Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 55: Breathing is close to each other


Ji Ming took a deep breath, feeling very distressed.

Don't say that he can't do such shameless things as "seduce", even if he takes a step back, if he really succeeds in "seduce", what is the difference from what he wanted to avoid before? In the final analysis, isn't it still because of "desire"

If it was a different person, another time, maybe he would not be so entangled in the issue of "love" or "desire". Love and desire are inseparable. It is human nature to want to be closer to the person you love.

But Lin Feng couldn't do it.

If it is "love", Ji Ming is more likely to try harder to see if it is possible; but if it is pure "desire"... At Lin Feng's age, he is cold and indifferent, and the girl stands He didn't even look at him when he was called at the door of the class, and he didn't have any channels to contact women.

If Lin Feng made the first one himself just because he had never tasted desire, even if he knew the taste from the marrow, wouldn't it be the same as leading him astray with his own hands

No matter how mature and introverted Lin Feng looked, he was still underage after all, and was still at the age where he was most likely to be induced and to go to a fork in the road of life. But in Ji Mingyue's heart, he is an adult who has grown up for many years.

If that's the case... he'd better let Lin Feng go and let him live his beautiful and bright life.

Ji Mingyue was so absorbed in his ecstasy that he didn't pay attention when he went up the steps, and when he tripped, Lin Feng almost immediately shook the beer box with his arm, shifting his weight to his right arm, freed his left hand, and held the beer box firmly. Ji Mingyue held back.

At first, he pulled Ji Mingyue's waist, and when Ji Mingyue stood still, he hugged him gently, as if to confirm that he would not fall down again.

It's not that Ji Mingyue has never experienced similar situations before, but in the past, he would only secretly rejoice in his heart, thinking that it was great to have physical contact with Lin Feng again, and he would not think wrong at all.

But now, he can't help but start to speculate: Is it because Lin Feng reacted so quickly because he has been paying attention to him all the time? Was Lin Feng also nervous about him

His throat tightened, and both hands were already full of snack bags, but at this moment, he stretched out two fingers with difficulty, and touched Lin Feng's hand on his waist: "Thank you..."

The moment their fingers touched, the two looked at each other almost at the same time, and they both saw their own reflections clearly in each other's pupils.

The air seemed to have become thicker, softly and densely, like a ribbon, wrapping the two of them in the middle.

Breathing is close to each other.

"—Lin Feng?"

What broke the silence was a voice that Ji Mingyue hadn't even thought about. He was startled, almost immediately withdrew his hand, and called back: "Auntie!"

Behind her was indeed Jiang Manyun. The nurse was pushing the wheelchair behind her. A blanket was covering her knees. Hearing this, she nodded and said softly, "Why don't you go in?"

"I forgot what I was talking about." Lin Feng took Ji Mingyue slightly behind him, "Are you bored in the room?"

"Actually not." Jiang Manyun said with a smile, "I just heard that there is a sea near here, so I asked Xiao Gao to push me to have a look." The nurse was not very old, in his thirties, and not tall, Jiang Manyun kept calling her affectionately "Xiao Gao".

"How long have you been out?" Lin Feng walked over naturally, "I remember the doctor said, try not to see the wind at night."

"It didn't take long, and I felt cold, so I asked Xiao Gao to push me back. Where did you come back from? Went to buy beer?"

"Well, I went with Ji Mingyue. We wanted to watch the Olympic Games at night, and felt that it was boring without beer and snacks."

"If it's interesting or not, you can't drink too much..."

Lin Feng and Jiang Manyun were talking, and slowly entered the villa. Ji Mingyue was two steps behind them, looking at Jiang Manyun's back, in a daze.

Lin Feng and Ji Mingyue put their things on the coffee table in the living room, which attracted excited cheers from all the boys. When they saw Jiang Manyun beside Lin Feng, they quickly pinched each other to quiet each other down.

Jiang Manyun looked at them standing silently with their hands tied, and thought it was cute, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "You can play casually, Auntie can't hear you upstairs."

Everyone nodded like chickens pecking at rice, Jiang Manyun asked Lin Feng to put away the wheelchair, and then brought some specific things from the car. The nurse supported her and slowly went upstairs along the spiral staircase.

