Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 62: Happy Valentine's Day


This year’s Chinese New Year is relatively early, and even the start of the experimental middle school is much earlier. The school starts on February 10, just before Valentine’s Day on the 14th. At the entrance of the gift shop on the street near the school gate, beautiful roses are placed early. Flowers, which provoked the young and ignorant students to move around.

However, the new semester has started, and the agreed new principal has also arrived. Perhaps because he was afraid that the students would not be able to react, as soon as he took office, the new principal took a few rules and gave him a strong sense of presence:

First, school uniforms must be worn every day regardless of Mondays and normal days from now on. Hair dyeing and perm, necklaces and earrings are also not allowed. The grade director and student union members will check at the door of the teaching building every morning. Students with unqualified appearance are not allowed to enter;

Second, the inter-class exercises after the second period will be changed to group running (except for the third year of high school). The classes of the first and second year of senior high school must line up and run around the playground for 20 minutes. Each class has to think of a loud slogan , shouted loudly when passing the rostrum;

Third, puppy love is strictly prohibited. Although the Experimental Middle School had banned puppy love before, it was never as grand as this time: the new principal announced that as long as he was caught once in the school, he would be given a major demerit immediately; if he was caught twice, he would be expelled immediately!

At the flag-raising ceremony, he also pointed out the "negative models" of last semester, the boys and girls who caused a big fight because of jealousy, and severely criticized them. With such repeated orders, even Ji Mingyue, who always dozed off during the ceremony, remembered that the heroine's name was Zhang Meng—just looking at the name, it was actually quite fresh and cute.

These regulations made the students complain, but there was nothing they could do. I heard that the newly appointed principal was surnamed Hei, so as a way of venting, various nicknames of "Hei principal" began to be circulated in the market: Heitantou, Montenegro old demon, big black ghost, black devil... There are countless demonized nicknames.

In the end, what was widely called out and finally adopted was a rather "cute" nickname: Xiao Hei. On the one hand, it is simple and easy to remember. On the other hand, it can also make the "bullyed" students enjoy a hard time The pleasure of having fun and having a wrong identity—recently, the school’s posting bar’s front page has been filled with posts: “I also saw Xiao Hei going to work today”, “Xiao Hei, can we not take a test at the beginning of school”, “Xiao Hei, what can the old playground do? Can’t fix it, playing basketball is like playing on a trampoline》…

Enough of molesting online, the real rules still have to be obeyed obediently. Even Ji Mingyue has to wear a full set of school uniform five days a week, at most wear an extra coat underneath, and take off the school uniform when he arrives in the classroom. Fortunately, it's the beginning of February, and it won't be too hot to wear a few more coats.

The students' desire to celebrate Valentine's Day in full swing was also suppressed by such a high-pressure operation. And this year's Valentine's Day is on Saturday, and the young couples in the first and second grades, at most, will give each other a small gift before leaving school on Friday, and then bid farewell with their eyes, and it's gone.

Ji Mingyue originally wanted to do some anonymous "little tricks" for Lin Feng, but he hesitated because of this high-pressure policy. In addition, Ji Hong asked him to go to a restaurant in the city center on Friday, saying that he had dinner with a partner. After school, Driver Chen Just drive to pick it up, and I can only give up this idea, and wait for a chance to talk about it later.

The partner said in advance that he would bring his son over, and Ji Hong was afraid that there would be no topic to talk about during the meeting, so he called Ji Mingyue over. But the more Ji Ming went to the place, the son of the partner was only seven or eight years old, and he couldn't find a common topic... =_=

The meal was lackluster, but the partner’s son, whose nickname is Doudou, was quite skinny. He couldn’t sit still in the chair. After a while, he ran around the ground imitating airplanes and trains with toys in his hands. .

Just when a waiter came in to serve food, Doudou bumped him head-on when he just opened the box door and was unsuspecting. The waitress screamed subconsciously, knocked over the dish with a shake of her hand, and poured the full sauce on the child.

Even though the sauce was warm enough not to scald the child, the child wailed loudly after staying there for a moment.

The waitress was at a loss, she knelt to pack the plates and turned her head to comfort the child. The worst thing was, because the guests in this box were special, the restaurant manager specially followed her to show her hospitality. Without hesitation, he hurriedly scolded the waitress head and face, regardless of right or wrong.

The waitress retorted, "He hit me." The manager was afraid of offending the partner, so he quickly raised his voice and covered her with a louder scolding voice. The waiter stopped talking afterward, sobbing with red eyes while tidying up.

Ji Mingyue turned his head and looked at Ji Hong. Seeing Ji Hong nodding slightly to him, he turned around and said, "Don't talk about her, don't blame her."

Almost the moment he spoke, the manager also followed suit.

Ji Mingyue nodded, went over to take off Doudou's soiled coat, wiped his sauce-stained cheeks and hair with a napkin, handed the coat to the waiter, and comforted the child: "No. Cry, my brother will show you something funny, and you won’t be able to see it if you cry.”

Doudou really looked up curiously, Ji Mingyue turned to the manager and said, "Wash his clothes, and find a pair of paper and pen for me, any gel pen will do."

"You go to do the laundry!" The manager rushed over and scolded the waiter, then turned to face Ji Mingyue, with another spring-like smile, "I'll find you a pen and paper."

Ji Mingyue gave a faint "hmm", the waitress and the manager left in a hurry, he took off his coat again, wrapped it around Doudou, and asked him, "Are you cold?"

Doudou was busy crying and ignored him. After a while, she asked again, sobbing: "You said you want to show me something funny?"

The partner sneered and said, "This brat, you're too ignorant..." He was concerned about Doudou's body covered in sauce just now, so he didn't step forward, and now he can only look around behind Ji Mingyue and the others.

