Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 42: His body suddenly felt warm, and there was still Lin Feng's body temperature on it


Ji Mingyue and Ji Hong's phone calls in the parking lot continued until very late.

Ji Hong asked Ji Mingyue many details about the "dream". It was not the first day that Ji Mingyue thought of this method. In fact, he had thought about it for a long time, but because he was unwilling to lie to his father, he kept procrastinating until he was questioned to the point of a dilemma. He had to say it.

Ji Hong saw that Ji Mingyue could answer all of them, and when he talked about that "dream", he did have a sense of trance like past and present lives. Coupled with the ghost-like accurate predictions before, he gradually believed.

Of course, the most important point is that he, like Ji Mingyue, does not dare to gamble, nor can he afford to gamble.

His beloved wife died young, and he never thought of remarrying. Ji Mingyue was almost his only close relative. To this child, he had always been pampered to the point of doting.

As a child of a single-parent family, Ji Mingyue seems to be a bit crooked: he is a bit "soft", a bit squeamish, no matter how old he is, he still likes to lie on his father's lap and act like a spoiled child, not quite like a "standard boy" at this age .

Ji Hong accidentally heard the nickname given to him by Ji Mingyue's classmates - "Miss", even he laughed when he heard it: it's irritating, but it's really appropriate.

However, who stipulates which gender must do which things are "correct"? Rather than asking Ji Mingyue to become a standard "girl" or "boy", Ji Hong hopes that he can grow into a free "person": cheerful, kind, with his own principles and patience.

He was more gratified to have done this than to be "the right boy."

"Baby, I understand." Ji Hong finally said, "If it is true that only Lin Feng can save you in this world, then Dad will definitely not begrudge the slightest bit. But, according to what you said, 'Lin Feng never told you You don’t need any help’, so how to let him accept your gift, this matter, you have to do it yourself.”

This is another big headache for Ji Mingyue, he let out a breath slowly, and replied: "Okay... I will find a way."

"Also," Ji Hong closed the cap of the pen on the other end, with a soft "click", "Although Lin Feng may be your savior, you need to grasp the distance by yourself. Ming Yue , do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"I, I understand..." Ji Mingyue pursed his lips and said, "I just admire him more..."

He silently made a wish in his heart, when he grows up, when Lin Feng grows up...he will confess to his father without reservation.

"It's good that you understand." Ji Hong said, "It's very late, do you have an exam tomorrow? Where are you now, why are there rumors? Didn't you go home?"

"I, I'm standing on the balcony, my mind is not so clear, blowing the air..." Ji Mingyue said hastily.

"Be careful of catching a cold." Ji Hong disapproved, "Hurry up and take a hot bath in the house, and go to bed early."

"Okay, Dad, you should go to bed earlier!"

After standing at the exit of the underground parking lot for too long, Ji Mingyue's whole body was stiff and sore, and his legs were still a little numb, so that when he bumped into Lin Feng walking towards him at the stairs, his legs went limp and he almost knelt on the spot .

Lin Feng took a step forward, stretched out his hand to support him, and said, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time."

The more Ji Ming was sincere, he thought that it would be like a TV series, where he talked before being listened to by the person involved, right? He paused, blinked and said, "I went to the toilet, didn't you call me?"

The lights in the corridor are much warmer and brighter than those in the underground parking lot. It reflects on Lin Feng's face, as if artificially added a layer of filter, very handsome and beautiful.

Lin Feng said: "I called, but the line was busy all the time, saying that I was on the phone."

"Really?" Ji Ming took out his mobile phone again and looked at it. Sure enough, there were two missed calls from Lin Feng, one of which was just two minutes ago.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief: If Lin Feng heard it, he must know that he was on the phone with Ji Hong at that time, so he didn't need to call himself again, and the parking lot is so empty, it is easy to let Hearing it himself, Lin Feng probably wouldn't do this.

"How did you come here looking for the toilet?" Lin Feng said, "There are toilets on every floor, and it's cold and cold here."

"I don't know, I came here just walking..." Ji Ming became more vague, trying to change the subject, "How is Auntie doing? Is she awake?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I haven't woken up yet, but the doctor said that the ICU just came out with an empty bed, and asked if I should go there."

