Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 76: Dragon-binding magic weapon


Ling Xuan's voice was not loud, but it spread clearly throughout the entire arena. Garcia on the opposite side was a little unable to react. What does it mean? "I can give you victory over your opponent." Could it be that he didn't take action himself and just sent a dark elf familiar to defeat a dragon knight and a giant dragon

"As you all know, I am a blacksmith master, and I am not prepared to take part in this battle for the time being."

Looking at Garcia's expression, Ling Xuan smiled again and said: "Of course, if the dragon knight is very strong and the magic pet cannot resist, then I will naturally come on stage. It depends on whether the dragon knight has the ability to let me take action. ”

After hearing these words, not to mention Garcia, even the air cavalry who arrived at the stand after placing the gryphon in the beast cage, and some people from the War Spirit Kingdom who came to watch the heroic fighting of the dragon knight, all thought in their hearts. There is energy.

This is so disrespectful! Facing the dragon knight and the red dragon, they actually didn't take action and only let the magic pet attack. This is simply naked contempt!

Garcia laughed angrily, raised his head and laughed twice, and said with a cold face: "Since you don't want to fight now, then I will kill your demon pet first, and I will teach you a lesson later! Let you know that in the future, How stupid it is to be arrogant in front of a famous dragon knight!"

With an angry shout, Garcia's whole body erupted with a red-hot fighting spirit. His blond hair kept dancing in the fighting spirit. The fighting spirit seemed to be burning like a blazing flame. As it rose, the shadow of a fire dragon spreading its wings was vaguely visible. .

This is exactly the fire dragon fighting spirit! A kind of fighting spirit with elemental attributes, it is also an excellent fighting spirit that best matches the Fire Dragon Sword Technique!

When the fighting spirit is released, it can reveal the shadow of the fire dragon. It is obvious that Garcia's cultivation in fighting spirit is very profound.

The red dragon stood upright. It was a Western dragon. It had a strong body, sharp claws that could easily tear a gryphon into pieces, and a thick tail that could smash a gold-level warrior into pieces with one blow, causing blood to spurt from its mouth. The unique flame dragon breath erupted from its mouth can even melt gold and iron!

As a giant dragon, the red dragon is no less intelligent than humans. Like Garcia, this red dragon is filled with rage.

Spreading its wings and flying into the sky, the huge figure was reflected on the ground. At this moment, the audience in the stands could not help but feel a sense of fear towards the giant dragon hovering in the sky. They were afraid that a breath of dragon breath would come down and burn them to ashes. .

The golden armor divine weapon talisman and the three divine sky thunder talismans were stored in the cuffs of the black gold robe by Devier. The rope and the cross flying sword were held in her left and right hands. When she saw the red dragon flying into the sky, she threw the rope.

I saw this bundle of ropes, quickly unfolded after being thrown up, and flew towards the red dragon, the giant dragon in the sky, as if it were alive. Someone looked at a rope flying up in a strange way, and was about to spit out a breath of fire to burn the rope to ashes. The rope suddenly sped up strangely and became wrapped around its body.

The rope quickly grew longer, wrapped around the red dragon's body several times, and then strangled the roots of its wings and claws. It seemed that in order to prevent the red dragon from spitting fire, part of the rope actually looped around the red dragon's mouth, winding back and forth, and finally The two ends of the rope met at the belly of the dragon and automatically tied a knot.

In less than ten seconds, the red dragon flying in the air was tied into a rice dumpling using tortoise shells.


The red dragon, whose mouth was tied, made a deep hum from its throat, and sprayed out large jets of sparks and phosphorus gas from its nostrils.

The red dragon's body was heavy, weighing seven or eight tons, and then it fell to the ground like a piece of iron. The dust was scattered everywhere, and the ground showed a rock texture with a dense spider web. It fell from more than thirty meters in the air, which obviously made the red dragon feel very uncomfortable. Some blood foam oozed from the side of the dragon's mouth.

