Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 30: You see, that brother is so delicate


"Mr. Yang, the situation is like this, we will go back to school as soon as possible, without delaying the class... OK, no..."

Just as Lin Feng hung up the phone, Ji Mingyue poked his head out from the ward: "How is it, have you taken leave yet?"

"En." Lin Feng said, "The teacher told us not to miss too much class, and, tomorrow is the school celebration, told us not to forget about the performance."

"I've waited so hard for so long, I won't forget it." Ji Mingyue came out, closed the door lightly, and said, "I told my dad that we will fly back tonight, and Secretary Zhang has already booked tickets for us. .”

"What time is it tonight?"

"It seems to be after nine o'clock." Ji Mingyue saw that Lin Feng was still wearing the clothes from the previous day, feeling a little distressed, and stepped aside and said, "Go in and lie down for a while, did you sleep well last night? Sofa and bed."

Last night, Lin Feng said that he was afraid of disturbing Ji Hong, so he didn't enter the ward, and went back to the hotel with Zhang Sa to sleep overnight. At this moment, he seemed to be in good spirits, and said, "No need, I slept well. Is Uncle Ji awake?"

"No, I just fell asleep." Ji Mingyue shook his head, "He woke up at three o'clock in the morning, and then fell asleep again. At six o'clock just now, the nurse came to draw his blood, and the people in the cafeteria pushed him away. The dining car came to deliver breakfast, I took it in, and as soon as I gave him a bite, he said he had no appetite and would eat it after he woke up." Ji Mingyue snickered, "I guess he thought it was too bad. "

"Is it really that bad?" Lin Feng felt that Ji Hong was usually a calm and capable businessman, and it was a bit inconceivable that he would do such a childish act of "thinking that the hospital food is bad and put his head down to sleep".

"I tasted it and it was really unpalatable. Besides, old children, old children, they are still patients." Ji Mingyue said with a smile, "The nurse seems to know it well, because she said, otherwise, wait and go to bed first. After a while, at around 7:30, let the workers wake him up and push him directly to do B-ultrasound and the like, and some tests need to be done on an empty stomach."

Lin Feng looked down at his phone, it was 6:50 in the morning, if he was at school, students should have arrived at school one after another by now.

"Does Uncle Ji have any favorite flowers? What about fruits?" He asked suddenly.

"He doesn't like anything..." Ji Mingyue quickly realized what he meant, and said, "And you don't need to bring a gift, you are here with me. You see, I am empty-handed. What are you spending?"

Lin Feng rubbed the phone back and forth with his fingers, pondered slightly and did not speak.

"Have you had breakfast?" Ji Ming didn't want Lin Feng to think about the gift again, and instead asked, "I'm going downstairs to buy food for my dad later, do you have anything you want to eat? "

"It's nothing, but—" Lin Feng paused his fingertips, as if he suddenly remembered something, "Is there anything you want to eat? I can make it for you."

In his previous life, Ji Mingyue signed a sale in China and stayed in City A for a few days.

However, the vegetable market in City A, whether it was a few years ago or a few years later, doesn't seem to have changed much.

Six or seven o'clock in the morning is the busiest time for the morning market. Lin Feng planned to cook something light. After checking the recipes with his mobile phone, he went to the rice section to buy five catties of rice and half a catty of glutinous rice, went to the grocery section to buy some seasonings, and went to the vegetable section to buy purple potatoes, yams, and Chinese cabbage. and shiitake mushrooms.

Considering Ji Hong's fracture, they went to buy some fruit, tofu, eggs and pork in the meat section. The style of the northern vegetable market is bold and unrestrained. If you buy one or two or two, he will not bother to sell it to you at all. The two of them simply bought a lot of everything.

"No, it's okay. After we leave, we can let the nurses do it, and put it in the small kitchen inside... Achoo!" The meat area is always filled with an unpleasant smell mixed with blood and meat. The wind was fine, but Ji Mingyue was so disgusted by the smell that he had to cover his nose and talk to Lin Feng in a low voice.

