Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 22: It seems that he forgot to let go of the hand he held


The meeting room on the fifth floor is actually an open classroom that can accommodate hundreds of people. Ji Mingyue and the others have attended open classes before, so they are quite familiar with finding a place.

He and Lin Feng pushed the door open, and there were already dozens of people sitting in the front row, all looking up in their direction.

The good-looking students from the whole school are probably gathered here. Few of them wear school uniforms, and their clothes are all trendy. Looking around, they are full of handsome men and beautiful women.

Ji Mingyue also saw Lu Cai and Xu Yingying. Lu Cai was wearing school uniform and sitting upright in the first row, while Xu Yingying was standing with her back against the tables and chairs in the first row, wearing a high-necked white rabbit-velvet sweater and a short skirt with a long skirt. Boots make your legs look long and straight.

They were all talking to the teacher sitting in the front row, and they turned their heads when they heard the voice. Lu Cai smiled at them, but Xu Yingying's eyes paused on Lin Feng, and then saw Ji Mingyue who came in with him.

She frowned, as if she was in a bad mood, and turned her head back, as if she didn't see them.

There were three teachers sitting in the front row, one was the Youth League branch, the other was the teaching director, and a young teacher with a curl was surrounded by the most students, so he should be the real person in charge of this school celebration.

While recording something on the form, she shouted without raising her head: "Newcomers, sit in the front row, and I will arrange the details for you later!"

Ji Mingyue pulled Lin Feng and sat down on the side farthest from Xu Yingying. Many people nearby looked at them with great interest, and some people took the initiative to talk to him: "You are Lin Feng? I finally saw the real person. I didn't see it clearly last time when I was too far away."

He saw that Lin Feng only nodded his head, and he didn't like to talk much, so he turned his attention to Ji Mingyue who was beside him: "Are you here with him? Or are you his partner, the two of you performing together?" ?”

"He is my deskmate." Lin Feng finally said, "We don't know anything else, it depends on the teacher's arrangement."

The man was still about to speak, when the young female teacher in the front row seemed to have finished writing the form, stood up from her seat, turned the chair up, and turned to face them: "Hello, my name is Wei, you can call me Teacher Wei .”

It was only then that Ji Mingyue saw that she was wearing a long bohemian dress in the weather in March, which looked beautiful and cold.

"Some of the students here know me, oh, maybe they don't know me in the first year of high school. I am in charge of the school celebration every year." She continued bluntly, "You can come to me if you have any problems in the rehearsal. Now I Read the preliminary grouping of the school celebration program. If you have other ideas, you can discuss with me in private later, okay? Singing programs, Lu Cai... "

As expected, Lin Feng and Ji Mingyue were classified into the "dance category", and Xu Yingying and nearly ten boys were with them. Xu Yingying's show was a solo dance. It seemed that if Lin Feng didn't come, she just danced alone. No wonder she seemed in a bad mood just now.

After grouping, Teacher Wei asked those who had ideas about the program to discuss with her, and the rest stood by on the spot, and she would take them to the small auditorium to "step in" after a while.

The remaining nearly ten boys were basically in a group with Lin Feng and the others, and many of them knew each other, so they stood up in twos and threes and discussed NBA, sneakers and so on. At a glance, they were all over 180 tall, which made Ji Mingyue feel quite stressed.

Lu Cai walked up to them and said with a smile: "Ji Mingyue's height is more harmonious with Lin Feng alone."

Ji Mingyue was depressed: "Senior sister, I am also a potential stock at 1.8 meters!" Give me ten years, and I will give you a miracle!

The people around laughed when they heard this, the enthusiastic boy who chased after Lin Feng at first happened to be in their group now, he looked at Ji Mingyue twice more, and suddenly said in surprise: "Well, Ji, Ji Mingyue? Are your shoes AJ?"

The boy's obsession with AJ is self-evident. Although most of these small-town teenagers can only afford Anta and Adidas at present, it does not hinder their longing for and pursuit of classic sneakers. Hearing what the boy said, they gathered together Come over to watch envy, and call "the rich!"

Someone asked: "Is this the latest model released this year? It looks a bit like it!"

Ji Mingyue glanced at Lin Feng, and said vaguely: "Well, it seems to be..."

"Why do you still bring 'like'?" Someone sneered and said disdainfully, "My sister-in-law is in the United States, she agreed to bring me back a new pair, she took a photo, it's different from this one! Don't buy A goods Did you buy it at the wrong time?"

