Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 15: Are you not hot? Ji Mingyue


Through the bulky doll costume, I couldn't see the person's face, and I couldn't see the exact figure: maybe the fat man thought it was too hot and took off his underwear

While distributing leaflets, Lin Feng occasionally cast his eyes on "Pikachu". He is on the street, and "Pikachu" is at the end of the street. Although the street is not long, it is not enough for him to see every move of "Pikachu".

At first glance, this Pikachu is as clumsy and slow-moving as it was in the morning. The person in the doll costume couldn't speak, but could only express it through body language. Lin Feng watched it hand out leaflets for a while, and raised his hand to wipe his sweat, but found that he couldn't do it through the thick plush hood.

This heat-resistant appearance is also very similar to that fat man... Thinking of this, Lin Feng almost gave up his outrageous guesses.

Suddenly there was a child's scream at the end of the street. It turned out that the cartoon balloon in his hand accidentally dropped, and it flew farther and farther in front of his eyes.

Pedestrians on the side of the road were so shocked by the child's cry that their eardrums hurt, and they all frowned at him, but the "Pikachu" jumped and successfully rescued the balloon, and because of inertia, it fell to the ground and rolled in a half circle. "Pikachu"'s first reaction was to cover his headgear tightly, so that the balloon he had just taken almost fell out of his hand again.

It sat on the ground slowly for a while, and was patted on the head by the child before returning the balloon to the child in a daze.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, stared there for a while, and then cursed softly.

After working hours, the "Doraemon" on the street stared at the "Pikachu" at the end of the street with piercing eyes.

Through the doll costume, of course, you can’t see your eyes, but the actions of "Doraemon" are too obvious. Wherever "Pikachu" goes, its head will follow closely.

Even during their 15-minute break, they used to hide in a corner indoors and check their mobile phones, but now "Doraemon" is sitting on the steps under the shadow of the store, and his eyes are fixed on "Pikachu". "The figure.

"Pikachu" seems to be really affected by its "immediate marking of people". It is more enthusiastic to grab every passerby on the commercial street, gesturing, acting cute, and stuffing leaflets, as if it can make ordinary humans block it. Like a burly body.

When it was time to rest, it looked around twice and found that "Doraemon" was still staring at him closely, so it didn't look for a place to hide, and imitated the appearance of "Doraemon", Sitting heavily on the steps in the shadows, he fell back and lay down.

Lin Feng has been working part-time for most of the day, and of course he knows how tiring the job is. When he is resting, he usually takes off his headgear, wipes off his sweat, and drinks some sports drinks, otherwise he will easily become dehydrated. As a result, the "Pikachu" just lay on the steps cowardly, motionless.

Lin Feng was inexplicably anxious. He counted the time and walked over, kicking Pikachu on the ground: "It's time to rest, get up."

"Pikachu" didn't say a word, but followed him to get up obediently and continued to work.

It's past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's the time when the sun is the hottest and the temperature is the highest. Even Lin Feng, who can take off his headgear from time to time to breathe and drink water to replenish electrolytes, finds it a bit overwhelming, and he doesn't know that "Pikachu" is now what a feeling.

On the surface, it still persists and tries not to show any abnormalities, but its movements are getting slower and slower. Sometimes it takes half a day to raise the hand that sends out leaflets...

Lin Feng stared at its back, and even forgot to let go when someone offered to take the flyer in his hand.

It was a little boy who came to ask for the flyer, and it was just for folding paper, but seeing that "Doraemon" refused to give it, he bounced around to ask "Pikachu" at the other end.

"Pikachu" was given to him. Seeing that he was cute, he even touched his head. The boy was a little dissatisfied at this moment, grabbed Pikachu's arm, jumped up to reach for its headgear, and insisted on "touching" it back by himself.

While preventing the large stack of leaflets in his hand from falling to the ground, Pikachu protects his headgear from being dropped, because his body is too big and heavy, he can easily lose his balance, and he is almost about to fall when he is pulled by the child's persistent force Staggering, and behind you are uneven steps...

The little boy was ripped from him.

The bear boy was used to being used by his family, and he was used to doing whatever he wanted. When he was caught off guard and thrown away heavily from behind, he was stunned.

Without any resistance, he was stuffed into the arms of his mother who was watching a show by "Doraemon". The blue fat man cartoon doll who looked smiling just now spoke in a low and cold voice, like quenching Passing Bing: "My children, don't educate them now, do you want to be educated by the police when they grow up?"

The bear boy's mother was startled by his aura, afraid of getting into trouble, so she hurriedly dragged the child away.

"Doraemon" turned around and saw "Pikachu" staring at him blankly behind him.

Bright yellow, with shining eyes, cute creatures that can release one hundred thousand volts anytime and anywhere.

He took a step forward, and Pikachu took a step back.

He took another step forward, and Pikachu took another small step back.

He took another step forward, pushed Pikachu directly into the corner, and said at the same time: "Hide whatever you want, won't you even say thank you?"

The dangerous scene just now made his heart almost jump out, and now he is in a bad mood, and his tone is not much better.

"Pikachu" shook his head slightly, as if he was about to speak, but suddenly realized something, closed his mouth like a clamshell, and only stretched out a pair of "round hands" to bow to him, as if to express I mean grateful.

Lin Feng was almost laughed angrily by him, and he repeated in a very cold tone: "You won't say 'thank you'?"

Pikachu shook his head pitifully, and pointed to the remaining leaflets in his hand, which meant that he hadn't finished handing out yet.

... He actually had the nerve to say that he was interrupting his work! Lin Feng's face was cold, and he was about to grab his hood immediately.

