Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 45: Why do you two tell a ghost story and talk it into your arms? !


At the foot of Beicheng Mountain, the night wind is blowing. On an open ground, there are four or five tents, large and small. The tents are surrounded by a circle, which looks extremely united, like travelers sitting around a campfire after a long journey to keep warm.

It's just that what surrounds them this time is not a blazing bonfire, but a face illuminated by a flashlight... a turquoise permeating face.

"...Are you sure this is a duel between real men?"

"What is the problem?"

"A duel between real men, why are there so many girls?"


The original plan was for everyone to be crowded in the same tent, but in practice, it was found that the tent was not big enough to accommodate so many of them. Later, the boys simply put up the tents together, formed a circle, and rolled up the entrances of the tents , barely had the atmosphere of a "ghost story contest".

It's fine if all the boys can't squeeze together to make it easier to fish in troubled waters. Later, a lot of girls came over one after another, expressing their willingness to join. The tents are all prepared by the teachers and students themselves. There are big and small, single and double. Among them, the most spacious tent is the one brought by Ji Mingyue. It is a hall-style tent, and it will not be crowded if three or four people sleep. .

— Therefore, the number of girls crowded into their tent is also the most, and there are at least two or three girls between Lin Feng and Ji Mingyue — let alone sneaking around in the dark, the movements should be bigger, It is very likely that someone will call him a rogue!

Ji Mingyue hugged his knees, feeling sad, and couldn't help asking angrily.

"You have to ask Feng Rui, he's the one who went to promote it." Wen Erya said nonchalantly, holding a flashlight in one hand, and brushing his bangs with the other, he asked them, "Is my hair all right? "

It seems that after hooking up with Shang Boyu, he really attaches great importance to this job. During lunch in the afternoon, he was looking for light and angles, gesturing for various selfies, probably to give Shang Boyu feedback on his image.

Feng Rui blushed when he spoke, but luckily it was so dark here that he couldn't see it too clearly. However, most of the straight men present also knew in their hearts: This kind of ghost story conference is like going to a special horror movie, without the girls screaming, and unable to show their wide and safe arms in time, then it’s still a shame. What's the point

Everyone understands the secret thoughts, Feng Rui countered Wen Erya: "Your hair like a chicken coop can still be called a hairstyle? I just saw you holding a mobile phone all afternoon, and said, who are you dating? !"

Wen Erya didn't want to expose in public that she was thinking of a part-time job, so she casually said, "Who can you mess with! -Damn, Ling Xi, don't squeeze me, you don't have a tent yourself?"

When he saw Ling Xi, he wrinkled his face irritably, and moved aside unceremoniously.

Ling Xi usually wears a pair of glasses, always wears a school uniform, and has a low sense of presence in the class, but Ji Mingyue remembers that he was so quiet in his previous life, and ended up being the top 2 in the national college entrance examination, which was cited as a strange story by his classmates , all kinds of embellishments, even Ji Mingyue, who is far away abroad, has heard of it.

At this moment Ling Xi was also sitting silently, seeing Wen Erya avoiding him like a plague, she just frowned slightly.

In the midst of the noise, Luo Wei still took the initiative to smile and said: "We are just here to watch, don't hinder your real men's duel, let's start, it will be too late and the mountain will start to get cold."

"Okay, okay." Wen Erya acted as the temporary host, half-kneeling and sitting upright, holding a ham sausage as a microphone, "I announce that the first Super Ghost Story Contest in Beicheng Park will start now!"

"Hey, did you have the word super?"

"Stop talking nonsense, turn off the flashlight!"

With a "snap", the students present turned off the flashlights almost at the same time. Only the first guest, Feng Rui, turned on the flashlight and illuminated his face from top to bottom.

Because the light of the flashlight was too close, it reflected on the face of the person, showing a strange pale white color. Feng Rui also deliberately lowered his voice, making it sound more erratic and gloomy:

"There is a pair of good friends in school, they are named Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong..."