Ji Mingyue frowned, but he didn't refute. Most of these half-aged teenagers had only seen pictures on the Internet, but had never seen the real product. They thought he was right, and their eyes became more subtle.

The boy who first asked him if he was wearing AJs quickly came over to smooth things over: "AJ's shoes are not so easy to buy, as long as you are happy to wear them, I didn't say it must be true when I asked..."

"This is AJ11, of course it's different from the latest model." Unexpectedly, it was Lin Feng who spoke out suddenly, "Isn't it strange that the latest model that can be bought on the market is exactly the same as the timeless classic model?"

"Before mocking, ask who donated the gymnasium where you play basketball." Lin Feng said again, "He just doesn't want to show off his wealth to you."

When Ji Mingyue asked them to look at it with subtle eyes just now, he didn't think there was anything wrong, but now he felt a little blushed. He tugged at the corner of Lin Feng's clothes and said, "Forget it."

There were also seniors in the second and third grades in that group of boys. It might have been a little unconvinced to let a "new school grass" in the first year of high school give him such a lesson, but now they are all too busy to be shocked that "the new gymnasium is actually a single parent of a student." Donated", everyone was dumbfounded, but no one responded in time.

The only boy who was mocking Ji Mingyue just now also slipped quietly behind the crowd and remained silent.

After negotiating with the students on the other side, Teacher Wei stood up, put on his overcoat, stepped on high-heeled shoes and went downstairs, leading them to the auditorium on the south side of the school.

The school claims to be a "big auditorium", but because it has been built for more than ten years, it can only be regarded as a small auditorium. To accommodate all the teachers and students of the school, all the corridors and aisles must be full of people. Therefore, school leaders prefer to hold school opening ceremonies and swearing-in meetings directly on the playground.

Unless it is like the annual school celebration party that requires lighting and stage art, the small auditorium will come in handy.

Because it has not been used for a long time, a lot of dust has accumulated in the small auditorium. Teacher Wei first assigned someone to clean it, and then turned to them and said: "You have also seen that the small auditorium is too small to accommodate too many people here at the same time. .Singing and poetry recitations are usually practiced in the teaching building. You dancers have to practice coordination and positioning, so come to rehearse early in the last class every day, understand?"

Seeing their unanimous agreement, Teacher Wei nodded, took off the coat she had just put on, and revealed her bohemian dress again: "Lin Feng, you are going to perform "Trouble", right? Do you have any comments? Lu Cai showed me the reference video, and I adapted the movements a bit, which is more suitable for you boys to dance."

No wonder she has a slender figure and a windy walk, so she was born in dancing.

"Have you all brought your mobile phones?" The school does not allow mobile phones, but the teachers also know that no one will secretly bring them. At this moment, Teacher Wei said, "Take out those with mobile phones and record them, and I will give them to you." Dance it again, you go back and have a look and find out how you feel, we are short on time, and the official rehearsal starts tomorrow."

Just as Ji Mingyue took out his phone from his pocket, before he switched to camera mode, he suddenly heard Teacher Wei call his name: "Which classmate is Ji Mingyue?"

He was stunned for a second, guessing that Teacher Wei should have read the list submitted, and quickly responded: "I am."

"Well, you are Lin Feng's partner, right?" Teacher Wei looked at him, "Come here, cooperate with me, and give them a demonstration together."

"I'm not yet..."

"It's okay, you hold me, it's fine if you feel that way." Teacher Wei said, "Lu Cai, play the music for me."

She said so, and Ji Mingyue didn't feel shy, he put the mobile phone in Lin Feng's hand, took two steps forward, and was held by the female teacher, demonstrating the movements.

To be honest, I didn’t have such a strong feeling when I watched the video. It wasn’t until I met someone face to face, especially when the other party was a skilled dancer, that I could intuitively feel this dance. How much tension can be exerted by the collision of the body... How exciting .

"Fortunately, Lu Cai said this." After the dance, Teacher Wei panted slightly, and joked, "Otherwise, if this dance is really performed by a man and a woman, the whole school will probably be scandalized by them the next day."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Lin Feng watched silently for a long time: "..."

"Did you record it?" It was still cold in the small auditorium, and Teacher Wei put on her coat again, "If it's all recorded, Lin Feng, come up and try it out with Ji Mingyue."

"Ah?" Ji Mingyue took a small step back, although he was smiling, his voice was a little tight, "Why, how can I try..."

