Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 32: The guest room is too messy, you can squeeze me in for the night


“Airport delay notifications are scams!”

Ji Mingyue yawned and complained.

On the screen displaying flight information in the waiting hall, the column of "Flight A-Northern City xxx" gradually changed from "Estimated delay of 20 minutes" to "40 minutes", and then gradually changed to "1 hour "...

When Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng actually boarded the plane, it was already half past eleven in the evening, and the plane was delayed for a full two hours.

Although the crew began to distribute food and drinks as soon as they got on the plane, the passengers still complained, complaining that their business worth hundreds of millions per minute was delayed.

This time, Ji Mingyue was finally able to sit next to Lin Feng as he wished. According to the ticket, his seat was originally by the window. He paused before sitting down, as if thinking of something, and said to Lin Feng: "I If you want to go to the toilet, it's more convenient to sit outside, shall we change?"

Lin Feng agreed without hesitation, and with a stretch of his long legs, he sat on the inner side by the window.

Ji Mingyue unwrapped the plane meal delivered by the stewardess. It was salted chicken with rice, a small packet of peanuts, two cherry tomatoes, a stick of chewing gum, and a drink of his choice.

Seeing what Lin Feng got in his hand was the same. It has been more than five hours since their dinner, and the two big boys who are growing up are very hungry, so they will not refuse another supper right now.

However, the plane still failed to take off until the two had finished the "main course" of supper. It is said that they encountered air traffic control and the captain was still coordinating.

"I'm so sleepy." Ji Mingyue held cherry tomatoes in his mouth, turned on his mobile phone that had been shut down when he got on the plane, and played a random game, "It's really late at night when I get home..."

Lin Feng said: "Anyway, you sleep there, don't worry about being late."

"Wow..." Although Ji Mingyue proposed "come to my house for a night", but when Lin Feng said it himself, there is still a feeling of shame——

"Sleep in your place tonight" or something, forgive him for his heart is no longer pure!

As a result of subconsciously clenching the upper and lower jaws, the cherry tomato in his mouth was instantly bitten open, and a stream of red slurry could be seen squirting out, splashing onto Lin Fengxue's white hooded sweater.

Lin Feng: "..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ji Mingyue quickly swallowed the remaining cherry tomatoes, and wiped it for Lin Feng with a tissue, "I'll wash it for you when I get back..."

Lin Feng lowered his eyelashes, looked at Ji Mingyue's head that was too close, and his black and slightly curled eyelashes, and suddenly couldn't help but want to tease him: "What will I wear after you wash?"

"Wear, wear mine..." Ji Mingyue stuttered, trying to maintain his composure, "I'll find you some loose clothes to wear..."

Lin Feng seemed to think about it for a while: "It seems to be okay?"

"Well," Ji Mingyue nodded, "It must be done!"

He didn't even know what stupid things he was talking about, but Lin Feng actually smiled at him at this moment, making his heart burst into joy.

Fortunately, at this time, the legendary captain finally coordinated the air traffic control, and the plane began to taxi slowly on the runway, so as not to make Ji Mingyue's head get hot for a while, and say something that he regretted.

The flight attendants began to repeatedly use the radio to emphasize, asking them to turn off their mobile phones and fasten their seat belts. Ji Mingyue finally sent a text message to Ji Hong, "Dad, our plane is taking off", and then turned off their mobile phones.

The plane was slowly accelerating on the runway. It was dark outside, and the boundary lights on both sides of the runway gradually changed from bright white to bright yellow, like a magnificent sea of stars.

As the buzzing sound became louder and the body suddenly fell downward, they all knew that the plane had left the ground.

Ji Mingyue grabbed Lin Feng's hand, and quickly retracted it.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at him suspiciously, and found a thin layer of sweat oozing from the tip of his nose.

Ji Mingyue hesitated, and said to him: "I, I'm a little scared."

Lin Feng asked: "What are you afraid of?"

Ji Mingyue died in a plane crash in his previous life, but maybe because he didn't face death directly, his fear of planes was not that deep, but he would feel palpitations for a moment when his body suddenly lost weight.

Of course, Ji Mingyue couldn't say "blabla in my previous life" now, so he forced a smile to Lin Feng, and said, "I went abroad to travel and fly by plane. When I encountered a storm, the plane almost crashed, leaving a psychological shadow."

Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes moved slightly, he turned half sideways, and raised his hand to stroke his hair.

Ji Ming became more attached, and when he saw Lin Feng's worried eyes, he felt a little embarrassed: "It's okay, it landed smoothly in the end... and it was a foreign country where the water was in dire straits, but now it's in China, the safety of civil aviation in our country is still very high. High!"

What he said made Lin Feng smile slightly, and Ji Mingyue saw his smile, and immediately felt that the previous palpitations could be swept away.

But after being stared at by him for a long time, Lin Feng couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at?"

Ji Mingyue didn't blink, with a calm face: "Look out the window, the night scene."