After Lin Feng weighed the eggs, he turned his head and glanced at him, and quietly led him into a two-dollar shop.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to buy bowls?" Ji Mingyue rubbed the tip of his nose, "There should be some in the hospital, or go to the supermarket to buy them..."

"Take five disposable masks." Lin Feng said to the boss.

"Why do you buy so many of these things..." Ji Mingyue asked as he walked out of the two-dollar store.

"The quality of the masks sold here is average. You can change them at any time if you think it's not easy to use." Lin Feng unpacked one of them and put the mask on for Ji Mingyue. Have porridge and soup, and I'm going to buy some crucian carp. Is there anything else you want to eat?"

When Lin Feng was picking vegetables just now, they were still covered with fresh morning dew, so his fingertips were very cold.

The cold fingertips grazed the soft flesh behind the ears, and the instant they touched it, Ji Mingyue's face felt slightly hot.

Facts have proved that the mask that Lin Feng bought temporarily is indeed necessary. If the smell of meat in the meat area is just unpleasant, the lethality of the fresh food area to Ji Mingyue is comparable to biochemical weapons.

Because he felt that the mask bought at the binary store was too sticky, he wanted to take it off to take a breath of fresh air, but he was so stimulated by the strong fishy smell that he almost vomited.

He just retched twice when he heard a little girl passing by say, "Mom, look, that brother is so delicate, I don't even need to wear a mask!"

Mom touched her head and said proudly: "Yes, Tingting is the best! That brother must have never come to buy vegetables before, not as sensible as Tingting."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

It's not that he hasn't bought vegetables before, he just rarely visits domestic open-air vegetable markets!

Lin Feng glanced at him sideways, with a smile in his eyes, and patted his arm to signal him to look down: "Change to another mask. Which one do you like the most?"

Ji Mingyue felt that Lin Feng's tone of questioning him was not much different from that of the mother coaxing the child: shouldn't it be normal to ask "Which one do you think is the best"? Just ask the children to say "Which one is your favourite"!

However, every time he opens his mouth is a disaster for him, he simply doesn't protest, listens to Lin Feng's words, puts on a mask again, and looks down at the crucian carp swimming around in the fresh box .

"How many do you buy?"

"Two, don't need to be too big. If Secretary Zhang comes over, we can eat together."

After picking the crucian carp, Lin Feng saw that it was almost time, so he prepared to go back to the hospital with Ji Mingyue.

Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng's hands were full, feeling embarrassed, he quickly stepped forward to share: "Give these to me."

Lin Feng moved his hand back, and didn't let him take it all at once, but raised his chin to signal: "You take the glutinous rice, shiitake mushrooms, and cabbage in my left hand, and the purple sweet potato and yam in my right hand, and give me the rest. "

As a result, Ji Mingyue mentioned relatively light vegetables, which seemed to be a lot, but in fact, relatively heavier tofu, eggs, crucian carp, etc., were still carried by Lin Feng.

The two walked out of the vegetable market one after the other. The crowd was bustling with each other, and the ground of this kind of open-air vegetable market was uneven. Occasionally, there were beggars kneeling in the middle of begging with broken bowls.

Seeing that Ji Mingyue had walked a certain distance, Lin Feng couldn't stop looking back, helplessly: "That man has hands and feet, and he's still so strong, so you don't need to give him money."

"I know." Ji Ming smiled, "I just read the paragraph he wrote on the board, it's quite interesting..."

While talking, he followed Lin Feng, bumped into someone without warning, staggered, and had to be pulled by Lin Feng to stabilize himself.

What he bumped into was a middle-aged aunt, who was holding a lot of vegetables in her hand. When he hit him like this, two vegetable leaves fell to the ground. Ji Mingyue quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to watch..."

