Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 64: mental loss


"Definitely not a noble... That young man does not have the aura of a noble. You know, a person like me interacts with many people and is very sensitive to nobles. Moreover, I noticed that he seemed to be interested in the markings on a sword. Sixty thousand gold coins, this price is shocking."

Baron Will was silent for a few seconds and said: "The space ring, the rare suit, this level of wealth is enough to make anyone tempted. I don't know if there are more amazing items inside the space ring."

"Being blinded by benefits and messing with someone you shouldn't mess with is stupid behavior. I would never do that. Since this person is not a noble, it is easier to handle, but I am still worried that this person Will he be a strong one?"

The businessman was obviously very nervous, and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead: "I don't think so, because there are no calluses on his hands from practicing martial arts. As for whether he is a magician... This is definitely possible, because the magic is stimulated Sword, to open the space ring, requires mental power or mindfulness.”

"It's just... Judging from his appearance, he is only twenty years old. How powerful can he be even a magician? Besides, this possibility is unlikely. There are still ordinary people with slightly stronger mental power and thoughts."

Nodding slightly, Baron Will added: "In fact, for the space ring and rare suit, even if the other party is a small noble or a magician, the consequences are worth bearing. From your words, I infer that this person is It’s unlikely that he’s a noble or a magician.”

"Maybe he obtained a space ring through some special means. For example, he was lucky enough to find a ruins outside the chaotic land. Maybe he was a thief and stole the space ring."

Baron Will stood up, walked back and forth in the room for a few steps, with a trace of murderous intent on his face, clapped his hands, and said to the maid who heard the sound and entered the room: "Ask Fars to bring my bodyguards, all of them. here!"

As a baron, Will has the power to maintain a small number of guards. In addition, he is the liaison of the Violet Chamber of Commerce in Cape City. The owner of a large store like the Adventurer's House has enough wealth to create a powerful A powerful bodyguard group.

The ordinary members of the group are all at the level of Silver level. As the captain of the guard, Fars's strength even exceeds that of Makuka from the Adventurer's House. He is a powerful person at the Gold level! Even Baron Will himself must maintain a certain degree of respect for the captain of the guard!

"A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. My biggest principle in doing things is to be safe. Since I want to seize the space ring, this young man, even if he is just an ordinary person with low strength, to be sure, I will treat him as a strong man. !”

"The Baron is wise." The businessman quickly complimented.

Ling Xuan, who was in the courtyard of the mansion, did not wait for Baron Will to receive him, but saw a group of fully armed guards wearing iron armor, led by a middle-aged man with dark skin, angular face, and high cheekbones. Holding a sharp double-edged battle ax.

Nineteen guards quickly surrounded him, and a sinister smile appeared on the man's face: "Boy, our baron, a thief stole a space ring the day before yesterday. I didn't expect it to be in your hands!"

"Hurry up and hand over the ring, otherwise, I will have to crush all your bones and take it myself."

Before coming out, Baron Will had issued an order to kill this young man no matter what, to prevent the matter of the space ring from spreading to others—especially the rulers of Cape City, to prevent them from getting a piece of the pie.

The young man in front of him was already dead, and Fals would certainly not be polite to him.

Ling Xuan suddenly felt dumbfounded... He was threatened by the person in front of him. A person who had personally killed seven demon lords and even killed a demigod-level Flame Prison Emperor was actually threatened. !

The person who did those things was not bad in person, but he was the incarnation of the power of Demacia and possessed the fire elixir. His magical power was completely at the level of a great mage! Moreover, the magic contained in the outer elixir made by Fire Emblem can be emitted without chanting, so the actual magic is not weak.

With a look that looked like an idiot, Ling Xuan looked at Fars in front of him and the heavily armed guards who were holding weapons and wearing shiny silver metal chain armor. Ling Xuan said: "The space ring is Baron Will's. Really? Haha... Let the Baron come out, don't hide behind the upstairs window and peek, I want to see him."

"A person of such noble status as the Baron is someone you are qualified to meet?"

Fals pulled out the battle ax from his back. He was very dissatisfied with the Baron's explanation. He sent the entire bodyguard group, including him, a gold-level warrior, and nineteen silver-level warriors, to deal with a man with all the weapons in his hands. A "strong man" without cocoons

Not in the mood to talk nonsense with the man in front of him, Fars raised his axe, preparing to kill the man in front of him with one blow.


Fars exclaimed. He saw a fireball appear in front of Ling Xuan without any warning. It was not an ordinary first-level magic fireball, but a basin-sized one. The color was much redder than ordinary fireballs, and it radiated a scorching heat. A big fireball of breath.

Standing behind the glass window upstairs, Will's face suddenly turned ugly as he watched the scene in the courtyard. The businessman on the side suddenly had sweat dripping down his forehead. This man was actually a magician. !

"Explosive fireball?" Fals thought something bad in his mind. Fire magic is the most powerful type of elemental magic, and explosive fireball is even more notorious.

With an angry roar, he held the tomahawk in front of him with both hands. The next second, a red fireball exploded on the axe. The flames sputtered in a ring, and the fierce impact of the explosion made the man's body hurt. His body flew backwards and fell to the ground.

Seeing the explosion of the fireball in his hand, the ax surface exploded into pits, and the tiger's mouth full of blood, Fars stood up and roared: "The opponent is a mage, come together, surround him and kill him!"

