Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 60: Ji Mingyue actually hoped to see Lin Feng cry


The winter vacation of Beicheng Experimental High School's first and second grades is generally only one month, with New Year's Eve as the center point, extending 15 days forward and backward. Like the start of school on February 22 last year, it happened to be on the 16th day of the first lunar month.

Lin Feng's father happened before last year. According to the lunar calendar, it is the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and January 24th in the Gregorian calendar; but this year's January 24th in the Gregorian calendar is the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month—that is, the day after tomorrow. It's New Year's Eve.

Ji Hong is also on a business trip for the past two days, saying that he will not be able to make it back on New Year's Eve, and the plane will arrive home on the morning of New Year's Eve. Ji Ming got used to this kind of situation earlier, perhaps because he was influenced by family values. Like Ji Hong, he is not a person who attaches great importance to the "sense of ritual". "Compared with the obsession to get together no matter what, they all agreed that understanding and missing each other is more important.

The father and son asked each other about their health, and Ji Hong asked him about his recent study progress and whether he was short of money, and told him to go to bed early and pay attention to nutrition, and then hung up the phone.

Ji Mingyue looked at the phone screen that was slowly dimming, and then turned his head to look at the wall calendar next to the bed. The two small red characters "New Year's Eve" following the 24th were particularly eye-catching at this moment.

The next day, he heard the movement from the outside early, and Lin Feng had tried to keep his movements as light as possible, as if he didn't want to wake him up. However, because Ji Mingyue was thinking about things in his heart, he also slept very lightly, and woke up with the slightest sound.

After Lin Feng left, he lay on the warm quilt, staring up at the ceiling in a daze. When he counted the one hundred and thirteenth sheep, he still couldn't hold back, lifted the quilt and sat up.

Although he knew that this was probably meaningless, and he still looked like a stalker... But he still didn't want Lin Feng to bear the loneliness of losing his loved ones alone in these days.

Lin Feng said it was "not a happy thing" and he didn't want to tell him, so he couldn't force Lin Feng to take him and get involved in Lin Feng's family affairs.

Accompanying you from a distance, even if it can only be regarded as psychological comfort for yourself... It is much better than just sitting at home later, either guessing or regretting repeatedly.

He got up and changed his clothes, and went to the window sill to have a look, only to find that it was snowing outside. It seemed that it had just started to fall not long ago. There was only a thin layer of snow on the ground, but the snowflakes were huge, swirling and swaying from the air. Falling down.

Ji Ming turned his head, went to the closet and found a long black fur-collar down jacket—at a time like this, it's better to dress in a low-key and public way...

However, because he likes to be beautiful, he never buys down jackets that are as bloated as a ball. This down jacket still looks quite thin.

Fortunately, the price of this piece is high, and it is filled with high-grade materials, so it is not a problem to keep out the cold and wind for a short time. While changing clothes, Ji Mingyue picked up his cell phone and called Driver Chen.

Ji Hong is often not in Beicheng recently, and Zhang Sa is his driver when he is on a business trip. Driver Chen is almost becoming Ji Mingyue's exclusive driver.

But he didn't have any dissatisfaction. Rather, this job will make many people envious: he still has a high salary, and usually picks up a student to and from school. Recently, he doesn't even need to leave school. I only call him when I want to go out to play, and I just drive. I don't need to drink and socialize, and I don't need to accompany the leader to flatter me. Not to mention how comfortable it is.

Therefore, even though Ji Mingyue called him early in the morning on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, when he went downstairs, Driver Chen still smiled brightly and enthusiastically: "Mingyue, where are we going in such a cold day?"

"Uh... to see Lin Feng's mother." Ji Mingyue got stuck and said, "Go to the city hospital first."

Driver Chen had also seen Jiang Manyun many times, so he nodded and stepped on the accelerator.

Ji Hong also mentioned before that Jiang Manyun should be transferred to a hospital in a first-tier city to receive better treatment, but her attending doctor objected that Jiang Manyun's mental state was too fragile, and he might not be able to bear the environment of being alone in a foreign country without relatives. Ji Hong could only give up.