Although he knew that this dance was to be performed hand in hand, but in his expectation, it would be a matter of course when the music and lights were in place, and he quietly and joyfully held Lin Feng's hand.

He didn't know that he was staring at everyone like he is now, dry, staring and staring, so he asked Lin Feng to "try"... He was really afraid that Lin Feng would see something by accident!

"Just imitate my actions just now, isn't Lin Feng serious?" Teacher Wei said, "You don't need to be exactly like me, just make a few gestures. You all have zero foundation, right? Let me see if you feel it, no Let's change people as soon as possible so as not to waste time."

... Lin Feng definitely won't change, if he wants to change, he can only change him, right

Ji Mingyue's heart sank, he took a deep breath, and instead became braver. He turned his head to look at Lin Feng, who seemed to have hesitated for a while before reaching out his hand to him.

Under the eyes of everyone, Ji Mingyue stretched out his hand, and the palms of the two touched diagonally, and then held together.

The heartbeat prolongs like spring rain.

Ji Mingyue lowered his head, afraid of being seen with his red ears. Stiffly doing the actions he wrote down, he had never felt the faint fragrance of washing powder on Lin Feng's body so clearly, his palms were full of sweat, hot and slippery, and his breath was close to him.

"Why are you pinching me?" Lin Feng suddenly whispered.

"Ah? I didn't pinch it..." Ji Ming looked up in a daze.

Lin Feng let out a laugh from his throat, and Ji Mingyue realized that he was playing a prank. Just as he was about to pinch him in anger, Teacher Wei clapped his hands beside him: "Okay, that's fine. Looking at it this way, you two are pretty close." There is a tacit understanding, and the height difference is just right, so let's not change it."

"Actually, there is not much difference between your movements and theirs..." Teacher Wei turned around and said to the rest of the boys, "After this fixed movement, they are basically the same, and the more even you are, the more imposing you will be." , who of you took that part? Okay, let me demonstrate it to you again... "

Teacher Wei began to explain the movements to the rest of the people, as if there was nothing wrong with the two of them. The two stood against the wall, Lin Feng was holding the phone, rewatching the video recorded just now, his eyelids drooped slightly, looking very focused...

It's just that I seem to have forgotten to let go of the hand I held...

Ji Mingyue held the mobile phone in one hand, and also focused on studying and researching. The loose baseball jacket was lightly rubbed, and the sleeves fell down, just covering the hands of the two.

Because this year's school celebration is the 30th anniversary, the scale is larger than previous years. The school also required that each class in the first and second grades should change the blackboard newspaper with a new theme. Classes would be judged among the classes, and there would also be first, second, and third prizes. Therefore, Yang Chao selected a few girls with delicate thoughts and good-looking handwriting to be in charge.

One day, Ji Mingyue came back late from rehearsal with Lin Feng. Seeing them discussing what the theme should be in the last row, there were colored chalks on the side. When his hands were itchy, he casually drew a Q-version villain on the blackboard.

When he finished painting, he turned around and found himself being stared at by several pairs of wolf-like eyes.

As a result of being short-handed, Ji Mingyue was arrested again as the young man of the blackboard newspaper, and it was also because he couldn't stand the girls begging him as "Miss" and "Miss"-this nickname is really embarrassing and shameful Want to die!

Lin Feng wanted to go home to make up lessons for him, so when Ji Mingyue was forced to stay after school, he stayed with him by the way, doing homework on the classroom seat, and waited for Ji Mingyue to go back together.

Ji Mingyue not only contracted the painting work of the blackboard newspaper, but also took on the heavy responsibility of running errands for the female students—in fact, he couldn't bear to see the little girls running back and forth, so he simply volunteered.

Fortunately, there is basically everything on the street in front of the school, and they don't need to go too far, they can buy everything they need. Sometimes Lin Feng finished his homework ahead of time and would accompany him to help him pick things out and carry things.

The March 8th Women's Day is coming soon, and the so-called "Girls' Day" has become popular recently, which is on March 7th, the day before Women's Day.

Although the Experimental High School did not hold official events, the boys and girls in the school were still eager to move, and the merchants would not let go of this great business opportunity, and placed flowers and gifts at the door early to attract boys and girls to choose.

Ji Ming didn't look at the flowers, but he had to take Lin Feng to test the paints, because the stores in front of the school were not professional art supply stores, so he looked at them one by one in order to avoid buying fake ones.

