Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 49: I have something very important to tell you


"Haha, Feng Rui's expression is really..."

Ji Mingyue opened the door with the key, turned around and joked, when he opened the door, he obviously felt a figure in the living room, and subconsciously shouted: "I'm back, b...Brother Chen?!"

Fortunately, at the last moment, he took a serious look and was able to brake urgently.

Standing in the living room is a young man, dressed in light-colored casual clothes, with well-knit hair and eyebrows that seem to have been trimmed, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with his hands in the pockets of slacks, looking sideways at the living room Decorative paintings hanging on the wall. Hearing Ji Mingyue's voice, he turned around, with a surprised and happy smile on his face:

"Mingyue, you still remember me?"

Ji Mingyue actually called it out subconsciously. He licked his lips and said with a guilty smile, "I just look familiar, Brother Chen, it's really you..."

Compared with the first time Yao Chen saw him when he returned to China in his previous life, the current Yao Chen is obviously much younger. He has not graduated from university, and he still looks like a student in an ivory tower in his clothes. The temperament, however, has never changed.

Yao Chen looked Ji Mingyue up and down with a smile, and said with a smile: "I remember when I went abroad, Mingyue, you were still in elementary school. I thought that when I saw you this time, the first thing I would say would be 'kid, how about you? Remember my brother? My brother hugged you when you were a child!'”

Ji Mingyue couldn't help laughing: "It sounds like you are much older than me. You must have been a primary school student when you hugged me."

"That's right, but I still remember it quite clearly..." Yao Chen nodded and smiled, and said, "You look really grown up now."

When Ji Mingyue heard this, he felt a little dazed. He thought that in his previous life and later, Yao Chen also asked him why he had never been in a relationship. At that time, he didn't want to tell about Lin Feng. As for children, they just want to play, not fall in love."

Yao Chen was cooking noodles for him in the kitchen at that time, looked back at him, and said with a smile: "I also think you will never grow up."

During the few seconds when Ji Ming was distracted, Yao Chen's eyes had moved from him to behind him, and he said with a smile, "Ming Yue, is this your classmate?"

Ji Mingyue regained his composure, thought that Lin Feng was still behind him, and quickly moved aside to make room for Lin Feng: "Yes, this is my tablemate, and his name is Lin Feng." He also introduced to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng Feng, this is my brother, he just came back from abroad not long ago."

Lin Feng closed the door, turned his face to look at Yao Chen, and they both said politely almost at the same time: "Hello."

Ji Hong also came out of the study: "Just now I answered a phone call. Mingyue, did you say hello to Brother Chen?"

"It's already been fought." Yao Chen said with a smile, "And Mingyue recognized me at the first sight. I'm flattered."

Ji Hong nodded with a smile, and looked at his cub calmly. Ji Mingyue took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Sure enough, Ji Hong sent him a text message before Yao Chen came, but he patronized Lin Feng. Chatting, I forgot to take out my phone to check on the way home.

Ji Mingyue blinked at Ji Hong and smiled, expressing that he thought there was no problem. Ji Hong said quickly: "Go and put down your schoolbags, you are carrying strangely heavy ones, Mingyue, you can chat with your brother Chen for a while."

Ji Mingyue gave a "hmm", but Yao Chen said, "Uncle Ji, no need, isn't Mingyue still in high school? I heard that domestic homework is very tight, so don't let him delay his study time. He does his homework. , I’ll just watch from the side.”

So Ji Mingyue and the others went into the bedroom, opened their schoolbags, and prepared to do their homework, while Yao Chen sat on the bed and looked at the report card that Ji Mingyue threw aside: "Mingyue, how tall are you now?"

"It's freshman year."

"Oh, it's already May. Are you waiting for the summer vacation to start the second year of high school? Let me see where you are..." Yao Chen heard Ji Hong say that Ji Mingyue didn't like reading, so he looked for him all the way from the back to the front. , I didn’t expect to see Ji Mingyue’s name until I turned to the middle, “Hey, you’re amazing, your grade is 352, and you’ve improved by more than 300?! Did you go up by rocket?”

"Haha." Ji Mingyue smiled shyly, raised his hand and patted Lin Feng's shoulder beside him, "This is my rocket!"

"Huh?" Yao Chen's eyes lingered on Lin Feng for a moment, "Is your deskmate influencing you?"

"It's more than an influence, he is my teacher!" Ji Mingyue said with a smile, "It's because he has been giving me extra lessons this semester that I've improved so much."

When doing homework, Lin Feng's method is, for the subjects that Ji Mingyue wants to focus on, let him do the questions carefully first, then use the red pen to correct the mistakes, and compare the mistakes to the answers to see for himself , If you don’t understand, ask him again. When Ji Ming understands more, make a mark next to the question, and finally copy it in the wrong question book.

Although this takes a long time, it can impress Ji Mingyue with the questions and the thinking of solving the questions. When he is free, he will turn over the wrong question book as if it were a leisure book, and he will be able to remember it almost immediately when he encounters the same type of question again.

Ji Mingyue felt that this method was very good, but from Yao Chen's point of view, it was basically that Ji Mingyue had been doing the questions by himself all the time, and he couldn't do it anymore, so he timidly asked the boy a few words.

That boy has an outstanding appearance, and his voice is low and cold, giving people a feeling that he is not approachable. I don't know why he agreed to make up lessons for Ji Mingyue, probably for a fee, right

And how much can a high school student of the same age teach? Yao Chen didn't trust this very much.

