Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 3: Lin Feng was... avoiding him?


I don't know whether to be lucky or unlucky, Ji Mingyue turned over the physics homework and found that he... really didn't write.

After ten years, Ji Mingyue went abroad to study art again. He basically returned all the science knowledge he learned in high school to his teacher. No one knows anyone. Fortunately, Lin Feng's handwriting is clean and clear, so that he can barely draw gourds.

He sneakily caught up with a class's homework, and at least finished copying it before the end of get out of class, while his deskmate listened to the whole physics class seriously.

In the new semester, the difficulty of each subject has also increased a lot. The physics teacher didn't finish what he was going to say, so he dragged the class for two minutes. But as soon as the get out of class bell rang, the hearts of the students dispersed. Many people were talking in low voices. Luo Wei also took advantage of this time to turn around and sighed with Ji Mingyue: "Oh, it feels like physics is getting more and more difficult. I don't understand."

Ji Mingyue just closed the pen cap, put his and Lin Feng's homework together, looked up at the blackboard and said, "It seems so."

"I really envy you." Luo Wei said, holding her chin, "I heard that foreign countries are full of quality education, you can learn whatever you want, and you will be liberated immediately! I think in my situation, I should decide to study literature earlier."

The classification of arts and sciences is to submit an application at the end of the first semester of senior high school, and the formal division of classes in the second year of senior high school. However, students usually chat about their plans to study literature and science in the first year of high school. Ji Mingyue also mentioned to Luo Wei early in the morning that he wanted about studying abroad.

The physics teacher finally finished explaining the knowledge points, said "Okay, get out of class is over!", packed up the lesson plans and nodded to Lin Feng, signaling him to send the homework to the physics office.

The physics teacher walked forward, and the classroom became lively on the back. Ji Mingyue quietly stuffed two exercise books into the hands of Lin Feng who was "passing by", and said to Luo Wei, "I'm not going abroad anymore."

"Ah?" Luo Wei was surprised, "Why?"

"It's just... I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt." He said vaguely, "I suddenly feel that there is nothing good about going abroad."

Regarding the matter of not going abroad, he would have to convince his father later that he remembered that it was around this time in his previous life, and he had already started taking oral English classes with foreign teachers to prepare for studying abroad.

Luo Wei blinked her eyes, and seemed a little happy: "Really? But, if you really don't want to leave, you should pick up your studies. I feel that you have fallen behind a lot. "

"Well, I know." Ji Mingyu nodded in agreement. Before that, his attitude towards study had always been sloppy, and because his family was rich, he went around playing around every day. Although he didn't have any bad habits, his test scores were indeed terrible. There are more than 800 students in the first grade of Experimental Middle School, and he can rank more than 600 people, which is really in the ranks of "students".

Now that he decided to stay in the country, he couldn't let it go on like this anymore. He must pick up things for studying, and in the process of picking up...he could take the opportunity to get closer to Lin Feng.

What Ji Ming wanted more and more to "take the opportunity to get closer" was actually to find Lin Feng with a problem, but the first get out of class was delayed, and the class bell rang within two minutes, and the second class was over, and it was time to do a break fuck time...

Seeing the students filing out, Ji Ming didn't want to wait like this anymore. He looked around and found that Feng Rui was standing with Lin Feng next to the water dispenser at the back of the classroom, and they seemed to be going to carry water.

"Feng Rui, go to the small store and buy me two bottles of pulse, and buy some delicious food." Ji Mingyue said, and put a fifty-dollar bill into Feng Rui's hand, "Just give it to me after you finish the exercise. I'll help you carry water."

Feng Rui said, "Why don't you go yourself?"

"There are too many people in the small store, it's crowded. The shoes I just bought cost several thousand." Ji Mingyue blinked and thought of a reason, pointing to the brand-name sneakers on his feet, "Hurry up!" , buy well, and the rest of the money will be rewarded to you, so I treat you as a snack."

Feng Rui has a large tonnage and loves to sweat. In fact, he doesn't bother to carry heavy buckets. Today is his turn to be on duty with Lin Feng. He also felt that going to the canteen to buy something was much easier than fighting against the water, and with the errand fee given by Ji Mingyue, he agreed without much hesitation: "Okay, thank you Miss!"

Ji Mingyue kicked him: "Get out!" Although he knew that Lin Feng might have known his nickname, but being called out in person still made him blush slightly.

Feng Rui rolled away with the money in his hands, Ji Mingyue encouraged himself in his heart, and turned around and said, "Lin Feng, let me help you..."

He had already stretched out his hand, but Lin Feng just unloaded the bucket from the water dispenser, avoiding Ji Mingyue's hand. He said lightly: "No need." Then he took his long legs and walked towards the door of the classroom on his own.