In his previous life, he studied fine arts. Although he drew comics later and used computer to draw more, he never missed his homework on watercolor paints. With a lot of contact, he can basically easily judge whether the paint is good or bad.

As soon as Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng came out to test the paints, they saw bouquets of carnations and lilies in front of the shop. Son, said: "I want to buy a bunch."

Lin Feng knew that Ji Mingyue was "wealthy", and there was almost no time when he wanted to buy it but was not willing to buy it, so he said, "Buy it."

"... Forget it." Ji Mingyue still shook his head, "There is still a cat at home, and it will eat anything indiscriminately during the Chinese New Year. I am afraid that it will be poisoned by eating flowers. And when I buy flowers..." He paused, "I want to give it away For my mom, but my dad said she just likes roses, and lilies and carnations might be too plain for her."

"Not necessarily." Lin Feng said, "Maybe she likes everything you gave her."

"Maybe?" Ji Mingyue smiled and said, "My dad said he seemed to be back for dinner today, so I'll ask him to forward it to me later, so as not to be eaten by the New Year."

He ordered twelve carnations, packed them into a bunch, and when he paid the bill, he found that Lin Feng beside him had also bought the same number of carnations. Ji Mingyue smiled and said, "Are you imitating me?"

"Well, buy it for my mother." Lin Feng said, "I can't buy too much. If I buy too much, she will accuse me of spending money indiscriminately."

"No, Auntie is so gentle." Ji Ming thought about it more, and asked the store to wrap nine lilies for him, "Here, you can bring them to Auntie for me when you go back later, and say I gave them to her. happy holidays."

Lin Feng answered, "She must like it."

"That's necessary." Ji Ming became more snarky, "By the way, when you get back to my house later, watch carefully, don't let the cat eat the flowers."

"Please pack another layer." Lin Feng said directly to the shopkeeper.

The setting sun shone on his face, and Ji Mingyue discovered that there was a little indigo paint on his temples, which should have been accidentally stained when he was trying the paint just now.

These days, they rehearse together all day long, and their physical contact is so frequent that Ji Mingyue is a little desensitized. He raised his hand naturally, and wiped on Lin Feng's temple, trying to wipe off the paint.

Unexpectedly, there was still a little red paint on his own fingers, and this smear directly made Lin Feng's temples, which were not so obvious, instantly become very obvious.

The more Ji Ming looked at Lin Feng's temples that looked like the national flag of a certain country, Lin Feng subconsciously touched it, and it became more "colorful" in an instant. He was so happy that he almost couldn't straighten up: "Hahaha, hurry up, help me up, I want to take pictures as a souvenir... ”

Lin Feng couldn't see it himself, so he didn't know what was wrong, but he knew it must be related to the paint he had just touched, so he grabbed Ji Mingyue's hand with his backhand: "What's in your hand..."

He understood when he saw the red paint smeared on Ji Mingyue's hands. It was rare that the weather was clear and the sunset was bright. For the first time, he was naive, and rubbed Ji Mingyue's hand on his own face: "Then you Come too."

Ji Mingyue didn't know what was wrong, but he thought it was very funny, as if he had been poked at the point of laughter, almost bursting into tears, begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I have to go back to see my female classmate later Well, save me some face!"

Lin Feng pushed him against the door of the store, although he didn't really paint his face, but he made several bluff gestures before releasing him.

Ji Mingyue blushed, and pulled Lin Feng's sleeve to confirm: "It's not done, is it really not done?"

Lin Feng said helplessly, "Did I meet you?"

"Let me ask." The shopkeeper had already packaged the carnations and lilies for the two of them and handed them over. Ji Mingyue reached out to take them, and stuffed the plastic bag containing the paint into Lin Feng's arms with a smile, "I'll take all the paint for you." , give you a chance to take revenge, see how kind I am..."

Lin Feng said: "I understand the opportunity to carry heavy things."

"… Hello!"

The two walked slowly side by side under the setting sun. In a business car that had parked for a long time on the side of the road, the driver turned his head and asked, "Mr. Ji, do you want to follow?"

Ji Hong told Ji Mingyue that he would go home for dinner today, and he deliberately made it a little earlier in order to surprise Ji Mingyue. Unexpectedly, before he got home, he just ran into his son at the school gate, and his son's very good... handsome tablemate.