Yao Chen looked at them coldly for a while, and said with a smile: "Mingyue, you have a workbook that you haven't written for the time being, so I can take a look at it. It's not good for me to trouble my classmates. My brother is about to graduate from university, so I should still be able to teach you. .”

"Ah?" Before Ji Mingyue said anything, the boy named Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at him lightly.

Ji Ming hesitated for a moment, and took out a physics exercise book and handed it over: "Brother Chen, you should read this, you can just read it casually, Lin Feng taught it quite well, actually..."

Yao Chen leaned over and rubbed his hair, and said with a gentle smile: "Isn't that still delaying his study time? Your brother Chen is not an outsider, and you still have plenty of time now, so you can waste it as you like."

When Ji Mingyue heard the phrase "not an outsider", his heart moved again: in the last few years of his previous life, he really did not regard Yao Chen as an outsider, and Yao Chen also got married later. Although his wife did not appear often, she Every time he came out, it was a scene of gentle smiles and loving couples, sometimes Ji Mingyue was really envious.

One time when his friend came back from a party to video chat with Yao Chen, he saw Yao Chen's wife come to his study to deliver documents to him. He happened to be a little drunk that day. Walking out from the middle of the night, taking advantage of his drunkenness, he couldn't help but confide in Yao Chen.

Lin Feng's secret had been hidden in his heart for many years, and digging it out was more painful than cutting his own heart. Memories and countless hypotheses were intertwined, making him dazed and painful, and he couldn't remember whether he cried or not.

I only remember that at the end, Yao Chen said to him: "When will you return to China next time? I have something very important to tell you."

Then on February 22, Ji Mingyue boarded the plane back to China.

In this life, everything will be overthrown and restarted again. I probably wouldn't know what Yao Chen was going to say about the "important thing" at that time, right? Ji Mingyue was a little bit regretful in his heart, looking at Yao Chen's eyes, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

In fact, before Yao Chen came here, his impression of Ji Mingyue was still the same as when he went abroad, he was a lively and beautiful child, a little skinny, and a little bit milky, but he was still a primary school student after all. Unexpectedly, upon seeing him like this, the little boy has transformed into a handsome young man.

The brightly colored two-color spliced sweater, the hood that jumps up and down with the body movements, the stature has not yet grown, and now it is more than 170 visually, but even if it grows taller in the future, such a small frame is destined to look bad in the future would be too large.

His lips are red and his teeth are snowy, his skin is so white that it seems that a gleam of light can be seen from underneath, his pupils are light brown, and the slightly drooping shape of his eyes gives him a natural innocence, but when he looks at him at this moment, there is a sense of innocence. A maturity not commensurate with his age, even with some unknown nostalgia.

Very contradictory. But also wonderful.

Yao Chen felt itchy, and wanted to reach out to touch his hair again, but Ji Mingyue suddenly staggered and just avoided it. It turned out that Lin Feng pulled him back.

Lin Feng's eyelashes drooped, and the tip of his pen flicked quickly on the draft paper: "This question is wrong again. In fact, your thinking was right at the beginning. Did you get influenced by the routine of other questions later, and messed it up instead?" Is it complicated? There are not so many routines in this question, it is very straightforward, just... "

Ji Mingyue rested his chin on the folded arms, lowered his eyes, and saw Lin Feng writing word by word on the paper: "I never said that teaching you is a waste of time."

Ji Mingyue's eyes almost immediately rolled up, but he felt Yao Chen's gaze from behind, he forcibly suppressed his smile, and nodded solemnly: "So it's like this..."

He also picked up the gel pen on the side, and wrote on the draft paper: "I know~"

Followed by a smiling little mushroom.

Yao Chen mainly returned to China for an internship this time, and also underwent some additional "exercise" from Ji Hong, so in fact, he didn't often have time to meet Ji Mingyue again, and Ji Mingyue himself kept refusing, His "substituting make-up lesson plan" can only be temporarily shelved.

However, Ji Hong asked him about his future plans. He said that if the domestic internship goes well, he will return to work directly after graduating from university. The reason for this change is unknown to Ji Mingyue.

In June, as senior high school students entered the most intense college entrance examination room, Experimental Middle School was one of the designated test rooms, and all students also had a three-day vacation.

Every time before the holiday, the atmosphere in the class is like a New Year's festival. Everyone's face is full of joy, and even the arc of waving when they are fighting seems to want to be a little more crazy than usual.

"Are you getting wild so quickly?" Yang Chao finished the school meeting, opened the door and walked in, and said, "I can hear you two floors away from the roof!"

Someone laughed and said, "Teacher, two floors away, how do you know it's our class, not the fifth class?"

The class burst into laughter, and Yang Chao said, "Nonsense, can I not hear the voices of you monkeys?" After the joke, he knocked on the podium with a stack of paper in his hand, signaling them to be quiet, "Okay, even if it's right now Don’t just think about playing when you’re on vacation.”

He raised his hand and raised the stack of papers in his hand: "Take the time to discuss with your parents how you want to go in the future."

He deftly divided the paper into several parts, and let the students pass it from front to back row by row: "This is your class placement volunteer form. The advantages and disadvantages of each study of literature and science, the teacher has said many times in the class meeting before." This concerns your future, I hope that you have potential in science and try to keep your knowledge, but I don't force you."

"The most important thing is to discuss it with your parents and make some choices that you regret."

Ji Mingyue took the class placement application form from the front desk. It was a thin and soft piece of paper, but it became a bit heavy under Yang Chao's words.

He passed it to the back table again, and the back table asked him in a low voice: "Ji Mingyue, do you want to study literature or theory?"