Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 37: This line is especially easy to get homosexuals or something


Because of the confidentiality of the case, Ji Mingyue was unable to meet the murderer of this serial murder case.

But according to the police from the police station who received him, this man's temperament and appearance are extremely ordinary, maybe you will not be impressed if you pass him on the street, if you don't know that he is the one who committed such a heinous crime , Seeing him for the first time, one might even feel that this person is a little dull and weak.

The police were also amazed that the murderer was arrested in Linshi early this morning. Ordinary people think that once a crime is exposed, it is of course better to escape as far away as possible, but this person did the opposite. He was very courageous, and he had an almost arrogant self-confidence in himself, so he did not flee far away, but It was hidden in Linshi in the North City.

The police's arrest warrant not only did not restrain him, but also aroused his anti-social ferocity in his bones. The murderer tried to find another target to commit crimes in Linshi as a demonstration and provocation against the police.

If the victim hadn't accidentally seen his arrest warrant and left a certain impression on him, I'm afraid she would have become the ninth corpse recorded in the file of this serial murder case.

Ji Mingyue failed to see the murderer, but still saw the victim from a distance.

Through a window, I can see that the girl should have had a charming and gorgeous makeup before, although now the smoky makeup has turned into two big panda eyes; she is wearing a black skirt and boots, showing a section of snow-white thighs Come, but now also covered with dust and thin messy blood stains.

She only answered a few questions from the police, and collapsed and fell on the table in fear and burst into tears.

It should be in consideration of her psychological endurance, and the person in charge of interrogating her was a female policeman. Seeing this, the female policeman stood up with a sigh, and patted her shrugged shoulders from crying.

"See if she dares to run away from home in the future, shit..."

Standing beside Ji Mingyue, Shang Boyu cursed in a low voice.

He raised his hand to touch the pocket on his chest, originally wanted to reach for a cigarette, but thought that smoking is not allowed here, so he put his hand down and thumped the wall of the police station more and more irritatedly.

Ji Ming glanced at him more, and comforted him in a low voice: "If you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing."

Unexpectedly, the original ninth victim turned out to be Shang Boyu's biological sister.

According to Shang Boyu, their brother and sister belong to the kind of left-behind children who were taken by their grandparents when they were young, and they can't even remember what their parents look like. The model examples of self-improvement and unyielding in the face of adversity, as praised on TV and broadcasting, are only a handful after all. The brother and sister grew up barren like weeds, and it is no surprise that both "degenerated": mixed society, gang fights, going to Internet cafes, making friends A group of friends in the society, the school is basically a name, just waiting for a high school diploma.

Shang Boyu's younger sister is named Shang Jiaqi. She had a big fight with Shang Boyu two days ago because of her boyfriend. She ran away from home angrily. Shang Boyu thought she was going to join her boyfriend Now that I have a friend, I am not in a hurry to find someone. I didn't start looking for someone frantically until I couldn't contact her for two days.

I didn't expect to receive news from my sister again, it turned out to be after her life and death.

While they were talking, the policewoman had already sent Shang Jiaqi out. Shang Jiaqi was still sobbing, her eyes were red from crying. Shang Boyu quickly stepped forward, let her lean into his arms, and patted her gently. her back.

The policewoman said: "Take her back to rest and have a good sleep first, and then contact us when she is in a better state of mind."

Shang Boyu put his arms around Shang Jiaqi and nodded.

Ji Mingyue said: "Are you going home? Let me see you off."

Shang Boyu originally wanted to refuse, but after going out, seeing Ji Mingyue's SUV, and considering Shang Jiaqi's current state, he agreed.

Ji Mingyue took the co-pilot as usual, while Shang Boyu and his sister sat in the back seat. After Shang Boyu got into the car, he was silent for a moment, and joked: "I heard that your family donated the school's new gymnasium? I thought it would be at least It's a Mercedes or a BMW."

"It's not bad, it's convenient for family use." Ji Mingyue said casually, "My dad said that the car is enough. He still uses Volvo when he goes out by himself."

Shang Jiaqi cried in her brother's arms for a long time, and was a little tired. She slowly sat up and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Ji Mingyue saw it in the rearview mirror, took a pack of tissues from his pocket, and handed them back to her: "There are a few more, you can use them later."