— Well, this is one of the benefits of letting Lin Feng sit by the window.

The flight of the plane gradually stabilized, and the flight attendants came over to deliver a wave of drinks, and many people started to get up, walk around, and go to the toilet. Lin Feng also said, "I'll go out for a while."

Ji Mingyue let out a lazy "hmm", half-closed his eyes, seemed to be very sleepy, didn't even bother to stand up, and only retracted his legs to give way. Lin Feng stood up, rubbed his long legs tightly against his, and then stepped into the aisle.

—The second benefit of sitting by the window.

The night scene on the plane at night is actually nothing to look at. You have to widen your eyes to barely see the wings passing through the dark clouds. Occasionally pass by a bustling city and see its bright intertwined lights from a distance, which is a little more colorful.

Ji Ming became sleepy the more he looked at it, and after the passengers calmed down, the flight attendants also turned off the headlights in the cabin, leaving only a small light above each person's head, which can be freely controlled by the switch.

Ji Mingyue turned off the light above his head, yawned and said to Lin Feng, "I'm so sleepy..."

"Then sleep for a while." Lin Feng also reached out and turned off the light above his head, "It feels like there are quite a few people sleeping."

"Hmm..." Ji Mingyue reached out and groped for the front of the armrest without changing his expression, and pressed the button there, "I always think this thing is really awkward."

The armrest was pushed up naturally, and now there was nothing between the two of them.

The light between the two was dim, and Ji Mingyue leaned back on the seat, nestled inward, and tilted his head inward, as if he had started to sleep.

Lin Feng also closed his eyes, breathing steadily by his ears.

— Welfare Three is here!

If Ji Mingyue sat inside and could lean against the window to sleep when he was sleepy, then he would be ashamed to turn to Lin Feng's side again, and he was afraid that it would be noticed by Lin Feng if it was too obvious.

He closed his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and the hair on the back of his head brushed gently against the fabric of the seat, trying to "coincidentally" slip onto Lin Feng's shoulder.

The first time, I didn't find it right and fell through.

The second time, the edge was rubbed, but it didn't hit.

The third time, it seems that I still didn't find the right one? Otherwise, just open your eyes and focus on it...

Ji Mingyue was thinking wildly, when his target suddenly raised his hand, pressed Ji Mingyue's head on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep."

"..." Ji Mingyue rested his pillow on Lin Feng's shoulder, his face was very hot, did Lin Feng notice something

"The design of the backrest is unreasonable. It would be better if there is a depression on the head." Lin Feng said to himself, "You are also very stupid, you can adjust the angle as far as possible."

Ji Mingyue: Okay, safe. =_=

Since he didn't sleep much the night before, despite his complicated heart, Ji Mingyue laid his pillow on Lin Feng's shoulder and fell asleep quickly.

He was awakened by the sudden bright lights in the cabin.

The sweet voice of the flight attendant also came out of the radio: "Dear passengers, your flight xxx from city A to Beicheng is about to land, and the plane is descending, please return to your original seat, fasten your seat belt, put away Small table…”

The passengers on the plane let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of vicissitudes of "it can be counted". Ji Mingyue opened his eyes dimly, and squinted to look at the screen above, which showed that it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

"I'm exhausted from sleeping..." Ji Mingyue rubbed his neck and sat up straight, looked at Lin Feng, and found that he was also tapping his shoulders to his arms repeatedly with his knuckles, felt Ji Mingyue's gaze, turned his face to meet him Look at each other.

... Did it make people feel numb? Ji Mingyue was very embarrassed, and hurriedly squeezed his arm like a dog: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll just squeeze it for you..."

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he raised his other hand, pointing to his shoulder.

"Is it numb here? Uh..." Ji Mingyue looked in the direction of his fingers, and finally noticed the water stain that was not obvious under the current light, but actually showed obvious traces.

Dripping water wears away rocks... It's definitely not the work of saliva.

"What?" Ji Mingyue swallowed, "Did you wear it under your clothes? Is the saliva dripping on your flesh?"

Lin Feng looked at him quietly.

"..." Ji Mingyue apologized deeply, "I'm sorry!"

This hooded white sports sweater of Lin Feng has been through many vicissitudes. First, he accompanied Lin Feng from North City to City A, and then returned from City A. He was splashed with red juice by the little tomato. Now, he suffered from Ji Mingyue The baptism of saliva...

Therefore, the first thing after arriving home, Ji Mingyue reached out to Lin Feng with a sense of responsibility: "Give me the clothes quickly, and I will wash them for you!"

Lin Feng said calmly, "Then what should I wear?"

It is now mid-March, and the heating has not been turned off in the northern cities. The house where Ji Mingyue lives is provided with floor heating, which is warm from top to bottom. You don’t have to worry about getting cold when you are shirtless... But Ji Mingyue is more afraid of himself I can't hold it anymore!