Ji Mingyue pinched Doudou's soft face, and sighed in his heart: Sometimes it's really not a child bear, it's because the parents are too bad at teaching. After the partner brought the child, except for giving him a toy, the father and son had almost no communication during the whole process.

The manager quickly brought the pen and paper. Ji Mingyue half hugged Doudou, and the two of them were lying on the sofa in the box. Ji Mingyue used a signature pen to draw a vivid little fox with a few strokes. While painting, whisper to him the story in the painting.

Sure enough, Doudou slowly calmed down, wiped away the wet marks on her face with the back of her hand, and sighed softly: "You are so amazing..."

The partner looked at Ji Hong awkwardly, and said with a dry smile: "Thanks to having your son today, he is still in high school, he is really good at coaxing children, hahaha..."

Ji Hong smiled and said: "He has never taught children, maybe he just likes to draw, and he is more patient."

The partner showed shame, and went back to the dinner table with Ji Hong to continue discussing business, while Ji Mingyue put his arms around Doudou and continued to draw his cartoons.

The skills of the previous life are still there. Ji Mingyue can always outline a beautiful and cute animal image with just a few strokes. Doudou admires him more and more, and even took the initiative to call his brother: "Brother, how can you draw such a picture?" A lot..."

"My brother also took time to learn, and it took a lot of hard work to learn." Ji Mingyue said, "That sister just now was also very hard. She came to deliver food to us, but you bumped into her, and she was scolded so badly by that manager. ,right?"

"Hmm..." Doudou whispered, "That person is so fierce..."

"Because you bumped into her, she was scolded by such a fierce person, didn't you?" Feeling Doudou twisting her body to avoid, Ji Mingyue held him down and hugged him tighter, "So We should apologize to her, shouldn't we?"

"Yes..." After a while, Doudou admitted in a low voice.

"Awesome." Ji Mingyue rubbed his hair with one hand, and the comics he wrote came to an end, "The little fox finally defeated himself and became the most popular animal in the forest..."

When the waitress delivered clothes to them again, Doudou half-pushed and apologized softly to her. She was flattered, and her eyes turned red again. Ji Mingyue looked at her at this time, only to realize that she should She is very young and pretty, at most eighteen or nineteen years old.

Ji Hong and the partner also told the manager, saying that they don't care about it and don't need to deduct her salary. After hearing this, the manager turned around and greeted loudly: "Zhang Meng, hurry up and thank the two bosses!"

The waitress hurriedly wiped her wet hands on her uniform, and rushed over to thank Ji Hong and his partners.

Only Ji Mingyue was stunned behind her: Zhang Meng? Is it such a coincidence

But in the end, Ji Mingyue didn't bother to verify whether this bitter "Zhang Meng" was the "Zhang Meng" who called the wind and rain in their high school - this kind of thing, even if he tried to verify it, it was just embarrassing for others, purely for his own curiosity If so, why bother with it

When going downstairs, Ji Hong suddenly asked, "Why don't I go home tonight?"

"Uh..." Ji Mingyue hesitated and said, "Then I let Lin Feng sleep in the study?"

"..." Ji Hong said, "Forget it, I still have a plane tonight."

"You obviously have a schedule tonight, why do you still ask about going home?" Ji Mingyue was a little confused.

"... Let me test it casually, can I see if there is still my place at home!"

"Okay." Although he knew that Ji Hong was mostly just joking, Ji Mingyue still smiled with his eyes crooked, "There will always be a place for you in the family, and it's the biggest one."

When returning home, Lin Feng came back before him, and asked him in the living room, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat," Ji Mingyue said with a smile, "My dad treats you, and I ate a lot."

"Well, then come over to make up lessons, homework will be done tomorrow." Lin Feng said.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a shower first." Ji Mingyue said, "There are children at the dinner table today, and they beat up the food. Although it didn't touch me, I still feel sticky."

"Okay, can you lend me your computer?" Lin Feng said, "I need to check the information temporarily. Internet cafes have been too strict recently."

"Well, let's use it. You can use it anytime. You don't need to go to the Internet cafe. Your ID card is not yet eighteen." Ji Mingyue said as he walked to the bathroom, "Oh, that's right."

He stopped, and took out a piece of paper from his coat pocket—it was a rose that he drew by hand when he was drawing cartoons for Doudou. He tore it off and put it in his pocket: "To Xiao My child is drawing and playing, and I can't bear to throw it away, so I give it to you."

He purposely pretended to be careless, put it in Lin Feng's hand and wanted to turn around and leave. Lin Feng gave him a hand, and said, "I saw that there was something for sale at the gate of the school, and it looked good, so I bought it and gave it to you."

A fully packaged, real rose was quietly placed in Ji Mingyue's palm.

Ji Mingyue shook it silently, and said softly, "Thank you."

Lin Feng smiled at him: "Happy Valentine's Day."

As soon as Lin Feng turned on the sleeping computer, a line of words popped up on the player page: "Remember your last playback until 12:39 seconds, please enter the password to continue playing."

The last time I accidentally clicked on the player, I didn’t have a password yet. Is this newly set by Ji Mingyue

He didn't know the password, and he had no intention of clicking it. When the mouse was about to move to the red cross in the upper right corner, Ji Mingyue hurried in and pressed his hand on the mouse with a "slap": "I almost forgot!" one thing!"

He pressed Lin Feng's hand and quickly turned off the player.

Ji Mingyue went back to take a shower, Lin Feng looked at the empty screen, although he didn't have time to see anything, but he recalled a very similar picture in his memory.

And the title of the movie, even if he only saw it once, he actually still remembered it.

"After school の classroom" ... is it