"ICU?!" Ji Mingyue suddenly became nervous, "Is Auntie doing well?"

"The situation is fine now. The main reason is that the doctor is worried about the later development, so he suggested going to the ICU for observation." Lin Fengdao, "After all, the conditions and equipment there are much better than those in the emergency department."

"That's it, that's okay..." Ji Mingyue couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Then go to the ICU."

The ICU is the Intensive Care Unit. Family members are generally not allowed to visit. Family members can only enter during the lunch time between 11 and 12 o'clock. For the rest of the time, they can only continue to wait on the bench outside the door.

"Stay in the ICU for three days for observation. After the patient is placed, you can go home first and come back at noon during the day. It's useless to wait." The doctor on duty reviewed the situation while introducing the situation to them. Two teenagers, "The two of you are just right. One will come in with me to settle the patient and prepare daily necessities, and the other will go to the nurse's desk to sign and leave the contact number of the family."

"Okay." The two nodded almost at the same time, and Ji Mingyue turned to Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, you go and resettle Auntie, I'll go over there and sign."

Lin Feng definitely wanted to take care of Jiang Manyun himself. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Send me a text message if you have any questions."

Ji Mingyue responded with a "huh", and the two walked away, one turned around and followed the doctor into the ward, and the other went to the nurse's desk to find someone.

The admission form was half filled, Ji Mingyue raised his head and asked the nurse on duty: "Sister, will this form be shown to the patient's family again?"

The nurse on duty saw that he was good-looking, and the appearance of calling him "sister" with a smile could also be sweet to people's hearts, and her patience improved a lot, so she answered him, "No, we will keep this in our hospital. When we have something to contact you, such as informing you to get the self-paid drug list, we will take it out for our own use."

"Oh, that's it." Ji Mingyue blinked, lowered his head and wrote two strings of numbers in the "Contact Number" column, and poked the first line of numbers with his fingertips, "Call this first if you have anything to do." , If you can’t get through this one, then type the next one, thank you sister!”

After placing Jiang Manyun, who was still in a coma, Ji Mingyue looked at the time again, it was already past two o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Let's go home." Lin Feng said, "As the doctor said, it's useless to wait here. You can take a hot bath and sleep well when you go back."

Ji Mingyue thought about it, and he was indeed sleepy, so he yawned involuntarily: "Then you go home too?"

"En." Lin Feng said, "Do you still want Uncle Chen to take you back?"

"No, I told him to go back, don't let him get up again in the middle of the night." Ji Mingyue said, "I'll go downstairs to have a look later, just take a taxi and go back, will you come with me? "

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "It's also possible."

It was past two o'clock in the middle of the night, which was the coldest time of the day. Two people stood outside the hospital building and stopped a taxi by the dim street lights. They stopped for nearly half an hour before they stopped a taxi.

Ji Mingyue wrapped his coat in his coat and stomped his feet. He was so cold that he didn't want to open his mouth to speak. When the car stopped, he quickly got into the car with a short body.

At this time, he misses the well-developed APP taxi-hailing system in his previous life. He is always on call. The key point is that he doesn't have to stand outside to blow the cold wind while waiting for the car!

Lin Feng glanced at him and followed him into the car. Ji Mingyue was telling the driver: "Go to the Zhongxing Community opposite the Experimental Middle School, and then stop at Honghui Homestead on the way..." Halfway through the conversation, his upper body suddenly warmed up, and he was wearing a large cotton jacket. Still carrying Lin Feng's body temperature.

He turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and found that Lin Feng didn't look at him, but was looking out of the window, and said lightly, "I'm not very cold, don't catch a cold."

It was dark outside the window, at most there were some dim light from street lamps, reflecting the buildings with blurred outlines, and Lin Feng didn't know what he was looking at.

Ji Mingyue's fingers gently grasped the jacket on his body. The pure cotton material was soft and delicate, with the faint fragrance of washing powder from Lin Feng's body on it, wrapping him gently.

Although I didn't dare to show it, my heart was bubbling.

The taxi driver saw it in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "Visiting the hospital so late? Your brother treats you very well."

