Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 54: Is it possible for Lin Feng to turn his head and like him?


The "selfie stick" used to shoot the video was made by Ji Mingyue with a baseball bat, so it was not very stable. The camera shot was shaky at the beginning, and only a few figures could be vaguely recognized.

The boys stood in a row next to the cakes on the dining table. In order to prevent each other from covering each other, they stood according to their height. The person in the front was Ji Mingyue himself, and the people behind poked their heads out one by one. Lin Feng was taller and stood in the second last place.

Although it was a video, everyone thought it was taking pictures at regular intervals, and basically centered on the cake and Wen Erya wearing a paper crown, posing various coquettish poses, but the shutter sound could not be heard for a long time, and everyone was holding on The eyelids don’t let me blink, making my eyes twitch, or because my pose is too difficult, I can’t even stand still, and I try to fix my posture tremblingly.

This scene is still very funny, Ji Mingyue couldn't help laughing when he watched it, and decided not to delete this video, it would be good to save it for future reading when bored.

In the video, someone finally noticed something was wrong, and grabbed Ji Mingyue by the shoulder, asking him to take down his phone to check the situation. After a while of shaking, the mobile phone was put down, and the formation in the kindergarten collapsed instantly, and everyone crowded over to check the mobile phone screen.

… No, not all of them.

After the phone was put down, the tilted screen was at an angle that could capture Lin Feng from bottom to top. He did indeed look this way, but the target of his sight was obviously not the phone, but a position higher up. .

Lin Feng stared at that position for a few seconds, then lowered his eyes and looked in the direction of the phone screen.

At the same time, the "culprit" of the slow shutter has been discovered by the friends, and the recording stopped abruptly amid the shouts of anger and laughter.

Ji Mingyue's fingertips were sweating a little, and he pressed the play button again.

Repeated several times, Lin Feng's line of sight was almost clear enough to be engraved in his brain, although there was no proof...but he had an intuition that Lin Feng was looking at him at that time.

And that look in Lin Feng's eyes...

A look, a look may not explain anything at all, and it is even a bit ridiculous to use it as evidence, but at this moment, Ji Mingyue popped out of his mind a thought that he had never dared to think about before——

Lin Feng, do you also have a crush on him

The cognition of "Lin Feng had a girlfriend" and "Lin Feng is straight" has been deeply ingrained in his heart for ten years. He firmly believes that every time he thinks about the phone call and wants to turn back time, he also are all built on this foundation.

In his idea of "what should he do when he starts over again", there is never the item "tell Lin Feng that he likes him and be with him happily".

But... what if Lin Feng wasn't

"Girlfriend" in this life has been proven to be a fiction, so what is Lin Feng's relationship line like? Is it possible for Lin Feng to... in this life, turn around and like him

Is it possible... Impossible

"Ji Mingyue!" Cui Qi called him, "What are you looking at? I can't find the photo?"

Ji Mingyue was immersed in his own thoughts, and when his name was called unexpectedly, he almost shook his hand and threw the phone to the ground. Fortunately, he collected himself in time, the phone shook and was held in his hand again.

I almost forgot that there are still several people holding their mobile phones and turning on their bluetooth, waiting to be fed. Ji Mingyue said without raising his head, "...what's the hurry, I'm looking at who among you has the ugliest shot."

"You send it here first, and let's judge who is the ugliest." Feng Rui said vaguely, biting the fruit.

Ji Mingyue gave an "um", and at the same time he pressed the send button, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also turned his head just in time, and at a distance from him, they exchanged gazes for a moment.

Like a cluster of electric current rushing up from the spine, whipping the extremely sensitive nerves, Ji Mingyue's fingers trembled, and he turned his head first.

After passing the photo, Ji Mingyue sat on the edge of the sofa again, clicked on the video and watched it back and forth several times.

The shaking of the camera, the voices of the crowd, and Lin Feng's figure all reappeared over and over again. But no matter how you look at it, in the video, Lin Feng's gaze only stops for a few seconds, and it is impossible to see a flower.

"Oh, it would be great if there were melon seeds at this time." Someone watched the TV, smacked his lips and sighed.

"I want to eat spicy sticks!" "I want to drink Coke." "I want to drink beer!!" All the boys felt the same and responded one after another.

Although the villa has prepared a large amount of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish in advance, it is not a problem for them to eat, but it is still a bit difficult to meet the various snack needs of adolescent boys.

"There doesn't seem to be much wine left." Ji Mingyue glanced at the wine cabinet, which was filled with champagne, "There are only a few cans of beer left in the refrigerator."

They are expected to live here for a long time, and they will not be able to drink champagne every day. Not to mention the cost, most of the boys still think that drinking beer is more refreshing.

"That's enough for us to drink." Someone asked. "Is there a supermarket around here? I think we need to do some shopping."

"There seems to be one two kilometers away." Ji Mingyue said, "How about I ask someone to buy it and deliver it?"

After all, this is a suburb with villas, sparsely populated, and very far from the bustling downtown area. The nearest large supermarkets are two kilometers away.

But Ji Mingyue was actually not willing to bother him, because that person didn't have a car himself, so he came to the villa every time by pedaling a bicycle. In such hot midsummer weather, it is a bit inhumane to ask people to ride their bicycles back and forth for hours just to deliver them some snacks.

