Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 27: Guess what I think of you?


Lin Feng lowered his head, just enough to see his bright red and tender lips and the soft down around his lips.

I really want to touch it.

Lin Feng was taken aback by his sudden thought, he paused, and found a reason to refuse: "I don't know how to drink."

Liquor is too spicy, and the taste coming back from his throat after drinking beer is also unpleasant, so he rarely drinks alcohol, so it shouldn't be considered as cheating Ji Mingyue

"Oh..." Ji Mingyue was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it, "Okay then, I'll go play first... Do you want to sing? I can help you order."

Lin Feng: "No need."

Ji Mingyue: "Do you want to eat? There are..."

Lin Feng: "...No need, thank you."

"..." Being rejected one after another, Ji Mingyue seemed a little bit wronged, Lin Feng guessed that he had never been rejected like this before. As a result, Ji Mingyue's mouth was flattened, but he just responded softly, "Well, then I'm leaving."

At that moment, Lin Feng suddenly regretted it.

But the more Ji Ming said to leave, he was very happy, and soon went to the other side of the box, and continued to play games with a group of people lively.

The light in the private room was too dim, and Lin Feng couldn't see what they were doing clearly. He could only vaguely hear loud laughter, "Wine fine!" and "Wine fine!" The red coat is very eye-catching inside.

... Lin Feng has already started to think about finding a reason to participate in the game.

This time it was also a birthday party for one person in the class, but he wanted to invite a girl he liked, but she refused to come. He tried all kinds of tricks and even promised that he could call Lin Feng, so he managed to persuade the girl.

After the girl came, she took the initiative to talk to Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng was always indifferent, she also felt bored, and said she wanted to go home after a while.

Shou Xing sent her to the taxi all the time. Seeing the girl walking without looking back, he felt frustrated and realized that no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. He came back with a sigh, and when he saw Lin Feng sitting alone, he felt guilty—he was the one who pulled him here, and he was afraid that the girl would have too much contact with Lin Feng, so he didn't ask him to play games together. It's too narrow-minded to leave others alone in disguise.

"Lin Feng, don't you want to go play for a while? It's so boring to sit here." In order to make up for his inner guilt, Shou Xing quickly sat down beside Lin Feng, "They are all playing, you can see them laughing..."

With the experience of being soft and tough, he knows that Lin Feng looks hard to persuade, but he is actually the kind of person who is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. As long as he uses his sharp tongue and grinds him for a while, he will always be able to wait until he lets go...

Shou Xing was thinking about all kinds of follow-up rhetoric, and suddenly heard Lin Feng say: "It makes sense, let's go."

Shou Xing: ...

Lin Feng still stood up, straightening his cuffs and urging him: "Let's go."

Birthday:? ?

After Lin Feng was dragged by Shou Xing to sit down in the crowd, he glanced at Ji Mingyue.

When he came over, he deliberately walked in the direction of Ji Mingyue, so that he could just sit beside him when he sat down.

Ji Mingyue didn't seem to mind that Lin Feng rejected him but was pulled over by other people. He felt that Lin Feng looked at him and turned his head to smile at him: "Be careful, they are very aggressive."

Apparently, Ji Mingyue also felt that Lin Feng's reason for rejecting him just now was an excuse: boys of this age, unless they are allergic to alcohol, no matter how poor they are, they can still drink some beer. But Ji Mingyue didn't expose it at the time, and reminded him kindly now, which made Lin Feng feel more and more that it was the right choice for him to come here.

Ji Mingyue's eyes were originally big, but they became crooked when he laughed. Only then did Lin Feng realize that he had droopy eyes, clear and innocent like a puppy.

Lin Feng looked at him and nodded: "Yes."

After Lin Feng sat down, the girls who were singing stopped singing one after another, and came to play with them. It turned out that a group of big boys played wildly, drinking, punching, doing push-ups, and everything. When there were more girls, someone proposed to change to a "softer" game.

So a dozen boys and girls sat around and played the classic game in KTV: Truth or Dare.

Truth or Dare is indeed more "gentle", but also more ambiguous. The honest questions are basically "do you like someone" and "when was your first kiss", and the big adventures are often "go to xx's ear and blow a breath", "choose a princess to hug, and go around the venue for three weeks"... A group of people continued to play with blushing faces, with different thoughts.

In this round of card draw, a girl was drawn. She chose a big adventure, but what she was asked was "Choose the boy you think is the most handsome present, and give him a kiss on the face." She looked at Lin Feng blushingly, and was immediately shocked Everyone made a fuss, and hurriedly said embarrassedly: "I, I will punish you with a bar."

When she was pouring the wine, because she couldn't see clearly and her hands were still shaking, she accidentally poured half of the glass, and she couldn't drink it after drinking the half glass with difficulty.

Ji Mingyue said, "I'll help her drink."

He didn't go to get the beer in the girl's hand, but took the beer can, poured almost the same amount of wine into his glass, and quickly drank it with his head up, showing the bottom of the glass to everyone: "Next !"

