Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 6: All eyes were on him


The main group of this milk tea shop is high school students, so the store is not big. The most spacious place is the bar in front, which is convenient for students to pack and take away after buying. There are only two or three candy-colored ones in the corner by the window. Small tables for customers in need to rest.

The business of the milk tea shop is extremely hot today. Ji Mingyue wanted to pretend to "encounter" with Lin Feng, order a milk tea and drink slowly, and then go home together if everything goes well. ... Now looking at the crowd at the front desk, it is estimated that his plan will not be implemented for the time being.

But he didn't want to give up this opportunity to get along with Lin Feng in private, so he simply sat by the window, took out some homework that didn't require brains from his schoolbag, and started writing with one hand.

He occasionally raised his head to look at the situation at the counter, surrounded by Lin Feng, looking very busy.

He should have just put on the staff uniform given by the milk tea shop over his shirt—it was actually a snow-white apron. But wearing the apron on him, complemented by his good figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist, seemed to be the uniform of some tall family.

His cuffs were rolled up to his elbows, his expression was focused, from nose to lips seemed to be painted with a layer of white glaze under the cold white milk tea shop light, the lines were sharp and smooth.

When Ji Mingyue was a boy, he only knew that Lin Feng was handsome, he was so handsome, but he couldn't tell why. Some years later in his previous life, he even thought, if he had grown up and matured and looked back at Lin Feng back then, would he also think that he was not as handsome as he thought

Just like a snack called "sticky mouse" that he liked very much when he was a child, every time he heard someone selling it downstairs, he would drag Ji Hong to buy it. When I grow up, I have eaten countless exquisite cakes and desserts, and when I look back at the "sticky mouse" when I was a child, I will feel that it is commonplace, but a little...

Until now he knew that it was different.

Lin Feng was too young, so he still had unavoidable youthfulness and immaturity. But the clearness, tenacity, and even the unique sex appeal of sixteen or seventeen years old belong to young people, just like a green and straight birch tree, which can make people's hearts beat for him at any time.

Almost everyone in the shop focused their attention on him.

Afterwards, the people who came in and out of the milk tea shop were basically all girls. Some boys came in, and most of them came with their girlfriends.

Ji Mingyue heard many girls who came together talking in low voices and excitedly: "It's so handsome!" He will come after school in the afternoon, as expected!" "Did any of you ask for his phone number?"...

Originally, he was still a little sour when he heard it, but when he turned his head inadvertently, he found a middle-aged woman standing at the door and looking at him.

The middle-aged woman was wearing the same apron as Lin Feng, and she looked like the owner of the milk tea shop. She was probably dissatisfied with Ji Mingyue's behavior of not buying milk tea and taking up space to do homework.

Ji Mingyue was also a little embarrassed—wasn't he afraid of being seen by Lin Feng? Then you can't pretend to meet by chance. After thinking about it, he waved to the proprietress, and when she came over, he said, "I want a cup, no, two cups of the most expensive milk tea here!"

Two glasses should be enough for a long time...

As a result, the proprietress really treated him much more pleasantly, and even smiled at him: "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Well..." Ji Mingyue said vaguely, "It will be done later, please bring it for me, thank you."

He looked down at his phone and found that Huang Shuxiang had sent him a text message. She was shopping at the vegetable market and asked him what he wanted to eat.

Ji Mingyue casually mentioned a few dishes he liked, and told her that he would go back later and was not in a hurry to cook.

Although there are already smartphones these days, and Ji Mingyue still uses the latest N97, the system at that time is called Symbian, and there are very few softwares that can be downloaded, and it takes a long time to load the page on the Internet. Accustomed to using a smart phone comparable to a small computer, Ji Mingyue became impatient after playing a few times, put the phone back into his pocket, and continued to write his liberal arts homework slowly.

To be honest, after he started doing his homework obediently, among all the subjects, his favorite thing to do was liberal arts homework. When it comes to big questions, just tear up the reference answers and copy them. Basically, you don’t need to use your brain, and you can let your thoughts go wild—he was also an artist in his previous life.

In particular, he also experienced such a wonderful thing as rebirth, thinking about the past, present, and future, what he can and cannot change, and unconsciously, his mind wanders away.

Until two cups of milk tea were placed heavily in front of him.

This "heaviness" does not mean that the person who served the milk tea had a bad attitude, but that the milk tea shop in front of the school in 2008 did not have as many tricks as later generations. The so-called "most expensive milk tea" is pearls, coconuts, Red beans, pudding... and other ingredients that are available in the store are all added. Right now, these two cups of milk tea are basically half a cup of milk and half a cup of heavy ingredients. When they are placed on the table like this, you can still see them dangling up and down.

Ji Mingyue was almost taken aback, and subconsciously said "thank you" while reaching out to pick it up.

