Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 54: Space ring


The Yin Phosphorus Tower of Skeletons. Valxio gathered an army of undead and spent twenty years building it. The tower of bones absorbed an unknown amount of undead energy. Ling Xuan used the method of refining ghost magic weapons to make it into a magic weapon.

Although there is no ice soul cold light cone, which brings a total of 340 years of mana benefits, and it does not have the effect of turning the mysterious ice energy into ice soul cold light, it has to be said that the hundred-meter-high bone tower after sacrifice, It is the most powerful thing in Ling Xuan's hands currently!

The evil spirit formed into a cloud, holding the Tower of Bones downwards to suppress it. The phantoms of demon yakshas rotated around the tower. The tide of evil spirits formed by the fighting spirit when the death sword skills were used below melted under the pressure of the evil spirit of Yin and Phosphorus. .

The ocean of vindictiveness collapsed, and the evil spirits in it were also burned out by the phosphorus fire. The black warrior Randy kept trembling under the pressure of the skeletal Yin Phosphorus Tower. The rocks on the surrounding ground cracked inch by inch, and then sank into a pit. The pit was filled with broken pieces. Gray dust cracked into sand.

Randy finally couldn't bear it anymore, and even his helmet exploded, revealing a head of white hair and a face full of resentment. He bent his legs and knelt on the ground in humiliation.


The humanoid old man transformed by the dark dragon had two eyes that almost protruded from the eye sockets. He originally thought that Ling Xuan would be killed under the secret of the tide of evil spirits. He never expected to see such a scene. The bone tower hanging in the sky was a hundred meters high, and a large black cloud spread below. The downward pressure was really shocking. Got it!

The Scorpion Witch and the Snake Witch knew very well how powerful the Black Warrior was. Seeing this scene, the two demon lords were so shocked that they opened their mouths and were speechless.

Other ancient ghosts, blood mages, Styx ice chrysalis, blood giants, etc. also have similar expressions. The Tower of Bones in the sky can be seen to be built with the bones of the abyssal beast. The method of turning a hundred-meter-high tower into a weapon and falling from the sky to suppress the enemy is completely beyond their imagination.

The Skeleton Yin Phosphorus Tower is a magic weapon that must be used to fight the Flame Hell Emperor. There is no need to hide it.

Ling Xuan mobilized his magic power to strengthen the suppressive power of the bone tower. Randy, who was kneeling, was holding on to the ground with both hands. The hideous and rotten scars on his face were distorting. The bones in his body creaked under the huge force, as if he was overwhelmed. It's about to break.

Although he tried his best to resist, the Black Warrior still changed from kneeling to lying on the ground with all his body prostrated - to be precise, his whole body sank into the ground that was crushed into grains of sand!

Buttocks upward, arms spread out, forming the character "big".

Ling Xuan couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart when he saw a large amount of black mist dissipating from the black warrior Randy's body into the cloud of evil energy. The fighting spirit in Randy's body has begun to collapse. If suppressed like this, it will be enough to kill him, but most of the death fighting spirit will be consumed in the evil cloud.

He is also planning to let Devier absorb the resentment and increase her strength!

As soon as the bone tower was retracted, the shadows of evil ghosts and yakshas around the skeletal Yin Phosphorus Tower disappeared one after another. The thick cloud of evil spirit below was sucked back into the tower. The entire bone tower quickly shrank and fell back into Ling Xuan's hands. Then it disappeared and was included. Inside the petals of the Xuanbing Crystal Lotus.

The Black Warrior, who was lying on the ground with his armor cracked everywhere, felt the pressure suddenly disappear. He struggled to turn over and suddenly saw the magic pattern of strength engraved on Ling Xuan's body. He held a cross sword in both hands and stabbed him with a sharp awl!

Raising his hands suddenly, the black warrior grasped the awl with both hands that could not let go. The top of the awl was just above his throat, but he could no longer advance further.

The black warrior exploded all the power in his body and held the flying cross sword. A trace of blood dripped from the palm of his hand. He gritted his teeth with a ferocious face and said: "I, I will never die in your hands! I There’s another trick!”