"Can you stop calling me Xiaoming? I'm panicking." Ji Mingyue protested.

"There are a lot of things." Feng Rui pouted and continued, "There is a pair of good friends named Xiaogang and Xiaohong... They are inseparable every day, live in the same dormitory, go in and out together all day long, and say that they are the best friends in the world. Best friends, good friends, always back to back. Suddenly one day, Xiao Gang disappeared, no one could find him no matter how hard they looked, and so did Xiao Hong, he couldn’t find Xiao Gang, very sad.”

"One day, Xiao Hong was crying in the dormitory when she suddenly felt something was wrong under the bed. He ran over to have a look and found that Xiao Gang, whom he couldn't find no matter how hard he tried, was pinned under his bed in reverse... Good friend, Always back to back... Ugh!!"


Following Feng Rui's last strange cry, everyone present screamed: The story was already scary enough, but he suddenly used movements to scare people unexpectedly!

In particular, this story is very suitable for them at this time. The situation of everyone huddled together, back to back, made people feel cold after hearing it, and Feng Rui's sudden yelling made several people scream and scream in fright. He threw himself on a nearby heat source.

"Master Feng Rui!" Ji Mingyue scolded, lit up a flashlight to shine in his tent, and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay, I have light here!"—Actually, he was so scared Lin Feng asked someone to eat tofu!

Sure enough, as the flashlight flickered, he saw a girl shrinking into Lin Feng's arms. He rushed over and grabbed the girl, "It's all right, don't be afraid!" Resolutely, he put his elbow on Lin Feng and squeezed him. Out of range!

He suddenly rushed over, and there was a frightened girl nearby, so she grabbed his clothes in a panic—coincidentally, in the dark, she didn't pull at an angle or place, and suddenly pulled his neckline crooked More than half!

Ji Mingyue is wearing a black and red contrasting hooded fleece sweater today. The girl actually pulled the corners of his clothes, but who made the whole dress tightly integrated, the corners were pulled too far, The neckline was more than half crooked in an instant, and the other shoulder was chilly, as if a small part of the waist was exposed.

"Don't, don't pull! Let go!" Ji Mingyue couldn't grab the girl's hand directly, so he could only pull back his clothes in embarrassment, "It's all right now!... Feng Rui, sir!!"

His waist suddenly became hot and heavy, and it turned out that a hand covered it, and with a little force, he pulled him into his arms, and he rolled along the trend, and finally got rid of the "magic palm".

However, Ji Mingyue's waist is very sensitive, and he trembled the moment he was touched by his palm. He subconsciously looked back and blurted out, "Who...!"

It was Lin Feng's cold and dark eyes, which were slightly squinted by the dazzling light.

"Yes, I'm sorry...!" Ji Mingyue pressed his flashlight with a "click" faster than his brain.

Lin Feng: "..."

Ji Mingyue also wanted to bite himself to death: What the hell is he doing...!

In the chaos, Wen Erya was heard yelling: "Wori, something is pinching my face! Ahh!"

Feng Rui mocked: "The ghost just pinched your face when he came to you, that ghost must have a crush on you!"

After a while of jumping around and turning people on their backs, as more and more people remembered to turn on the flashlights, the students gradually calmed down—Feng Rui was pressed to the ground by everyone's concerted efforts, and he was beaten back and forth countless times.

After such a round of fright, two or three girls expressed that it was too scary, they gave up listening and wanted to go back to their tents. These two or three girls did not dare to go back by themselves, so they dragged away two or three girls to accompany them.

There were less than ten girls who came to listen to the "Ghost Story Contest", but most of them left after hula-la. Stand up and say to eat supper for supper, and go back to sleep for those who are going to sleep.

The rest of the real men: "..."

Especially the real straight men left behind burst into grief and anger, pressed Feng Rui to the ground and brutally ravaged him again: "Look at the good things you have done..."

