Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 7: Fierce battle with the Balrog


"Fire-Winged Balrog? Why is the ghost still lingering? There is no reason why I can sense it as soon as it appears as a demon lord!" Ling Xuan felt strange in his heart. He saw fire clouds flying from the sky in the distance, and the Balrog's The ferocious body flashed in the fire cloud but did not escape.

First, this demon flies too fast, even with the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, it is difficult to escape. The second is that now the mana has increased sharply from sixty years to four hundred years. The most important thing is that he is no longer empty-handed, but has his own magic weapon, the Ice Soul Cold Light Cone.

For example, a person who has sixty kilograms of strength now has four hundred kilograms of strength and a weapon. The difference in combat effectiveness is a hundred times!

Along with a large fire rain falling from the sky, the wings of the Fire Winged Fire Demon caused a hurricane, making Ling Xuan seem to be blown by a strong wind of level 7 or 8, and there was a rolling heat wave in the hurricane! But he stood upright on his feet, and the heat wave of the storm could only blow his hair and clothes.

It is better to strike first, and a ray of ice-soul cold light flies out. This is a mixed light group of ice and light formed by the transformation of ice soul. It is white in ice and snow. There is an ice crystal core in the center of the light group, and little crystal light spots and ice dust are constantly appearing.

The ice soul's cold light hit the arm of the fire-winged flame demon. It was as thick as a stone pillar, and the muscles were hardened. The veins burst out like an old tree's entangled arm. Some rough skin and flesh were suddenly blown to pieces, and a large mark appeared on the surface of the skin. Traces of frost.

"Despicable humans!"

The fire-winged Balrog roared angrily, his voice like rolling thunder in the black clouds, and his claws, much larger than the millstone, swung violently, and a wave of fire followed the claws and capsized down.

Ling Xuan's body retreated violently, cold air seeping out from the pores of his body, exuding cold air to resist the attack of the fire wave. The ground in front of him was struck by the fire-winged flame demon's claw, and suddenly exploded into a pit several meters deep, and the flames in the pit rushed up like scorching heat. The stove!

Ling Xuan found that the ice-soul cold light he had emitted earlier was much weaker than shooting it directly with his sword. Just like a beam of light becomes weaker when it passes through glass, the ice-soul cold light is weakened by the physical body.

Realizing this, Ling Xuan opened his right hand, and the Ice Soul Sword appeared in his hand. The extremely rich cold air immediately dispersed, mixed with his own Xuanbing air, and the ground was hit by an explosion. The gravel and fire flow shot from the ground were blown away by the freezing air. One after another they fell and went out.

Holding the prismatic ice crystal-like ice sword, Ling Xuan pointed the sword, and the cold light of the ice soul shot out from the sword and turned into an ice beam.


The Ice Soul Sword struck the Fire Winged Balrog's chest with a blast of ice soul cold light. Wherever the light passed through, the red lotus fire spreading on the body surface was extinguished. The tough dark red skin was cut open, and the wound No blood flowed out because it was immediately frozen.

With one sword strike, a five-meter-long wound was cut on the Fire Winged Balrog's body. Ling Xuan dispersed the sword light, activated the Ice Soul Sword, flew up into the air with his body, dodged the Fire-Winged Balrog, leaned down, and punched a deep crater on the rocky ground!

The ground was sunken, the rocks were cracked, and a large amount of ground fire broke out. In Ling Xuan's opinion, the power of this punch was more terrifying than a missile exploding next to him on Earth! After successfully avoiding it, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of escaping from death.

Although his mana has increased and he has his own magic weapon, his physical body is still as fragile as before, and cannot be compared with the powerful demons in the Abyss Demon Realm. If you were hit by the Fire Winged Balrog, like the punch just now, you would be smashed into a meat pie!

The Ice-Conquering Soul Sword, taking advantage of its smaller size and flexibility than the devil, constantly dodges attacks while slashing out streaks of ice-soul cold light. Hurricanes and waves of fire are resisted by the air of black ice, and every direct attack you avoid will feel the terror of death at close range.

Under the threat of death, the spirit was extremely concentrated. Although the spiritual consciousness was consumed a lot, it seemed to be clearer.

"This is also a kind of practice, a spiritual practice..."