The aunt looked down at the vegetable leaves that had fallen to the ground, then raised her head and gave him a hard look, then reached into Ji Mingyue's plastic bag, grabbed a handful of mushrooms, and stuffed them into her vegetable basket. Satisfied, he stepped on his high heels and walked away with a twist.

"..." Ji Mingyue couldn't help but laugh, "My mushroom..."

Lin Feng also laughed a little: "This kind of person is quite rare, you have learned a lot today."

"The leftovers are enough for cooking, do you want to go back and buy some more?" Ji Mingyue asked.

Lin Feng said: "That's enough, I bought too much in the first place, let's go." He transferred all the things in his two hands to his left hand, and his right hand slipped down to hold Ji Mingyue's wrist, pulling him forward Walk.

"Lin, Lin Feng...?"

"Based on your way of walking, it is estimated that our bag of mushrooms will not be enough for you to pay when you walk out of the vegetable market." Lin Feng looked back at him, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "Watch the way."

The corners of his cool-colored clothes were slightly swayed by the wind, and the black hair swept across the corners of his eyebrows and eyes. The bright sunlight fell on the place where the two held hands, rendering a blurred halo.

"It's not like you said that this kind of people are rare..." Ji Mingyue muttered softly, and was grabbed by the wrist, walking all the way through the crowded crowd. He looked at Lin Feng's hand, his lips curled up, and he stopped talking.

When he returned to the hospital, Ji Hong was not in the ward. He must have been woken up by the staff and pushed him downstairs for related examinations.

When Lin Feng went upstairs this morning, he had heard people talking about this special-needs ward at the elevator entrance. It is said that there is an independent bathroom, a separate small kitchen, a refrigerator, a color TV, and even connected to the Internet. It costs more than 3,000 yuan to stay a night.

He thought that when he was hospitalized with his mother, several people lived in the same ward. Some patients did not pay attention to hygiene, some patients could not take care of their excretion, and some patients especially liked to snore. At night, the whole ward was full of his loud snoring. Voice.

He was afraid that Jiang Manyun would not be able to sleep and would be affected mentally and physically, so he bought the best earplugs available for his mother, but he didn't dare to wear them himself, because he was afraid that Jiang Manyun would wake up in the middle of the night and need to find him, in case he If you don't hear it, you will delay things.

Therefore, he curled up on the small camp bed all night, listening to the deafening snoring, and discerning any slight movement belonging to Jiang Manyun from it, until dawn.

"Come in." At this moment, Ji Mingyue pushed open the door, shook the plastic bag in his hand, and signaled him to come in.

The lighting inside is just right, and the windows look bright and clean. A hospital bed and an accompanying bed specially for family members are very spacious and soft. There is a separate toilet on the right hand side of the entrance, and a well-equipped kitchenette on the left.

There is even a decent living room here, with a beautiful sofa, TV, and beige warm-toned wallpaper on the wall, which looks extremely warm and comfortable.

Ji Mingyue has already entered the small kitchen first, looking left and right: "The tableware is quite complete, oh, there is also a disinfection cabinet... I heard that the big supermarket is quite far away, fortunately there is no need to buy it..."

Lin Feng put the vegetables he bought on the sink and drove him out: "Don't make trouble here, lend me your phone and go to bed and watch TV."

Ji Mingyue pursed his lips unhappily, asked for Lin Feng's cell phone in exchange, and then obediently turned around and left.

Lin Feng browsed the recipes found on his mobile phone, put the temporarily unused dishes into the refrigerator, washed and soaked the rice and glutinous rice, washed and cut the purple sweet potato and yam into pieces, soaked them in clean water, cut off the roots of the cabbage, Also rinse with water.

After finishing this, he walked to the door of the small kitchen and looked out.

Ji Mingyue sat cross-legged on the spacious and soft bed, with his hands propped behind his back, watching TV with his face up, occasionally looking down at his phone. The shoes worth several thousand yuan were kicked under the bed casually by him, and the early morning sun bathed in him, looking bright and warm.