Lin Feng said that he would go out all day, and Ji Mingyue estimated that he would not be in the cemetery all day, and the most likely thing was to go to the hospital first. Driver Chen parked the car downstairs in the hospital, but Ji Mingyue didn't open the door to get out of the car. Instead, he lay on the car window, looking through the snowflakes, making out the figures of passers-by with difficulty.

"Mingyue, why don't you go up?" Driver Chen was a little puzzled.

"Hmm..." Ji Mingyue said absent-mindedly, "I'll wait for Lin Feng to come out before going up."

The reason he gave was vague, but it was the owner's house after all. Seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, the driver Chen would not keep asking blankly, and replied, "Oh, then I'll help you look at it too. I have a wide view here. !"

Ji Mingyue couldn't see Lin Feng entering the hospital, and he didn't know if he missed it or because Xue Taitai didn't see clearly. But he felt that he knew Lin Feng well, and somehow believed that he was in the hospital, waiting in the car for more than two hours.

Driver Chen turned on the heat in the car and lowered the window a crack to allow air to circulate. He waited with Ji Mingyue for more than two hours. He was a bit addicted to smoking, and he didn't want to smoke in front of Ji Mingyue, so he turned to him and asked, "Mingyue, are you hungry? Uncle Chen will get you some Buy some food?"

"Oh, I haven't eaten." Ji Mingyue's fingertips were a little stiff. He reacted and rubbed them in his palms, "Uncle Chen, have you eaten? Sorry, I called you out early in the morning. Today may Not a single day will come."

"I ate early, I'm fine!" Driver Chen smoked a cigarette, put it in his shirt pocket and got out of the car, "The most feared thing about being a driver is waiting for someone. I'm going to lurk in this snowy day today, haha, just follow me." It's like making a movie."

He came back and bought meat buns and rice porridge for Ji Mingyue. Just as Ji Mingyue inserted the straw, he raised his eyes and saw a familiar black figure coming out of the hospital gate. He was so excited that he almost knocked over. Baozi: "Come out!"

He guessed right!

"What now, drive over and ask Lin Feng to get in the car?" Driver Chen asked.

"No, no, don't bark!" Ji Mingyue quickly stopped, saying, "Wait a little longer."

Perhaps it is because of the "similar business" and the convenience of "one-stop service". Generally, there is a shroud and wreath shop not far from the hospital. Ji Mingyue watched as Lin Feng entered the house, bought some things, and walked towards the nearby platform.

Lin Feng waited for about five minutes in the wind and snow for a No. 11 bus. While watching Lin Feng get on the bus, Ji Mingyue checked the route with his mobile phone, and found out that the terminus of this No. 11 bus was in a public cemetery in Beicheng.

So far, the "following operation" has been going well, and Ji Mingyue is also relieved that he no longer has to be afraid of losing Lin Feng. When he relaxed, he realized that he hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls of the steamed stuffed bun. Now that he picked it up and ate it, he felt that it was a bit cold and tasted average, so he put it in a plastic bag and left it alone for the time being.

He asked Driver Chen to also drive to the door of the wreath shop, went down and bought a bouquet of flowers, then got in the car, and asked Driver Chen to drive in the direction of the public cemetery.

This public cemetery occupies a large area, but it is approaching the New Year, and it is snowing heavily, and now there are almost no people to be seen, and it looks extraordinarily empty and desolate.

Ji Mingyue asked Driver Chen to wait for him, but there was no need to force him to stay where he was, he could move around and find a warm place to eat, as long as he called when he was about to leave, he could arrive as soon as possible.

Seeing that Driver Chen agreed, he subconsciously glanced at the back seat before getting out of the car to see if he had left anything behind, hesitated for a while, and took the unfinished bag of meat buns with him—who knew that Lin Feng would stay in it How long, although he can ask Driver Chen to bring him meals, but running up and down is too troublesome, it is better than nothing to bring food and have a few bites at any time.

The cemetery was built on the hillside. Ji Mingyue looked at the conspicuous black figure in front of him and was climbing up the stairs. He put the buns in his pocket, held flowers, and stuck behind him not too far or too close.

The figure stopped before a tombstone.

Ji Mingyue didn't dare to get too close, and with the cover of the tombstone and pines and cypresses, he also stood still at a distance from Lin Feng. He found an angle that was not easy to be found, and hid behind the steps to watch Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was very quiet. After he put down the things he bought, he stood quietly in front of the bluish-white tombstone.