Ling Xuan was using all his strength to stab the black warrior with the flying cross sword. Hearing these words, a sarcastic look appeared on his face.


There was a crisp sound of a metal machine gun, and the flying cross sword was pressed against the top of the Black Warrior's throat. Suddenly, a foot-long sword edge popped out and penetrated his neck. The tip of the sword penetrated from the back of the neck and penetrated. to the ground.

The sword was hooked and the ejected sword edge pierced his neck. The black warrior's face twitched, his eyes lit up with a mixture of unwillingness, anger, and madness, and blood foam continued to spurt from his mouth.

Ling Xuan swung his sword and cut off the head with one blow. The body rolled on the ground. After struggling and twitching for a few times, it became silent. Randy was the Dark Knight, the King of the Abyss, not the Headless Horseman. , if you lose your head, you will naturally die.

"I didn't want to mess with you, but you came here to mess with me. You tried to kill me several times. How about it? You should be satisfied now!" After complaining about Randy's corpse, Ling Xuan put away his flying sword and unfolded his ice wings. Fly to Devil and bring her to the body.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the Black Warrior's neck, and then rushed out of the thick black mist. Twisted faces emerged from the mist. This was the collapse of the death fighting spirit, and the resentment also dissipated.

"Quickly absorb the resentment emanating from you!"

Daiweier quickly channeled her fighting spirit. She had not yet released her fighting spirit, but the whirlpool of fighting spirit inside her body was spinning rapidly, and the resentment outside was immediately aroused, and countless black faces turned toward the elf girl's body.

Ling Xuan was not idle either. The black warrior's sword skills were amazing, and the secret of death fighting spirit would definitely be beneficial to him in using the resentment of the dead, so he immediately used the Soul Searching Technique!

After obtaining the memory of the Black Warrior, Ling Xuan couldn't help but sigh slightly. The Black Warrior's wealth was much greater than that of the Fire Wing Balrog and the Skeleton Lord. This guy had a space ring, but he didn't bring all the important wealth with him. habit.

There are very few things in the space ring!

Take off a silver iron ring, a very simple ring on the hand of Randy's corpse. This is the space ring. The space in it is almost a hundred times smaller than the dimensional ring, only a dozen square meters. The interior is empty, except for a metal badge and a top-notch undead magic stone: the Crystal of Desolation.

The hibernation badge can collect creatures inside. When creatures enter the badge, they will enter a hibernation-like state and sleep. The badge can only be bound to one creature, and it was bound to a strange human-faced bird. When Ling Xuan and the Black Warrior fought, the mount had already seen the situation and flew away.

Ling Xuan was not interested in pursuing him, so he unbound the badge, and then put it into the ring with the Death Sigh Magic Sword beside the body of Randy the Black Warrior. As for the armor on the Black Warrior, it had been completely damaged by the previous suppression.

Obtained a space ring, a hibernation badge, a crystal of desolation, a death magic sword, and most importantly, the precious sword skill experience in the mind of the black warrior, including various death sword skills. Secret cultivation methods.

The harvest is not small!

Ling Xuan walked towards the demon lords. These lords, whose expressions were almost petrified, finally regained consciousness. They all stared at his face with disbelief, as if they wanted to get to know him again.

He used pure violence to kill the powerful Crocodile Tail War Demon, fired ice crystal arrows, and helped kill the Beholder Lord and the Vulture Lord, showing his powerful melee and magic abilities!

Refining the magic core into a thunderbolt - the Abyss Demon Realm is not the continent of Mana. There are very few people who can refine magic props, and their techniques are not clever. Ling Xuan's method shocked the lords. Later, in a short time, In a short period of time, he learned the magic ball and showed his profound magic control!

Now, facing the ultimate secret of the Death Sword Skill, not only did he not die in the wave of evil spirits, but he also used shocking methods to kill the famous Dark Knight Randy!

"I didn't expect that you are so powerful. Even the Black Warrior died in your hands." The blood mage suddenly let out a burst of laughter, "Hahaha, seeing this guy die in front of me really makes me feel happy. My friend, Lord Tide, can rest in peace."