"Forget it, it's so hot, don't bother people." Wen Erya said, "Whoever wants to be really greedy can just walk to buy it by himself, two kilometers is not too far."

"How about I go, I remember there is still a bicycle in the garage." Ji Ming thought about it more, "Leave when it's cooler in the afternoon, what do you all want to eat?"

Everyone said a lot, the most important thing they want is beer, other cola potato chips and peanuts are second to none: on a hot summer night, while watching the Olympic Games on the sofa, open a can of cold beer at the same time. Speaking of which, it is simply heaven!

"Okay, it's just too heavy, I can't carry it by myself." Ji Mingyue paused, then glanced in a certain direction, "... Lin Feng, come with me."

After dinner in the afternoon, a group of people worked together to drag out the bicycle that Ji Mingyue was talking about from the garage. It was bought by Ji Mingyue on a whim two years ago, and he has never ridden it since. It has been kept in the garage. He thought it should be covered with dust, but when he dragged it out to dry in the sun, he found that it looked like a not bad.

It seems that the manager of the villa sometimes swaps his bicycle with this one. There is an air pump next to it, the tires are full, the bearings have been oiled, and there is no trace of rust.

Lin Feng straddled his long legs, rode up, turned his head and said to Ji Mingyue, "Come up."

It's evening now, under the sunset, Lin Feng's hair was gently blown by Xia Feng, Wen Erya sighed: "With Lin Feng's face, it's a pity not to make idol dramas."

Feng Rui said: "Aren't we filming now? Look, Ji Mingyue is the number one heroine!"

Ji Mingyue got into the car halfway, gritted his teeth and turned his head: "Feng Rui, if you dare to feminize me again, I will let you sleep in the swimming pool tonight!!"

"...All right." Feng Rui was very quick to confess, but it didn't stop him from muttering a few words in a low voice, "Female? The word is quite advanced."

Ji Mingyue had already sat in the back seat, and while passing Feng Rui, he held Lin Feng's clothes corner with one hand, and patted Feng Rui's head hard with the other.

"Damn it!" Feng Rui yelled, holding his head and looking up, only to see that Lin Feng had already been riding Ji Mingyue and Feng Feng for a certain distance, and he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to, "What the hell... "

"Hahahaha..." Ji Mingyue looked at Feng Rui's angry figure who ran a few steps in vain, and finally became smaller and smaller, and laughed so hard.

Lin Feng said in front: "Don't shake it, hold on tight."

"Oh." Hearing what he said, Ji Mingyue sat up obediently and shook his hand holding the corner of Lin Fengyi, "I'm holding it."

"Clothes are not good." Lin Feng said, "When you are about to fall, it doesn't matter how tightly you hold onto the clothes."

Isn’t this thing just for keeping balance, if you really want to fall, even if it hugs you tightly like an octopus, it will fall if you should fall? It's better to say that the two fell together even worse...

Ji Mingyue was still slandering in his heart, but Lin Feng suddenly stretched out a hand, and put Ji Mingyue's hand holding the hem of his clothes on his waist.

Between teenagers and youths, the heat of the waist and abdomen, which is flexible and full of strength, is transmitted to the palm of the hand through vigorous pulsation.

Ji Mingyue's face was "hot" hot, and all the slander was thrown out of the sky in an instant.

He couldn't help but start thinking wildly again...

In fact, for Ji Mingyue, what he found out from the video today is more meaningful than the ambiguous hug behind the curtain late last night, or even that accidental kiss.

Because he knew that he was gay a long time ago, even though he had never been in a relationship in his previous life, he had silently observed the lives of his kind in forums large and small. One of the most frequently mentioned warnings to young gays in forums is: "Don't fall in love with straight men".

If women are described as emotional animals, then men have to remove the word "sensation" - their reason is often dominated by the lower body, or to put it crudely, men can do anything for pleasure.

In some extremely special circumstances, the dividing line between straight and non-straight can be blurred to almost nothing. Straight men can hug you and rub your ears together, but in fact, what they dream of is a beautiful woman with big breasts and long legs. . When this extreme environment disappears and all the ambiguity dissipates without a trace, the dividing line will immediately become a bottomless moat.

Therefore, Ji Mingyue actually looked at the ambiguous contact and confusion between him and Lin Feng in the dark with an almost sober attitude.

In that extremely private environment, with a man's nature, it's normal to do anything, even if Lin Feng desires him...he won't be too surprised.

So he left in a hurry at that time, not because he was afraid of each other's impulsiveness, but because he knew that neither of them could bear the consequences of impulsiveness.

... Desire is normal, but emotion is different.

Although it's just a look, it still doesn't allow Ji Ming to distinguish and confirm clearly.

But if he's not mistaken, Lin Feng is at least... interested in his face

Ji Mingyue turned his face away with a "swish", his eyes were piercing.

Lin Feng was slightly taken aback: "What's wrong with you?"

At this time they had finished shopping, Lin Feng was holding a case of beer in his arms, Ji Mingyue was carrying various snacks in his hands, the bicycle was parked in the garage, and the two were walking side by side towards the interior of the villa.

Ji Mingyue: "..."

How can he verify whether Lin Feng is interested in his face? Go up and seduce him? =_=