Feng Rui accidentally used too much force, and watched the girl slip away, feeling very sad in his heart: "... Lin Feng, go and keep the girl! Miss, come on!"

"Fuck you!" Ji Mingyue had just finished his embarrassment, and was called to pull the girls back, so he couldn't hold back his complaints.

"Hahaha Miss has claimed his nickname..." Someone smiled and shone an unconscious flashlight on him, and the moment it was clearly illuminated, he let out a strange cry, "Damn it, why are you two telling a ghost story? Talking about it in your arms?!"

The boys around took pictures of them and laughed loudly. Only then did Ji Mingyue remember that he was half-held by Lin Feng, so he quickly separated Lin Feng's hand and jumped to the side like an electric shock: "Roll, roll, roll!" , it’s so pitch black that you can’t see clearly!”

Lin Feng looked down at the hand that was thrown away: "..."

"Why didn't a girl jump into my arms in black..." All the boys began to sigh with sadness. Only Ling Xi, who was sitting by the side, looked in Ji Mingyue's direction, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Okay, then it's time for real men to play!" Wen Erya once again took up his ham sausage and took on the heavy responsibility of the host, "I announce that the first Super Invincible Thunderbolt Ghost Story Contest in Beicheng Park will continue now." !"

"Is this prefix getting longer and longer?"

"... Don't care about these details, next one! Don't be negative about the game just because the girl is gone, don't forget, the tournament organizers will reward the champions generously!"

The following sequence started from Feng Rui's tent and went down one by one clockwise. Everyone told a ghost story they had heard. But because the girls are all gone, even if there are stories that are more scary, the remaining boys try to stay calm and show their "real man" qualities.

Although there is the carrot of "rich rewards" hanging around, everyone thinks that Wen Erya can't get any valuable prizes, and she is getting less and less diligent in telling the story, and has remained deserted until the last one, when Ling Xi appeared on the stage up.

Ling Xi turned on the flashlight dedicatedly, and his voice was as calm and calm as his own: "My ghost story only has one sentence."

"The head teacher is here."

Everyone present: "..."

The wind was blowing, the mountains were cold, and everyone shuddered from the bottom of their hearts.

After the "Scary Ghost Story You Heard Tonight" competition, Ling Xi was finally elected with a high number of votes, and Wen Erya reluctantly presented him with an award: "Okay, congratulations to Ling Xi, who won the championship of our first ghost story contest …”

"Why did the prefix disappear all at once?"

"... I am happy! Ling Xi will get a tea egg provided by the organizer's sponsor, Mr. Ji. Congratulations Ling Xi, applaud!!"

"...Wait, when did I become the sponsor of your competition?" Ji Mingyue protested.

"Anyway, you have so many eggs, can you finish them all?"

"You didn't even ask for my permission to eat or not!" Ji Mingyue said, "The sponsor doesn't even have basic benefits, so I'm very disappointed!" At least give him the right to choose his own seat!

While Ji Mingyue and Wen Erya were bickering with each other, Ling Xi said quietly again: "The head teacher is here."

Wen Erya turned her head and said, "Okay, I know your ghost story is scary, so you don't need to tell it anymore!"

"No..." Feng Rui raised a finger tremblingly, "Brother Chao is really here..."

The contestants of the ghost story competition finally broke up when the class teacher Yang Chao arrived. Fortunately, the champion has been contested and the prizes have been awarded. It is not particularly unfinished.

Not everyone in the class brought a tent. Yang Chao made statistics in advance, and asked those who could bring a big tent to share the space with the students who had a good relationship, and made sure that everyone had a place to sleep before setting off. Ji Mingyue's tent has a large capacity, so he made the best use of it to sleep four people.

This time it was not like before, Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng were separated by several people, so that he couldn't even touch the corner of Lin Feng's clothes. Lin Feng was lying beside him, his breathing was steady and his body was warm.