"Forget, forget..." he said hastily, "Let me find clothes for you to wear first."

He first found Lin Feng his own shirt. Lin Feng said it was too small. Ji Mingyue silently compared the heights of the two, and felt that his everyday clothes probably didn't suit him well...

As far as the pajamas he wears at home are relatively loose, there are three sets in total, one set is too ugly to be put on the bottom of the cabinet, and the other two sets are worn daily.

Ji Mingyue handed the freshly washed set to Lin Feng, changed the old one himself, and went to look at the new year and the young year. When he came back, he saw that Lin Feng had changed his clothes and took off the white sweater up.

Lin Feng was wearing his pajamas, and the trousers were still a little short, but he could barely fool him. Ji Mingyue took the sweater he put aside and went to the bathroom. He didn't bother to turn on the washing machine, so he soaked it in the sink, poured laundry detergent, and then rubbed the important parts.

Lin Feng stood at the door of the bathroom and watched. He watched for a while, and saw that Ji Mingyue's fingertips were red, and couldn't help but said, "Put it in the washing machine, set a timer, and let's talk about the rest tomorrow morning."

Ji Mingyue yawned, rubbed his eyes and said, "No, you won't be able to wear my clothes. If you don't wash and dry them quickly, you won't have anything to wear tomorrow morning." He glanced at the clock in the living room, " It's six o'clock in two hours."

"Then I won't go tomorrow morning."

"Ah? What did you say?" It's not that Ji Mingyue really didn't hear clearly, he just doubted his ears.

"I said," Lin Feng repeated patiently, "Anyway, I didn't say how long I would ask for leave, so I won't go to class in the morning, and I will go in the afternoon. The teacher's request is that we not miss the school celebration performance."

"Really?" Ji Mingyue himself didn't care, he was afraid that if he always behaved like this, it would delay Lin Feng's study...

"Is there any truth to this?" Lin Feng said, "I have already previewed the content of this semester. If you get up early tomorrow, just read the book again. If there is anything you don't know, I will give it to you You can also talk."

Well... He had forgotten that the learning method of imitating gods is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Then I won't be able to get up tomorrow." Ji Ming thought about it more, and said, "I've already started washing the clothes anyway, so I'll finish the washing."

Lin Feng said, "Can you do it? Let me wash it."

"You treat me as a disabled person?" Ji Mingyue smiled, and poked his face with a finger covered in white bubbles, making Lin Feng dodge for a while, "You can just watch it from the side. Go to sleep now."

He scrubbed and scrubbed for a while, then applied and reapplied laundry detergent and laundry soap emphatically, and finally got rid of the juice stain. Lin Feng watched him finish washing and wringing dry, and suddenly asked, "Which room do I sleep in?"

"Well, the guest room is now half a utility room, and it's a bit messy. You can squeeze in with me overnight." Ji Mingyue blinked and said, "I sleep very peacefully and don't disturb the people."

Lin Feng nodded and agreed, and Ji Mingyue hugged his clothes and walked all the way to the bedroom, saying: "There is no dryer here, and the floor heating is actually quite useful." He put the clothes beside the bed Spread it out on the ground, "Sometimes I feel cold, so I put the clothes I will wear in the morning here. It is very warm when I put them on! I should be able to dry them tomorrow when I get up here. Don't worry, I never step on this side, I won't Dirty!"

When he turned around, he could see Lin Feng sitting beside the bed in his pajamas, which made him feel warm in his heart.

Looking at the cabinet door, he struggled for a moment, or took out another quilt from the cabinet, and pushed it to Lin Feng's side: "Do you want to sleep inside or outside?"

"It's all right." Lin Feng obviously felt sleepy, and he unfolded the quilt and said, "You can sleep on whichever side you are used to."

"Oh." Ji Mingyue followed his usual habits and slept on the side next to the bedside lamp. He thought that Lin Feng, whom he was thinking of so much, was by his side, and tonight, not to mention tossing and turning, he had to be very excited. Who knows if it was because it was too late and too sleepy. As soon as he touched the pillow, he immediately fell asleep in a daze.

Opening his eyes, when Ji Mingyue was woken up by the morning sun, his first thought was——

The first time I shared the same bed with Lin Feng, the contact was zero.

... Well, he didn't expect to have any contact with Lin Feng at first, but it was inevitable, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful...

He yawned, sat up in a daze, picked up his clothes from the ground, unbuttoned his pajamas, and put them on while it was hot...

What seems wrong? Is this dress too fat

Ji Mingyue shook his head, struggling to wake up from his chaotic brain.

He looked down at his clothes.

He turned his head and looked at Lin Feng behind him.

Very good, Lin Feng has also woken up, with his dark eyes open, he turned his face slightly to the side, and quietly looked at Ji Mingyue who was (fei) meaning (chang) four (huang) and caring (luan).

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Lin Feng: "It's pretty. But why are you wearing my clothes?"

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Let me explain! ! !