Ling Xuan had a clear understanding in his heart that cultivation was not just about the physical body, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to increase mana, but also strengthening the spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness represents the power of the soul. During meditation, the mind is empty, and during visualization, the spirit constructs a picture. These are all practices of spiritual consciousness.

During attacks, escaping from death time and time again, experiencing the terror between life and death, is also practice!

However, now is not a good time to practice. Ling Xuan knows that with his physical strength, he will die in one punch! If you don't do well, you will die. No matter how powerful your spiritual consciousness becomes, it will be useless. You can't help but think that you must cultivate your body.

Before cultivating the Jade Art of Creation and becoming an Earth Immortal, the third level of the ten realms is the Qi Refining Realm. This level continuously absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to accumulate mana, laying the foundation for the next realm.

In the Qi Refining Realm, as long as you have a hundred years of mana, you can enter the fourth level of the Body Refining Realm, where you can use your mana to transform your physical body and increase its physical strength to resist the calamity of cultivation. When the physical body is strong enough, it feeds back the soul and trains the soul's spiritual consciousness, which is the fifth level of divine refining.

The cone of cold light from the sacrificed ice soul suddenly increased to four hundred years of mana, which was enough to enter the fourth level of body refining.

"After this battle is over, we must start physical training as soon as possible!"

Ling Xuan secretly made a decision, when the Fire Winged Balrog swooped down. This swoop was like a ferocious beast carrying a hurricane of flames. Its wings flapped at high speed, causing a wave of scorching fire.

The wave of fire was so fierce that Ling Xuan almost couldn't dodge it. He used the Ice Soul Sword to move his body for tens of meters and finally dodged. His heart was beating wildly. At the same time, he did not forget to fight back. A blast of ice soul light opened a hole in the Fire Wing Balrog's cheek.

This time it hit the skin, the sword light entered, and stopped when it hit the inner gums. The wound on the cheek was instantly frozen by the cold air, forming frost flowers. A large mouthful of saliva mixed with blood from the gums was sprayed into the Fire Wing Balrog's mouth. !

The demon lord was extremely angry now, with more than a dozen sword marks on his body. Although it was frozen at the time, the flames covering his body quickly melted the ice.

It flapped its wings and flew, chasing Ling Xuan in the fierce movement. Hot blood flowed from the wound. In addition, it received another blow on the cheek, and its big teeth were almost chopped off. It has a grumpy personality, so there is no reason not to be angry. !

"Despicable, damn human being! You finally pissed off the master of Flame Castle, now you can die."

The low demonic language rumbled in the Firewing Balrog's voice, and then it chanted a series of obscure notes in a very fast tone.

These were not words, but incantations. As the demon lord chanted, the air became scorching, and the strong flame energy gathered, causing the air to vibrate violently, forming patches of extremely hot and dazzling red light.

The nearby fire river was affected by the huge gathering of magic power, and rolled up huge waves!

The demon lord is not a muscular idiot who can only fight with his body, but the fire-winged flame demon Cavuto is very confident in his ten-meter-tall, muscular body and does not like to use magic.

In fact, the Fire Winged Balrog's magical cultivation can be compared with that of a great human magician who specializes in the fire system. As the mantra was chanted, the magic power reached its limit, and Cavuto spoke in a hoarse tone. A huge roar:

"The sky is on fire and the earth is burning!"

This is a great fire magic. Under the tsunami-like concussion of magic power, the large space where Ling Xuan is located is filled with the heat of burning flames.

In the sky, red flames quickly spread out, forming a large fire cloud. The clouds rolled violently, and thick waves of fire surged out from the rolling fire clouds, as if there were fire dragons swimming in the clouds. Then, the fire clouds actually fell from the sky. .

The great magic performed by the Fire Wing Balrog was not to summon a cloud of flames and rain down fire, but a cloud of flames that spread out and covered the sky with a diameter of 100 meters, falling from the sky and hitting the ground.

A hundred-meter-diameter range magic and a ten-meter-thick fire cloud are enough to burn everything on the ground to ashes!

Ling Xuan below saw a huge fire cloud falling from the sky, and immediately wanted to fly away with his sword, but the surging magic power caused by the great magic affected the surrounding space, and the air seemed to turn into a scorching flame, a chaotic fire element. Block flight.