Ji Mingyue followed, entered the door and helped the nurse help Jiang Manyun to the bed, and asked her, "Auntie, do you still think there is anything missing? Or if I feel uncomfortable, I can make some adjustments?"

"No, no, this is already very good." Jiang Manyun looked at him softly, "Auntie doesn't even know how to thank you..."

"I'm good friends with Lin Feng, so don't mention thank you, let's be more generous." Even though he said so, Ji Mingyue still felt a little guilty, turned his head, and pretended to concentrate on fiddle with the golden decoration on the desk lamp tassel.

"Okay, then Auntie will stop talking." Jiang Manyun paused, and asked the nurse to go out and pour her a cup of hot water. After the door was closed, she said to Ji Mingyue, "Mingyue, you are so good with Lin Feng, you know him well. At school... did you have a girlfriend?"

Ji Mingyue's heart skipped a beat, he swallowed, and said with a smile, "Why, why are you asking this suddenly?"

"My own child, can you not understand?" Jiang Manyun smiled slightly, "He just likes to keep everything in his heart, and only tells when he has to."

Maybe because "we" became "I", she sighed sadly: "I am just a mother, and I have a little more intuition about my children than others. But if Lin Feng refuses to tell me, I will There is no way."

"You..." Ji Mingyue said, "Have you asked him?"

"I asked him on the sidelines, but he always seems to avoid this topic intentionally or unintentionally." Jiang Manyun frowned slightly.

"Then, probably not..." Ji Mingyue gently twirled the tassel with his fingers, "I didn't see him with anyone at school. Didn't he make up lessons for me? I probably don't have that time..."

"Actually, you said that auntie is not the kind of feudal parent, right? It's normal for a 16 or 7-year-old to want to fall in love, as long as you don't delay your studies and don't affect your future life..." Jiang Manyun said in a daze, raising her head. Glancing at Ji Mingyue, "What about you, Mingyue? Have you got a girlfriend yet?"

Ji Mingyue's heart skipped a beat again, and he replied, "... huh? Me neither."

"No little girl you like?" Jiang Manyun said with a smile.

"No, I'm too short, they all regard me as a younger brother." Ji Mingyue scratched his nose and said with a smile.

"It's not too short, it's considered average in the south." Jiang Manyun comforted him with a smile, "It's just that Lin Feng grows too tall and overwhelms you. Sometimes when you go to that station together, you suddenly make a mistake. Think you two are in love."

Ji Mingyue gasped for breath, unconsciously tightened his fingers holding the tassel, and blurted out: "Auntie, I..."

The door was gently pushed open, and the nurse came in with hot water. She nodded to Ji Mingyue with a smile, walked to his side, skillfully opened the medical box they brought, and rummaged through it for the medicine Jiang Manyun wanted to take.

Ji Mingyue took two steps back, trying to make room for the nurse, but he didn't expect to step on Lin Feng who was following him in. Lin Feng helped him from behind and said, "Be careful."

Ji Mingyue nodded hastily, and said to Jiang Manyun: "Auntie, then I'll go down and play with them first? If you need anything, you can ask the nurse to come to me."

After walking out of the room for a while, Ji Mingyue leaned against the railing on the second floor and let out a breath slowly.

Jiang Manyun spoke very euphemistically, very euphemistically... and from her demeanor and tone, Ji Mingyue could tell that her intention was just to remind, not to warn.

But the more this happened... Ji Ming felt more guilty.

Wen Erya pushed aside the fruit Ling Xi handed over, took a bottle of Coke and drank it herself, raised her head to see Ji Mingyue on top, and shouted: "What are you looking at? Come down!"

Ling Xi stuffed something into his hand again, Wen Erya frowned and opened it, glared at Ling Xi, and then reluctantly stuffed it into his pocket.

After stuffing it in his pocket, he glanced at the TV, then raised his head and said to Ji Mingyue: "The opening ceremony has begun! Aren't you coming down to watch?"

His demeanor was very natural, probably because he thought that as long as Ji Mingyue didn't hear anything last night, he wouldn't be able to see the trickery between him and Ling Xi. But in fact, apart from the group of careless boys, in the eyes of people like Ji Mingyue who "have relevant knowledge", their interaction is already very obvious.