"... Oh." Ji Mingyue retracted his hands a little embarrassingly, and followed Lin Feng empty-handed.

"Lin Feng, that, the homework in the morning... thank you." After walking all the way, Ji Mingyue began to find nothing to say.

Lin Feng spat out two words: "It's okay."

"I shouldn't need you to help me like this in the future." The more Ji Ming thought about it, he said, "I, I will study hard in the future... I will definitely finish my homework!"

"Hmm..." Lin Feng paused slightly when he heard the words, which made Ji Mingyue's eyes "light up": Is Lin Feng finally going to say a complete sentence to him? Is it finally possible to exceed ten characters? !

As a result, Lin Feng paused for a moment and said, "... oh."

... Oh, your size!

Ji Mingyue was unwilling to complain in his heart: Although Lin Feng looked cold, he was never a communication barrier! The speech that made him famous in World War I was articulate and fluent!

He vaguely remembered that in the last semester, when the students in the class celebrated their birthdays and had a party at KTV, he even went to chat with Lin Feng for a few days. It impressed Ji Mingyue very well, and I still feel that I like him more in my heart...

How come now, it's like jumping out word by word, as if saying one more word will make him lose a piece of meat

Ji Mingyue dejectedly followed Lin Feng to change the water, and returned to the classroom with a bucket each. The students hadn't finished the exercise between classes, and the classroom was empty. Ji Ming watched as Lin Feng put the bucket on the water dispenser, because when he went out, the base was knocked crooked by someone, and Lin Feng pretended a little Ji Mingyue couldn't help but stretch out his hand to help: "Be careful..."

The hands of the two touched in confusion, Lin Feng's fingers were cold, and Ji Mingyue's was soft and warm.

Before Ji Mingyue could feel the throbbing in his heart, Lin Feng moved his hand back and avoided his hand.

Ji Mingyue blinked: Is it his illusion? Lin Feng was... avoiding him

Before he had time to think about it, there was a "boom, boom" sound like a dinosaur crossing the border from the corridor outside... It seemed that the students who had finished their exercises had returned.

The students of Grade 1 and 6 came in very quickly. Feng Rui walked in front and saw Ji Mingyue in the classroom. He took out a bag of snacks from his arms and threw them over: "I'm so exhausted, take it away." Putting it in my arms to do exercises, for fear of falling out, brother Chao looked at me several times!"

Someone next to him smiled and said, "Brother Chao probably thought your breasts had grown a second time!"

"Ah, do you deserve a beating?" Feng Rui glared at him.

The person who spoke was Wen Erya, and his parents gave him this name, probably with the good intention of "gentle and elegant, a modest gentleman". "Erya", Wen Erya seized the opportunity to fight back and run on him.

Feng Rui and Wen Erya got angry with each other, Ji Mingyue took the bag, rummaged through it, took out the hot sticks and stuffed them into his desk, Pulse also took out a bottle, and the remaining snacks such as marshmallows and jelly Still in the bag.

At the end of the third period, Luo Wei saw that her deskmate took out the physics textbook and the new workbook again, thinking hard while reading the book, scratching her head and trying to fill in the answers to the questions.

She couldn't help but said, "Do you want me to tell you something?"

Unexpectedly, Ji Mingyue shook his hand and said, "No need! I can just watch it myself."

The more Ji Ming thought about it, since Lin Feng seemed to be avoiding him a little, he should at least pretend to ask the question, and he couldn't just ask it rashly with an empty exercise book. It made Lin Feng even more disgusted.

You can't let Luo Wei give him a lecture. If Lin Feng sees it, you should be thinking that you have already been asked, so why are you asking me

Although he didn't know at all, did Lin Feng have the spare time to look at him...

After the third class, he used it to study the topic, and after class it was a lunch break, but he was not in a hurry, so he went out of the school to buy lunch.

Although the Experimental Middle School has student dormitories, the accommodation conditions are average, and the accommodation is not mandatory, and the supporting canteen has not been opened. Therefore, on the two streets in front of the school, there are a large row of restaurants and restaurants, such as Malatang, cross bridge rice noodles, Mala hotpot has everything you expect. After the students finish eating, they can also go to the nearby milk tea shop and boutique to shop and digest food, which is quite nourishing.

In the noodle shop across from the school gate, Ji Mingyue finished a plate of fried noodles with a sigh of relief. When he went out, he saw a notice of "recruitment staff" posted on the door of the milk tea shop next to him. He paused, looked up at the signboard of the milk tea shop, and made sure to write down the name of the shop before continuing towards the school.