As soon as she looked up, he saw that her face was covered with white makeup, and she was very embarrassed, so he took a few wet wipes from the storage compartment on the car and gave them to her: "I'll give you this too."

"...Thank you." Shang Jiaqi thanked her in a hoarse voice, stretched out her hand but retracted it, as if she didn't dare to touch Ji Mingyue's hand.

The more Ji Ming thought that it was normal for her to have a psychological shadow after going through that kind of thing, he grabbed the backrest and planned to gently throw the tissue to her on the seat. Shang Boyu patted him and reached out to take it down , and handed it to his sister.

Shang Jiaqi wiped her face with a tissue, and asked her brother in a low voice, "Is this your new date? Did you get rich?"

Ji Mingyue turned his head back when he heard the words, and Shang Boyu said angrily: "You let go..." Probably considering Shang Jiaqi's current situation, he endured it again and again, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? You are energetic again Is it?"

Shang Jiaqi curled her lips: "I can't make a joke... I don't want to keep thinking about that..."

"You just want me to beat you up when I go back." Shang Boyu said angrily, "Are you asleep? If you're sleepy, lie down on me and sleep for a while."

Shang Jiaqi obediently said "Oh", and this time lay down completely, pillowed on her brother's lap, closed her eyes, and stopped talking.

Ji Mingyue couldn't help but look back at her. After she wiped her face, the makeup on her face was basically gone. Only then did Ji Mingyue realize that her eyelashes are very long, her facial features are very beautiful, and she is actually a beauty without makeup.

Such a lively and beautiful person... unexpectedly survived because of himself.

This feeling of witnessing with my own eyes and the fact that the other party is alive in front of me is more surging and shocking than when I realized it with my father over the phone.

If only Lin Feng could be like her...

Even though he was looking forward to it with fantasies, Ji Mingyue knew that as long as the time had not reached the day in his previous life and the afternoon when he received the call, he would never let go of his high-hanging heart.

Who knows, can he succeed a second time

"I heard that it was you who gave the police the initial clues that allowed the police to find that person." Shang Boyu's voice called Ji Mingyue's attention back, and his voice was lowered. Shang Jiaqi was lying on his pillow On the legs, breathing evenly, seems to have fallen asleep.

"Fortunately, Jiaqi has seen his arrest warrant, otherwise I'm afraid..." He took a deep breath, as if he was forcibly suppressing his trembling, "...Thank you."

Ji Mingyue shook his head and said angrily, "It should."

Speaking of which, the murderer in the previous life was not discovered in advance. He committed crimes in Beicheng continuously for many years, and all nine victims were young women in Beicheng. In this life, the murderer was exposed in advance, was wanted by the police, and hid in Linshi, the northern city. Shang Jiaqi also happened to come to Linshi because of a quarrel with her brother and ran away from home, and became the murderer's target again.

If she hadn't happened to notice the wanted poster...

I have to say that fate is really a cruel and mysterious thing.

Shang Boyu gently stroked her hair, took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Ji Mingyue, and said in a low voice: "I don't know how to thank you, I feel like you don't need anything... I don't have any other skills, If you have the intention in this regard, if you want to be famous and be published in a magazine, you can find me, I promise to recommend you to be published, and you will not be charged for the middle fee... "

Ji Mingyue was still full of vigilance when he saw Shang Boyu handing over the small card saying "intent in this regard"; then, he heard the following words.

Looking down, the small card turned out to be a business card with a clear line of "xxx Media Co., Ltd." printed on it...

The atmosphere of lamenting life and lamenting fate disappeared, and Ji Mingyue was tongue-tied: "You, what do you do?"

"... I'm just helping to introduce errands, and I don't have a formal position in the company yet." Shang Boyu scratched his head embarrassedly, "I'm mainly responsible for finding people with suitable conditions in this age group, because students generally have low salaries. They are also willing to ask for it, and I will make a little difference in the middle... "

Ji Mingyue: "..."

The misunderstanding in the middle is huge!

"Mingyue, we're here." The car stopped slowly, and driver Chen reminded Ji Mingyue so that he wouldn't bang his head on the back of the seat in annoyance.