The fire cloud finally fell, covering Ling Xuan's figure, and then fell to the ground. The flames spread out in a ring along the ground, and red flames were everywhere. The rocks on the ground collapsed under the violent burning, and the small gravel quickly turned into liquid, and actually burned into magma!

The Fire Winged Balrog, since he ruled the Flame Castle under the blood-striped succubus Archduke Linna, has rarely had the opportunity to fight on the frontline battlefield. Now using the great magic of burning the sky and burning the earth, looking at the burning flames, I couldn't help but feel a lonely intoxication.

"A mere human can die under the magic of Master Cavuto, the master of Flame Castle, and you are enough to... What, what? Impossible!"

Cavuto's two huge eyes were wide open, full of disbelief. He saw a figure flying out of the flames that burned the earth into magma, holding a sharp sword of ice and snow, and surrounded by twenty-four ice crystals.

Ice crystals were flying, snowflakes were fluttering, and the cold air was spreading. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, as if it was a world of ice and snow!

The great magic that burned the sky and burned the earth fell, and it was impossible to resist it with just the energy of black ice. Fortunately, Ling Xuan's natal magic weapon: Ice Soul Cold Light Cone, is divided into Ice Soul Sword and Ice Soul Beads. The twenty-four Ice Soul Beads rotate around and can be used for defense.

If it weren't for the defensive magic weapon, even with four hundred years of magic power, he would have died! The body refining has not yet started, the body is weak, and the golden elixir has not been formed. The soul cannot be preserved after the body is damaged.

Twenty-four ice souls, ice and snow flowed in the air, and the freezing air was thick. Ling Xuan used four hundred years of mana to activate it with all his strength. He used the defensive ice soul beads mixed with the black ice energy to explode, like ice and snow meteors. , hit the Fire Winged Balrog!

Ling Xuan knew that if things continued like this, the Fire Winged Balrog would use some powerful methods. Regardless of the consumption of mana, he prepared to launch the strongest attack to kill this demon.

After hitting all the ice soul beads, the black ice energy and the magic weapon were combined to turn into an extremely cold ice soul cold wave! Under the blowing frost, the air, the earth, and everything were frozen, even more fiercely than the ancient cold air from Kunlun Mountain that was previously activated by activating ice beads!

The Fire Winged Balrog, who was originally feeling proud, became surprised when he saw Ling Xuan flying out of the flames. Now he turned into an ice sculpture, and the flames burning on his body were extinguished. Then, twenty-four ice soul beads were smashed in succession. Come.

Suddenly, the demon lord felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. All the heat and fire magic seemed to have left his body, and even his blood was about to condense in the extreme cold. Under the extreme cold, Cavuto inside the ice sculpture was running his magic power crazily, preparing to explode the frozen ice.

But a lightning ball flew into it and exploded into countless white lightnings. When the current spread, not only the frozen muscles were paralyzed, but the cold chill of the lightning also penetrated into the body to freeze the magic power and even froze the mind.

Black ice and cold thunder!

With four hundred years of mana, Fa Lei's power also increased as his mana increased dramatically.

The electric arcs scurrying on the ice-sculpted fire-winged balrog are each as thick as a thigh! As the white electric arc circulated, the red glow of the flame that had begun to appear immediately dissipated. The Fire Winged Balrog seemed to freeze and his eyes dimmed.

But Ling Xuan knew that the other party was a demon lord after all, a powerful being who ruled a force in the Abyss Demon Realm.

All the previous methods were preparations for the decisive move. Ling Xuan shouted loudly and raised the ice soul sword in his hand. The ice crystal sword hung above his head. The twenty-four ice soul beads that hit the fire-winged flame demon flew towards the sword body.

"Click rub rub rub..."

Within two seconds, with the crisp sound of ice crystals colliding, all the Ice Soul Pearls fell on the Ice Soul Sword, and combined into the natal magic weapon, the Ice Soul Cold Light Cone, fell into Ling Xuan's hands.

Activating his magic power, Ling Xuan threw the cone of ice soul cold light violently. The ice cone of white ice crystals rotated and exploded. The freezing snow powder and the lingering freezing air were like snow-white flames, dragging out a long string of ice light in the air. The trajectory hit the Fire Winged Balrog's forehead.