It's not that he hasn't seen these two people fighting intimately, but he didn't take it seriously. This time, maybe the distance gave him room to imagine, and he intuitively... thought that they were a little too close.

Ji Hong's education level is not high, but the ups and downs of shopping malls make him well-informed. Even recalling the picture I saw at home last time, it seems to be covered with an inexplicable meaning.

"Forget it." After Ji Hong pondered for a moment, he still said, "Go home directly."

This time, Lin Feng knew that Ji Hong might be at home, so he bought some gifts downstairs in advance. Although it was not expensive, it was a thought. It's just that this time, when eating together, Ji Hong didn't smile at him like before. Although he was very polite and enthusiastic, he looked at him with a little scrutiny.

"Do you want to eat fruit?" When Ji Hong changed the excuse for the third time and pushed open the door in fancy ways, Ji Mingyue couldn't help it: "Dad, how do you tell us to make up lessons?"

Ji Hong watched the two sitting around the table, Ji Mingyue sat on his comfortable study chair, and Lin Feng sat on the hard dining chair pulled from the kitchen. The same natural and magnanimous, he couldn't help touching his nose: "I'm afraid you are thirsty after learning..."

"We have water here, and even if we're thirsty, we'll pour it ourselves." Ji Mingyue waved him impatiently, "Dad, go back and read the report, we don't need you to worry about it!"

Ji Hong walked away awkwardly with the fruit plate in his hand, Lin Feng looked at his back, his eyes darkened slightly. After finishing the question in his hand, he stepped back and started to pack his things: "The flowers are going to wither, I should go."

Ji Mingyue reached out to help him tidy up: "It's so early today..."

"It's not too early, do you want the driver to take me back?" Lin Feng showed him his watch, indicating that it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Ji Mingyue smiled and raised his head: "How about I take you back?"

"Don't make trouble." Lin Feng had already started to put on his coat.

Ji Mingyue lay on the back of the study chair and looked at him, thinking he was really handsome. It's not that he didn't notice the change in Ji Hong's attitude, he didn't keep him longer because he was afraid of making Lin Feng uncomfortable, and he could only say goodbye to him with a joke as naturally as possible.

Because today when Ji Hong came home, the driver was downstairs, so it couldn't be more convenient to take Lin Feng back, so Ji Mingyue called and asked the driver to take Lin Feng back.

He sent Lin Feng out, watched him go downstairs reluctantly, and closed the door until the footsteps could no longer be heard.

Ji Hong stood behind him observing the situation: "..."

In terms of danger, he saw his son as the more dangerous one.

"Dad," Ji Mingyue turned around and asked, "What's the matter with you today?"

Ji Hong had always liked Lin Feng before, and he didn't let his attitude be too obvious this time. It's just that these two children, one sensitive, and the other reborn once, unexpectedly noticed his subtle changes, making him Ji Hong was a little embarrassed.

"No, it's too tiring to negotiate with the company's senior management, and I can't turn my head around." Ji Hong decided to skip this topic for the time being: in case it's just that he was thinking too much, or even though the two of them had a good impression, they didn't want to go any further. Woolen cloth? At Ji Mingyue's age, when his emotional orientation is still hazy and hesitant, if he wakes him up at an inappropriate time, it will be self-defeating. "If there is no accident in the past two days, the investment plan for that piece of land can be cancelled. After calling the police, the police also went to investigate, but they haven't found anything yet."

He sat down on the sofa, and Ji Mingyue followed, his eyes were bright, obviously very happy to hear the news.

Only then did Ji Hong ask: "Lin Feng has been giving you extra lessons recently? What do you think? Is it effective?"

"There must be!" Ji Mingyue trotted back to the bedroom and took a ranking list, "This is the ranking of the last test, and I have advanced by more than a hundred! I took pictures and sent them as MMS, you Didn't you see it?"

"Look, I saw..." It's just that I'm too busy with work, and the impression is not very deep. Ji Hong put on his silver-rimmed glasses, squinted his eyes, and read the form carefully again.

This table is the ranking list of the test results of Class 1 and 6 of Senior High School. The number in the first column represents the rank in the class, the second column is the name, then the scores of each subject and the total score, and the last column is the total score. Rankings throughout the school year.

He saw at the first sight that Lin Feng's name was at the top of the list, with a total score of nearly 1,000, ranking first in the class and seventh in the school year.

"What do these two pink frames mean?" He asked Ji Mingyue.

