Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 2: Lin Feng was indeed looking in his direction


"The first period is physics class. I will study Chinese by myself early." The head teacher looked back at the schedule on the blackboard. "The representative of the Chinese class came up and led me to recite ancient poems."

When he said this, Ji Mingyue's deskmate, the representative of the Chinese class, stood up neatly, took the book he had prepared earlier, and stood a little in front of the podium: "Everyone take out the book, and the short song is ready. Cao Cao, one two—”

Her voice was crisp and clear, and the students quickly recited it like a conditioned reflex: "Duan Ge Xing, Cao Cao, singing to wine, how is life..."

Ji Mingyue also glanced at the book she put on the desk at this time, and her name was written on it, which was Luo Wei. Because he only spent one short year in domestic high school, and ten years later, the environment has changed too much, so the faces of these teachers and classmates except Lin Feng are a bit blurred.

But after all, he had experienced it himself, and after having the reminder of the name, he still remembered it. He remembered that Luo Wei was his deskmate throughout the first year of high school. She studied well, had a good temper, and was quite cute. There were many boys in the class who secretly fell in love with her, but she used the excuse that "study is the most important thing and I don't want to fall in love". Refused.

After he went abroad, they also contacted by email a few times, and then as the gap between the two people's living environments became larger and larger, this contact naturally faded away.

He also remembered that the little fat man who entered the classroom with him was named Feng Rui, because when the first year of high school started, he led people to boo and nicknamed Ji Mingyue, and Ji Mingyue grabbed his sleeve and beat him up After a meal, it turned out that the two of them didn't know each other, and later they became good friends.

Their class teacher stood on the side of the podium, counting the number of homework, while shaking his head slightly following the rhythm of the students reciting ancient poems, as if he was very immersed in it.

He teaches Chinese, his surname is Yang, and his name is Yang Chao. He majored in ancient Chinese in college. He just graduated not long ago. He is very young and can get along well with the students, so the students all get along with him and call him "" Brother Super".

It is also because on the first day of school, he said to the roster: "There are two students in our class whose names can just make up a poem. It is very fate-I send my sorrowful heart and the bright moon, follow the wind to the west of Yelang... "Feng Rui noticed that Ji Mingyue's name is homonymous to "Mingyue", and because when Ji Mingyue came to report, it was his father who drove him off in an SUV, and a suit of brand-name clothes was also expensive, so Feng Rui took the Looking at the younger brothers who had just been accepted, they booed together, calling Ji Mingyue "Miss Mingyue"...

Although he became honest after being beaten up by Ji Mingyue, the nickname "Miss Mingyue" has spread. The classmates, especially the girls, like to use this nickname to tease everyone He, Ji Mingyue couldn't get angry at the girls, so in the end he could only hold his breath, turn around and give Feng Rui another bite.

The sooner Ji Ming forgets all those ancient poems, and at this time, he is just lip-synching after his classmates and making up the numbers. What he thinks in his mind is still the decision he just made——

It is easy to think about changing a person's fate, but it is a very heavy proposition if you really want to put it into action.

Because there are too many and heavy textbooks in high school, most of the students have their own small bookshelves on the table, and those who don’t have a bookshelf will put a thick stack of books on the table, and don’t take home what they don’t use. Ji Mingyue took out a notebook from the bookshelf, and unconsciously scribbled on it with a pen.

Lin Feng's predicament, the most serious problem, is simply the word "money": working day and night is for money, arguing with his uncle's family, going to school is also for money, and even his final death is also for money. Because of various restrictions, I couldn't go to a better school, and the field safeguards were not in place.

Ji Ming is rich, very rich. In 2008, when the country’s GDP was developing rapidly and the bridge rice noodle at the school entrance was only five yuan for a big pot, many of his ordinary classmates didn’t go home at noon and had a meal at school, plus pocket money, for a month. It was only more than 500 yuan, and Ji Mingyue's pure pocket money for a month was more than 5,000 yuan.