Nineteen low-level silver warriors had surrounded Ling Xuan before, but they had to retreat quickly before they could launch an attack.

Because Ling Xuan snapped his fingers, fireballs appeared again around his body. This time the fireballs were only the size of a fist, but there were hundreds of them! The fireballs are also bright red in color, indicating that the fire element contained in them is extremely concentrated.

Intermediate fire magic fire bullets, generally speaking, only less than fifty fireballs will appear. Ling Xuan used the incarnation of Demacia's power, but his soul consciousness did not change. With his strong spiritual consciousness, he could control hundreds of fireballs at one time.

"Fighting spirit!"

As Fars roared, a strong Qi erupted from his body, and the rich air flow enveloped the surface of his body, causing his hair to fly. What he possesses is the most ordinary fighting spirit with no attributes, but it can be considered very strong if he can release his fighting spirit to the outside.

Generally speaking, bronze-level warriors can condense the whirlpool of fighting spirit, and their physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people; silver-level warriors have the ability to burst out fighting spirit, greatly increase their strength, physical fitness and other qualities in a short period of time, and can also transfer fighting spirit to weapons. , launched at once, for fighting spirit!

The characteristic of a gold-level warrior is to release his fighting spirit to the outside. Not only will every move be enhanced by fighting spirit, but his body will also be enveloped in a layer of fighting spirit, reducing the damage from the opponent's attacks.

Of course, this represents the characteristics of each level and does not really equal the strength. For example, the dark elf girl Devier cultivates the Secret Sword of the Moon and has the talent to transform into a moon leopard. When she does not learn fighting spirit, she is an intermediate level demon - equivalent to the silver level.

Once you learn Death Fighting Qi and practice Fighting Qi Slash, your strength can be considered gold level if you haven't practiced to release Fighting Qi!

After all, not everyone possesses ancient sword skills and the talent for transformation.

In any case, Fars is the captain of the bodyguard of Baron Will after all, and his strength is not weak. While releasing the fighting spirit in his body, he also inspired a combat skill: Earthshaking Slash!

The battle ax struck the ground, and Fars no longer cared about the damage it would bring to Baron Will's mansion. A column of fighting energy exploded from the ground, sending up a large amount of flying air. of stones.

At this moment, the violent shock wave from the ground even caused Baron Will's mansion to shake violently. Fine cracks appeared on the walls. Some items placed in the house fell to the ground one after another, making a clanging sound. sound.

Use Earthquake Slash to blow up a large number of rocks as a barrier. The smoke and dust created will also block the opponent's sight. You can use the barrier to block continuous fireball attacks. You can also use the smoke and dust to cover up to attack the opponent. The combat adaptability of the golden low-level warrior is unforgettable. Not strong!

While the besieging Silver-level warriors retreated to dodge, several of them launched Dou Qi Slash. The arc-shaped fluctuations formed by the air flow and wind pressure flew towards Ling Xuan, who was surrounded by fireballs.

It's a pity that the power of these fighting spirit slashes is completely different from the death slashes sent out by Devier using death fighting spirit.

The divergence of spiritual consciousness is like having a full range of vision, allowing Ling Xuan to see everyone's movements without interference. Some fireballs flew out and accurately missed the flying Dou Qi Slash. Nineteen more fireballs scattered and flew towards the guards, each one automatically flying towards one person.

Ling Xuan did not kill these ordinary guards, and the fireballs flew towards the weapons in their hands. He was not so polite to Fals. A total of eighty fireballs flew up one after another, and all the rubble was blown into powder!

As Fars was trying to get closer, his fighting spirit was blown away by the fireballs. Each fireball was like a powerful grenade! When the explosion smoke cleared, the gold-level warrior had disappeared. His body was blown into pieces, and his tattered weapons and armor were scattered on the ground.

Ling Xuan was surrounded by about twenty fireballs!

His spiritual sense sensed the location of the businessman and Baron Will in the mansion, so these fireballs flew to the upper floors of the mansion under the precise control of his spiritual sense.

Will ran away in panic, and a fireball shot past his head, blowing a big hole in the wall behind him. Another fireball flew past the side of the face, and the scorching flame temperature caused the carefully trimmed beard to carbonize and curl into black ash.

Fireballs flew one after another. Ling Xuan deliberately controlled each fireball, almost hitting Will. When all the fireballs disappeared, the noble baron's face turned as pale as a death, his body was shaking, and his pants were full of traces of sex.

As a nobleman, Will has never encountered such danger in his life. He walked around the death line and wet his pants in fear...

Ten minutes later, Ling Xuan sat on a chair in the living room of the mansion. Will, who was still pale, stood beside the trembling businessman. Knocking the gold armrest of the chair with his hand, he said calmly: "Now let's talk about compensation."

"Dear Mr. Magician, this time... it was just a misunderstanding. My subordinate Fars heard the news about you on the sidelines, and he was greedy for profit and attacked you without any instructions from me."

"His death was entirely his own fault. The damage to this house was nothing. I would never dare to ask for compensation from you." Baron Weir said with a forced smile.

"I am not compensating you, but you are compensating me. Today I was besieged by twenty powerful warriors, including a gold-level warrior who showed off his fighting spirit. He almost died. Being mentally intimidated, Aren’t you going to pay some compensation for mental damages?”

A faint red light of fire magic flashed in Ling Xuan's hand.