Ji Mingyue said very arrogantly: "This is the highest score in a single subject year! He is the highest in the whole year in mathematics and physics. The physics teacher is very happy. After complimenting him in our class, he went to the next class to praise him..."

He looks like that, he is more proud than himself that he got the highest score in a single subject.

Ji Hong supported his forehead silently, and continued to look down, and found that Ji Mingyue was still in the bottom of the "bad student" area, but he was wandering at the bottom of the deep water area, and he couldn't see it until the end, but now he was almost swimming in the shallow water area , Seeing that no matter how hard you work, you will be able to jump out of the water and enter the ranks of "not slipping away".

Ji Hong was in a complicated mood. When Ji Mingyue told him to make up lessons, he also thought about whether those old teachers could stand Ji Mingyue's playfulness, and Ji Mingyue could sit still for a few seconds obediently. bell…

He didn't have much hope for the results of the make-up lessons. As a result, after using Ji Mingyue, an excellent deskmate, Ji Mingyue not only sat still, but his grades really improved.

He couldn't be sure about the relationship between these two children, but the existence of Lin Feng really helped Ji Mingyue...he couldn't deny it.

"You did well in the exam, keep working hard." More, let's wait and see in the future, Ji Hong collected the ranking list and said, "Look up to Lin Feng."

"It's too difficult to keep up with him." Ji Ming smiled, "Is it okay to let him keep up with me?"

Ji Hong rolled up the ranking list into a tube and knocked it on his head: "Don't delay his study!"

Unknowingly, more than a week has passed since the daily make-up lessons. When Ji Hong came back that day, he left a lot of pocket money for Ji Mingyue. I wrapped a big red envelope and stuffed it in the make-up class the next day.

Lin Feng paused slightly for the hand that was drawing the question for him, then stretched out his hand to take it after a while, and put it aside.

"You don't even count it, are you afraid that I will deduct your salary?" Ji Mingyue said casually, and then thought that Lin Feng might do it out of self-esteem, so he quickly changed his words, "Of course, how can I deduct your salary as a good benefactor , feel free to take it..."

"Bonus master?" Lin Feng glanced at him upon hearing this, with a half-smile, "You want to keep me?"

In the recent social news, all kinds of news that rich people take care of female college students, tens of thousands a month, and their classmates sometimes joke with each other, "the local tyrant begs for support", "come a rich man to support me, I don't want to write mathematics anymore. ^T”…

"Did the school grass take care of it if he said so..." Ji Mingyue said vaguely with a smile.

Let him say this, Lin Feng really opened the red envelope face to face, poured out the money inside, and counted it openly: "... two thousand and eight?"

"Two hours a day, 200 an hour, I think it's okay?" Ji Ming looked at him carefully, "I heard that some teachers charge 3,500 a class, and you speak well, and you can Will cook for me, those teachers don't care about me..."

"Working five days a week, I can get two thousand. It seems that if I work hard, I can earn more than ten thousand a month." Lin Feng put the money back into the red envelope, sealed it, and said while putting it into the schoolbag.

"Well...then you, work hard?"

To be honest, Ji Mingyue felt a little uneasy, because although Lin Feng lowered his eyelashes and couldn't see his specific expression, his tone was not only stable, but also his movements of collecting money were too smooth and generous... I always felt that something was weird .

Lin Feng put his schoolbag aside, raised his eyelashes, looked at him and smiled slightly: "Okay, I will try my best."

Ji Mingyue's uneasiness and strangeness melted away almost dizzily in this smile, and he was thrown to Java in a blink of an eye.

... Beauty is misleading!

"Then, that Saturday and Sunday, are you still coming?" Ji Mingyue looked at him expectantly, "The hourly salary is still 200!"

"Not coming." Unexpectedly, Lin Feng said almost without thinking, "I have work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"There's something else..." Ji Mingyue couldn't follow him every time, and didn't even give Lin Feng any privacy, so he could only lie down on the table and said bitterly, "...well, see you at school .”

"Well, don't just play on weekends. Review the questions I gave you today at home. They are all the key points of last semester. Read it several times." Lin Feng said, "When you are hungry, go downstairs to eat by yourself. That noodle shop is pretty good."

"Got it..." Ji Ming rolled on the table wearily, "I will do my homework and eat well..."

He dyed his chestnut hair during the winter vacation. Although he dyed it back to black before school started, under the dazzling light, he could occasionally see a light chestnut in his black hair.