He didn't realize something was wrong until he stretched his hand halfway—the hand on the edge of the cup was clean and slender, and it looked like... Lin Feng's hand.

As soon as Ji Mingyue raised his head, he happened to meet Lin Feng's eyes looking down at him. The two eyes met in the air, and Ji Mingyue's ears suddenly became a little hot-did he specifically say to the proprietress, "'You' help me bring it here. "? The word "you" is reread! Why is it Lin Feng who came over! !

Lin Feng came out of the counter suddenly and brought two cups of milk tea to Ji Mingyue, causing many people to look in their direction.

Ji Mingyue felt that the back of his ears was getting hotter, but he could still maintain his composure, scratched his hair, and said thank you again: "Thank you, cough... what a coincidence."

"Unfortunately." Lin Feng didn't expect such a sentence, but he didn't give Ji Mingyue time to ask, he tapped the lid of the milk tea lightly with his knuckles, and quoted the price, "A cup of vanilla milk tea is five yuan, pearls are one yuan , one yuan for coconut, one yuan for pudding... "

Ji Ming was more embarrassed to delay his work, so he directly stuffed one hundred yuan into his hand: "Don't tell me, I trust you! The rest, no, just ask me for money!"

Originally, he wanted to say that he would give Lin Feng the rest of the money as a tip, but thinking that Lin Feng would not accept it, he simply changed his mind.

Lin Feng looked down at the hundred oceans in his hand, and frowned slightly.

"Are you waiting for someone?" He didn't leave in a hurry, and asked the same question as the proprietress.

"...It doesn't count." Ji Mingyue couldn't say "I'm waiting for you" directly, his small eyes glanced around, and found that it was snowing outside the window at some point, so he quickly pointed out the window, "I don't want to brave the snow to go back Home, I'll wait until the snow stops before leaving!"

Lin Feng then glanced out of the window, apparently not believing it, but he was still working after all, so it was hard to tell Ji Mingyue too much, so he could only nod his head and said "Yes".

The people around the front desk noticed this scene, and they all thought they had discovered a new way to attract the attention of the handsome clerk—sitting in the store and ordering milk tea, not only can enjoy the special food delivery from the other party, but also have a few conversations with him ! The conversation is going on, maybe if you are not careful, you will be able to get the phone number!

As a result, besides the empty round table except Ji Mingyue, several well-dressed girls soon sat down, ordering with a smile: "Student, I want a caramel macchiato !" "I want a cup of pudding milk tea!"...

In high school, the well-behaved and motivated top students and such "bad students" seemed to be divided into two very distinct factions. On the one hand, they were naked all day long, and they couldn't even tell what kind of cosmetics they had, while on the other hand, they let their youth look like a child. Beauty blooms to the greatest extent, girls make up, perm, insist on short skirts and boots in winter, and boys must also "play monolithic", otherwise how can they be "fashionable" when wrapped into a ball

Smoking, fighting, and falling in love are rebellious and fashionable things in their view. Among them, changing boyfriends and girlfriends frequently is the most direct way to prove their charm.

Therefore, the more Ji Ming knew that they might not be serious about teasing and teasing Lin Feng, but probably just for the sake of having more conversations in the future, he still couldn't help being a little angry.

But he couldn't stop Lin Feng from working normally, so he could only draw small mushrooms squatting in the corner of the wall one after another on the draft paper angrily.

Unexpectedly, although other people sat in the store and ordered, and then came up to deliver milk tea, they were all the proprietress that Ji Mingyue had met before, and occasionally her daughter who just came back from work helped. I have never seen Lin Feng come out of the bar again.

A girl with curly hair couldn't help asking the proprietress why Lin Feng didn't come out, and the proprietress just smiled and said, "You guys ordered too much, he can't go away."

"When the boy over there called milk tea, there were more people!" The girl was obviously referring to Ji Mingyue, "Then he still came out to give it away?"

The proprietress took a look at Ji Mingyue and said, "That's his classmate, the two of them knew each other from the beginning."

The girl finally had nothing to say, felt bored, leaned back on the chair and drank a few mouthfuls of milk tea, then stood up and left with her little sisters.

Ji Mingyue pretended to be doing homework at this moment, and his peripheral vision kept falling in Lin Feng's direction.

Counting it, Lin Feng would be on the job the next day at most, but he did it quite skillfully, coordinating with an existing skilled worker in the store, he hardly made any mistakes.

Because of the light snow falling outside, the hair and shoulders of the students passing by were covered with white snowflakes, and fewer and fewer people entered the milk tea shop. It gets dark early in the winter in the north, and the dusk falls shortly after school is over. The warm yellow street lamps are turned on one by one, casting long shadows on the side of the street.

"Ji Mingyue." Lin Feng walked up to him, tapped his fingers on the table, and called his name.

This seemed to be the first time Lin Feng called Ji Mingyue by his name after he came back from rebirth.