When I got to the classroom, I saw that it was still early, five or six minutes after 12 o'clock, and the students either went home to eat, or went to eat and go shopping during their lunch break, and he was the only one in the classroom.

Ji Mingyue took out the physics exercise book, and continued to study the topic painstakingly - he hadn't learned it for ten years, these things were like heavenly scriptures to him, and then he lost his patience and went blind all by feeling Write random calculations, fill in one answer and you're done.

After finishing the remaining homework, he took out the red pen and corrected the reference answers. After correcting, he saw that the country was red as expected.

At the end of the lunch break, Lin Feng came in almost stepping on the preparatory bell. He was not wearing a school uniform, but a black coat that looked rather thin. Ji Mingyue, who was dizzy and ups and downs in the sea of questions for a long time, raised his head unexpectedly, almost staring blankly.

The study tasks in the first year of high school were not very intense, and Yang Chao also knew that noon is the time when students are most likely to get sleepy, so he adjusted the class, and the first class in the afternoon was almost all self-study. If you are not sleepy, do the homework left in the morning. If you are sleepy, you can lie on the table and sleep directly to recharge your batteries, so that you can have the energy to continue the afternoon classes.

Since it is "sleep self-study", Yang Chao usually doesn't watch the class very much in this class. He prepares lessons and corrects homework in the office by himself, and let the monitor take care of it. Just don't make too much noise.

At this moment, Ji Mingyue took out the bag of snacks that he bought in the morning, and then took the physics exercise book, walked to the back row, knocked on the table of the girl at the same table as Lin Feng, and lowered his voice , smiled at her and said: "I want to ask Lin Feng a question, can you come and sit with me? Treat you to a snack."

The girl wanted to sleep at first, so she took his candy and jelly, thinking that it would be the same wherever she slept, so she readily gave way to Ji Mingyue.

Lin Feng was originally writing a question, but when he saw this, the tip of his pen paused slightly, and he turned his face to look at Ji Mingyue.

The more Ji Ming did this, it was already extremely embarrassing, but now it made Lin Feng feel hot. He didn't forget the purpose of his coming, and said stammeringly: "I didn't listen to the first physics class in the morning, and I can't do many questions..."

He opened a page in the exercise book, revealing the horrific interior.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the booklet, he paused for a moment, pulled the exercise book to look at it, and said, "You don't even know what you do wrong?"

"Uh, not really." Ji Mingyue didn't want to look too stupid, and Lin Feng didn't have the patience to teach him, so he quickly picked out a few questions that he didn't understand after comparing the reference answers, "The main thing is this, this, and With this... I can’t do it, and I can’t understand the answer.”

"This question..." Lin Feng had just opened his mouth when he saw Ji Mingyue approaching with a serious face.

The boy who has just turned sixteen has a pretty appearance, but because he hasn't fully grown, his cheeks still have a little baby fat, and his eyes are dark and bright like a small animal, which makes him less aggressive.

His skin was also white, and the fine down on his face reflected the strong afternoon sun, so soft that one wanted to reach out and touch it.

"... just started school, the exercises are not difficult at all." Lin Feng's tone suddenly changed sharply, and he pushed the exercise book back indifferently, "If not, just read the textbook a few more times, and the answers are explained in great detail."

"Ah?" Ji Mingyue grabbed the exercise book, and was a little bit unresponsive for a moment.

"I'm very short on time. I have to hurry up and finish my homework at school, and I don't have time to give lectures to others." Lin Feng said clearly now, "You don't know how to do it, just listen carefully next time." He paused slightly , "...don't copy your homework."

"I won't copy my homework anymore..." Ji Mingyue murmured, he looked up and looked in the direction of his seat, "...Fang Qi has fallen asleep at my place, can I wake her up after class is over?" ?”

Lin Feng had already picked up the pen again and continued to write the homework in hand, he said without raising his head: "It's up to you."

Luo Wei didn't expect that when she went to ask a topic at the same table, she would come back with a distraught face—could it be that the ocean of knowledge is too deep, and the lonely boat lost its way in it

She asked Ji Mingyue the same way, and Ji Mingyue lay on the table, buried his face in his arms, and whispered, "I don't know either..."

Lin Feng's reaction filled him with frustration.

Now I can be sure, the previous feeling is not an illusion... Lin Feng really doesn't like him.

Maybe it's because in his previous life, he didn't deliberately get close to Lin Feng, so he didn't know.

In this life, he is still ambitious to save others—

As a result, Lin Feng actually didn't want to approach him at all.

But why? Obviously they had almost no intersection before, and I liked him, but I secretly liked him... Could it be that Lin Feng noticed something? Or do you simply find him annoying? Think he has bad intentions

When get out of class was about to end, Yang Chao came to see him once, and he was also a little surprised when he found that he and Lin Feng were sitting together, looking back and forth at the two of them several times.