All the spectators, including the Garcia Dragon Knight who was surging with fighting spirit, were all petrified. What kind of rope is this? As if he had his own life, he flew into the sky and tied up the red dragon, and with the huge power of the red dragon, he couldn't break free

The entire arena was silent, with only the red dragon roaring, trying to break free from the ropes, but with its mouth restrained, its roar was more like a whimper.

This bundle of ropes is of course not ordinary goods, but a binding magic weapon refined by combining the core tentacles of the abyssal octopus and the vines of the home tree. The core tentacles are tougher than steel cables and contain energy inside, and the home tree vines are equally tough and full of aura!

The magical weapon refined by Ling Xuan is named Dragon Binding Rope, which means it can tie up even a dragon.

As for the magic weapon, it is impossible to have life. A magic weapon is not that magical and advanced. The real reason is that Ling Xuan used his spiritual consciousness to control the dragon-tying rope, so it could wrap around the red dragon's body and tie it with a beautiful bow.

The muscles under the red dragon's skin swelled, making the dragon-tying rope creak and even penetrate deeply into the skin!

Ling Xuan was not worried. The rope that tied the dragon was not easy to break. It was tied so many times that it was extremely strong. If you want to escape, burning with flames is a good way, because there are vines in the material, and the dragon binding rope has little resistance to flames.

But the red dragon is not Garcia. It can emit fire-attributed fighting energy. Only its mouth can breathe fire. After its mouth was tied with the dragon rope, it was completely withered and could only struggle hard on the ground.

A powerful red dragon had just flown into the sky and turned into this. The scenery in front of them made everyone who witnessed this scene feel as if they were in a dream. The corners of Garcia's mouth twitched, and the strange scene in front of him simply made him want to go crazy.

"What exactly is going on? Is this rope an artifact specially designed to deal with giant dragons?" Garcia asked with difficulty.

"This is a piece of magic equipment I forged. It is made from the tentacles of the giant octopus in the abyss and the vines of the home tree. It is called the Dragon Binding Rope. The you can see!" After hearing Ling Xuan's words, many people's scalps , couldn't help but feel numb.

Dragon rope? A rope specially used to tie up the dragon? Looking at the miserable appearance of the red dragon being bundled into a ball, wouldn't it be possible to easily slay the dragon with this magical equipment

"This is unreasonable!"

Garcia roared angrily, and was about to save the red dragon who fell from the sky when he fell on the other side of the arena. A strange cross-shaped weapon with light blue water and exuding ice and snow fell from the air. Came over.

Since it is a flying sword, it can naturally be controlled by spiritual consciousness. On the surface, it seems that Ling Xuan did not take action, but in fact he was cheating secretly.

The flying sword made with the rare water super-level magic core is certainly not bad in power. The water flowing out of the sword is also the restraining element of the fire attribute fighting spirit. This flying sword was enough to restrain Garcia and prevent him from rescuing the red dragon.

At this time, Dai Weier, who had thrown the dragon rope and the flying sword, took out the Bailou Sword and Louguan Sword from the black gold robe. Holding the short sword backwards and holding the long sword upright, the girl was familiar with the two-sword technique after receiving the guidance of the Crimson Hunter, the demon lord, in the Abyss Demon Realm.

Fighting energy seeped out from the body surface, and the dark elf girl was wrapped in a layer of thick black fog. Within the rising airflow, there were also terrifying wraiths with distorted faces emerging, letting out pitiful wails like hellish night owls.

In the stands, the little prince Murphys, who was staring intently at the arena, let out a surprised exclamation: "Death fighting spirit!"

"What is death fighting spirit?"

Earl Wilson, Archmage Berry and others next to them all looked at each other. They could only see that the fighting spirit of the dark elves was very special, probably a high-level fighting spirit, but they did not know the name of the fighting spirit.

"... It's a rare and powerful fighting spirit. I didn't expect to see it here."

Murphys said vaguely, and looked at Ling Xuan with a pair of sapphire-like eyes. What is the identity of this man? He possesses legendary forging skills, has so many strange methods, and even has a demon pet that masters the fighting spirit of death.