There is indeed a gap between people.

But he is not jealous at all of the people raised by this gap, and even thinks they are very precious.

Before 8:30, Ji Hong was pushed back by the staff. After going upstairs and downstairs to check in line, he became more and more hungry. When he returned to the ward, even the hospital breakfast that he thought was terrible in the morning, You can barely make do with it.

Just seeing Ji Mingyue sitting on the bed, Ji Hong said: "What about the breakfast that the hospital gave me in the morning? Didn't I say I got up to eat it? If Zhang Sa comes over at noon, tell him to buy some food at the restaurant in advance..."

"You don't need Brother Sa to buy it, I will give the breakfast to other wards." Ji Mingyue raised his eyebrows proudly, "Today Lin Feng will cook for us!"

"Lin Feng?" Ji Hong noticed the rustling noises coming from the small kitchen, his teeth ached, "He can still cook?"

"Yes!" Ji Mingyue nodded proudly, "It's delicious when Lin Feng cooks. When we make up lessons together, he cooks dinner! And he is simply a genius. As long as I say what I want to eat, even if I don't cook it However, as long as you check the recipe for him, he can make exactly the same as the above!"

Speaking of this, Ji Mingyue unconsciously licked the corner of his mouth, as if he was reminiscing about the various delicacies that Lin Feng had cooked.

Ji Hong: "..."

"Hello, Uncle." Hearing their voices, Lin Feng also came out of the small kitchen. He was wearing an apron, but he was tall and had a clean smile, and he still looked very handsome. Alright. I heard Ji Mingyue said that there is a kitchen, so I used it, I hope you don’t mind taking the liberty.”

"Don't be presumptuous!" Ji Mingyue spoke enthusiastically, "I asked you to cook for us, so why are you presumptuous?"

Ji Hong glanced at his son, feeling his teeth getting more sour: "Hahaha, of course not, thank you, uncle. Mingyue, learn more from others."

Ji Mingyue said in his mouth: "Oh, I'm lazy..." His gaze was clearly still on Lin Feng reluctantly.

Ji Hong: Forced Face and Smile.jpg

The three of them sat together and ate this breakfast in a "happy manner", and Lin Feng's cooking skills were much better than Ji Hong imagined.

Because Ji Hong is still in the early stage of recovery, he can't eat too greasy and meaty food, and Lin Feng cooks mainly vegetarian dishes.

The seemingly simple purple potato and yam porridge, the rice and glutinous rice are soaked in cold water in advance, the rice grains are boiled crystal clear, smooth but not broken, paired with sweet and soft purple sweet potato, crisp and refreshing yam, a bowl of porridge is fragrant and fragrant , Appetite whets the appetite.

After that, there is tofu and cabbage soup. The soup has been boiled for a long time, and the tofu is already very tasty, and the taste is smooth. When I came over at nine o'clock, I couldn't help but glance at their dining table several times.

... No wonder my son praised him so much, he was telling the truth!

After eating this meal contentedly, Ji Hong found that Lin Feng seemed to be more pleasing to his eyes than before, and his baby was so active, so he couldn't blame him, could he...

Lin Feng also seemed to feel something, and continued his efforts at noon, taking out a crucian carp from the refrigerator, and there was still a lot of tofu left in the morning, and the fresh and strong fragrance slowly wafted out of the small kitchen...

Ji Mingyue's cell phone was still with Lin Feng, and he could only watch TV while biting the lollipop he bought downstairs. Ji Hong looked at him for a while, and beckoned him to come over.

"Dad?" Ji Mingyue sat beside Ji Hong's bed and helped him rock the bed.

Ji Hong patted the back of his hand and said in a low voice: "Ming Yue, do you still remember the dreams you told your father about?"

After hearing this, Ji Ming became more serious, nodded and said, "I remember."

Ji Hong looked solemn: "How much do you remember... Can you tell Dad in detail?"