"We both got off at different places, how can we be brothers?" Ji Mingyue smiled and said, "...if only he was really my brother."

—Purely speaking based on the current situation.

"That's right, I forgot..." The driver laughed, not paying much attention to it. But Lin Feng heard it, and moved his fingers on his knee slightly.

When it was time to get off the car, Ji Mingyue remembered to ask Lin Feng a question, handed back the coat to Lin Feng, and asked, "Lin Feng, will you come to take the exam tomorrow, no, during the day?"

Lin Feng lowered his head and straightened the coat he had just put on, opened the door and got out of the car, and said, "I won't be going in the morning, I can't make it in time for the visit at noon, and I will go to the two subjects in the afternoon if I can make it in time."

"Okay." Ji Mingyue looked at him from the car window, his eyes were clear and bright, "Come if you can, I'll wait for you."

Ji Mingyue went home to take a shower, took a nap, got up the next day yawning, took a bag of milk, went downstairs to buy some bread and biscuits, and took them to the examination room.

Some people in the examination room did not eat breakfast, but what they brought was meat buns and soy milk, the fragrance was overflowing and tempted people's appetite. The more Ji Ming looked down at the dry bread and biscuits in his hand, the more depressed he was - I miss Lin Feng's cooking dishes...

Jiang Manyun was still in the ICU. The doctor said that her illness would be prolonged and recurring, so she didn't know if there would be any changes. This made Ji Mingyue a little uneasy after the exam.

In addition, he didn't sleep much last night, barely finished the paper of the second subject, and before he had time to check it, he threw himself on the table and fell asleep.

He was awakened by the English teacher using a book.

The young English teacher frowned and looked at him disapprovingly: "You can't be complacent just because you did well in the first few subjects, and you will win if you persist until the end."

"Okay, thank you teacher." Ji Mingyue rubbed the back of his head and said embarrassedly, "I have a little other reason..."

The first few subjects were answered well, and then I slacked off to sleep—the English teacher who has read a lot of online novels recently couldn't help thinking: Is this kid deliberately hiding his strength

Ji Mingyue, who didn't know his teacher's spare time life, couldn't guess what she had imagined. He rubbed his sleep-stained face, looked up at the wall clock, and found that it was almost 12 o'clock, and said, "Then Teacher, should I go home first?"

The English teacher nodded slightly, and decided to pay more attention to this student in the future...

Ji Mingyue: Confused.jpg

I bought lunch at the school gate, went upstairs and returned home, it was past twelve o'clock, guessing that Lin Feng had finished visiting, Ji Mingyue called him and asked how Jiang Manyun was doing.

Lin Feng seemed to be walking, and he said as he walked, "She was already awake when I passed by. The doctor said that the situation is still good, but we still need to continue to observe. She is not in good spirits and is not sober. I will accompany her. Let her go to sleep after eating."

"Auntie will definitely get better and better." Ji Mingyue said, "Are you still coming for the exam this afternoon?"

"Come." Lin Feng said, "But it is said that the doctor will notify you to get the self-paid drug bill, but I haven't gotten it since I came. I'm going to ask the doctor's office now, and I'll come directly after I hand in the money."

"Uh..." Ji Mingyue raised his heart, "Then, you should do your work first, and I won't bother you! See you in the afternoon. I have something to tell you after the exam...bye first!"

A blind tone came from the other end of the phone in an instant, and Ji Mingyue hung up the call in a hurry, as if he was running away.

Lin Feng held the phone in front of his eyes, pressed it off, and lowered his eyes to look deeply at the screen.

Looking up again, he had already reached the door of the doctor's office. The door was half closed, and he could see the figure of the doctor in a white coat. Lin Feng knocked on the door and said politely, "Hi, I'm here to get the self-paid medicine list."

The doctor said without raising his head, "What's your name? Which bed is it in?"

"I didn't live in the ICU until around one o'clock in the morning today. The bed is... the patient's name is..."

"Jiang Manyun?" The doctor looked up at him in surprise, "Didn't the family members come to get the patient's medicine list this morning?"

Lin Feng gently clenched the phone that was still slightly warm in his hand.

The subtle premonition in my heart was confirmed.