Ji Mingyue didn't dare to do anything in front of so many people, but just sneaked towards Lin Feng. He originally wanted to wait for everyone to fall asleep, to make a sneak attack, sneak a kiss on Lin Feng or something, but he didn't expect that it might be because of too many activities during the day and too much consumption, and it didn't take long for him to sleep on the pillow very sweetly past.

The next day, he was woken up by the noise and complaints around the tent. It turned out that it started to rain on the mountain early in the morning. Clothes are wet, very depressed.

The school was going to organize an event this morning, but the weather was not good. The director root number 2 came over in a hurry to inform, saying that after the rain stopped, each class would be organized and the number of people confirmed, and then they could organize themselves back. You will be waiting at the gate of Yamashita Park.

Ji Mingyue's tent was very waterproof, and they were almost the only ones who didn't get wet from the rain. Later, when tidying up, he let the tent out and let some girls who got wet go in to change their clothes.

The others huddled together in a mountain pavilion to hide from the rain. Lin Feng went to ask the class teacher about when they could leave. Yang Chao looked at his phone and said, "We still have to organize the descent down the mountain and repeatedly determine the number of people. We should wait in line to get on the bus." It will take a certain amount of time, and it will probably be 11 or 12 o'clock when you go back. If you are in a hurry, you can go first." He reached out and brushed the rain falling outside the pavilion, "It's not yet eight o'clock, you can wait for the rain to subside a bit go again."

Lin Feng nodded in response, and returned to the group of boys. Because they were so close, someone listened intermittently and asked, "Lin Feng, is there something wrong with your family recently? Is it serious?"

The other party was also out of concern for his classmates, and there was no malice. Lin Feng nodded and replied, "Someone in the family is sick. It's okay, but I want to go back and take care of it early."

Ji Mingyue heard the words, and couldn't help but glance at him: He thought that with Lin Feng's character, unless someone broke the news, he wouldn't take the initiative to tell about "family illness" even if he was beaten to death. Classmate, he actually said it so naturally.

When the classmates heard the words, they really surrounded Lin Feng one after another, comforting him, patting his shoulders, and asking if they could visit him in the hospital. Although Lin Feng refused, he smiled slightly and said, "I will bring your thoughts to her."

Real growth always seems to be slow and unremarkable, just like the spring rain in front of you, people haven't noticed it, but it has already penetrated into the bottom of my heart.

The hawkers on the mountain were extremely clever. Seeing the rain, they began to sell umbrellas, raincoats, and even some small toys such as water guns. Ji Mingyue saw that there were some for sale, so he ran over to buy a raincoat and a water gun, and stuffed them into Lin Feng's hands when he came back: "You still have to cook for auntie, please go back early, let's go first."

Someone nearby laughed and said, "It's fine if you give him a raincoat, why buy a water gun?"

Ji Mingyue blinked, found a place where the sun could shine, with his back to the sun, put his hand on the water gun, and the water flowed "sizzling".

A small arch bridge of seven colors floated in his palm.

He stuffed the water gun into Lin Feng's hand again, and said with a smile, "Send you a little rainbow."

Sending Lin Feng down the mountain, the two of them walked a long way alone, Ji Mingyue raised his head and said: "Lin Feng, after the midterm exam, I found some question types, I still don't know how to do it well, you can come and explain to me in the afternoon speak?"

Lin Feng nodded, looked at him and said, "Okay."

"Really?" Ji Ming became happier. It was rare for Lin Feng to come over to give him extra lessons on weekends. They could spend an afternoon together to their heart's!

Well, although it is learning =_=

But even if it is studying, being able to stay with Lin Feng, every stroke of writing is sweet. The more Ji Ming thinks about this, the lighter he feels. He happily goes down the mountain with his class, takes the bus back to school happily, goes upstairs, goes home, and opens the door—

Sitting in the living room, Ji Hong raised his head from his mobile phone: "Are you having fun?"

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Originally very happy TAT.