Lin Feng stood up and was about to leave. He originally wanted to touch Ji Mingyue's hair, but when he saw him lying on his stomach, looking like he wanted to sleep, he put his hands back into the pockets of his coat.

"Then I'm leaving." Lin Feng said softly, "See you at school."

It was rare for Ji Ming to sleep in on weekends, and he didn't get up until noon.

Because he was dreaming about things from his previous life, he lay in a daze for a while, and slowly got up when his consciousness gradually returned. After washing with his messy hair on his head, he went to the kitchen refrigerator to dig out the leftover vermicelli and cracked an egg for his breakfast.

The egg was a little broken, and he couldn't lay down a whole poached egg. When he sat down at the dining table with the bowl in his hand, he realized that he forgot to put in the shrimp and vegetables.

It usually looks inconspicuous, but without the adjustment of these two things, the dried noodles will look a little greasy. Ji Mingyue reluctantly ate half a bowl and couldn't finish it. He went back to the room and spread out the exercise book, and began to scratch his head and do his homework.

After writing for a while, he felt bored, thinking that there was still tomorrow anyway, so he turned on the computer and wanted to find some movies to watch.

As soon as he turned on the player, the magical animation named "Classroom after class" was staying at the top of the playlist. With a thought in his heart, he clicked on it, and the animation continued where it left off last time.

"Fujino-kun is really cute..." Xueba still smiled charmingly, sticking it to Xuezhu's ear, completing the sentence that was left unfinished last time.

"—I like Fujino-kun the most."

The scumbag raised his face, and there seemed to be tears in his big eyes: "Mr. Fengzao..."

Ji Mingyue has watched this animation so many times that he has no fluctuations in his heart. He can even rest his chin on one hand and silently watch the plot continue.

The scumbag was hugged on the lap by the bully, and carefully confessed: "I, I also like Feng Zao-jun very much..."

The two kissed sweetly together.

Ji Mingyue sighed, and suddenly felt that watching Lifan was not so interesting anymore. He turned off the player, and lay on the table aimlessly poking at the phone.

There are not many fun apps these days, and the Internet speed is also slow. Ji Ming almost fell asleep playing with his mobile phone.

Until the avatar of Pingxie popped up, a person named "Sister Lu Cai" sent him a QQ message:

"Xiao Mingyue, don't you go to school to rehearse on weekends?"

Ji Mingyue moved his fingers, and replied: "Mr. Wei said that it will not take up our vacation time, just rehearse well at ordinary times. Is sister going to rehearse today? [Dazed]"

Lu Cai: "...I don't need it either. By the way, didn't you say that Lin Feng is making up lessons for you recently, and doesn't make up on weekends?"

"He said he has something to do." Ji Mingyue, who had been lazy for half an afternoon, finally woke up, sat up straight and asked, "Sister, why are you asking that?"

"..." Lu Cai said, "I was eating out and saw him."

When Ji Mingyue changed his clothes and went out, and came outside the restaurant that Lu Cai mentioned, it was already past five in the afternoon.

Because Lu Cai came to eat with her parents and their guests, and she would have to accompany the guests to go shopping and see scenic spots, so she couldn't wait for him to come over, and she had already left.

Standing behind the tall flowers and trees at the entrance, Ji Mingyue looked up at the signboard of this western restaurant, on which was a string of beautiful cursive English. He could understand that this was a well-known chain western restaurant abroad, and just by looking at the luxurious and exquisite overall decoration, it could beat other ordinary stores in this small town by a large margin.

The western restaurant is not only gorgeously decorated, but all the waiters inside are also wearing well-tailored uniforms, which make some people's wide shoulders, narrow hips, long legs and thin waist even more eye-catching...

The most eye-catching one is bowing slightly, delivering meals to the guests sitting by the window.

I don't know what he said, but the woman with exquisite makeup looked at him, trembling with laughter, and patted his arm lightly with her slender hand, indescribably coquettish.

... It turns out that "Okay, I will work hard" is the method of hard work!

Ji Mingyue watched through the window, grinding his teeth quietly. If his eyes could be solidified, then Lin Feng would definitely be pierced by him countless times!

Really, he was going to be angry.

And the person in the window seemed to be aware of the menacing gaze outside the window, and when he got up, he glanced out faintly.


Ji Mingyue quickly took two steps back, using tall flowers and trees to cover his figure.

... He is not cowardly, he just wants to change to a more domineering way of appearance.