That's right, he is such a scumbag, it's disgusting to waste the time of other people's top students...

Ji Ming became more and more frustrated as he thought about it, but he hadn't blocked his external senses yet. He heard Luo Wei ask him: "Then do you want to continue studying? Although I am average in physics, I can still tell you about my knowledge..."

"Go on." This time, Ji Mingyue hardly hesitated, raised his head and rubbed his face, and said, "I will definitely not give up."

Although Lin Feng's attitude was unexpected, at best he had changed the easy mode to the hard mode.

He didn't believe it anymore. There are still things in the world where people give money to people and still can't get it out.

And... he himself is selfish.

In his previous life, although he had a deep crush on Lin Feng and thought that Lin Feng's first love for Bai Yueguang, after spending a few years in a colorful foreign country, no matter how bright the white moonlight was, it would fade away. A shadow gradually faded, and occasionally in his dreams, he couldn't even see Lin Feng's face clearly.

Until one day when he woke up from a nap, he found that he had a missed call on his mobile phone.

The number belongs to China, and it shows Lin Feng's name.

He still remembered that before going abroad, he got a classmate book as a commemoration, and asked his classmates to write materials and blessings for him. Lin Feng also wrote for him, so he secretly saved the number, but he was afraid of disturbing others. , never played.

He always thought that he was the only one who secretly saved Lin Feng's number, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng also had his phone number.

It took him a while to confirm that he wasn't dreaming. He was happy but felt that it was unreal, so he was embarrassed to call back directly. After a long time of wording, he sent a text message, asking if Lin Feng had anything to do with him.

Lin Feng did not reply.

He waited for a while, he didn't want to give up the chance to interact with Lin Feng, so he couldn't help calling back nervously. On the other side was the cold "temporarily unavailable".

Two days later, he waited for the news of Lin Feng's death.

According to the police, that was the only and last call Lin Feng made before he lost consciousness.

Ji Ming became more and more confused.

In the following time, he thought countless times, why did Lin Feng call him? Could it be that he couldn't see the phone screen clearly and made a wrong call? If Lin Feng did not make a mistake, or if Ji Mingyue himself did not snooze and received his call, would Lin Feng have been rescued in time and would not have died

If the call was correct, what did Lin Feng... want to say to him

The extremely heavy "if" and "what if" collided and rotated back and forth in his life. Since receiving that phone call, he can no longer allow himself to fall in love, be emotional, or even desire normally.

Any words related to love, time, and phone calls will easily remind him of Lin Feng... He has deduced everything in the past countless times, the day when Lin Feng died, and imagined what he would do if time went back countless times...

It turned out that God heard his wish.

And in one go, time went back to the earlier time, when everything seemed to be salvageable through hard work.

So... how could he give up.

It's just that the plan probably needs to be changed...

Ji Mingyue took out his previous notebook and continued to draw on it: he can't do it at school, maybe he can go to the place where Lin Feng works? If it's not possible, he doesn't necessarily want to be friends with Lin Feng, there is no other way, if he proposes to exchange something with Lin Feng, with Lin Feng's character, it is possible to agree...

Before I knew it, the plan was revised to the point where school was about to end, and the last class was also self-study. From the second class broadcast in the afternoon, all the class teachers were notified to go to the principal's office for a meeting, so Yang Chao never showed up. When it was time to end school, When the class started to make noise, he hurried in with a few sheets of printing paper.

"... You guys are really on vacation. As soon as the school started, the headmaster caught several puppy loves. The headmaster said, the head teacher can't be lazy, and you can't let you get too familiar. If you are familiar with it, it's easy to talk and break classroom discipline. Puppy love." Yang Chao smiled, and threw the pot to the principal with a few words, "So let's adjust the seats."

There was an instant commotion in the class, there were wailing and cheering. Yang Chao raised the few sheets of printing paper in his hand, and signaled them to be quiet: "I printed out all the adjustments, so that it is convenient for the teacher in the department to roll the name. I will stick one on the wall later, and you can read it after school. If you have any opinions, you can find them separately Let me talk, if you have no objection, move directly tomorrow morning, do you understand?"

"Understood!" As school was about to end, the voices of the students responded eagerly and loudly.

Ji Mingyue vaguely remembered that there was also a seat adjustment at this time in the previous life. At that time, his and Luo Wei's seats remained the same and did not change.

But knowing the result, his palms were still slightly sweating—this time, he had a subtle premonition.

This hunch was confirmed when he stood in front of the seating surface.

On the seat chart, next to his name is no longer Luo Wei, but a simple and clean word: Lin Feng.