The two monster-like women on the side, the Scorpion Witch and the Snake Witch, began to turn pale. They both remembered the admiration shown by the Black Warrior when they learned that the Black Warrior was here. They were filled with anxiety, fearing that Ling Xuan would kill them. .

Although the two of them are also lords, they are both at the bottom of the lords in terms of strength, and they have no power to resist Ling Xuan!

As for the Ghost Faced Spider King, he said with some hesitation: "Dark Warrior Randy is an important subordinate of the Blood-striped Succubus. Will Lady Linna be blamed for killing him?"

Before Ling Xuan spoke, the blood mage next to him shouted: "This is Randy seeking death. He killed Ling Xuan as soon as they met. He was killed because he was not strong enough. Who can say anything? If Lady Linna blames her, The worst we can do is testify for Ling Xuan! What do you think?"

The ancient ghost seemed to be thinking, and after a few seconds said: "The blood mage is right."

Styx Ice Chrysalis: "The Black Warrior attacked first, Ling Xuan defended himself."

Blood Giant: "It's your own fault."

Crimson Hunter: "If you are not as strong as the other party and still provoke him, you can't blame others if you want to die."

The nine demon lords expressed their opinions one after another. These lords were certainly not fools. The black warrior was already dead, so who would speak for him? Besides, Ling Xuan's previous bone tower was obviously some kind of magic prop, a being with such superb strength and manufacturing talent.

Now, these demon lords have even begun to consider how to curry favor with Ling Xuan and build a good relationship.

Ling Xuan smiled slightly. He didn't care about Lina's attitude. He killed the black warrior Randy and eliminated a hidden danger behind him. He only felt happy in his heart. If he could successfully kill the Emperor of Flame Hell, this time in the Abyss Demon Realm The trip was completely perfect.

After absorbing the large amount of resentment emitted after the death of the black warrior and the collapse of the fighting spirit, Daiweier's death fighting spirit has been cultivated to the realm of release. If the physical body becomes stronger, then the strength will explode like a leap!

Originally, even if Devier had talent, it was not certain that she would be able to practice to the lord level. Now, as long as she continues to practice, it is estimated that it will not be long before she can at least be compared with the bottom demon lords such as the Scorpion Witch and the Snake Witch.

Having shown enough strength, Ling Xuan no longer concealed the dimensional ring and directly put Daiweier into the ring, allowing her to practice and digest it.

Sure enough, after seeing him kill the Black Warrior before, the lords were envious of the dimensional ring and had no idea of taking it.

Ling Xuan's Bone Yin Phosphorus Tower is what the lords are most interested in. He explained that the materials for this kind of magic prop are very rare. He was built by the Bone Lord and stood on the land of the Skeleton Demon Cave. He has absorbed it for many years. The bone tower of necromantic energy was successfully created with great difficulty!

The demon lords brought the bone tower in front of them and looked at it carefully. Their hearts were filled with envy.

After promising these lords that if they brought any rare treasures, he would take time to help them create powerful magic items after leaving the abyss battlefield, Ling Xuan stayed in the room alone, sitting cross-legged and quietly, recovering from the battle. .

Three days later, all the more than 500,000 demons in the Blackstone Fortress were dispatched. The important information discovered was that the Demon Archduke Flame Hell Emperor came to this battlefield and led the army together with the five demon lords who had escaped earlier. Coming!

This time there was a demigod-level existence. Ling Xuan was not prepared to let Dai Wei'er appear and ordered the girl to stay in the dimensional ring to practice. He also planned to save his strength first and fight with another powerful war mecha: the puppet armor.

Sitting in a small space that looks like a cockpit, Ling Xuan controls the whole body of metal. He is five meters tall and holds a black puppet armor with a big sword and a heavy shield. The hunter, the blood giant, the ghost-faced spider king, the snake witch, and the scorpion witch stood together on the wall of the Blackstone Fortress.

In the distance, there is a tidal army of demons...