Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 5: Are you mocking me for being short? !


After pushing the box of milk, Ji Mingyue kept taking out bread, biscuits and other snacks from his schoolbag, stuffing them into the table bucket.

Now almost no one in the class knows what happened to Lin Feng's house, so he tore open the package of one of the bags of bread while pretending to be casual: "I picked it up at the supermarket in the morning, and I bought too much by accident. I drink it." No."

Before Lin Feng could speak, Ji Mingyue thought of another question: "Hey, drinking milk on an empty stomach doesn't seem good? Then I will give you half of the biscuits. This is sweet, and I will get tired of eating half of it."

He couldn't just break the bread in his hand and give it to him. He was afraid that Lin Feng would dislike him, so he had no choice but to treat him to a biscuit.

In fact, Lin Feng got up before five o'clock today, wiped his mother's body, changed the bedding, and thought that he hadn't finished his homework, so he went straight to school after finishing, and really didn't eat breakfast. A boy of sixteen or seventeen years old is just growing up, and his stomach will burn and feel uncomfortable after a hungry meal.

That is to say, Lin Feng has been so busy recently that he can bear it if he misses one or two meals, but his stomach is really not feeling well. At this time, Ji Mingyue's initiative to "deliver food" is simply giving charcoal in a timely manner.

He lowered his eyelashes, looked at the blue box of milk for a moment, then broke off the straw on it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Ji Ming watched him pick it up eagerly, and the villain in his heart said "YES!" He was so happy that he hurriedly chased after the victory: "What else do you like to eat? Do you like sweets? I like to buy ours. The dessert cake at the school gate, but the first few bites are okay, the latter is too sweet and I don’t want to eat it, it’s a pity to throw it away, if you like it... "

Halfway through the speech, he couldn't help but paused. After coughing, he said a little incoherently: "We are all classmates, why are you being so polite to me..."

It turned out that while breaking the straw, Lin Feng took out a ten-yuan note from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Why did you give me money? I'm not short of money..." Ji Mingyue muttered, seeing Lin Feng's insistence, he could only change his words and say, "It doesn't need so much, the milk is only two yuan, and the biscuits are just as if you eat my leftovers." Oh, I'm going to throw it away if I can't finish it anyway... Ah no, I mean... "

Ahhh, why is he so speechless, and in a few words, he described Lin Feng as someone who picked up his leftover biscuits!

"... I mean, just assume that you helped me share the burden, and I still want to thank you." Ji Ming came back with difficulty, "The same goes for milk. In fact, my dad bought me a few large boxes because he was afraid that I would not grow taller. Put it at home. I don't like to drink, so I secretly brought some more and asked you to help me solve it... "

In order to make things right, he could only pull his father out and blackmail himself again...

I thought that Lin Feng might be angry when he said that before, but he didn't expect that instead of being unhappy on his face, Lin Feng raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said with a smile in his voice: "You should drink more."

... Did he read it wrong? Lin Feng actually laughed!

Ji Ming Echi realized what he meant after realizing it, and said, "Are you laughing at me for being short?!"

"No." Lin Feng denied. He restrained the smile on his lips, but the smile in his eyes was still a little uncontrollable, but he obviously didn't realize it, and looked at Ji Mingyue with this smile, "If you don't want it, I don't have it on me either." Other change."

Ji Mingyue's heart felt as if he had been hit by something, and he unconsciously grabbed the exercise book on the table with his fingers: "'s okay! Anyway, I don't bother to take the three or two yuan... I will keep the account later, When you can get it together, you can pay me back together!"

He opened his notebook, and read while writing: "On February 23, 2008, Lin Feng owed Ji Mingyue two dollars."

Lin Feng watched him finish writing the "IOU" quietly, and said, "The writing is really ugly."

"..." Ji Ming held back for a long while, "Just handsome!"

While they were talking, the morning self-study had actually started, but because the class representatives were going down to collect homework, the class was still a little noisy. As the representative of the physics class, Lin Feng went down to the aisle to collect the physics homework. Before leaving, he "entrusted" his homework to Ji Mingyue to hand it in.

In the past, the two exercise books that could only appear together when copying homework were now put together in a fair manner. Ji Mingyue couldn't help being a little happy when he handed it to the representatives of each subject.

The math class representative was often dragged by him to do "little tricks" similar to the previous ones. Now that he saw him handing in so happily, he even joked: "It's really different after changing the deskmate. The speed of copying homework can be seen." rise."

"I wrote it myself!" Ji Mingyue retorted solemnly, remembering the morning get-together, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, "It's almost as good as he copied mine."

