time she wants to jump, she can only do it when the fairy queen who has achieved success in cultivation is in the third "vital realm" of the ten realms of immortals.

In the Yuan Qi realm, Qi is mana. Yuan is a unit of measurement related to mana. One Yuan is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years. If you form a golden elixir and practice to the point where you have one Yuan of mana, you can activate the innate Bagua and fly in the universe. Outside time and space, in the atmosphere of Hongmeng!

Before becoming an Earth Immortal, the only opportunity to jump across dimensions is related to whether you can become an Earth Immortal or whether you will encounter a disaster and die in a different world. It is extremely precious.

As the energy of Hongmeng shuttles through, the richness and excitement of the multiple planes also shock the little life on earth, Ling Xuan.

It is undeniable that the star universe where the earth is located is an extremely vast, almost "endless time, boundless space, and boundless matter" super-large plane existence mode. But the multidimensional plane is not just the expression of star clusters and stars like the earth's universe.

Ling Xuan almost thought that he had entered a fantasy world! Through the Bagua force field, his line of sight extended to infinity, scanning thousands of universes.

Most planes are just a few stars forming a cluster of galaxies. This plane is the most numerous and seems to be extremely fragile. Ling Xuan saw that a small plane with several stars similar to those in the solar system disintegrated in the energy of Hongmeng, and the stars collapsed and exploded.

Even if a small plane disintegrates, and earth, fire, magma, and crustal plates are ejected from a huge planet like the sun, Jupiter, and Saturn, the mass of the material is enough to reach billions of tons.

The scene of the planet exploding and the plane disintegrating is indescribably majestic!

The shape of the universe composed of this kind of planet is quite normal, and some planes are beyond the knowledge of Ling Xuan, who is an earthling. He saw a universe, which turned out to be a big pornographic book. The pages of the book were the continents that made up the plane. Stars were dotted among them, and all kinds of life existed inside.

There is a universe made up of stars, but the stars are so huge that it is unimaginable. Each one is probably a hundred times larger than the Milky Way on the plane where the earth is located. There are only twelve stars in this plane, arranged in a mysterious trajectory.

A star of this size should collapse on itself, completely violating the laws of scientific physics!

There is another plane that Ling Xuan cannot understand. It is a huge, dark and dim hole, with all kinds of chaotic energy gushing out. The energy in the hole is so chaotic that life cannot survive, but the breath of life does exist in the plane.

Some planes are full of water, like a big bubble, and living things can survive in the water. Some planes are just a flame or a ball of thunder and lightning. Ling Xuan, who is influenced by modern science on earth, cannot imagine that simple elements can actually Make up the universe!

Occasionally, there are planes that collapse, and there are planes that are born from the energy of Hongmeng, but most planes are in a stable state. Ling Xuan does not know how many planes he has seen, and almost all of them lack spiritual energy like the universe where the earth is located.

Traveling through Hongmeng, Ling Xuan in the Bagua force field was shocked, and his eyes showed an unbelievable light. He saw a plane, only the size of the solar system, a strange universe with a single continent. The universe was dead and silent, and seemed to be dying, but it had not yet collapsed.

There is a tree on the mainland. It is a cherry blossom tree. The tree is as long as one astronomical unit from root to top! The astronomical unit is an extremely large unit of length, approximately equal to 150 million kilometers. The diameter of the Earth is less than one-tenth of this unit.

A cherry blossom tree ten times larger than the earth is rooted in a dead continent the size of the solar system!

The roots, branches, and leaves of the cherry blossom tree are all pale, and each one has petals as big as Taiwan Island, as if they were dyed black by ink paste. This "ink-dyed cherry blossom tree" exudes an extremely rich aura. .

This aura is not the aura of heaven and earth, but a ghostly aura of death, full of the ominousness of death. Ling Xuan's gaze changed from macro to micro, and he suddenly discovered a young girl sitting on a dark petal at the top of the cherry blossom tree!

The girl looks very young, about eleven or twelve years old. She has no other color except black and white.

The body is pure white, and the long, straight, satin-like hair is dark, hanging down and spread on the petal ground like clothes, blocking the delicate and young body. The girl's eyes were closed tightly, and her extraordinary face seemed to be born from gathering spiritual energy, taking over the creation of heaven and earth, and absorbing the essence of a universe. This beauty can only be born!

In the dead continent, a cherry blossom tree took root, and a girl sat on the ink petals.

As if being attracted by Ling Xuan's gaze from outside the universe with the help of innate gossip, the girl's eyes opened. When she opened her eyes, there were no whites or pupils, just like ink-colored cherry blossoms, only a deep darkness.

The girl's eyes passed through the dead universe and looked at Ling Xuan who was traveling through the Hongmeng energy and the Bagua Great Teleportation Force Field.

Their eyes met!

Ling Xuan was shocked. There was an unknown power in the innate Bagua, which activated the Great Teleportation Force Field and shuttled through the Hongmeng atmosphere outside the multidimensional planes of the Small Thousand World. It can be described as "jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements".

Even the immortals cannot sense the gaze cast from the Hongmeng Qi in the universe where they live!

The existences in Xiaoqian World have cultivated to the top level, but they are infinitely close to the immortals. They lack the understanding of Tao and cannot reach the true immortal level. Once you reach the immortal level, you will be repelled by multiple planes and enter the higher universe of the middle thousand worlds.

What kind of existence is the girl sitting on the petals? What kind of thing is the ink-stained cherry tree rooted in a dead continent

The book "Worlds" will not record all things in the universe in detail. After all, all things in the universe are endless. Ling Xuan's own knowledge cannot understand whether such a life is a god, ghost, immortal, Buddha, demon or devil? Or is it an innate life born from "Tao"

The hexagrams flowed, and the Bagua Great Shifting Force Field shuttled through the Hongmeng Qi. The plane where the Moyan Sakura was located and the girl's gaze disappeared from sight.

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