Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 4: There are too many little girls in the class who like Lin Feng, and whoever sits next to him is a high-risk area


After reading the new seating chart, most of the students didn't have a particularly strong reaction. Only a few of them were either reluctant to part with their old deskmates or dissatisfied with their new deskmates. They spontaneously gathered in twos and threes, ready to go upstairs to the language office to find Chao Yang.

Ji Mingyue paid special attention and found that there was no Lin Feng among them.

He was still relieved. Fortunately, although Lin Feng didn't like him, he wasn't so unwilling to be at the same table with him. But when he looked around again, he realized that Lin Feng had already left at some point, and he didn't even see a shadow.

When he walked out of the school, Feng Rui was with him, shaking his schoolbag and said: "Brother Chao really worked hard to stop puppy love. After the adjustment, several couples were male and male at the same table, and female and female at the same table." .”

At that time, Ji Mingyue was only staring at his and Lin Feng's names, but he didn't notice this: "Really?"

"That's right! Didn't you all get transferred to the same table as Lin Feng?" Feng Rui said, "Brother Chao may have seen that there are too many girls in the class who like Lin Feng, and whoever sits next to him is a high-risk area. A boy, let them all give up!"

What he said, the more Ji Ming thought about it, he actually felt that it made sense, and said with a smile: "Why don't you say that there are many people in the class who like me? According to you, Brother Chao solved two high-risk areas at once. Great move!"

"Like you? Do they look like they like you?" Feng Rui smiled and gestured on the top of their heads, "You are not taller than me, they treat you like a younger brother almost!"

"Get out!" Ji Mingyue annoyed him the most for mentioning the nickname "Miss" and made a gesture to beat him up. Just as he walked to the school gate, this nimble fat man dodged and escaped from him, laughing and running away Go to the bus stop and wait for the bus to go home.

Ji Mingyue originally had a driver to pick him up and drop him off, but since he was called "Miss", he no longer wanted a driver to take him off, preferring to take the bus home with his classmates. Ji Hong's persuasion was fruitless, fearing that his precious son would encounter danger on the road, he simply bought a flat in the community opposite the experimental middle school, so that it would be convenient for Ji Mingyue to go to and from school.

This suite was originally used as a wedding room, but the young couple had just had their wedding and hadn't received the certificate yet. They broke up because of the man's cheating, so they sold the hardcover wedding room that hadn't been lived in yet. Because it is a wedding room, the decoration style is also very festive. Ji Hong once asked Ji Mingyue if he wanted to renovate it.

It only takes five or six minutes to walk from this community to the door of the classroom, so Ji Mingyue is used to stepping to school. When he was about to go upstairs, he passed the cheap store downstairs, hesitated for a moment in front of the window, and went in to buy a carton of milk.

When he entered the house, the nanny who cooked for him had already bought the food and was busy in the kitchen. When he heard Ji Mingyue come back, he greeted him with a smile: "Mingyue is out of school?" She turned her head and saw Ji Mingyue came in with a box of milk, and hurried over to pick it up, "If you want to drink milk, just let me know in advance, and I'll buy it for you. It's too heavy for you to carry it yourself."

"Aunt Huang, no need, I just want to drink all of a sudden." Ji Mingyue was a little embarrassed, and moved away from her hand, "I brought it to my bedroom, I will do my homework first."

He still remembered this cooking aunt named Huang Shuxiang, she was very fat and gentle, she liked to wear golden and emerald green clothes, she looked very rich.

She also cooks delicious food. Ji Mingyue sometimes doesn't go back at noon and likes to eat fast food, so she often pays attention to nutrition at dinner, with three dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables, trying to make up for him.

However, her son who worked in a factory was suddenly diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and died within a few months. She was distraught. When Ji Mingyue returned to China and saw her again, she was almost skinny. It's really sad.

In this life, remember to think of a way to remind her to take her son to the hospital for an examination in advance... Ji Mingyue took out his "planning notebook" and carefully added this little tip on it.

Spreading out his homework, Ji Mingyue violently opened the box and took out a carton of milk. He broke off the straw, inserted it into the carton, and chewed on the straw while drinking milk while reading the questions, but both sides made him frown—

Needless to say, homework is difficult, but in fact he doesn't like drinking milk very much. It's just that in his previous life, he started to grow up after he went abroad, from 172 to 179, and now when he returned to before liberation, his height tragically returned to 172.

With the nutrition of 2008, in the north, the height of 172 boys is a bit embarrassing: it is incomparable with Lin Feng's 180 and above in his first year of high school. Even the girls in the class grow to 167 or 168. The effect seems to be about the same as him.

No wonder Feng Rui said that no girl in the class would like him, they all treat him as a younger brother - he looks about the same size as you, with legs straighter and thinner than yours, how can there be admiration for this

Although Ji Mingyue doesn't like girls, when it comes to the issue of height, every man still has to take it seriously.