When Lin Feng came back after collecting his homework, he found that his new deskmate was lying on the table with a draft pad spread out in front of him. The tip of his pen was moving very fast, as if he was drawing something.

His curiosity didn't last long, because Ji Mingyue took the initiative to push the book over to show him: "Look quickly, does it look like it?"

Ji Mingyue used a ballpoint pen to draw a Q-version villain with three heads, facing the person sideways, holding a box of milk in one hand, the packaging was exactly the one that Ji Mingyue pushed to him just now, and holding a pen in the other hand , contemplating the homework.

They are all exaggerated proportions with big heads and small bodies, but Lin Feng can tell at a glance that Ji Mingyue is painting himself—the Q version of the villain has a pair of chopper eyes, even though Ji Mingyue's painting style is already very cute, but I still feel that its eyes are full of anger, and there is a kind of "angry and cute" that makes people laugh and cry.

… do I look that vicious

Although he complained from the bottom of his heart, facing Ji Mingyue's repeated questioning, Lin Feng still had to continue to be "violent", and said two words lightly: "It's not like."

"Oh..." Ji Mingyue was a little lost. He originally thought of the interaction in the morning, and imagined Lin Feng's appearance of copying homework while drinking milk. He was so cute in his imagination that he drew it. , that is also a way to show cuteness...

Another route to get good impressions failed, Ji Mingyue turned over the draft book in frustration, and continued to draw on it.

Today is English morning reading, Lin Feng was reading vocabulary, but now he always wants to glance at the draft book at the same table.

He saw that Ji Mingyue sketched a good-looking villain with a few strokes, but he was nestling in the corner and drawing circles listlessly. Ji Mingyue also drew a few imaginary wavy lines around it, To show that it is depressed and about to mold.

Lin Feng never knew that Ji Mingyue could draw, and could draw so skillfully and beautifully, but yes, his family is so rich, it's not uncommon for him to learn a few arts...

Although he said "it's not like", Lin Feng still couldn't help but glance at his new tablemate's notebook again and again.

When there are more and more wavy lines around the villain in the corner, and the "mildew" seems to be getting bigger and bigger... Lin Feng suddenly said: "Didn't you say that you should study hard in the future? It's time for class, let's listen to the class."

In fact, Ji Mingyue's interest has changed from drawing Q version to being obsessed with how to make the wavy lines on the whole page more but not complicated, miscellaneous and not chaotic... Hearing this, he first gave a casual "um" before reacting , suddenly froze a bit.

... The flash of tenderness in Lin Feng's tone just now was his illusion, right? Must be right

It was still a bit difficult for Ji Mingyue to start studying again in the first semester of high school. But since Lin Feng said that, he just bit the bullet and insisted, as much as he can understand is counted.

When Yang Chao was in Chinese class, seeing Ji Mingyue's completely different learning attitude from before, he took it for granted that this was the impact of changing seats, and felt a little more relieved about his decision.

Experimental Middle School is the school with the highest enrollment rate in the province, and the learning atmosphere has always been tense. When class is over, although most people go out to the toilet, buy snacks, and play around, there are also a small group of people who turn on the phone as soon as the bell rings. Kai wrote the homework assigned by the teacher today, racing against time.

Lin Feng was also one of this group of people. Ji Mingyue, who had been focusing on him all the time, also felt that it would be too obvious that he kept staring at him and doing nothing, so he also took out the exercise book to do it.

He took the English that is the easiest for him at present. After all, he has stayed abroad for so many years. Although the curriculum system is very different from that in China, he just read most of the choices and cloze questions in the workbook silently. One time, it can be done with the sense of language.

After comparing the answers, he found that there were only two or three mistakes in total. When drawing with a red pen, he also enjoyed a sense of accomplishment as a "student master" for the first time.

He was admiring his "achievement", Luo Wei came over, put two marker pens on his desk, and said, "I asked you to borrow it yesterday, but I forgot to return it to you."

Because the liberal arts teacher always asks the students to use marker pens of various colors to mark the parts that need to be recited, and even copy the example questions in the book and use different colors to distinguish them, so Luo Wei’s pens are often not enough. . And when Ji Mingyue first bought pens, he took a whole box of pens from the stationery store. There were all kinds of colors, so Luo Wei often asked him to borrow pens.

Ji Mingyue said: "Is it enough for you to pay me back? Or I can give it to you."

Luo Wei shook her head and said, "No, I won't be at the same table with you anymore, so I'll just buy a new one."

Ji Mingyue put away the pen, stuffed it into the pen case in the table hole, and said with a smile, "Are you relying on me? Use my pen when you have me, and you will only know how to buy it when I leave."

