Those Days of Hunting Demons and Devils

Chapter 89: Magic airship


Leaving the far north, he once again walked through the crystal passage, the ice plateau, and the white snowfield. Ling Xuan, who possesses the art of freezing, gained a deeper understanding during this walk than before.

When he reached a place where he could meet people, Ling Xuan entered the dimensional ring and replaced it with a clone of Demacia's power. The main body is in the ring, preparing a precious coffin made of eternally frozen ice crystals, making materials, and refining a formation that can open the extremely cold ice prison formation!

Having a clone is convenient enough and has great concealment. Ling Xuan proudly equipped the flaming sword on his waist and walked towards the port city of Arras again.

Arriving at the port terminal, Ling Xuan found that the cheating passenger ship had sailed again, so he had to take the freighter again. This time the freighter was different from last time. There was no mysterious old captain, and he was the only passenger on board. It also encountered a super hurricane that had not been seen in ten years at sea, and it was swept up and dizzy.

The originally six-day voyage took eight days to arrive due to the hurricane. Ling Xuan was depressed and rested for a day in Zmit City, then took a gryphon to another transit city.

This place is too far away from the Magic Alliance. The carriage is very slow. Taking a griffin is the fastest, but the price is quite expensive. When the griffon flies to other cities, it can continue to transfer at transfer stations like inns and move forward at the fastest speed.

Sitting on a griffin, the cold air flow flying at high speed in the sky is enough to make ordinary people seriously ill. Therefore, to ride a griffin, you must not only have money, but also have at least a silver level or above, or an intermediate mage who can maintain a magic shield.

Demacia's physical body happened to be at the silver level. Even though it lasted for more than ten days and took four gryphon flights, Ling Xuan still suffered terribly. After all, this body was not the original body.

Finally, we finally arrived at the Magic Alliance. This is a country with a unified territory, consisting of six main territories: the Territory of Fire, the Territory of Water, the Territory of Electricity, the Territory of Wind, the Territory of Earth, the Central Territory, and a large number of nobles. Rule, composed of small city-like territories.

In the country, the most powerful one is the Magic Council. The country is actually a decision-making layer composed of more than ten heads of the Magic Council.

In addition, although it has inherited the foundation of the Magic Empire and the development of magic in this country is the most prosperous on the continent, there are definitely more people with fighting spirit talents than people with magic talents, so there are still many warriors in the country.

One of the strongest people in the country is a legendary martial saint, a semi-divine martial arts expert!

Ling Xuan's target is the Central Territory, where the Ice Fantasy Halberd and the Eternal Crystal on the Saint's Magic Tower should be located. To his surprise, it was now the time of year when the magic airship was launched and cruised along its route.

The Fire Territory where he was located happened to be on the return route of the magic airship after its cruise.

The airship cruise consumes too many magic stones, so it only happens once a year. If you want to take the airship, you need to pay 10,000 gold coins for a ticket. This is the income of civilians on the mainland who work hard and go without food or drink for two or three years!

To Ling Xuan, ten thousand gold coins was certainly nothing. He even spent fifty thousand to buy a ticket for a single house.

When he saw the huge magic airship, even Ling Xuan, who had seen airplanes on TV in the real world, couldn't help but marvel. The airship and the Kirov airship on Earth are very similar in appearance, both have an oval leather airbag.

Under the airbag hangs a huge airship hull. If the airship is full, it can accommodate more than 4,000 people!

Both the airbag and the hull are decorated with various complex magic arrays, and are even inlaid with pieces of white and transparent gems. These are wind-attribute gems and wind-attribute arrays, which can allow huge magic airships to soar in the sky.

This world has made some use of wind power, so in addition to the magic circle, the airship also has propellers. Mana has no oil or coal. The main power to drive the magic airship is magic stone.

Standing on the deck of the magic airship, Ling Xuan, wearing simple leather armor and civilian clothes and trousers, looked very shabby. However, the space belt around his waist, the magic sword that was specially removed from its scabbard, and the ability to ride on an airship will not let anyone underestimate him.

Therefore, when a waiter on the airship turned around and accidentally bumped into Ling Xuan, who was unconsciously realizing the law of fire of the Fire Emblem Waidan, and at the same time sprinkled a plate of macaroni in his hand on him, Suddenly he was so frightened that he seemed to be dumbfounded.

Ling Xuan lowered his head speechlessly, looking at the space belt and the crotch of his pants, which were stained with tomato sauce from the pasta and were still steaming.

In the entire restaurant, the eyes of some diners were immediately focused. Some people, seeing Ling Xuan's embarrassment, couldn't help but let out a low chuckle of "chichi".

The waiter is a girl who looks to be about the age of a high school student on Earth. She has the most common brown hair in the Mana continent and a thin face that is slightly malnourished. She can be called a beauty on Earth, but in Mana, which is full of aura. Na, it's more ordinary.

However, her two big eyes gave her a lot of points. Now, her eyes were full of fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Those who can board the airship are rich people, and there are even many nobles. The waiter girl recognized the space belt and saw the stains on the belt, and her face turned pale with fright.

A space belt costs 100,000 gold coins, which is an astronomical figure for ordinary civilians. The girl waiter's eyes were full of tears, and she raised her hand and stretched out towards Ling Xuan's crotch. There was a large piece of wet surface, and apart from the red color of ketchup, there were also a few strands of macaroni that had not fallen off.

The girl wanted to wipe the macaroni off.

Ling Xuan quickly raised his hand to block the other person's outstretched hand. At this time, a fat man, who was probably the foreman, hurriedly ran from a distance and scolded the girl: "You actually soiled the guest's space belt, don't be happy. Kneel down! The price of the space belt, I can’t even afford to sell it to you!”