"If you want to go, we are short of graphic models like you recently..." After getting out of the car, Shang Boyu was still tirelessly giving him Amway, "Some magazines are also sold in the bookstore in front of our school. I know one Very reputable…”

"No, no, no." Ji Mingyue waved his hands in embarrassment, paused for a moment, thought of the rumors about him and Lin Feng in his previous life, and couldn't help asking, "Well, people like Lin Feng are also within your target range. inside?"

"Lin Feng?" Shang Boyu thought, "I usually don't ask for a top student like him. Unless I know that his family is particularly difficult or something, maybe I will ask. If he is willing, Shan Zi will definitely not." It will be less, so I can earn more... But, doesn't he have a very good relationship with you? He shouldn't be... "

"Yes! I'm just asking casually." Ji Ming answered tiredly - that's right, I'm here, so I don't need you in this life...

He thought for a while, then nodded earnestly at Shang Boyu: "Thank you...and I'm sorry."

"Thank me for what?" Shang Boyu didn't know why, "Sorry for what? Shouldn't I be the one thanking you?"

He turned his head and glanced at Shang Jiaqi beside him, and suddenly thought: Did Ji Ming believe it when she was talking nonsense in the car, so he apologized to him now

"If you said that, you don't need to apologize." Shang Boyu explained, "You don't know, this industry is very prone to gays and homosexuals. I used to know a model. When Jiaqi saw it, she kept taking it. You are kidding me. Believe me," he said forcefully, looking at Ji Mingyue, "I am really a straight man! Straighter than a steel bar!"

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Shang Boyu said: "Oh, by the way, don't you know what homosexuals and straight men mean? Straight men are..."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Ji Mingyue: "You don't need to explain to me, go upstairs quickly, thank you!"

The morning sun was too bright, just like the light of this man's straight man, it was about to blind his eyes!

When the serial murder case came to light, not only Shang Boyu brothers and sisters benefited. This murder case was deeply hidden, involved for a long time, had many victims, and had extremely bad social impact. However, in this life, the police went from discovering the place where the corpse was hidden to locking down the suspect and arresting the last victim. His life, which did not exceed fifteen days, was as swift as thunder and lightning, and he was almost a legendary model enough to be filmed in TV dramas and movies.

According to the original trajectory, the leader of Beicheng should have resigned flatly, but the information provided by Ji Hong half a year in advance became the first clue to solve the case, which was like giving this man a big gift.

His political achievements have added a beautiful stroke. Seeing that he is expected to be promoted from the original level, the old leader also reciprocated. Before leaving, he approved many projects that were intentionally or unintentionally backlogged before. After a small crisis, a warm spring ushered in the blink of an eye.

And these, reflected in Ji Mingyue, the main change is... he has more pocket money.

I really want to give Lin Feng a salary increase.

The final exam is approaching day by day, and the students are submerged in the sea of questions from morning to night, and they become more and more depressed. Yang Chao was dissatisfied when he saw this, and he knocked on the podium during his morning self-study: "Can you be more energetic? Let me tell you, after the midterm exam, our school will organize a spring outing for the first and second graders. Whoever regresses too much at that time, I believe If you don't believe me, cross your name off the list—"

The students were immediately refreshed, and someone asked, "Teacher, when are you going?"

Yang Chao said: "Just finish the exam, on the 22nd and 23rd."

Someone quickly looked down at the calendar, and looked up angrily, "Isn't that Saturday and Sunday?!"

"Nonsense." Yang Chao said naturally, "How could the school let you go on a spring outing during school days!"

"Cut—" the students collectively contemptuously said.

"Would you like to go or not?" Yang Chao said, "Which one of you don't want to go? Raise your hand, report your name, and make sure that you will not be on the list at that time, and you will stay in the classroom for self-study... come, come, who else?"

"It's fine if you can't go, but you still have to study by yourself, teacher, what about human nature?"

"Inhumanity, just to let you study by yourself, we not only have spring outings, but also camping, and send you photos to show off..." Yang Chao showed an evil smile like a villain boss.

Amidst the wailing, Ji Mingyue rested his head on his arm and whispered to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, when are you going to the supermarket with me to buy snacks?"

Lin Feng: "... What grade are you in?"