Lin Feng heard the girl say "thank you" to Ji Mingyue gratefully, felt a little subtle in his heart, lowered his voice, and asked jokingly: "Are you secretly in love with her?"

"Her?" Ji Mingyue seemed to be taken aback for a moment before realizing who Lin Feng was talking about. He immediately smiled and said, "How is that possible?"

Ji Mingyue had already drank a few cups of fine wine before, and now his cheeks were slightly flushed because of the effect of alcohol. He approached Lin Feng and whispered, "My dad taught me to be a gentleman to girls."

"He told me to see a girl was about to be bullied, so I thought about it, what would I do if my mother was young." Ji Ming smiled, "He told me to treat all young girls as my mother , do you think my dad is a stinky hooligan?"

The hot air that Ji Mingyue spewed from between his lips and teeth lightly sprayed into Lin Feng's ears, and Lin Feng almost didn't care to listen to what he was saying, and he said for a long time: "...his metaphor is not quite right, But the heart is good."

"So I listened to him." Ji Mingyue said with a smile, "And his metaphor is too brainwashed, I think of it when I see a girl, I can't be friends happily..."

"Draw the cards, draw the cards," said someone knocking on the coffee table, "what are you two talking about?"

Ji Mingyue also seemed to realize that he was too close to Lin Feng, a little too intimate, so he quickly backed away, and said with a smile: "I'm talking about you hurting people. Next time I have it in my hands, you will feel better."

Lin Feng didn't know what was wrong with him. A boy of the same age approached him and then left, which actually made him feel lost.

As a result, in the next round, it was not Ji Mingyue's turn to "counterattack and reckon", but Lin Feng fell into the opponent's hands.

"Truth or Dare?" A group of people stared at him with unprecedentedly bright eyes.

"..." Lin Feng was afraid of taking a big risk, and said, "The truth."

"Among the girls here, which one do you like best?" The question was unexpectedly not too sharp, and it didn't involve privacy.

There were a total of five girls present. When this question was asked, almost all of them blushed. They either lowered their heads and remained silent, or waited for Lin Feng's answer with expectant eyes.

"...Does it have to be a girl?" Lin Feng smiled. In fact, although he remembered the names of these girls, he basically had no impression of other information. It was a bit difficult for him to find a favorite among the "no impressions".

The person who asked the question made him almost stunned by the rhetorical question, and he nodded instinctively: "Yes, it must be a girl!"

"Then I'll fine you a bar." Lin Feng said.

The boy's eyes lit up immediately.

"Just one drink is not enough!" He said hastily, "Lin Feng, look at you, you have disappointed five such beautiful little girls, and you must be punished with five drinks!"

... It turned out to be here waiting for him.

The boys laughed rather gloatingly—Lin Feng’s girlhood made them envious and jealous, but they didn’t know how to play dirty tricks. They expressed their envy, jealousy and hatred very directly, they tried every means to pour alcohol on Lin Feng—if Lin Feng said Which girl's name is "Let the four girls down, and must drink four glasses of wine", anyway, there is a reason to wait for him!

Originally, the five girls were planning to persuade them, but when they heard the reason for the fine, they couldn't help but glared at them with a shy smile, and stopped talking.

"His grass, are you sick?" Ji Mingyue said, "Drinking so much wine, can you still play later? And Lin Feng doesn't even know how to drink..."

"What nonsense, there is no man who doesn't know how to drink!" A boy waved his hand, "Come on, pour Lin Feng..." He directed the girls present.

The girls were still soft-hearted, and they didn't pour too much for Lin Feng, each of them seemed to have a half cup, but it was quite impressive when added up and piled up together.

When Lin Feng decided to come over, he was mentally prepared, and he didn't hesitate much when he saw the situation.

However, almost at the same time he picked up one of the cups, a hand stretched out beside him and picked up another cup.

It's Ji Mingyue.

He drank it down without hesitation, put down his cup and muttered: "You guys are hurting people, you know how to look at my sister, even the people I brought don't give me any face..."

He seemed to be a little drunk, forgetting that Lin Feng was not the one he brought here.

When he went to touch the next cup, Lin Feng held his hand down.

Lin Feng had also finished his drink, his eyes were brighter than usual, he stared at him and asked, "Do you also regard me as your young mother?"

Isn't this person a little too kind

The corners of Ji Mingyue's mouth twitched, his palms flexed backwards, and he simply grabbed Lin Feng's hand and drank the second cup.

It seemed that Lin Feng couldn't take his eyes off him.

Ji Mingyue's lips were glistening with wine, he must be really drunk, he wanted to come over to talk to Lin Feng, but he couldn't grasp the strength, and almost fell into Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng helped his arm, and his hand rested on Lin Feng's thigh.

Ji Mingyue raised his face in this position, and whispered in his ear: "... guess what I take you for?"