Ji Mingyue's father, Ji Hong, is in the real estate industry. In the first two years, due to the soaring housing prices and land prices, his net worth doubled. Although the size of the company has shrunk due to investment mistakes and national policy adjustments, he has indeed had a good few years.

Ji Mingyue's mother died of dystocia when giving birth to him, and Hong never remarried at these ages. 2008 was the busiest time for Ji Hong's business. Ji Mingyue remembered that at that time, he often didn't see him back home for ten and a half months.

However, Ji Hong still loves his son very much after his busy schedule, and the way he expresses his love is also very simple and direct: sending money. Not to mention pocket money, there is also money for clothes, entertainment, friends, etc., etc., and there are more generous red envelopes during the festivals. For example, today is Ji Mingyue’s birthday, and Ji Hong paid 5,000 yuan early in the morning , let him live as he pleases.

Calculating his own small treasury, Ji Mingyue found that he had at least 60,000 to 70,000 yuan in spare money... Now that the second semester of high school has just started, it should be Lin Fenggang who used the compensation and family savings to take care of his father's funeral. After the first surgery for my mother, a lot of money was spent, so there shouldn't be too much expenses in the short term, and Ji Mingyue can withstand it with his own small coffers.

On the contrary, when he was in the second to third year of high school, Lin Feng should have to bear a large amount of expenses, so he sold his house to his uncle's family.

In this life, he can't let Lin Feng sell the house anymore, not to mention offending the best relatives and ruining his reputation. By then, Lin Feng won't even have a place to live. Wouldn't he be completely homeless

And Ji Mingyue heard that after Lin Feng died, his mother didn't last long in the hospital. After hearing the news of Lin Feng's death, she pulled out the oxygen by herself that night and followed. In the last life, he was thousands of miles away from the country, and he was beyond reach. In this life, he must pay close attention to the situation of Lin Feng's mother, and must not let the tragedy happen again!

In order to achieve these goals, he will definitely reach out to his father in the later stage, it is better to come up with a suitable reason in advance...

Also, even if you want to help Lin Feng, you can't rush up just to give money, it seems like you're planning something wrong... Ji Mingyue couldn't help but think of the "overbearing president novels" he read when he was drawing materials for comics in his previous life, and the president had a gloomy face Say to Cinderella who is in urgent need of money: "I can give you five million, but you have to sleep with me."

Ji Mingyue secretly replaced Mr. Ba as himself, and Lin Feng as Cinderella, imagining Lin Feng's obstinate and wide-eyed appearance of "wealth and honor cannot be lewd", the corners of his lips could not help but curl up and up—this is really thunderous and sour cool...

But he didn't want to exchange money with Lin Feng, and he didn't want to force Lin Feng at all. So while he couldn't help laughing, he denied this idea in his heart.

... And with Lin Feng's self-esteem, he might not agree to Ji Mingyue's reckless "assistance".

In the previous life, the school leaders proposed to organize a school-wide donation for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng refused. He would rather work day and night and sell his house than rely on the sympathy and sympathy of his classmates to raise part of the money. In the words of the classmate who told Ji Mingyue about this: "I feel that Lin Feng would rather push himself to the limit than us to pity him."

Of course, the facts of his previous life also proved that Lin Feng could indeed survive by pushing himself to the limit. If there were no accidents later, maybe his life would still gradually get better.

— Thinking of that accident, Ji Mingyue's breathing tightened again.

When the recitation came to an end, Yang Chao by the podium had already counted the homework handed in by each subject, tapped the spine of the book with his knuckles, and said: "One is missing in Biology, and two in English. Whoever didn't hand in it, hurry up, don't force me to do it." Roll call one by one!"

He has just become a head teacher and has a strong sense of responsibility. He has to take advantage of the early self-study time every day to check the number of homework for each subject, and then let the class representatives send it to the teacher's office.