Ji Mingyue responded, and said, "Come on! I didn't buy a few duck necks, so save some for me!"

Maybe it's more selfish... But as far as the current situation is concerned, since Lin Feng's meaning is not so obvious, Ji Ming is more troubled because he can't tell whether it is "love" or "desire", and he dare not take rash actions...

Then wait until the day when Lin Feng expresses it clearly enough.

He will decide.

Putting aside one worry, Ji Ming became more relaxed, but at the same time felt a little empty in his heart. In addition, he had already watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in his previous life, so when his friends were stunned and amazed, he seemed more absent-minded. The one who looked down at the phone from time to time.

"That's awesome, how did Lao Mouzi do it..." Feng Rui clicked on the potato chips, and while marveling at Ji Mingyue, he said dissatisfiedly, "Miss, it's so exciting, why don't you watch it?"

"I watched it, but do I have to stare at it from beginning to end like you?" Ji Mingyue was playing with his mobile phone. Seeing that Lin Feng had also come down from the stairs, he asked after a pause, "Auntie is sleeping?" Yet?"

"Sleeping." Lin Feng sat down beside him.

"Hey, tell me, will our country win a lot of gold medals in this Olympics?" Feng Rui looked at the screen and said excitedly, "This is the host!"

"That's for sure," Cui Qi said, "Du Li will definitely win the first gold, right? And Liu Xiang, I read the news that his coach said that he is in good condition, and he will definitely break the world record this time! Super flying man! "

"Yes, this time it will definitely overwhelm the United States!"

Ji Mingyue heard the words, but frowned slightly. Thinking of the later generations, after these athletes missed the gold medal, the world ridiculed them, he couldn't help but said: "People are not gods, how can they guarantee that they will always win? There are winners in the competition. It’s normal to lose, so don’t expect too much.”

"How is it possible?" Someone said, "Others lose my faith, but Liu Xiang! Didn't you see that our geography teachers all worship him and regard him as a national hero? How could he lose!"

"Other opponents are also very strong, and they have a racial advantage..." Ji Mingyue's voice subconsciously became softer, "Besides, it's uncertain whether they will be on the field..."

"Damn it, it's fine if you say you'll lose, you won't even play, are you kidding me?" Feng Rui said, "I have an uncle in Beijing, and he said that the tickets for the 110-meter hurdles have been sold for tens of thousands, so even if you can't win You won't be retiring, will you?"

"That's it!"

Ji Mingyue said: "So many people's expectations are on him, it's not incomprehensible to retire..."

They are all big boys with a lot of blood, and they started arguing as they talked. Feng Rui felt that Ji Mingyue said that Liu Xiang would lose, and he was simply insulting his national hero. He wanted to bet with Ji Mingyue when he took the potato chips, and he lost. One person is worth a semester's day for the other.

Ji Mingyue was a little ridiculous, but of course he was not afraid of making such a bet, and asking Feng Rui to be on duty for him was not a terrible punishment that Feng Rui could not afford, so he agreed half-jokingly.

Although the others were witnesses, they didn't really regard Ji Mingyue's words as a "prophecy". They laughed and said that they wanted to "supervise" the result of the bet, and then continued to chat about the opening ceremony.

Only Lin Feng glanced lightly at Ji Mingyue.

When Du Li really missed the first gold the next day, the friends scolded Ji Mingyue for being crowed, thinking it was just a matter of luck to choose one of the two. Ji Mingyue could only curl his lips, noncommittal.

After a long time, the bet was forgotten by them.

Until noon a few days later, the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries began.

Almost no one present was still worried about the bet. The day before was too late, Ji Mingyue was upstairs to catch up on sleep, and the rest of the people were eating potato chips and drinking cold beer, looking forward to their "flying people" Wonderful performance.

Lin Feng was also staring at the TV screen. Under the extremely close lens, he saw that the "flying man" looked nervous, and beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead.

Before the referee fired the starting gun, he suddenly stood up and walked out of the track.

The audience was in an uproar.

The author has something to say: Just treat it as a trapeze person in an overhead world. In fact, I don’t really want to involve real people. The words of the characters in the article should not be promoted.