Ji Mingyue's heart skipped a beat, and he stuttered immediately: "What, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to get off work." Lin Feng had already put on his schoolbag and changed out of his "employee uniform". He was wearing his thin black coat, "Are you leaving?"

"Ah, so fast? Then I'll go with you!" Ji Mingyue quickly stood up and cleaned up his homework spread out on the table. Lin Feng lowered his eyes and saw a row of mushrooms on his notebook, the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, but Ji Mingyue was too busy tidying up, so he didn't see it.

"Hey, I haven't finished my milk tea yet..." There was a small half of one cup left, and the other cup was left untouched. In fact, the large amount of milk tea is one aspect. It's not that Ji Mingyue can't drink it anymore, but he is afraid that he will drink too much. What should he do if he has to urinate and can't sit still in the store...

He scratched his cheek, sucked the rest of his cup, drank it in one go, and pushed the other cup in front of Lin Feng: "Don't waste it, I can't finish it, this cup is my treat for you... Halfway through the speech, he felt inappropriate again, "I forgot, the milk tea is cold, I'd better take it back and drink it slowly, and I'll..."

How can you give Lin Feng a cup of cold milk tea!

"Didn't you say you wanted to give it to me?" Who knew that Lin Feng suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the cup of milk tea, and the two fingers inevitably touched each other. He paused for a moment, and although he still moved his fingers away, he remained firm. He pushed the milk tea into his hand without hesitation, "Repent?"

"How is that possible!" Although cold milk tea is not good for treating guests, if Lin Feng asks for it, he will definitely give it! Ji Mingyue was in a better mood, packed his schoolbag, and said, "Let's go!"

"Wait a minute." Lin Feng stretched out his hand helplessly, "Did you forget? I haven't asked you for money yet."

Ji Mingyue actually didn't forget it, but he felt that Lin Feng would not be greedy for his little money, so he didn't rush to ask, and now he really took the initiative to mention it.

But looking down, the amount is not quite right...

"I'll give you one hundred, and you get one hundred from me?" Ji Ming laughed more, "Student Lin Feng, you don't seem to be good at math..."

"This is your money." Lin Feng said, "I invite you to drink milk tea."

Ji Ming was startled, and subconsciously glanced at the milk tea in Lin Feng's hand: "...this is too strange, I will treat you to milk tea with the milk tea you invited me..."

"Take it." Lin Feng stuffed the money into his pocket involuntarily, then withdrew his hand like lightning, put it into his own pocket, looked at the streetlight outside the window, and said, " didn't cost much. I told the proprietress You are my classmate, and the internal price is discounted."

"Also." He paused, "When you spend money outside in the future, don't give it so carelessly. Even if you are really rich, you may be targeted by people with ulterior motives..."

Ji Mingyue was stunned again, his face became hot unconsciously, he scratched his hair, and nodded seriously: "I see."

Lin Feng glanced at his soft and fluffy hair, coughed and said, "... let's go."

The two came out of the milk tea shop. It was snowing outside, but it was much smaller now.

In a small northern city, the New Year's Eve has just passed, and the buses will basically stop running after 7:00 pm. With Lin Feng working so hard to make money now, he may not be willing to take a taxi for that money, and basically can only rely on walking.

"Where is your home?" Ji Mingyue pretended to be casual, "Maybe we will drop by!"

"My house is quite far away." Lin Feng glanced at him and said, "In the city center, it usually takes more than 20 minutes by bus."

Ji Mingyue knew that Lin Feng was actually going to the city hospital, so he said without changing his face, "Sure enough! My house is over there, which is a section in front of the city hospital. Let's go together?"

He deliberately said "in front of the city hospital", Lin Feng shouldn't have to worry about being exposed, seeing how caring he is!

Lin Feng said, "You live so far away? Your driver didn't come to pick you up?"

"No, Feng Rui and the others laughed at me, so I don't need a driver to take me there." This sentence is telling the truth, Ji Ming rubbed the back of his head, "Walking more can also exercise your body..."

"But isn't where you live right across from the school?"

"... huh?" Ji Mingyue was tongue-tied.

"It's in that building." Lin Feng even raised his finger, even the exact location was pretty much the same.

"Uh..." Ji Mingyue stammered, "I..."

In fact, based on his experience, of course he can immediately tell a lie that can fool the past without blinking an eye, but now he is beginning to hesitate: in order to get close to Lin Feng and think he is good to him, he should lie to Lin Feng

But Lin Feng bought him milk tea with his part-time salary...

Seeing that Ji Ming was silent, Lin Feng shook the milk tea bag in his hand, and the plastic bag rubbed against each other, making a rustling sound.

Facing the halo of warm yellow street lights, his face was a bit blurred, but this did not prevent his voice from being heard very clearly.

"Can you tell me why you keep following me?"