The fat man scolded the girl while helping her apologize to Ling Xuan.

"Well… "

Ling Xuan looked at the girl who quickly knelt on the ground with tears flowing down her cheeks, then looked at the people in the restaurant who were covering their mouths and snickering speechlessly, and said: "It's nothing, it's a small matter, don't worry... This... I want to go back Take a shower, excuse me."

There were such large stains on the pants and they were still steaming. It was really embarrassing. Ling Xuan hurried back to his room. Fortunately, the room that cost 10,000 gold coins had a small bathroom and changed out of his clothes.

Inside the space ring, there is a black magic robe purchased in the port city.

After taking a bath, the heat of the Fire Dragon Fighting Qi radiated from the body. Steaming steam immediately emerged from the surface of the body, and all the water droplets evaporated in an instant. Putting on the magic robe, Ling Xuan was about to wash the space belt and unlucky pants when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Opening the door, a girl who looked like a girl next door stood at the door at a loss, with an uneasy look on her face. It was the girl from before. Now she had changed out of her waiter's uniform and was wearing a very ordinary set of white coarse clothes.

"Uh, is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry... You really don't care about my mistake just now?" The girl still had some fear in her heart, and when she spoke, an unnatural paleness flashed across her face.

Ling Xuan was speechless for a few seconds and then said, "You seem to want me to care. Well, you soiled my precious space belt. Don't you want to compensate me?" Seeing the girl's expression, he quickly said: " Just kidding, it’s nothing if your clothes get dirty, I won’t pursue it.”

At this time, the girl finally felt at ease. Seeing Ling Xuan holding the stained belt and pants in his hands, she quickly said, "I'll wash them for you!"

Ling Xuan subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he handed the two things to her: "Then I'll trouble you."

In the bathroom, after cleaning the pants and belt, the girl also had a relieved smile on her face: "My name is Yuna. I have caused you such trouble in public. If you are a noble, I'm afraid He will be so angry that he asks me to pay for the space belt, and then I will have no choice but to commit suicide out of despair."

"I'm not a noble, just a commoner." Ling Xuan smiled. There are nobles and civilians in this world. It is undeniable that some nobles with privileges, especially young people, are still scum.

"So you are a magician?"

Yuna looked at Ling Xuan's black magic robe, full of envy, "I also wanted to become a magician, but the tuition at magic school was too expensive, and I had to support my younger brother's tuition at the Warrior Academy, so I had no choice but to give up. That unrealistic dream.”

"Haha, I am not a magician, but a warrior. Didn't you see the leather armor and sword I wore earlier?"

Ling Xuan can indeed be regarded as a warrior now, but if he uses the magic power in the Fire Emblem Waidan, he will become a great fire mage...

"You work on an airship. It seems that the airship only flies once a year, right?"

"Yes, I usually run a flower shop. In the past two years during the airship cruise, I was taken care of by an acquaintance and was qualified to be a waiter. The income here is very high. I didn't expect what happened today." Yuna was a little scared. , pressed his hand on his chest.

"By the way, looking at your figure, you must be a very powerful warrior. My brother is also a warrior. He is fifteen years old and is as strong as a low-level Shirogane." Yuna's eyes lit up with a special look. "My brother is very talented!"

Thinking of the destination of the airship, Ling Xuan asked, "Are you practicing at a school in the Central Territory?"

"Yes, and it is one of the eight most famous schools in the entire continent: Blackstone College. The most powerful warrior in our Magic Alliance country, the legendary Martial Saint Brand, is the principal of that school."

"Eight colleges?" Ling Xuan was curious.

"No, you don't even know about the eight major academies? The Academy of Light and the Academy of Shenghui in the Brilliant Empire, the Academy of Magic and Blackstone Academy in the Magic Alliance, the Academy of Warriors in the War Spirit Kingdom, the Green Field Academy in the Karin Alliance, Ice Dragon China’s Ye Ling Academy, and the Red Alliance’s Tianfeng Academy.”

"Blackstone College..."

Ling Xuan had some thoughts in his heart. The physical body created by the divine power of life was perfect. Dou Qi was derived from the energy of cells. This physical body was the most suitable for practicing martial arts and dou Qi. Entering the top warrior academy in the mainland, you will definitely learn a lot of useful things.

Hidden there, you can also explore the Ice Phantom Halberd and the Eternal Crystal.

"Yuna, what are the requirements for admission to Blackstone College?"

"Do you want to enter Blackstone Academy?" Yuna's face turned red with excitement and she said in surprise, "Then you and my brother will be in the same school! You can register to enter Blackstone Academy at any time, but first, you have to pay a very high fee. The tuition there is very expensive, eight thousand gold coins a year. Secondly, you need to have a certain talent as a warrior. If you have too little talent, you won’t be able to do it even if you have money.”

"Well, Blackstone Academy, are there any strong people?"

"The strongest one is Master Brand. He is one hundred and twenty-seven years old. Then there are several Sword Saints and Martial Saints, all of whom are the vice-principals of the academy. The other great sword masters, great martial arts masters, and golden warrior-level instructors are A lot, as for the students, mostly bronze and silver level.”

"Actually, Blackstone Academy is still not as powerful as the Magic Academy. We are a country of the Magic Alliance, a country that inherits the Magic Empire. Of course, magic will be very powerful. Our Magic Academy is where the top magicians in the mainland study."

"Even Colin, the famous sage who protects the country in the Brilliant Empire, once studied in our magic academy." After saying this, Yuna's eyes were full of yearning, "I really don't know how to use magic. What an amazing feeling.”