For a moment, there seemed to be only the sound of falling snow in the sky.

In fact, Ji Mingyue remembered that Lin Feng, who had just entered high school, was not so silent and stern. He had excellent grades, good looks, and his family was well-off, not to mention rich, with no worries about food and clothing, and was highly sought after.

Ji Mingyue still remembered that class reunion, although Lin Feng didn't talk much, but his tone was soft, and there was always a lazy smile in his eyes.

The father's accident was a turning point that tore his life apart. The first half was like flowers and brocades, and the second half was a sea of snow and icebergs.

At an astonishing speed, he lost all his laziness, self-willedness, and immaturity in an instant, and appeared in front of everyone with an almost invincible posture, as if he was still a little thin with the youthful look. shoulders, no matter what can be carried, what can persist.

He carried it all, but fate didn't give him the chance to enjoy the result even for one day.

Ji Mingyue actually wanted to see Lin Feng cry, but Lin Feng kept his back to him, and he didn't see him wiping his tears with his hand.

The snow was still falling, and the wind wrapped snowflakes on Ji Mingyue's eyelashes, making him a little bit blind. He rubbed his sore eyes, wrapped his down jacket tightly, and shrunk himself into a small ball as much as possible.

It seems that for a while, Lin Feng has no intention of leaving, is he really going to stand here all night under the heavy snow...

Ji Mingyue's cheeks were sore from the wind, he buried his face in his knees, trying to squat for a while to warm up, but he didn't know if it was because he didn't sleep well last night, but he fell asleep in a daze up.

It was still snowing, and although it was actually warmer when it snowed than after it snowed, it was still difficult to fall asleep completely.

Ji Mingyue was half asleep and half awake, drifting up and down for an unknown amount of time, when he suddenly felt a rush of heat around him, as if something had been poked on his body, and the other party wheezed and breathed out a terrifying snort...

He opened his eyes drowsily, only to find two wild dogs surrounded in front of him, one was lying on him, trying to pull the meat bun in his pocket, the other was face to face with him, seeing him open He opened his eyes, and immediately another gust of hot air spewed out from his nose, hitting him directly on the face.


Ji Mingyue's heart was about to jump out of his throat in an instant, he shrank back instinctively, and before the dog lying on him could react, he pulled out the meat bun in his pocket shaking his hands, Throw it forward with all your might!

The two wild dogs yelled at the same time, and rushed towards the direction of the food. They were like experienced hunters. After quickly biting the meat bun thrown by Ji Mingyue, they turned their heads and continued to stare at him. , It seems to be observing, seeing that there is no other "food" on him.

Ji Mingyue's scalp was numb.

One person and two dogs looked at each other silently. Just as Ji Mingyue's palms were beginning to break out in cold sweat, a big white cat suddenly jumped out from nowhere, accompanied by a mournful meow, and resolutely rushed towards the two wild dogs.

Ji Mingyue was stunned for a while, and then struggled to stand up, but because he sat on the steps for too long, his whole body was stiff, and he almost fell to the ground with his hands - someone helped him.

As long as Lin Feng hadn't left, it was impossible not to attract his attention with the movement just now. Ji Ming had no time to express his shame at being discovered, and hurriedly pointed to the other side and said, "That, cat!"

He turned his head to look, only to find that the melee between cats and dogs ended at an unbelievable speed. The two wild dogs fled with their tails between their legs, not even caring about the meat buns on the ground. And the big white cat looked back at them majestically.

Lin Feng shouted at this moment: "Bean buns!!"

Ji Mingyue:! ! !

No wonder it looks so familiar, isn't this the pastoral cat that Lin Feng once said was raised at home and then lost? ! Ji Mingyue even painted a portrait of it!

Lin Feng wanted to grab "Doubao", but "Doubao" just looked back at him, let out a long "meow", then flicked his tail, and ran away without looking back.

Lin Feng chased it out for several more steps, but "Doubao" ran very fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The more Ji Ming wanted to stand up, he raised his head inadvertently, only to find that the snow had stopped.

While he was in a daze, Lin Feng had already turned his head, walked up to him and knelt down, pressed his shoulders, felt the cold body under his palms, and said after holding back, "Why are you here?"