"You discovered this!" Luo Wei stuck out her tongue, seeing that the person at the table in front of Ji Mingyue had not returned yet, she sat down in that person's seat and joked, "How does the new tablemate feel? Is there me?"

"It's all good." Ji Mingyue said with a smile. However, he still sighed subconsciously when he thought that today's task of gaining favoritism hadn't made much progress.

When Luo Wei saw him, she thought it was not good for him to say bad things about him in front of Lin Feng, so she looked around to change the subject, and she found Ji Mingyue's English homework: "Wow, this is Did you do it with so few mistakes? It’s even more correct than me!"

Ji Mingyue's tail was about to curl up, and he replied proudly: "I did it, isn't it amazing?"

Luo Wei's grades have always been very good, but she is a little partial in physics and English. Physics is okay. She can learn Chinese to avoid it in the future, but English will not work, especially the variety of verb tenses, which often make the little girl confused. Halo, Ji Mingyue also knows this.

"Did you go abroad again during the holidays?" Luo Wei said enviously, "Will the sense of language get better and better when you listen to people talking every day abroad?"

"...More or less." Ji Mingyue touched his nose, without denying it - he always had to find a suitable reason for his English level to improve by leaps and bounds, "Actually, English is quite simple, like those tenses you don't know, understand the meaning Look at the question again, and it will come naturally.”

"Really?" Luo Wei pointed to a certain question in the workbook, "I did this question too, but I was still dizzy after reading the answer. Why do you use the past perfect tense? The answer is the same as if it wasn't written... "

"Well, do you understand the meaning of the question? It means..." Ji Mingyue was very excited when he was able to explain the question to others, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He and Luo Wei were head to head, facing each other. The exercise book carefully analyzed, " is very clear when you translate it in Chinese, this person is 'already'..."

Lin Feng, who had been quiet beside him for a long time, suddenly stood up and walked outside.

Almost at the same time as he stood up, the preparatory bell rang, and everyone else crowded into the classroom, only he still walked out without stopping, which seemed a bit eye-catching.

Luo Wei looked at his back, a little embarrassed: "Hey... are we too noisy?"

"Maybe..." Ji Mingyue didn't know why, "Maybe he was too focused on studying... Uh, he didn't think of going to the bathroom until he finished writing?"

The preparatory bell was rung, and the teacher was coming soon. Luo Wei returned to her seat after asking the questions, and Lin Feng also stepped on the formal bell to return.

Ji Ming saw that his neckline was a little wet, and his side hair was also a little wet. He guessed that he was sleepy, so he went to wash his face to wake up? He took out two tissues from the bag he carried with him and handed them over: "Lin Feng, do you want to wipe?"

Lin Feng stared ahead without even looking at him: "No, thank you."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

He wanted to grow mushrooms for his little man in the corner again.

How did he offend Lin Feng, and why did he dislike him so much

The tenderness he felt before was indeed his illusion, right? !

Although Ji Mingyue was frustrated, he was psychologically prepared. He knew that Lin Feng had no good feelings for him, and he was not as disappointed as he was when he didn't expect it yesterday. It didn't take long for him to sort out his mood and wait for school to implement his plan B—

After school, he rejected Feng Rui's invitation to go with him, and deliberately fell behind Lin Feng, keeping a distance of about three to five meters, and followed quietly.

Because there were not many students living in the school, the direction of the school gate of the Experimental High School was crowded with people, all of whom were rushing to go home. In the school, Ji Mingyue was not too worried about being discovered by Lin Feng.

After leaving the school gate, Ji Ming was more afraid that his goal was too obvious, and the distance between Lin Feng and Lin Feng was deliberately widened.

The difficulty of tracking like this has obviously increased. Before Ji Mingyue could follow him far, several female students holding hands and chatting and laughing passed by in front of him. When they all passed by, Lin Feng's figure had disappeared at the corner of the street.

The more Ji Ming saw his position, he didn't feel too flustered. He looked up again, and found the signboard of the milk tea shop that he had written down earlier, which was recruiting shop assistants, and walked over.

The milk tea shop has an antifreeze glass door, and the recruitment notice posted before has now been torn off. Through the ice flowers on the glass, you can vaguely see the bustling scene inside. There are several strings of wind chimes hanging on the door, as long as he pushes the door and enters, he can hear it immediately inside.

This made him hesitate a little.

And the moment of his hesitation made the two companion girls who came behind a little impatient, and urged: "Why don't you come in?"

Ji Mingyue said "Oh", and quickly turned sideways to make room for them. When they pushed the door, he also lowered his head and followed behind, and slipped in quietly.

Just as Lin Feng came out after changing his uniform as a shop assistant, he was surrounded by a large group of students ordering in a blink of an eye, and he didn't seem to notice his existence.