This is a kind of terrifying fighting spirit. The more you kill, the stronger your strength becomes!

Ling Xuan had no time to pay attention to other people's gazes, so he didn't need to bother with the dragon rope. A mere red dragon should not be able to break free from the rope. But now, on the one hand, the golden halo formed by the glorious sword is maintained hanging behind the head, and on the other hand, mana must be continuously output to maintain the ice and snow clouds and the pictures, stone slabs, black armor, and ice soul inside.

On the one hand, he had to use flying swords to contain Garcia, multi-tasking. Even if he reached the realm of refining the gods, his spiritual awareness would still be somewhat difficult, and he would naturally not be able to open a panoramic all-round investigation.

Garcia didn't know what the death fighting spirit was, but when he saw Devier holding two swords, with black energy and resentful spirits rising from her body, her heart trembled, and there were flying sword attacks again, so she had to give up temporarily and pull the red dragon out of the rope. The idea of rescue.

With a graceful turn, the silver broadsword covered with redbud patterns on the sword hilt, with a ray of flaming red light, knocked away the flying cross flying sword, then held the sword with both hands and slashed vertically, shouting: "Fire Wave" cut!"

Fighting energy surged, and flames rushed out from the sword body, forming a surging red fire wave.

Daiweier did not waste her fighting spirit and resisted the fire wave. She flashed and several afterimages appeared behind her. They were the Moon Shadow Body Technique in the Secret Sword of the Moon. Flashing past the surging fire waves, a crescent moon appeared above the head of the dark spiritual girl.

There are three realms of the Secret Sword of the Moon: new moon, quarter moon, and full moon. Devier has cultivated to the quarter moon realm. The semicircular disk-shaped moon emits cool moonlight like water, the death fighting spirit is released, and the wrapped Bailou Sword Helou Guanjian, the sword body also showed a faint white brilliance.

"this… "

Murphys in the stands was shocked again. This little prince was very interested in various martial arts and magic in mythological stories. He had consulted a lot of relevant information in the library of the Lion Heart Kingdom Palace.

Among the people present, he was probably the only one who could recognize the sword skills mastered by this ancient elf.

Ling Xuan searched the souls of the black warriors and learned about the training method of the death sword skill, including the earth-shattering ultimate secret of evil spirits in the death sword skill, and the very special death curse sword!

Without the motivation of death fighting spirit, it is impossible to learn these, so I taught them all to Devier. Due to the lack of curse energy, the Death Curse Sword cannot be used. The elf girl has some death sword skills, but for the girl, the most pure sword skill is of course the Secret Sword of the Moon.

Using death fighting spirit to push the Secret Sword of the Moon is all negative, so there is nothing wrong with it. Devier swung her swords, making a vertical stroke with her left hand and a semicircle with her right hand. The paths drawn by the two sword tips in the air formed a half-circle moon with cold light.

This is the secret of the crescent moon realm: the crescent moon kill, the death fighting spirit shrouds the half moon, the black mist rises, and the moon intertwined with light is attracted by Devil's double swords and flies towards Garcia's body.

In the moonlight, there is the cold and piercing killing intent of the sword!

Garcia's eyes were serious now. The intensity of this dark elf's fighting spirit was even stronger than that of an ordinary great swordsman, and he actually mastered such exquisite sword skills. The dark elf girl is obviously underage from the looks of it, so it is really surprising that she has such strength.

But for him, who is close to the sword master, this is not too dangerous.

Invoking the magic inherent in the armor, Garcia raised his left hand and shot out a red lightning bolt like a magician!

The dual-system mixed magic "Thunder of Fire" swept through the air and was flying rapidly. The flying cross sword with an erratic trajectory was hit by lightning and immediately fell to the ground. The crescent moon full of murderous intent and lightning flew towards it. Colliding, the two disappeared into nothingness.

Using magic to offset all the attacks, Garcia rushed forward, retracted the hilt of the sword in his hand, and made a gesture to prepare for a thrust, preparing to use the fast blazing sword propelled by the fire dragon's fighting spirit to quickly defeat the opponent!