Of course "Pikachu" refused, and he was protecting his head tightly. The two of them pulled one out and the other inward, and it became a tug-of-war with headgear.

In terms of strength, the other party was obviously not his opponent. With an inch of strength, Lin Feng instantly let "Pikachu" reveal a section of snow-white neck.

His hands froze.

Because he saw that the exposed neck of the other party was wet and full of sweat visible to the naked eye.

Anxiety and sullenness disappeared in an instant, replaced by a sour and astringent soft heart, so soft that it was a mess.

There were two young girls passing by with their arms crossed, one of them smiled and said to the other: "Look, Fatty Blue gave Pikachu to the wall!"

Lin Feng heard it in his ears, the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously, and he also let out a sigh of relief: What is he angry about? This man could only be here for one reason...

Rather than saying that he is angry with this person, it is better to say that he is angry with himself.

He let go, and instead pulled "Pikachu" away until he reached a shadowy place close to the room. He took off the headgear on his own initiative, and slowed down his tone: "Okay, I know it's you."

He suddenly became so gentle that the "Pikachu" who was pulling hard with him just now became at a loss and froze for a while.

Lin Feng looked at him and said, "Take off the hood, aren't you hot? Ji Mingyue."

Even calling out his name, Ji Mingyue couldn't pretend to be stupid any more, and with his current body, he really felt that he would faint from the sun in a while, so he had to take off his headgear in desperation: "...cough , That, what a coincidence, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng didn't give him any face, and said bluntly: "What's the coincidence?"

"Ahem..." Ji Mingyue could only cough twice, and sat down on the steps, " did you find me?"

Lin Feng said: "You are 10,000 times stupider than the original person, so it's hard not to notice."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

As for such a vicious tongue!

He didn't know how to refute, holding his Pikachu headgear, fiddled back and forth unconsciously.

His side face with eyelashes lowered quietly is very beautiful. His hair has been completely soaked in sweat, and the wet black hair is scattered on his forehead. Occasionally, a bead of sweat slides down the straight bridge of the nose, leaving A bright line, shining in the shadows.

Lin Feng looked at him, regretting quietly in his heart—he shouldn't have thought about forcing him out and staring at him, it's better to go up and hold him when Ji Mingyue staggered out of the corner from the very beginning. He took off his headgear, if he wanted to see it so much, let him wait in the cafe on the second floor opposite with the air conditioner on...

He didn't deserve this.

Ji Mingyue was still annoyed that he was discovered so easily, and suddenly felt that Lin Feng stood up and walked away. He was worried: Lin Feng thinks he is too annoying, and follows him wherever he goes, doesn't he want to talk to him anymore

After a while, Lin Feng came back with a towel and a bottle of Pulse.

"Drink water to replenish electrolytes first, or you will collapse soon." Lin Feng put both things in his hands, his eyes slightly uncomfortable, "...the water is newly bought, and the towels are mine. There are no towels sold online, if you want to buy towels, you have to buy them in the big supermarket, I won’t let you in while wearing this... If you don’t mind, you can make do with it first.”

"No no no, I don't mind!" Ji Ming Yue happily picked up the towel and rubbed it on his wet hair.

Why is there a water seller on this street! Otherwise, he could have an indirect kiss with Lin Feng!

Although he can't remember clearly, at this time in 2008, the concept of indirect kissing was not popular. Is it possible for Lin Feng to find out...

"So, what are you doing here?" Lin Feng quietly watched him wipe his sweat for a while, and asked.

Ji Ming was prepared sooner, and said cheerfully: "I'm here to experience life!" He blinked, "Anyway, the exam is coming soon, I don't know how to do the questions, and no one can make up for me, so I will try it out , some people said something more important and meaningful than making up lessons... "

He thought that this time Lin Feng would be able to choke Lin Feng to the point of speechlessness, but he stood up straight away, leaving him with a generous blue back: "Well, you just want to be happy."

"… Hello!"

Ever since his identity was exposed, Ji Mingyue began to let himself go. He made an agreement with the fat man to take over the job for the afternoon, and now he doesn't plan to give up halfway, but he really consumed too much energy before, and he was a little listless later.

Lin Feng was originally standing on the street, but now he is much closer to him, so that he can take care of him at any time.

In the evening, at four or five o'clock, the sky was full of pink and purple clouds, and Ji Mingyue also announced that he was exhausted. He simply sat down on the ground, resting his chin with one hand, and holding a leaflet on his knees with the other, "Jiang Taigong "Fishing" style - the volunteer takes the order.

At this time, there were more people leaving get off work and school, and the commercial street became more and more lively. Pedestrians could not help laughing at his happy appearance "as if his body had been hollowed out", and some young girls would come over and take the leaflets in his hand with a smile.

Ji Ming is more and more refraining from being rude, and often responds to their kindness by showing off his cuteness. Sometimes they bowed in front of them with both hands, sometimes waved two fingers together in front of their foreheads, and sometimes even blew kisses on their lips, which made them laugh.

He was having fun, and by chance, he caught a glimpse and found that Lin Feng also turned his head, as if he was looking at him.

He put his four fingers together on his lips, and with a chic wave, he immediately blew a kiss over.

... After the ball, he did it smoothly, and even Lin Feng started molesting him!

Under the twilight and the setting sun, the fat blue man suddenly put four fingers together, put them across his lips, and waved lazily at him.

Ji Mingyue was stunned for a while before he could react.

— that, too, was a blown kiss.

The author has something to say: Lin Feng: (full of remorse) What did I do just now! ! !

Ji Mingyue: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!