Ji Mingyue has been living in high school in China for ten years, and at this time he couldn't help feeling a little flustered: because he knew that he was going abroad, he had always been lazy in class in China, and when he handed in his homework just now, he only cared about Watching Lin Feng go, he didn't pay attention to whether his homework of other subjects was handed in or written...

He remembered that when he was in school, he had a way to deal with Yang Chao's homework checks, but it was so long ago that he couldn't remember it now.

He was in a panic, but he didn't move in a hurry. He rummaged through his schoolbag and table hole first. While he was rummaging, Feng Rui in the back row brought up an English exercise book with a wheezing voice. . He walked too hastily, and he was still holding the pen in the other hand, and it seemed that he had just finished writing in a hurry.

"You're done writing?!" Yang Chao took the exercise book and flipped through a few pages, saying, "The second half of the book is still empty, who are you fooling?"

As soon as the little fat man returned to his seat, his face turned pale.

"Go back and copy the parts that were not written twice, give one copy to me and the other to the English teacher." Yang Chao coldly delivered the verdict, "Did you hear that?!"

Feng Rui reluctantly fell down on the table, and let out a depressed "hmm".

In fact, the teachers would not check the homework so carefully during the general winter vacation. It was because Feng Rui was late to make up the homework and hit the gunpoint, which made him so unlucky.

This time, no one came up again, so Yang Chao counted the homework on the roster again, and found two people. Fortunately, Ji Mingyue was not among them—"Cui Qi, Wen Erya, where are your homework?"

Two people stood up groaning, one said he forgot to bring it, and the other said that he had brought it and suddenly couldn't find it. Yang Chao was like a mirror in his heart, and waved his big hand, giving them the same treatment as Feng Rui: copy homework twice, One for the class teacher and one for the department teacher.

After checking the homework, the morning self-study is almost done, Yang Chao packed up his things and prepared to leave, while Ji Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

After Yang Chao left, the representatives of each subject also walked to the podium, picked up the large stack of exercise books and prepared to go to the office of the subject teacher. Ji Mingyue couldn't help but look up at Lin Feng, but he didn't pay attention, and just met his eyes.

Lin Feng's eyes were dark, and he was looking in his direction without blinking.

The unexpected stares at each other made Ji Mingyue's heart skip a beat, and he was a little dazed, not knowing how to react.

At this moment, the teacher in charge had just left and the physics teacher hadn't arrived yet. The people in the class were buzzing with each other. Lin Feng took the top two homework books from the stack and walked straight to his place.

Getting closer and closer...

When Ji Mingyue felt that his face was a little hot, "slap", Lin Feng put the two homework on his desk.

"Quick copy, I'll get it after class." He said concisely.

Ji Mingyue suddenly remembered how he escaped the homework check every Friday.

Ask Lin Feng to fold a corner of his homework when collecting it, and when it is put on the podium, take it out before Yang Chao checks it, put it on the top, and put a good student's homework on top of his homework.

This will not only prevent Yang Chao from discovering it when flipping through it casually, but also facilitate Lin Feng to quickly pass these two homeworks to Ji Mingyue while the teacher is handing over.

Every Friday, the first class is physics. The physics teacher has to go to class and has no time to check the homework, so Ji Mingyue will have a class time to copy the homework... When the class is over, he will finish the homework, and then let Lin Feng do it. These two books were stuffed into the main force, sent to the physics office openly, and blended into one, without any trace, it was perfect!

Asking Lin Feng to help him do this is one of the few intersections between them in their high school careers in China.

Perhaps it has become a habit to assist in "committing crimes" many times, this time Lin Feng didn't even ask Ji Mingyue to ask, so he took the initiative to do so - anyway, Ji Mingyue never did his homework well.

Ji Mingyue looked down at the two workbooks, one with his name written on it, and the other with two beautiful cursive characters "Lin Feng" on the cover.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up again.

Although he looks indifferent, Lin Feng is actually a good person with a kind heart...

If you want to work hard, start with "becoming Lin Feng's friend"