Although the final height in his previous life was 179, which made him proud, it only developed after he went abroad. Who knows that in this life in China, without the hormones and soil from the other side of the ocean, his height will still be so competitive

So even if the pure milk doesn't taste very good, Ji Mingyue frowned and endured it—for the sake of growing taller, let's drink it if it's bad!

He also knows that he is a bit naive. However, although he has ten years more in his previous life, he lived a good life in his previous life, had simple interpersonal relationships, and was a type of work that did not require too many people and no workplace pressure. His mental age was really mature. where to go.

What's more, he still has a little almost pure persistence. Once he sets a certain goal, he will always work hard for this goal, and he will not turn back if he doesn't hit the south wall...

Tired of doing the questions, Ji Mingyue pushed the exercise book aside, took out his latest mobile phone, and started sending text messages to Ji Hong, telling his father that he didn't want to go abroad anymore.

At this point, Ji Hong was also preparing to eat, so the news came back very quickly.

He doesn't have the mentality of expecting a child to become a dragon, which is common to ordinary parents, but treats Ji Ming as well as he can within his own ability. Yue never went abroad for gilding once, and he was still studying art, which was useless to businessmen.

Ji Hong asked the reason why Ji Mingyue didn't want to go abroad, and got Ji Mingyue's assurance that he would "study hard in the future", and soon let go: "Then leave, baby is happy." After thinking about it, He also added a sentence, "Yueyue, do you need me to pay you some tuition fees? Do you need to ask the teacher to make up for the missed lessons?"

When the father and son were discussing, Huang Shuxiang had already prepared the meal and asked Ji Mingyue to eat. At this moment, she saw Ji Mingyue's eyes lit up, and he threw the spoon into the soup pot, clasping the phone with both hands. Typing and replying, he was as excited as meeting a hamster in a granary.

She couldn't help persuading: "Mingyue, don't play with your phone while eating, it's not good for digestion."

Ji Mingyue said "Mmmm" twice, and saw his "Okay! I want it!" Below, Ji Hong's reply came out: "Let's call 10,000 first, if it's not enough, ask Dad. "

Ji Hong heard that the supplementary tuition fees of senior high school teachers are very expensive now, and he was afraid that Ji Mingyue would pay less and be neglected and slack off, so he paid 10,000 yuan in one go. Of course, he dared to do this because he knew his son well, and knew that although he liked to play, he would not do anything out of the ordinary.

Ji Mingyue's pockets were bulging, and his face was also beaming with joy. After he finished the meal happily, when he returned to the room, he couldn't help but grimaced.

—No way, I have been away from domestic education for almost ten years, and now I have to go back to do heavy high school homework, it is really depressing...

He sighed, resigned to his fate, took out another carton of milk, plugged in a straw, and while drinking, bit the bullet and started the topic.

Now that I have promised Lin Feng that I will never copy my homework again... then I must do it.

Because he did his homework until midnight the night before, Ji Mingyue almost fell asleep when he went to bed and touched the pillow, and got up quite early the next day.

Thinking about starting to be at the same table with Lin Feng today, he didn't feel like sleeping in. He packed up his homework, took two boxes of milk, and went to the store downstairs to buy bread and biscuits—Huang Shuxiang is not in charge of breakfast However, Ji Mingyue didn't like leftover food either—so he went to school in the slightly cold morning light of February.

When he arrived in the classroom, it was just before 6:50, and the class committee in charge of the key opened the door not long ago. He thought he was early enough, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng was earlier than him. He had already moved the desk and books to the position arranged by the seating plan, and was writing something in the exercise book.

Ji Mingyue used to sit in the third row, while Lin Feng was in the second-to-last row. In order to let them sit together and take care of their classmates, Yang Chao moved them both to the fifth row from the front. It's right in the middle of the classroom.

Ji Mingyue has always had good eyesight, so he didn't have to worry about not being able to see the blackboard. Seeing that Lin Feng had found the correct position, he put his schoolbag on the stool and moved his desk next to Lin Feng.

If all the students come later, it is estimated that all the classrooms will be filled with this voice. But there were not many people in the class at the moment, so the commotion was so loud that even Lin Feng couldn't help but look up at him, although he quickly lowered his head again.

Ji Mingyue looked down and saw what he was writing, and couldn't help but burst into laughter: "You didn't even finish your homework!"

Isn't what Lin Feng is doing the grueling math problem that pestered him until midnight last night

Ji Mingyue said proudly, "I've finished my homework!"

But he immediately thought that if Lin Feng couldn't finish his homework, it must not be because he was too lazy to do it, like him. It was very likely that he had to take care of his mother in the hospital or work part-time, so he didn't have time to do his homework. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng glanced at him indifferently at this moment: "You finished writing? Can you borrow me to copy the lines?"

"Ah?" Ji Ming was more shocked, Lin Feng actually wanted to copy his homework? !

"I'll copy the reference answers below." Lin Feng said.