In an instant, the hustle and bustle of people and the excited crowd disappeared, leaving only Ji Mingyue's voice and the warmth of his body in the world.

Ji Mingyue seemed to say something again, but Lin Feng couldn't hear clearly, he could only see his moist and bright red lips moving up and down, like a sea witch singing a song to seduce travelers.

His palm was like a clump of fire, hot and scorching, spreading all the way, making Lin Feng's heart tremble.

After a few seconds or a few years, Ji Mingyue rubbed his temples and pulled away from him.

Lin Feng picked up the remaining wine glasses on the table and drank them down one by one.

The crowd booed and whistled excitedly, but he didn't seem to hear it until he drank all five glasses of wine. He suddenly stood up and turned slightly sideways: "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Oh, go and come back quickly."

"It's all your fault, five cups in one breath is too much..."

"Didn't Miss help him drink..."

Ji Ming was leaning lazily on the sofa, his eyes half-closed, and the corners of his mouth turned up at him.

No one noticed anything unusual. No one thought they had anything, including Ji Mingyue himself. Because Ji Mingyue didn't do anything frightening at all, at most he leaned on him and said something.

Some earth-shaking events happen in the heart.


The corridor of the KTV is quite well lit. At this moment, even though there is a distance, Ji Mingyue can still clearly see Luo Wei's flushed face.

He sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I was too slow to see it before."

With Luo Wei's sensitivity and delicateness, she understood Ji Mingyue's implication almost instantly. She opened her mouth and felt her eyes getting hot: "It's too late to see it now, you..."

Ji Mingyue said bluntly this time, "I'm sorry."

He thought for a while, and added: "I have someone I like."

"...Can I take this as comfort?" Luo Wei's tears welled up in an instant, "It's not because I'm bad, it's because you already have someone you like..."

Ji Mingyue took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it over: "...I'm sorry."

"Stop saying I'm sorry." Luo Wei took the tissue and tried her best to suppress her sobs, "I know you're already fine... You didn't reject me inside because you were afraid that I would lose face and embarrass you? I'm fine, I'm , I'm going to study literature next semester..."

"That's still half the semester." Ji Mingyue leaned against the wall, comforting her softly, "Don't cry..."

Luo Wei also simply turned around, turned her back to him, choked up and asked, "Who is the person you like?"


Sensing Ji Mingyue's hesitation, Luo Wei whispered: "Let me make a guess, don't be angry... is it Lin Feng?"


"is it him?"

She knew that it was impolite and not gracious enough for her to break the casserole and ask the truth, and what she asked was such a sensational thing as "homosexuality", and Ji Mingyue didn't want to rashly answer that it was too normal. But who made her break up in love now, she wants to be willful for a while... She is really not reconciled.

"Is it him?" she asked again.

"... Mmm." Ji Mingyue answered her softly.

"...does he like you too?"


"He doesn't have to like me, I..." Ji Mingyue's voice stopped, and he stopped talking.

Luo Wei also heard the sound of the box door opening almost at the same time. Fortunately, when the two of them came out, they walked a little further and stood at the corner of the corridor so that they would not be heard.

She turned her head and saw that it was Lin Feng who came out, so she also quietly lowered her head and leaned against the wall, and stopped talking.

"Luo Wei." Ji Mingyue called her name, "Then shall we go first?"

Lin Feng saw Luo Wei crying with red eyes, and seeing Ji Mingyue's reaction, he could guess that Ji Mingyue refused and didn't leave much room for it.

Luo Wei gave a low "hmm", and Lin Feng also handed her a tissue: "Go over there to blow some air before going in, your eyes are a little red."

Luo Wei grabbed the tissue tightly and nodded.

Ji Mingyue was always straightforward when he said he was going to leave. He put his hand in his coat pocket, turned his head and said to Lin Feng, "Let's go."

When I walked out of the KTV, the sky was not yet completely dark, but the sky was full of clouds and bright red. Both of them narrowed their eyes slightly under the sunlight.

When he walked to the side of the road and waited for the car, Lin Feng suddenly said: "The people inside thought that you were going to succeed this time."

"They thought it was useless, and the rumors broke up after two days." Ji Mingyue smiled and said, "The love of high school students changes every day, and it disappears as soon as the sun shines. They can't control it."

"Hey, the car is coming!" He wanted to pat Lin Feng's waist, but when Lin Feng turned his head to look at him, he put his hand back with a smile.

They waited for the car to come by in the brilliant sunlight.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Ji Mingyue's face again.

He used to think that as long as he stood under the sun, all the confusion and obsession in the dark would disappear in the exposure.

It turned out not to be.

That clump of flames has been burning to this day, spreading endlessly.

It's like starting a fire.

The author has something to say: Mingyue is indeed gentle to a certain extent and likes to take care of other people's feelings, but if he is not such a person, he will not be reborn just to save others. The character design has always been like this, and even echoes back and forth a bit. I don’t want to say much, what I want to express is in the text, let’s read the text ^^