Their high school subject teachers are generally not willing to spend time correcting homework. They ask students to keep the reference answers at the back of the workbook, finish it by themselves, and then use the red pen to compare the answers and revise them again.

However, some teachers, such as liberal arts, allow students to tear off the reference answers, while others do not allow them, and some teachers still have to check. At this time, it is more difficult to quickly copy homework. It is much more convenient to borrow other people's answers to copy.

When Lin Feng said that, Ji Mingyue understood. It was rare that when Lin Feng asked him for help, he quickly flipped through his schoolbag and took out his homework as a confession: "You can copy whatever you want!"

Lin Feng took it, said "thank you" in a low voice, turned to the corresponding page, and started to copy.

Ji Mingyue finished his homework, and he was not on duty today, so he was a little bored, and could only stare at Lin Feng who "copied homework" with his chin resting on his cheek.

He found that even if Lin Feng copied his homework, it was different from other people's copying methods. They copied everything at a glance, while Lin Feng copied his homework by first reading the questions for a few seconds to a minute, and then looking at the reference answers. Read it for about ten seconds and then copy it up. Many steps in the middle are different from those written in the answer. They are simpler and seem to be clearer.

Ji Mingyue guessed that after Lin Feng understood the question, he already had a solution in his mind, and compared it with the reference answer, the omission in the middle seemed to be just the time for calculating the data.

He lay on the table and watched for a while, and found another thing, he felt he had to remind: "Lin Feng, you forgot to use the red pen to correct it!"

Because there is no time to judge whether the homework is right or wrong one by one, the teachers use the red pen on the workbook to modify the handwriting and judge whether the students have done it seriously. Therefore, even if they copy the homework, Ji Mingyue and the others will deliberately use the red pen to mark the pages. It was messed up.

But Lin Feng wrote it from beginning to end with a black gel pen, clean and tidy, almost no trace of modification can be seen.

After Lin Feng finished copying this book, he returned the exercise book to Ji Mingyue, and then used a red pen to tick off the options of the two multiple-choice questions and write down the correct answers.

Being stared at by Ji Mingyue was a bit unbearable, and he couldn't help but said: "I do my homework by myself, so these are the only mistakes."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

... Maybe this is Xueba.

After copying homework, the class became more lively without knowing it. More and more students came to the classroom, changing seats, fighting with each other, and begging to copy homework, the voices were full of people, comparable to a large vegetable market.

When Yang Chao entered the classroom, the first thing he saw were two people sitting An An in the middle of the classroom.

Lin Feng was reading a book quietly, and Ji Mingyue was talking to the front table with a smile on his face. Although they didn't seem to have much contact with each other, both of them looked relaxed and well adjusted.

This made him inexplicably relieved.

Yang Chao's idea of adjusting Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng to be at the same table, of course, was not born just to prevent puppy love, as Feng Rui thought.

As the head teacher, he is generally aware of the family situation of the students. When something happened to Lin Feng's family, although he tried his best to help out during the vacation, what he could do was still very limited. He was also very worried about Lin Feng's family burden and his study situation in the future.

Lin Feng has always been outstanding. Yang Chao didn't want such a good seedling to be dragged down by his family. He thought that by changing his seat, he could make Lin Feng be good friends with suitable people in school, which would have some positive influence on him.

At this time, Ji Mingyue, who is enthusiastic, lively and wealthy, came into his sight.

Although Ji Mingyue doesn't study very seriously, he is generous and has a good personality. He is like a little sun, and almost everyone in the class likes him. Moreover, his family is well-off. In order to send him to the experimental middle school, the school gymnasium that is being renovated was funded by his father...

As the homeroom teacher, Yang Chao couldn't force Ji Mingyue to "selflessly contribute", but if he and Lin Feng became good friends and were willing to take the initiative to help Lin Feng... then it would be great.

However, although the idea is good, Yang Chao also has other concerns: Ji Mingyue's poor attitude towards study, what if it affects Lin Feng's grades? It is said that Ji Mingyue's father heard that foreign education is good, and he wants to send his son to study abroad. He has never seen Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng interact before. What if Ji Mingyue doesn't bother to make friends in China? Moreover, Ji Ming is more generous, and Lin Feng has a strong self-esteem. What if the two have conflicts and backfire

It was for these reasons that Yang Chao kept hesitating and failed to make a real decision. Until yesterday afternoon, he saw Ji Mingyue who took the initiative to sit at the table with Lin Feng.

It doesn't look very intimate, but at least... there is hope.

Now that you see hope, why not give it a try.

—Ji Mingyue didn't expect that a flap of the butterfly's wings would lead to a completely different direction from the previous life.

At this moment, while Yang Chao was maintaining discipline, he took out a box of milk from his schoolbag and pushed it towards his new deskmate.

Lin Feng turned to look at him, and he pointed to the box of milk and smiled brightly: "Have you had breakfast? Please!"